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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
    The amp reading on a cell with a Hematite electrode. Amp reading on Hematite Rock Electrode - YouTube

    different spots on the rock and different hematite rocks give different kinds of amp readings. You must find the sweet spot on the rock just like you would with a crystal detector on a crystal radio. Also what Electrodes you use with the rock also will affect the reading and how big it is too. In the video I used tap water and small aluminum wire.
    Which brings about a question. Do you suppose that it might be the shape of the rock, in certain areas that causes an increase. Or do you think it might just be a greater composition of certain metals or maybe a natural pathway of metals or combination of metals causing the increase in given points. Or maybe I'm just overanalyzing it.


    • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
      IB, i'm thinking that being the hematite a good pair electrode to the copper we can still use it (as i understand, its the best combination you've made, hematite-copper since it gave you over 2V, right?) since we already have a good way of turning the copper to a semiconductor which will not corrode, (heat it up several times until it turns dark), this creates an oxide layer that is very successful, no drop in voltage or current... i always do this now, and since i've never had any more problems with the copper corroding of sulfating... give it a try, is the first thing ill do as soon as my hematites get here... cheers
      It was hematite and magnesium that gave me 2 volts. Hematite and copper give half a volt, which is not that bad.
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
        Which brings about a question. Do you suppose that it might be the shape of the rock, in certain areas that causes an increase. Or do you think it might just be a greater composition of certain metals or maybe a natural pathway of metals or combination of metals causing the increase in given points. Or maybe I'm just overanalyzing it.
        Its hard to say if its shape or not, but when I did rotate the rock west I got more amps than in any other position. Every rock is a little different in shape so its hard to judge them.
        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


        • Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
          I checked on the steel this morning at school. It did form a rust powder on top that went right back into the water as I pulled them out. So I'm trying again by letting them sit on water soaked paper towels. Hopefully they rust up well over the weekend.
          *Will a conductive epoxy become a electrolyte if i use it with pure rust powder? I'm thinking of doing that as well.
          Try putting the steel in liquid clothes detergent instead of water.
          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


          • I've been thinking very hard on how to make a low amp cell useful and I think I may have a idea. We keep seeing these cells as batteries but they don't give much amps at all so we must stop looking at them as batteries but instead look at them as components. I'll include a picture below of a rough draft of a idea I have to use low power crystal cells as components.

            You have C2 fully charged (1.5V) and powering the circuit. The circuit powers a LED and then it dumps it into C3. The crystal cell is in parallel with C3 and it helps to charge C3 too, the crystal cell puts back in the energy that was lost do to heat from the circuit. The Crystal cell "picks up the slack" and thus puts a higher charge into C3. C3 can now be swapped with C2 so that you can repeat the process. The LED will run for a long time if you swap the capacitors over, the Crystal cell will put the energy in that is loss do to the natural loss of circuits.

            This is just a rough idea. There is no guarantee this will work.

            Blocking Crystal Cell Charger light.JPG
            All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


            • Originally posted by Neight View Post
              No Problem, happy to help where I can
              You hit the nail on the head I think, it never occured to me to set the meter on ACV, as I almost never have to use that setting....
              it shows the same AC reading as it was a -DC reading, only no negative.

              I will have to stop in @ HF, and check out their meters, at $4 I could get a few. And yes, reading that analog meter can be a pain at times, but it also seems to be one of my most reliable meters right now.
              thanks for the tip

              You're definetly welecome N8.
              Also an important note: The AC Volt meter measures in RMS.
              - Kyle Herbig


              • few questions

                Ibpointless2 I have a few questions.
                Is this the correct voltage of the Cell 2 volts each time you put the ore in the water?
                Is the current as you say in the video, and can you get more?

                The circuit you have put up needs at least 10 to 20 Ma to run and have you tested that with a 1.2 volt battery?

                Your going to call that a component why since it is a cell or a battery small but it is.
                John Bedini


                • BJT circuit

                  I thought I would give you a report on the BJT circuit, it died today. The battery ended up at .5 volts and will not light the Led's any more. The circuit did run continuous for 3 days straight then the battery has gone down hill. I would have posted it except it did not keep going. I will try another transformer arrangement in the next couple of days.
                  John Bedini


                  • Bjt

                    Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                    I thought I would give you a report on the BJT circuit, it died today. The battery ended up at .5 volts and will not light the Led's any more. The circuit did run continuous for 3 days straight then the battery has gone down hill. I would have posted it except it did not keep going. I will try another transformer arrangement in the next couple of days.
                    @Nickz and all: John is correct as I seen this test myself. The voltage held for 2days then the LEDs and voltage dropped to the point that there was no useful output at day 3.

                    chuck H
                    Last edited by chuck H; 03-03-2012, 05:04 AM. Reason: spplellnnn


                    • John & Chuck:
                      Thanks for the info.
                      Too bad it died. Maybe what keeps the BwJt working properly is the higher perm ferrite cores. Without enough BEMF from the coils feeding back to the input source, the battery or cell will eventually discharge. Once the battery runs down a bit, the circuit frequency changes, and the resonant sweet spot that makes up for the loses may be lost. That's why I thought that a steady unchanging input is important, such as what can be obtained from the cells, if they will hold at a steady output like your hydrate cells can produce.
                      I never knew how Robbie got the results that he mentioned in his videos.
                      But, that certainly doesn't mean that its not possible.
                      I also have been playing around with different transformers, and was thinking to ask you which types you think may be the best.
                      Anyways guys, good luck with the test, and thanks again for posting your results.
                      Last edited by NickZ; 03-03-2012, 05:25 AM.


                      • Hi guys i have some info on a 5 layer battery , i am mentioning this because someone said something about bismuth electrode.
                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                          Ibpointless2 I have a few questions.
                          Is this the correct voltage of the Cell 2 volts each time you put the ore in the water?
                          Is the current as you say in the video, and can you get more?

                          The circuit you have put up needs at least 10 to 20 Ma to run and have you tested that with a 1.2 volt battery?

                          Your going to call that a component why since it is a cell or a battery small but it is.
                          I don't always get the 2 volts, it takes some time of poking around on the rock to find the 2 volts. But no matter what I can always get 1.8 volts easy. Sometimes its easier to 1.8 or 1.9 volts but every few times I can get over 2 volts. The highest I ever got was 2.08 volts and I have video of it, I'll try to post it.

                          The current is correct and Yes I have seen more. I have seen up to 2 to 3mA using Hematite and Magnesium ribbon in tap water. I'm sure I could get even more if I used bigger magnesium and cut up the hematite into flat pieces. The current is a like the voltage, some spots of the rock give more and other rocks can give more or even less.

                          The circuit I posted is just a rough idea of what I'm thinking about. A capacitor powers a pulse circuit that powers a LED and charges another capacitor. The other capacitor is being charged by the first and also is getting a extra charge from the crystal cell. The crystal cell restores the power losses that the circuit has so that the charging capacitor has the same or even more power than the first capacitor. I'm not the best with circuits, so if you know a better way than I'm all ears.

                          The cell can be both, a component or a battery. The cell like my crystal glue cell don't have much current but they have the voltage and voltage is all you need to charge a capacitor so It seems that the crystal glue cell would be better as a component. I'm just trying to get the low amp crystal cells out of this little rut of not having enough amps to powering anything besides a LCD clock. So I figure I could bounce the charge of one capacitor between another and have the crystal cell pick up the slack.
                          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • Hematite

                            Confirmed, just replicated the test with water, using hematite and Mg, 2 volts, very low current (0.7Ma), but still think its a good find, thanks IB!


                            • welcome to 2012

                              I don't always get the 2 volts, it takes some time of poking around on the rock to find the 2 volts. But no matter what I can always get 1.8 volts easy. Sometimes its easier to 1.8 or 1.9 volts but every few times I can get over 2 volts. The highest I ever got was 2.08 volts and I have video of it, I'll try to post it.
                              __________________________________________________ __________
                              Would you not be better off building and Edison Cell since that is what is going to be in a crude way.
                              __________________________________________________ __________
                              The current is correct and Yes I have seen more. I have seen up to 2 to 3mA using Hematite and Magnesium ribbon in tap water. I'm sure I could get even more if I used bigger magnesium and cut up the hematite into flat pieces. The current is a like the voltage, some spots of the rock give more and other rocks can give more or even less.
                              __________________________________________________ ____
                              Yes I would expect that tap water would give you that as it contains chlorine. Have you tried distilled ionized water.
                              __________________________________________________ _____
                              The circuit you posted is the Solar Light circuit posted early on that started this group called Earth Lights, not much different.
                              __________________________________________________ _____________
                              The Capacitor receives it's charge from the Cell so it's potential is at the cells voltage so it's basically stationary to the cell. but the cells output can not keep up with the circuits requirements into another capacitor. The discharging Capacitor is calculated in Joules output to the circuit load.

                              The Energy stored in a capacitor can be expressed as,

                              W= 1/2 C V squared
                              W= energy stored (Joules)
                              C= capacitance (Farad)
                              V= potential difference ( Voltage)

                              Power generated
                              P= potential power (Watts)
                              t = dissipation time (s)

                              Example, as I know that your not going to be at 230 volts like the SG oscillator.

                              The Sg oscillator charges a 10 Uf capacitor to 230 volts V can be calculated as follows if the oscillator can keep up the charge to the cap.

                              W= t/2 (10 10-6F) (230v) squared
                              = 0.26 Joules

                              If I discharge the capacitor into the proper load in 5us I can say
                              P= (0.26 Joules) / (5 10-6 s )

                              = 52000 W

                              = 52 Kw

                              This is what I'm working on with the Cells, this is my goal and this is where I need to be with charging storage batteries.
                              __________________________________________________ ____________

                              Ibpointless2 I'm not down grading you here as others have said in other groups. But I see no point in any of this unless you can develop power with your cells, yes small at first but that is how we learn and grow in knowledge.

                              Running an LCD clock is not turning the lights on in your house, and bouncing the charge between capacitors the formula says what your going to get if the load is correct.

                              In answer to a question, Yes the military does have working water cells they use all the time and no it's not Sulphuric Acid batteries. I may post sometime on Salt Water batteries that I worked with and that could very well be the answer for a piece of Aluminum to charge big batteries.

                              I'm not fixed to one type of cell or the arrangement of it. All during the 1970's to the first SG group I thought I was helping the world sharing information as I gave it away for free. I have had every Arm Chair Scientist on me saying it could not be done and I was a fraud.

                              What I found out was it did not pay the bills as they mounted up and they wont pay yours either Ibpointlass2. So if the experiment must continue I must make revenue as nothing is free in this world, ask Tesla that question, then look at Edison tell me who won the game.

                              Never mind about running some Joule Thief in the crapper to see where the paper is on one Led as that is not going to run your house either. Watch the price of gold go up and your gas bill until you just have your digital clock left. I can't waste anymore time on what is known. I want some real cell that gives power, so I'm back to work, I might post and then again I might not say anything, welcome to 2012.
                              John B
                              John Bedini


                              • stay focused!

                                If we want to amuse ourselves with lcd clocks, we can just get the potato clock that children have been building for many decades.

                       The Amazing Two Potato Clock: Toys & Games

                                Getting real current is possible by what John is explaining. I've seen
                                it at his shop running strings of lights off his method and then some - that
                                isn't going to happen with peanut butter and jelly or children's school

                                John is here sharing freely not asking anyone for a single penny and it
                                is totally disrespectful for anyone to even have an opinion about how
                                he or anyone else conducts their own business to make a living. I see the
                                posts here and in other groups where cynical desk jockeys with low self
                                esteem ridicule those that are in a better place. Fearful ignorance is
                                always trying to drag others down to their level so they feel good about

                                And the shotgun approach does nothing useful. We might as well put on
                                a blindfold and raid the fridge in hopes of powering our homes with a
                                battery made out of milk and eggs. There won't be any light but at least
                                if you're hungry, you'll have a midnight snack sitting in the dark.
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

