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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Thanks

    Thank you John,..I, as I'm sure many others here enjoy reading the posts that you take time to write. Your work has stimulated many minds on this site and others. Sharing knowledge new Or even rehashing the older stuff forgotten or never heard about by some, like me, is always interesting reading, as well as a spark for creativity. Thanks, Wally


    • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
      b Rads,
      What is going on here? If you and Mikrovolt did know about this why not discuses it. I spent time talking to this chemistry professor this morning about what I did and he pointed me to the answer. I was going to discuss this but I can see I do not need to . I do understand what it is that I made. I have not poked fun at anything with Galvanic cells, I thought we were trying to stop the galvanic action in the cells, maybe that is poking fun.

      Yes it is a form of Sulfate I made according to the chemistry professor, He had never looked at making it this way but it works. Do not think for one minute I would poke fun at any battery. I guess you could say it did broaden everybody's understanding. But, if you can not get any usable current out of these cells then they are useless. I myself do not see any purpose in cells in Micro-Amps.

      I do understand what your saying about the Crow's Foot cell as I have made them, but Magnesium changes the whole picture according to this chemistry professor especially if you can stop the Magnesium from being consumed.

      I did not make what your showing for a chemical, but I think that would work real good, but how long and at what current level? I also think it was pointed out that small currents in these cells could last forever. So what is it that you and Microvolt can not discusses here since we have been full circle ? Maybe I need to just change the context in what I'm saying to this group from now on. I'm not a chemistry guy but I could see this being real enjoyable as a change of knowalage.
      John B
      couldn t agree more, it is vital that we share everything, and were doing it simply because we are all fed up with the lying and suppressing, are we not? and learning how to do build these things ourselves is vital if free energy is going to make it in the open world... it would be real sad if there is someone who's sharing, and then he or she hits a big one and disappears... this happens all the time everywhere... its very important to see where chuck and john bedini are getting at... they are showing us a battery that runs at over a steady 1-5 AMPs... who else has gotten even close to that with a crystal cell?, the best current ive got is 50Ma, and it wasn't very long before going back to 2 Ma.... this is pretty big... its kind enough of you to post it or even mention it John and chuck... each has his own rights when it come s to his or her work, and i love that this is being done here, and i hope every day that we keep doing it and finding ways to make a living that does not disrupt the flow of knowledge.... i look at peoples work and i see hybrids between someone else's battery version and his own, there's a signature of everyone in the results of each one and that's great, certainly humanity is not known for this kind of behavior, and i think its great to see it here, if i ever hit something big ill tell you all, because i know that less than a week later there will be a better version. cheers


      • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
        Yes it has to be a sulfate as that is the only answer I can come up with. You must find a way to neutralize the magnesium and change it to copper, but copper what?. This goes much further in that the materials must look like the plates of a lead storage battery, the difference in the two plates (Black and Gray). In the case of this cell it uses the water for the electrolyte, which acts like an acid. Once depleted you just add more water. In talking to Chuck as I know he is not going to say anything right now he wants to measure the total weight of the cell and then after it is use up measure the total weight again. Fausto has shown what a sulfate is doing with the magnesium by using Iron Pirate on the two metals. If you remember in some posts back I said, it looks like another metal was being plated to the magnesium. When that happened to me I started testing different forms of Iron Pirate. I would love to get this cell to 5 amperes.
        John B
        I look forward to seeing you achieve the 5 amps. I know that if anyone can do it you can and will do it. But please be sure to share it in detail so we dont have to spend another 10+ years trying to work it out.



        • Hello, I spent much of my life wondering if anyone would discover a disassociative pathway of water in my lifetime. As a kid I was very curious why Harold Hughes was so interested in scavanging the ocean floor for magnesium nodules and why that was hushed.
          I believe some individuals working for Hughes at that time have information.
          I know John has unlocked something, If I had something to share I would do it in a heartbeat.

          Right now I am trying to merge the following parts
          32kHzminature tuning fork to a lambda diode made from(2N3819,2N3820) into a staircase with an A013 voltage follower into a Bedini open system. I was encouraged by the efficiency of 3 stage dickson. I concider 15V @20mA an achievable goal.

          I applaud the efforts to help us stretch our minds to go for higher current flow. I am hopeful that geostructural crystal shapes and striations will be given more conciderations by experts in geology that following this pathway will give the macrostructure model for high current cells.
          That this opportunity has become more near term.


          • Guys:
            I'm still working on the carbon/sand cells, and though some people have mentioned that plain salt does not make for comparatively good cells. I made some tiny capacitor cells 3/8" by 3/4", and they are giving me 1.4 volts, and 6 mAs. It is a very small cell, and can light an led through a simple regular Jt oscillator, by itself. It has been lighting the led now for about a week. I place two cells into a regular AA battery holder, and the spring presure from the holder, also helps to produce a slightly higher light output.
            I'm sure the aquarium charcoal and Epsom would work even better, but I have not found them here, yet. Just been testing the carbons ability to combine with the salt, by injecting salt solution into the cells when they dry out.
            I also wanted to say, that the second cell does not have beach sand in it like the first cell that I mentioned, and it does not produce the same results. So, even beach sand, wood carbon, and regular table salt has some merit, and I like the costs involved. Zilch!
            What I have also noticed is that when the cells are polarized by something like 12volts, even for only a second, they bounce back up to their original output levels, or even higher, and stay there for quite a while.

            I realize that there will be some oxidation of the aluminum involved, but I'm working on one thing at a time for now, but will also try the iron pyrite, when I can.
            Last edited by NickZ; 03-11-2012, 01:14 AM.


            • Cell update

              @ All
              I took my Hydrate Cell apart today, examined it closely, and then rebuilt it. What I had created was a galvanic cell and not a true crystal cell like what John and Chuck have done . The magnesium was eaten but there was still plenty left so I just cleaned things up and put the cell back together. The crystalline (paste) electrolyte was carefully removed at the top section, remixed, and used again. The copper was still OK. It was still working when I took it apart but after I "rebuilt" it the cell became very strong giving about 100 mA at 1.3 volts. With that much power I was able to run one of my "Exciter" circuits and power two "Penny" oscillators wirelessly at the same time off the energy field.

              Your "stove top" cell that has been powering "Penny" No. 1 since 8/24/11 finally dropped down to a level that would not run the oscillator anymore. That was an amazing run.

              Here is a video of the "rebuilt" cell running the "Exciter" and two "Penny" oscillators.

              Hydrate crystal cell update - YouTube

              @Brad and Slider
              Notice the linkup of the two oscillators. The small one would control the large one but not the other way around.

              I have a beach near me and like you I am now using it as a "hunting ground" for possible cell parts. That is actually quite a bit of fun.

              @ John & Chuck
              I thought that 100mA today was fantastic but I can't even imagine something over 1 amp. Heck with that I would run an SSG and maybe charge car batteries. 5 amps???----now we are really getting somewhere.

              Last edited by Lidmotor; 03-11-2012, 01:42 AM.


              • @Lidmotor,
                That does seem unusual, the smaller penny controlling the larger penny. Slider made a comment on my vid that I tried and it was so cool. Using two radios with ear buds connected, I separated the two oscillators and could hear each running independent of the other. Brought the two oscillators together and could hear them sync up. Don't quite know how to make a vid of this, but it is a must do experiment.

                Are you using a paper seperator between the zinc and your carbon, sand, salt mix? If not, you might give it a go. You should see a significant increase in current but the cell would not last as long. But hey, if the materials are free as you say, why not?

                Brad S


                • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                  Your "stove top" cell that has been powering "Penny" No. 1 since 8/24/11 finally dropped down to a level that would not run the oscillator anymore. That was an amazing run.
                  Its interesting to hear the the stove cell finally died. I never built it to last but to only prove a point. 6 months is a long time on that small cell.

                  Before you take it apart can you let me know the voltage on it and also can you wait to see if the voltage goes up in a day or two? I do look forward to you taking the cell apart to see what happen. Thank you Lidmotor for taking the time to do this i really appreciate it.
                  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                  • Go Here

                    @ All,
                    Here is where the chemistry professor told me to go and look.
                    Lab 8: Single Replacement Reactions
                    John B
                    John Bedini


                    • Great Chem. Page

                      Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                      @ All,
                      Here is where the chemistry professor told me to go and look.
                      Lab 8: Single Replacement Reactions
                      John B
                      John B. - Thank you for this. It was definetly an interesting read that will help me understand cells better.

                      Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                      Prigogine system: a many-particle system which is deliberately forced to exist far from thermodynamic equilibrium, and which exhibits negative entropy. Note that local curvature of vacuum spacetime places the local virtual state flux in nonequilibrium conditions, with the result that an observable energy "sink" or "source" can be produced.
                      John B
                      I have a feeling that Thomas Traweoger's Power Pyramid and our crystal cells are related by this. The prigogine effect is so interesting, but what's even more interesting is that I see he is using quartz as a transformer core to get AC out (From the vacuum?) What are your thoughts on this?
                      Last edited by Herbie687; 03-11-2012, 05:36 AM.
                      - Kyle Herbig


                      • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                        @ All,
                        Here is where the chemistry professor told me to go and look.
                        Lab 8: Single Replacement Reactions
                        John B
                        Thank you John.

                        If I have read it correctly it seems that Silver nitrate pays an important role, but what I am confused about is the fact that it says the Magnesium does disolve and become Magnesium nitrate. Is this not a galvanic action that we are trying to avoid? And your observations from your cells are that the magnesium is not corroding in any significant way... is there an explanation that you know of?



                        • The "Stove Top"

                          The cell voltage went up slightly but I don't think that there is much amperage left. I will see if it will run Penny again tomorrow after it has a good nights rest but I really think that it has reached the end of it's life. It powered that oscillator for over 5,000 hours and that is a pretty good run considering it's small size.

                          Last edited by Lidmotor; 03-11-2012, 07:47 AM.


                          • that was the direction that I was told to study

                            As you can see that was the direction that I was told to study. My cells use Hydrates with a small mix of heptahydrates I have stated here that a level of 1 to 2% action is not a problem. It's when the level excides 50 to 90 % as if you were using table salt, your metal is not going to last long. So I'm not using any of these combinations except copper.

                            In the Marcus Reid cells it looks like a caustic reaction between the copper and the aluminum when the cells were made. But remember that anything at 2 Ma is going to last a long time.

                            Alum seems to help under certain conditions and makes a powerful cell for a very long time. The oscillator that chuck and I make takes some real power to run so we can see just what is happening to the Magnesium, I can see that if you take the electrons away from the Magnesium it can not be Magnesium anymore except for a sulfate of Magnesium in the end. I'm not discouraged by any of this as we are discovering things here. People have been working on this problem since the 1800's, but they did not have the tools we have today.

                            Hopefully, we can find that answer. Chuck and I have some sealed cells that keep running for months now without water but they only produce 5 to 10 Ma and they change day to day. I will go read what your talking about as that did not stick in my mind from what I was reading.
                            John B
                            John Bedini


                            • Magnesium Sulphate & Silver

                              @John B.

                              Yes John, I'm not discouraged either.

                              I am keen to know exactly how you made your latest cell so I can combine that knowledge with the info in the link you posted, however I'm sure you will be first to work it all out.



                              • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                                The cell voltage went up slightly but I don't think that there is much amperage left. I will see if it will run Penny again tomorrow after it has a good nights rest but I really think that it has reached the end of it's life. It powered that oscillator for over 5,000 hours and that is a pretty good run considering it's small size.


                                5,000 hours of work the stove top needed a day to rest.

                                The voltage should go up but it won't go up to the original voltage and if it does it won't be for a few days. There will be almost no amps, but the voltage recovering is more important to me as of now. Thank you once again!
                                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

