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  • substance

    If you think about what we use for energy as far as commercial and bodily use you would find some pretty interesting substances.

    Thorium (seen in a previous post here) 30 year half life


    What about carbon nanotubes? I seen a link to a scientist who made a ink of carbon nanotubes that when spread on paper formed a almost indestructible battery that could even be washed and wrinkled.
    At Stanford, nanotubes + ink + paper = instant battery


    • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
      OK, now I'm confused. I don't know what I'm using. If it's the sodium silicate pellets, or the calcium chloride pellets. As it seams that both are used for the same purpose. So, if somebody can clear this up, so that I can identify the unknown source of these little round pellets that I'm using, please do so.
      BTW: Whatever they are, it is working very well to control oxidation.

      Silica gel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      What I have been using looks like this picture of the Silicate Gel:
      Desiccant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Nick, you are working with:

      :Silica gel is most commonly encountered in everyday life as beads in a small (typically 2 cm x 3 cm) paper packet:


      • Originally posted by vintasalo View Post
        If you think about what we use for energy as far as commercial and bodily use you would find some pretty interesting substances.

        Thorium (seen in a previous post here) 30 year half life


        What about carbon nanotubes? I seen a link to a scientist who made a ink of carbon nanotubes that when spread on paper formed a almost indestructible battery that could even be washed and wrinkled.
        At Stanford, nanotubes + ink + paper = instant battery

        You are right, we run on electrolytes and water for our electrical system


        • I am using something very similar to this (Sanchem NOOXID electrical grease & electrically conductive grease dielectric grease and contact lubricants) and can tell it works VERY WELL.

          My cells are much more powerful and so far no corrosion signs anywhere. It is a little bit early for conclusively prove that but I have some cells that I will wait a few months and open.

          So far the results are very impressive. The cells keeps for much, much longer their current and voltage besides being a much higher current too, on the range of 20ma to 30ma.

          I think you guys should try it out.



          • I fail to mention that i created a baseline cell with electric grease using the infamous Magnesium strips that corrode very fast.

            The base cell IS NOT corroding in one week of usage. Impossible!



            • Originally posted by plengo View Post
              I fail to mention that i created a baseline cell with electric grease using the infamous Magnesium strips that corrode very fast.

              The base cell IS NOT corroding in one week of usage. Impossible!

              Thats great news Fausto,

              I found that you can pile on the dielectric grease, it will decrease power at first, but it will out last the light coated ones in power over the long run

              Good luck


              • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                I fail to mention that i created a baseline cell with electric grease using the infamous Magnesium strips that corrode very fast.

                The base cell IS NOT corroding in one week of usage. Impossible!


                Can you do the same test again but instead of water use distilled white vinegar. I fear the grease is acting like petroleum jelly.
                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                • There are many different types of greases. The dielectric grease normally don't conduce electricity, like the ones sold in the auto parts stores, which are mainly used on spark plugs. Some other greases do conduct, but most do not.
                  I use the electrical conducting grease, as it helps fight the oxidation, without detracting from the cell's output. It is used by the electric companies here, for aluminum/copper connections that are outside and in the weather, getting wet when it rains. It really does help, especially on any outside of the cell connections that are exposed to air. I will also try it on the inside of the cells as well.
                  The grease that Plengo is mentioning seems like a good one, as it has oxidation fighting chemicals in it also.

                  I feel that it is really the oxygen that's in the air that is detrimental, more so than the galvanic effect, so if we can protect the cells from the affects of the air, they should work much better and for a longer amount of time.
                  Last edited by NickZ; 04-12-2012, 03:08 PM.


                  • Just wanted to mention that your Crystal Battery experiments are not limited only to lighting LEDs but also .... and it works Electro Culture ... and you guys already have the Antenna ( ie your crystal )

                    thought this might interest some of you : D

                    an easy way to screw with Monsanto
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-12-2012, 04:06 PM.
                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Protecting your metals.

                      From United States Patent 6,544,686 B1 April 8, 2003.
                      Metal-Alkaline Battery Cells with Reduced Corrosion Rates.

                      This patent proposes a method of protecting metals, what is interesting though is this paragraph in the background information for the patent. This is the last paragraph.

                      “A further drawback of conventional corrosion inhibitors is that in general, batteries with reduced corrosion rates exhibit reduced electrical capacity and working potential. Although reduced corrosion rates are desirable to enhance battery life, batteries with reduced electrical capacity and working potential are not desirable. Consequently, there is a long-standing need for a corrosion inhibitor for use with metallic-alkaline batteries, specifically with zinc-air batteries, that possess comparable corrosion-inhibiting properties to that of PEG (polyethylene glycol), but which does not share its disadvantages.”

                      Go to GOOGLE and use “ADVANCED PATENT SEARCH” with the keywords “Battery”, “Reduced”, and “Corrosion” you will find several patents with methods for protecting your metals.


                      • The dielectric grease I use is a Silicone base-

                        Silicone grease is a waterproof grease made by combining a silicone oil with a thickener, and it seems to work fine, no big mess like petroleum

                        I tried one half coating of mag with silicon grease and exposed both sides with Alum, The uncoated side showed signs of oxidation almost immediately, while the coated side stayed clean, I don't think we are stopping the galvanic decay with the grease, we are just stopping the oxidation

                        More research on the chili powder cell
                        Allwest power cell # 5b - YouTube

                        Adding hydrogen peroxide resulted in over 500Ma

                        I am trying to figure out (isolate) which compounds of chili powder make this a viable cell,The powder is very high in potassium, magnesium, and iron.

                        If you add dry out to this powder it has a thermal reaction, possibly acid and caustic reaction

                        Any ideas?
                        Last edited by Allwest; 04-12-2012, 04:00 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Allwest View Post
                          The dielectric grease I use is a Silicone base-

                          Silicone grease is a waterproof grease made by combining a silicone oil with a thickener, and it seems to work fine, no big mess like petroleum

                          I tried one half coating of mag with silicon grease and exposed both sides with Alum, The uncoated side showed signs of oxidation almost immediately, while the coated side stayed clean, I don't think we are stopping the galvanic decay with the grease, we are just stopping the oxidation

                          More research on the chili powder cell
                          Allwest power cell # 5b - YouTube

                          Adding hydrogen peroxide resulted in over 500Ma

                          I am trying to figure out (isolate) which compounds of chili powder make this a viable cell,The powder is very high in potassium, magnesium, and iron.

                          If you add dry out to this powder it has a thermal reaction, possibly acid and caustic reaction

                          Any ideas?

                          If i may suggest have a look at the following periodic table and find Potassium , Magnesium and Iron .... you'll find a common thread which can allow you to find other links as mentioned previously Boron sounds (borax ) like a good candidate

                          hint: just looking at the table ... you can tell why oxygen is not so compatible
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-12-2012, 04:32 PM.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Capsaicin

                            @ Allwest: The magic ingrediant in chili and other peppers is Capsaicin. It's form is crystaline and it"s hydrophobic.
                            From wikipedia: The burning and painful sensations associated with capsaicin result from its chemical interaction with sensory neurons. Capsaicin, as a member of the vanilloid family, binds to a receptor called the vanilloid receptor subtype 1 (VR1).[55] First cloned in 1997, VR1 is an ion channel-type receptor. VR1, which can also be stimulated with heat and physical abrasion, permits cations to pass through the cell membrane and into the cell when activated. The resulting depolarization of the neuron stimulates it to signal the brain. By binding to the VR1 receptor, the capsaicin molecule produces the same sensation that excessive heat or abrasive damage would cause, explaining why the spiciness of capsaicin is described as a burning sensation.

                            The VR1 ion channel has subsequently been shown to be a member of the superfamily of TRP ion channels, and as such is now referred to as TRPV1. There are a number of different TRP ion channels that have been shown to be sensitive to different ranges of temperature and probably are responsible for our range of temperature sensation. Thus, capsaicin does not actually cause a chemical burn, or indeed any direct tissue damage at all, when chili peppers are the source of exposure. The inflammation resulting from exposure to capsaicin is believed to be the result of the body's reaction to nerve excitement. For example, the mode of action of capsaicin in inducing bronchoconstriction is thought to involve stimulation of C fibres [56] culminating in the release of neuropeptides. Essentially, the body inflames tissues as if it has undergone a burn or abrasion and the resulting inflammation can cause tissue damage in cases of extreme exposure, as is the case for many substances that cause the body to trigger an inflammatory response.


                            • A Must Have!

                              A must have for your digital library


                              “The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments, written by Robert Brent and illustrated by Harry Lazarus, is a children's book published in the 1960s that was intended to explain to kids how they could set up a home chemistry lab and conduct simple experiments. Supposedly the US government had the book removed from libraries and banned for sale on the grounds that the projects were too dangerous for its intended audience. I would have to agree that you probably don't want your kids making and igniting hydrogen in the garage, but for the aspiring chemist who can adhere to the safety precautions, this remains one of the best do-it-yourself chemistry books around. You can download the pdf of The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments to save on your computer or print. It is sort of funny that a book that is banned from the public library is legal to download and read, but it's true.”



                              • Regarding the Chili powder cell

                                Allwest power cell # 5b - YouTube

                                The hotter the pepper the more power I get, I have tried Cayenne powder and get better results

                                I guess the next step is HOTTER peppers

                                I love this hot stuff, it goes good with beer

                                To MonsieurM
                                "If i may suggest have a look at the following periodic table and find Potassium , Magnesium and Iron .... you'll find a common thread which can allow you to find other links as mentioned previously Boron sounds (borax ) like a good candidate"

                                YES! that was on the grocery list to get "Mule team" it may give it a kick

                                I liked the periodic table list that you shared, thank you!

                                To CrystalDipoleMatrix "@ Allwest: The magic ingrediant in chili and other peppers is Capsaicin. It's form is crystaline and it"s hydrophobic."

                                Then I guess we can call this a crystal battery

                                Good luck to all
                                Last edited by Allwest; 04-12-2012, 10:18 PM.

