Ghost pepper is the hottest
Also try some hydrogen peroxide as your electrolyte, I made a quick cell that was on the amp scale, not Ma.
Im working on a barium titanate parallel battery, if you notice its the highest on the electrode chart. Getting the materials in soon.
Look here for an interview with the underground company fine tuning their product.
EEstor Dick Weir leaked interview part 1 ZENN Motor Company . ZNNMF.PK - YouTube
He grows a barium doped material that out surpasses current batteries
Also try some hydrogen peroxide as your electrolyte, I made a quick cell that was on the amp scale, not Ma.
Im working on a barium titanate parallel battery, if you notice its the highest on the electrode chart. Getting the materials in soon.
Look here for an interview with the underground company fine tuning their product.
EEstor Dick Weir leaked interview part 1 ZENN Motor Company . ZNNMF.PK - YouTube
He grows a barium doped material that out surpasses current batteries