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  • Ghost pepper is the hottest

    Also try some hydrogen peroxide as your electrolyte, I made a quick cell that was on the amp scale, not Ma.

    Im working on a barium titanate parallel battery, if you notice its the highest on the electrode chart. Getting the materials in soon.

    Look here for an interview with the underground company fine tuning their product.
    EEstor Dick Weir leaked interview part 1 ZENN Motor Company . ZNNMF.PK - YouTube

    He grows a barium doped material that out surpasses current batteries


    • Originally posted by Allwest View Post
      Regarding the Chili powder cell

      Allwest power cell # 5b - YouTube

      The hotter the pepper the more power I get, I have tried Cayenne powder and get better results

      I guess the next step is HOTTER peppers

      I love this hot stuff, it goes good with beer

      To MonsieurM
      "If i may suggest have a look at the following periodic table and find Potassium , Magnesium and Iron .... you'll find a common thread which can allow you to find other links as mentioned previously Boron sounds (borax ) like a good candidate"

      YES! that was on the grocery list to get "Mule team" it may give it a kick

      I liked the periodic table list that you shared, thank you!

      To CrystalDipoleMatrix "@ Allwest: The magic ingrediant in chili and other peppers is Capsaicin. It's form is crystaline and it"s hydrophobic."

      Then I guess we can call this a crystal battery

      Good luck to all
      Ghosts Pepper extract is the hottest_- be extremely careful due to the fact that it can straight up kill you.. no joke, wear gloves and a mask. They cook it on food wearing gas masks


      • Sorry about the triple post, but oxygen is exactly what your battling on these cells, its corrosive for oxidation of the metals.

        I still say carbon nano-tubes, but their a little expensive


        • Originally posted by vintasalo View Post
          Sorry about the triple post, but oxygen is exactly what your battling on these cells, its corrosive for oxidation of the metals.

          I still say carbon nano-tubes, but their a little expensive
          If you are looking for a substitute ... you can make at home some Nano- Magnetite


          Open Source Nanotechnology

          Open Source Nano is an invitation to participate in the innovations of nanotechnology right from the start. It is an experiment in making high-tech laboratory research something that can be improved and innovated outside the laboratory, by making it “vernacular”–putting it in the language that people speak, and the tools and materials they have at hand.

          At this stage, it consists of only one project: instructions for creating magnetite nanocrystals; but we hope this project will inspire others in the future. What can you do with magnetite nanocrystals?

          Why? Magnetite Nanocrystals are good for removing arsenic from water. Based on recent advances in nanotechnology, it’s now possible to make regular magnetite nanocrystals as small as 20-100nm, and to remove them from solution using a handheld magnet. Arsenic poisoning is a huge problem in Southeast Asia, especially in Bangladesh, and in various other parts of the world. Our project opens up the process for making magnetite and encourages you to experiment with it, contribute to it, and improve it.

          Step 1
          : Prepare and Collect Ingredients

          (a) Ingredients for a typical nanocrystal synthesis include: Oil, vinegar, pan, crystal drain openerTM and rust.
          Step 2: Make your own soap.

          (b-c) Synthesis begins with soapmaking. For this the oil is mixed with crystal drain openerTM and water.
          (d) After curing for a day the soap solidifies.
          Step 3: Produce a Fatty Acid Mixture

          (e) For efficient dissolution in subsequent steps, the soap is ground to a fine powder,
          (f) then mixed with vinegar
          (g-h) while heating on a stove.
          (i-j) Once all the soap is dissolved the solution forms two layers: a yellow top layer and a cloudy white/yellow bottom layer.
          (k) The top layer is the fatty acid mixture (FAM). This needs to be heated at 110 oC to remove excess water and vinegar by-products.
          (l) Clear yellow FAM is collected.
          Step 4: Collect and Grind some Rust

          (m-n) Rust was scraped off of rusted metals and was ground to a fine powder.
          Step 5:Cook/grow your own magnetite crystals

          (o) FAM and rust were mixed.
          (p-q) Mixture was heated for 2 hours at below and near boiling temperatures. The temperature was measured using a standard mercury thermometer.
          (r-s) Magnetite (black) began to form. ..... you can add your own mix to the lot the fat will keep the oxygen out
          Step 6: Verify your Magnetite Crystals

          (t) TEM micrograph was obtained after magnetic separation in chloroform. Scale bar is 50 nm.

          step 6 (i don't think we care that much about it )

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-13-2012, 01:33 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            If i may suggest have a look at the following periodic table and find Potassium , Magnesium and Iron .... you'll find a common thread which can allow you to find other links as mentioned previously Boron sounds (borax ) like a good candidate

            hint: just looking at the table ... you can tell why oxygen is not so compatible

            This chart is very interesting to me, I am trying to wrap my head into this, my business is getting busy, which is a good thing and bad, good that it make me money , bad that it takes away from my fun time

            Can you give me a brief orientation on this?

            I have been working off another table Standard electrode potential (data page) Standard electrode potential (data page) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            This tells me that Lithium is very close to the most neg −3.0401

            And Fluorine gas is the most positive +2.87

            That's why I used fluoride tooth paste as one of the test cells Allwest Power Cell # 3 - YouTube

            On this one I was testing the tooth paste, not the copper, the toothpaste was more positive than the copper

            Any ways... this is a new list for me to study up on

            Also, has any body tried silver instead of copper, it is way more positive than copper and is supposed to give allot more voltage, according to chart ?

            Best of luck to all


            • Here is one of the positive electrodes I was thinking of using, or making, seems simple to make Iron filings and saltpeter

              Ferrate(VI) salts are formed by oxidizing iron in aqueous medium with strong oxidizing agents under alkaline conditions, or in the solid state by heating a mixture of iron filings and powdered potassium nitrate

              Potassium nitrate is a chemical compound with the formula KNO3. It is an ionic salt of potassium ions K+ and nitrate ions NO3−.


              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                If you are looking for a substitute ... you can make at home some Nano- Magnetite


                Open Source Nanotechnology

                Step 1
                : Prepare and Collect Ingredients

                (a) Ingredients for a typical nanocrystal synthesis include: Oil, vinegar, pan, crystal drain openerTM and rust.
                Step 2: Make your own soap.

                (b-c) Synthesis begins with soapmaking. For this the oil is mixed with crystal drain openerTM and water.
                (d) After curing for a day the soap solidifies.
                Step 3: Produce a Fatty Acid Mixture

                (e) For efficient dissolution in subsequent steps, the soap is ground to a fine powder,
                (f) then mixed with vinegar
                (g-h) while heating on a stove.
                (i-j) Once all the soap is dissolved the solution forms two layers: a yellow top layer and a cloudy white/yellow bottom layer.
                (k) The top layer is the fatty acid mixture (FAM). This needs to be heated at 110 oC to remove excess water and vinegar by-products.
                (l) Clear yellow FAM is collected.
                Step 4: Collect and Grind some Rust

                (m-n) Rust was scraped off of rusted metals and was ground to a fine powder.
                Step 5:Cook/grow your own magnetite crystals

                (o) FAM and rust were mixed.
                (p-q) Mixture was heated for 2 hours at below and near boiling temperatures. The temperature was measured using a standard mercury thermometer.
                (r-s) Magnetite (black) began to form. ..... you can add your own mix to the lot the fat will keep the oxygen out
                Step 6: Verify your Magnetite Crystals

                (t) TEM micrograph was obtained after magnetic separation in chloroform. Scale bar is 50 nm.

                step 6 (i don't think we care that much about it )

                Thanks for the info... are these suppose to have the same purpose as the carbon nano-tubes (cat's)


                • Originally posted by Allwest View Post

                  This chart is very interesting to me, I am trying to wrap my head into this, my business is getting busy, which is a good thing and bad, good that it make me money , bad that it takes away from my fun time

                  Can you give me a brief orientation on this?

                  I have been working off another table Standard electrode potential (data page) Standard electrode potential (data page) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  This tells me that Lithium is very close to the most neg −3.0401

                  And Fluorine gas is the most positive +2.87

                  That's why I used fluoride tooth paste as one of the test cells Allwest Power Cell # 3 - YouTube

                  On this one I was testing the tooth paste, not the copper, the toothpaste was more positive than the copper

                  Any ways... this is a new list for me to study up on

                  Also, has any body tried silver instead of copper, it is way more positive than copper and is supposed to give allot more voltage, according to chart ?

                  Best of luck to all

                  There are many types of Periodic Tables available Database of Periodic Tables and each present you with a different dimension and relations each element has to other elements ( think of it as Fractal ) .... the one you are used to is what you might call "the simplest" (although crude imo ) periodic Table of elements .....the one you are Lokking at was made by a great Man : Walter Russell ( and Lea Russell ) (you can consider him in the same category as : Keely , Tesla , Moray , Schauberger ) as it shows the Elements belonging to various Octave.... It is quite an interesting as it also shows you which element is "Male" and "Female"

                  if you are interested in walter russell :

                  he is also credited

                  Neptunium und Plutonium
                  [Walter Russell] pioneered in foreseeing two of the greatest discoveries of modern times – the isotopes of hydrogen, which led to the discovery of heavy water, and the two new elements used in the atomic bomb. He announced the complexity of hydrogen to a body of distinguished scientists years before the truth of his statement was verified. But it is the atomic bomb that will prove to be the earth-shaking, epoch-making discovery of the future. The two newly discovered elements which formed the basis of the atomic bomb, called Neptunium and Plutonium, were published in his charts of the elements in 1926. He named them Uridium and Urium. He also predicted that if ever discovered the pressures of this planet would not be sufficient to hold them together.
                  “It is almost humorous to speak ‘guarding the secret, locking it up in American and British archives’”, was his comment. “Knowledge cannot be locked up. It is cosmic and wide open to every thinker, and limited only to his knowledge. And there is enough new knowledge right in this country today to make this present value of atomic secrecy worthless in a very few years.”
                  (Glenn Clark: The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe)
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by vintasalo View Post
                    Thanks for the info... are these suppose to have the same purpose as the carbon nano-tubes (cat's)
                    found the following , hope it helps


                    Scaling, Corrosion and Water Treatment on
                    Steam Generator Systems < 30 bar

                    The very low dissociation of pure water defines the neutral pH of 7.0, values below pH 7 char-
                    acterise acidic conditions with increasing acidity down to pH 0 and pH values above 7 that of
                    basic or alkaline conditions up to pH 14. Attention: Any single pH-step results to a 10 fold con-
                    centration change! For instance, if a pH of 7 corresponds to 1 mg/l, a pH of 8 corresponds to
                    10 mg/l, a pH of 9 to 100 mg/l, a pH of 10 to 1000 mg/l = 1 g/l, a pH of 11 to 10 g/l etc.
                    Moderate alkaline water conditions are important to protect iron from corrosion! Acid or acidic
                    water dissolves the magnetite protective layer and attacks iron/steel

                    allow me to add one more piece of info about the properties of Magnetite ( you should definitely experience with , you may be surprised with the results achieved as you guys heat you mix )

                    Microwave melting of metals

                    The microwave work was triggered by a short reference to the refining of rare earth metals, at Illawara Technology Centre, which was mentioned by a visitor to the Central Saint Martins foundry, Dennis Glaser. Since these metals melt at temperatures above 800 degrees Celcius, it seemed possible that the method could be adapted to melt and cast small objects in the workshop or studio. If this could be done a domestic microwave would, effectively, become a cheap and accessible furnace.

                    Trials were begun which simply aimed to melt metals such as silver and bronze in open crucibles. However, it soon became obvious that casting to shape could also be accomplished by adapting the Reid Technique (RT) - a simplified ceramic-shell procedure for the casting of non-ferrous metals, patented in 1990. RT was first developed to avoid the problem of heat loss, which makes the the pouring of small melts very difficult - these difficulties arise however the metal is heated, and while the microwave technique set out here can be used for heating small amounts of metal in open crucibles, its greatest potential lies in its use as a flameless furnace in processes such as the Reid Technique. The crucial discovery, made during extended tests with various susceptors - materials which heat up when exposed to microwaves - was that two substances, graphite and magnetite, working together were required to achieve the kind of heating we were looking for.
                    SiC (Silicon Carbide) is a good susceptor and it couples at room temperature and is good up to about 1100C. Alternatives are Magnetite, and Zirconium.
                    Susceptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    A susceptor is a material used for its ability to absorb electromagnetic energy and convert it to heat (which is sometimes designed to be re-emitted as infrared thermal radiation). This energy is typically radiofrequency or microwave radiation used in industrial heating processes, and also occasionally in microwave cooking. The name is derived from susceptance, an electrical property of materials that measures their tendency to convert electromagnetic energy to heat.
                    this is just one of its properties and naturally found with tourmaline and quartz .... naturally compatible
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-13-2012, 09:36 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • if you couple the previous periodic table with the following (they contain exactly the same information ... just presented differently...fractal ) you will find quite a bit of inspiring info to compare with your already made mix and see what needs to be tweaked hint: find sphere of electric domination

                      add to it the table you are working with ... and you have a magical tryptic

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-13-2012, 03:45 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • MonsieurM

                        Okay lets take this one step at a time, Friday night fun

                        I see the lower picture chart

                        The box that has neon in it

                        It shows Lithium + and Fluorine-, this follows the chart I have been using

                        Now you see the box that has Krypton, this shows copper above Zinc
                        Not per the chart I have been using
                        Same box-Calcium and potassium is correct to my other chart


                        • MonsieurM

                          Okay the circle chart

                          I see (Lithium - Male) and (Fluorine + female)

                          So if we follow the same for magnesium-male, I would want to use Fluorine+ female or sulphur or Sulfur + female

                          Yes? No?


                          • Originally posted by Allwest View Post

                            Okay the circle chart

                            I see (Lithium - Male) and (Fluorine + female)

                            So if we follow the same for magnesium-male, I would want to use Fluorine+ female or sulphur or Sulfur + female

                            Yes? No?
                            your logic stands as both elements are as far apart from the Neutral : Silicon in this case .... but remember it is one of the parameter you can play with ...

                            take the case of magnesium and Fluorine ... they are not on the same Octave ...but if we refer to the Spiral Table :

                            Fluorine (lower right blue square ) has a value of - 1
                            Sulfure a value of + 2

                            Magnesium a value of + 2

                            also you'd want your mix to be of electric domination

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-14-2012, 04:21 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • One more comment I would like to add :

                              look at the spiral periodic table the upper red square ... find " direction of male preponderance" / "increasing electric opposition to magnetism "

                              a while back posted some info on Boron from Physorg ... read the 2 posts on boron ... you will see a common pattern


                              Let's not forget Tourmaline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              Tourmaline is a crystal boron silicate mineral compounded with elements such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium. Tourmaline is classified as a semi-precious stone and the gem comes in a wide variety of colors. The name comes from the Sinhalese word "Thuramali" (තුරමලි) or "Thoramalli" (තෝරමල්ලි), which applied to different gemstones found in Sri Lanka.

                              Electric Domination


                              Tourmaline, "The Electric Stone", is exploited in hundreds of patents. Here are several select patents and articles of especial interest in regard to the production of electricity by tourmaline, and agriculture.
                              Boron is found on the lower red Square with a value of + 3 and closest to the center on the same level as Lithium which has a value of +1 ; boron has a higher Male Preponderance

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-15-2012, 01:24 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Regarding Magnetite.

                                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                                found the following , hope it helps

                                allow me to add one more piece of info about the properties of Magnetite ( you should definitely experience with , you may be surprised with the results achieved as you guys heat you mix )

                                this is just one of its properties and naturally found with tourmaline and quartz .... naturally compatible
                                I've posted this earlier, but deem it quite important so I'll post t again incase some missed it. Maybe we also need to be experimenting with clay casings as clay naturally has Magnetite within it and when heated re-aligns the magnetic fields of the 'pot/bowl/jar' after cooling to the earths magnetic fields. This will also have an effect on the crystals inside the casing...kinda like a Baghdad battery approach.

                                Magnetite Properties with Heat - Ancient Secrets Of Clay Amphora Vessels

                                Also, the experiments so far have had a larger amount of copper involved, where as the magnesium has been smaller in size. Would it be better the other way round as like on Earth where the earth produces 300-400 thousand times 'negative' ions than positive? I could be wrong in thinking that but it was something I thought about.
                                your daily dose of truth

