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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Play Nice!

    Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
    Also, if anyone else here is offended by anything i said, i apologize, i'm only looking to learn and make some energy, that's all
    Yes, to learn and make some energy is the quest for most of us on this forum. And, yes, your comments were rude and offensive to the people working on this project, spending their time, money, and effort in this endeavor.

    See the attachment below for the closest thing that I have built to satisfy your request. This setup puts out 12+volts and 40mA. These cells have been in use for over 4 years and the cost of this system is less than 10 dollars. It will charge secondary batteries, caps, and run all of my electronic toys. In the picture below, you can see it lighting an LED from the lights above my workbench. When you figure out how to make this from scratch in the kitchen, let me know and I will call you a hero.

    @Allwest, your chili powder cells are amazing. Do not make flubber (glue and borax) with chili powder, it does not work. I tried – LOL.

    @MonsieurM, thanks for the link on the fuel cells. Fuel Cells are my favorites, particularly the liquid fuel cells.
    Attached Files


    • I'm also very offended that you are criticizing the peanut butter and jelly cells.
      Good thing that I didn't make any. Ha!
      Worlds best kept secret... still unknown.


      • one bit of info , worth exploring (not necessarily found in the kitchen ) is Dead Sea Salt ... often referenced in alternative discussions ( mostly for ORMUS making )

        ps: It is a good salt to have in the kitchen
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by b_rads View Post
          Yes, to learn and make some energy is the quest for most of us on this forum. And, yes, your comments were rude and offensive to the people working on this project, spending their time, money, and effort in this endeavor.

          See the attachment below for the closest thing that I have built to satisfy your request. This setup puts out 12+volts and 40mA. These cells have been in use for over 4 years and the cost of this system is less than 10 dollars. It will charge secondary batteries, caps, and run all of my electronic toys. In the picture below, you can see it lighting an LED from the lights above my workbench. When you figure out how to make this from scratch in the kitchen, let me know and I will call you a hero.

          @Allwest, your chili powder cells are amazing. Do not make flubber (glue and borax) with chili powder, it does not work. I tried – LOL.

          @MonsieurM, thanks for the link on the fuel cells. Fuel Cells are my favorites, particularly the liquid fuel cells.

          Oh guys, so sorry... like i said to alwest, i appreciate every effort and the will to share of everyone here. maybe you should know that i have built earth cells, table salt cells, chlorine cells, lemon juice... all kinds of stuff with very simple every day material, i also have spent a lot of time and money on this project and will continue to do so, so far i like the crystal cells with carbon and MnO2, using good quality metals and materials like john suggested. they last a long time and put some decent power... its pretty interesting that you can make cheap solar cells, i wouldn't know how to make them, but this guy does.

          How to Build a Solar Panel - Part 1 of 3 (New)step by step buying everything off ebay - YouTube

          here's the mini cell i was telling you about, built it yesterday, based on the fuel cell idea, its just 3 small plates of copper - mag with paper soaked on electrolyte mix, VERY cheap to make, with one mag rod and one copper plate of good quality you can get 100 anodes and cathodes, cheers
          Attached Files


          • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
            here's the mini cell i was telling you about, built it yesterday, based on the fuel cell idea, its just 3 small plates of copper - mag with paper soaked on electrolyte mix, VERY cheap to make, with one mag rod and one copper plate of good quality you can get 100 anodes and cathodes, cheers
            Can you tell more about this cell? You mention "fuel cell idea"?!! where is the detail of that idea, please?

            Can you make a video showing how you build this tiny powerful cell?

            Many thanks,



            • Sure! ill be glad to, ill do it tonight after class, this one is putting off 5V at around 20 Ma, but im sure it can give more with a better build.... the video that alwest posted gave me the idea:

              Energy From Aluminum - YouTube


              • As a sideline project, i'm moving back to small cells myself, with the idea of stacking.
                The one in the pic below was made by accident, sometimes the best way
                After making an approx 1" diameter cell from usual enough stovetop ingredients and cat litter (from the idea on the previous page) i'd used a cotton bud to mix the mixture. Well, the whole of the ingredients were on the cotton bud cotton tip !
                So, a piece of burnt copper and a piece of galvanized steel were placed either side, cotton was wound around to secure and then the little cell was encased in candle wax to seal.
                Stacking cotton bud tip cells would produce quite the small battery and they could be linked horizontally as well as vertically.

                Here it is just now, powering an LED oscillator (green LED version) with an American penny for size comparison.


                • Just built 4 cells using the co-alum-MnO2-Hydrate#5 mix... all i can say is wow... these are 3 3.6volt leds, you cant even see them because of the glare.... hope it will last, only time will tell.... the video with the tiny cell is coming up, it works well, but the cylinder type cell clearly works beter, the plate design could be good to stack up hundreds of cells in order to make 120V at 20 Ma, it would take very little space and very cheap to make, that will be my next proyect, cheers
                  Attached Files


                  • Here's a video of the construction of the mini cell, cheers

                    mini cell - YouTube

                    also some news you might be interested in

                    Amazing Solar Flare Photos of April 16, 2012| Space Weather |


                    • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
                      Here's a video of the construction of the mini cell, cheers

                      mini cell - YouTube

                      also some news you might be interested in

                      Amazing Solar Flare Photos of April 16, 2012| Space Weather |
                      Excellent work. Such a small cell and so powerful.
                      So you are using:
                      Carbon 1 part
                      Alum 1 part
                      Silicon Gel 1/2 part
                      Hyd #5 1/8 part (which one is this? Rochelle? Epson salts?)
                      Mn02 Pinch (like finger tips quantity?)
                      Iron Pyrite 1/4 part

                      Can you confirm please?



                      • I am glad everyone is back in tune

                        I was looking for an update on the 1 amp cell that John and chuck created and found this

                        Crystal cell paste - YouTube



                        • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                          Excellent work. Such a small cell and so powerful.
                          So you are using:
                          Carbon 1 part
                          Alum 1 part
                          Silicon Gel 1/2 part
                          Hyd #5 1/8 part (which one is this? Rochelle? Epson salts?)
                          Mn02 Pinch (like finger tips quantity?)
                          Iron Pyrite 1/4 part

                          Can you confirm please?

                          OK, here's the exact formula with details:

                          Activated carbon: 1pt

                          Alum: 1pt

                          Silica gel: 1/8 or even less, for this i grind the silica gel pellets into dust, its only purpose is to absorb water.

                          Hydrate #5: 1/8pt, this one is not so easy to find and not cheap either, i got it at, its full name is Sodium meta-silicate pentahydrate. bedini had said if i recall correctly, that this keeps the hydrogen from eating on the metals... it does not seem to stop the corrosion though, but it might slow it down.

                          MnO2: 3 pinches, id say just the tip of a spoon. full name is manganese dioxide reagent. with this one, i recommend using pure MnO2 from a lab, not the old batteries, it seems to work better Search Results for 'Mno2'. this is also a recommendation that bedini makes: use pure, high quality materials. this mno2 is expensive, $50 for 25g, fortunately you only use very little to make a mix, it really seems to boost the power up.

                          Iron pyrite: 1/4 pt, probably is not so necessary to use so much, or probably more will give different results, here's where we can work together to try different ratios, this seems to be key also, RATIOS. this is a painstaking job, i usually make 5 or 6 variations of ratios for each mix, but i think bedini got that wonderful mix by being meticulous.

                          i made a variation using some silver crystals that i grew usin silver nitrate, i wont go into details yet because im testing it, and so far it seems to work the same as the others except it needs less water.

                          i fire treat the copper and fuse some pyrite on the walls to slow down the corrosion as fausto demonstrated, i'd like to know about your progress with the metal protection, if we crack this one we have a big winner, imagine a single cell made of 100 plates giving 120V or more that does not corrode. this mix is also flooded, nowhere near dry, it loves water, so it would be good to come up with a small compartment for each cell to hold an individual load of water so the cell wont short out when watered, this is the way they do it on the aluminum water cell in the video, watch how they connect hoses to each individual plate.

                          we'll have to see about corrosion, the MnO2 can be corrosive, so all the work on the research for metal protection is very valuable, thanks!


                          • Hydrate 5 and MnO2

                            heres the labels for these 2 products, be very careful with these two, both can cause serious problems if you breathe the powder, specially the MnO2 comes in a very fine powder, stir very slow so no powder rises, cheers
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by cgalvisardila; 04-19-2012, 12:55 AM.


                            • plate cell

                              Just an update on the plates cell, i used a magnesium sheet with a copper sheet, so it's even thiner, is about the same size as the older one, but this one has 8 layers instead of 3, producing aroun 8V at 10Ma, here it is powering 3 of my 3.6 LEDs, wont last long though i know the mag is gonna corrode, but ill let you jknow how long it lasts. on the first pic 8-1, all lights are off, except the one being powered by the mini cell, cheers
                              Attached Files


                              • cgalvisardila,

                                Excellent, thanks for sharing

