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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Here is an update on the power of the chili powder cell 16 days old, no water was added after it was created

    Allwest power cell # 6 - YouTube

    The products are listed in the video, I meant to say in the video that the dry-out product was supposed to keep it moist, not dry, although it does not seam to be wet

    On the open cells that I have created, the dry-out keeps the cells damp with never adding water, may save you some time, it also seams to add more power, just a thought to try

    Here is a quick easy and cheap LED light -low voltage setup with switch, I was around $1.29

    Best of luck to all


    • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
      Speaking of Radus boots magic shoes lol, you can see that once the Leedskalnin PMH's have energized, there is a time period before the wearer moves again and breaks the magnetic bondings.
      An example of a switchable magnet. It's called the Magswitch. 95lbs of holding force! It's used for woodworking and steel fabrication hold downs. I bought one of these to play with. When I have time I'll take it apart to see exactly how it works.
      Magswitch MagJig 95 Switchable Magnet


      • Galvanic corrosion or cavitation implosion?

        In your experiments with the cell and battery technology we have an effect of one metal being eaten away by the other and that's called galvanic. Galvanic action on magnesium for example is where it literally eats away at the metal. That we know, but do we really know how that works?

        After watching one of Jason’s 'TheRealVerb' new videos, he explains the atom, cavitation and how it moves. Nature does everything in an centripetal way which when it gets to it's critical point implodes, causing a huge release of energy and (blue) light (^cough thunder and lightning). Now if your not subscribed to his youtube channel, you need to be.

        Depending on the rotational speed of a propeller and the length to the blade tip, the formation of super heated water vapor at a temperature exceeding 4000 degrees can occur. These vapor bubbles that are produced then immediately collapse, releasing their latent energy and this can cause a cavitation burn on propeller blades.

        Looking at a propeller blade and the effect of cavitation on one, it resembles the galvanic action on the battery metals. Now I'm going to go out on a limb here and state that what we are seeing is a cavitation implosion effect at an atomic level which is 'pitting' the metals based on the centripetal implosion and natural movement of atoms between the two metals, leading to the release of huge amounts of energy so small it's beyond our naked eye.

        This is part of the key to understanding this technology as it goes back to Keely, Russell, Schauberger etc along with all ancient cultures.
        Last edited by reddpill; 04-21-2012, 06:35 AM. Reason: More content.
        your daily dose of truth


        • Course Feedback.

          Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
          An offshoot idea, within your new coursework - could you fire different salts within the clay ? What happens at higher temperature, with controlled, flame kiln firing ?
          I don't mean to throw a few granules of Epsom salts in when the course teacher isn't watching lol.
          It would be good to know what kind of impurity level needs to be steered clear from, to avoid adverse (brittling) effects of the finished pottery piece that could lead to collapse of the structure.
          One may imagine a caveman firing the first pottery. At some point he begins kicking highly charged plasma balls away from the flames ! You could hand him a lightbulb and he'd have no idea how to connect it to the wheelworks of nature that he has discovered.
          Well I found out that salt ruins kilns apparently. One thing of interest she did say was that salt turns things ORANGE (specific wave length?) and is also used in glazing.

          By the way, here's a picture of the encasing I've put together with the different clay types and will be fired next week. Some have alot more iron/magnetite levels than others. Version 'IV' has a high level of Iron and when fired shows nodes of iron in the clay. The 'V' version, the end one has iron too, not as much as IV but also has quartz filings in it too.
          Attached Files

          your daily dose of truth


          • reddpill , much appreciated your feedback on the clay experiment. ...if i may suggest also testing with aluminum in the mix

            Pier Ighina's Cosmic Energy Inventions - The Tesla / Reich / Keely of Italy - English Subtitles - YouTube

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Originally posted by Allwest View Post
              Here is an update on the power of the chili powder cell 16 days old, no water was added after it was created

              Allwest power cell # 6 - YouTube

              The products are listed in the video, I meant to say in the video that the dry-out product was supposed to keep it moist, not dry, although it does not seam to be wet

              On the open cells that I have created, the dry-out keeps the cells damp with never adding water, may save you some time, it also seams to add more power, just a thought to try

              Here is a quick easy and cheap LED light -low voltage setup with switch, I was around $1.29

              Best of luck to all
              Hi allwest, have you done a long term test on a chilli battery? that's pretty good amps there, was that 35Ma its giving off constantly after creation? let us know how long it lasts, so far so good, cheers


              • Yeah I was curious too about the chili battery - have you noticed any corrosion on the metals? It's probably hard to tell since the chili powder is dark itself... 35mA is great.


                • Wouldn't that size cell output that much or more, even without the chili? What happened to the 500 to 600 mAs?


                  • So I've been testing this particular model:

                    Steel screws wrapped in cotton (which contains purely epsom salt) with copper wire surrounding the screws to help add pressure (since it seems from what I've read that pressure creates more mA. I tested about 8 of these in series to run a couple of LEDs and it has been burning for about 24 hours. I took apart a couple of the batteries and found that the plated screws were starting to corrode. Apparently the magnesium sulfate in the epsom salt is breaking it down - though it doesn't seem to break it down as much as alum from what I've seen.

                    I did try blackening the copper as well - seems to have the same reaction.


                    • Originally posted by br0ns0n77 View Post
                      So I've been testing this particular model:

                      Steel screws wrapped in cotton (which contains purely epsom salt) with copper wire surrounding the screws to help add pressure (since it seems from what I've read that pressure creates more mA.
                      its interesting you mention this, pressure is key... yesterday i was experimenting with a new mix and using a Cu cap, i stuffed the mix inside and then put as much pressure as i could with my hand using a mag piece... well i didn't even need to measure the thing... it got real HOT, when i measured it it read over 150Ma and immediately went down progressively until it reached less than 10Ma. so.... more than 10 times Ma just from the pressure.... bedini built a bunch of cells pressuring the mix with some BIG pressure a while back....

                      Here's some pics of my newest plate cell, 17 plates, its giving off 22V at 2.6Ma..... look at that beautiful light, pic#1 is a 3.6 volt LED, pic#2 is the common 2.5V bright white LED. this one could work as a flashlight at night.... now that you mention it br0ns0n, next cell i will see how i can pressure the paper soaked in the mix and raise the Ma.... if with this cell, instead of giving 2.5Ma could go at 100Ma, we could light a big light bulb... it was a real thrill to feel that cell go real hot, also the mix began to sizzle.... if any of you have any ideas on how to put adequate pressure on the plates let us know, we might have a winner... thanks for the post!
                      Attached Files


                      • New video of the hydrate mix lighting 3 3.6V LEDs

                        New mix lighting 3 bright 3.6V LEDs - YouTube


                        • Very nice man! That is one bright LED for sure. Great pics! What is the makeup of your plate cell?

                          Yeah I remember seeing him pressuring those cells. I'm still trying to figure out if blackening the copper will stop the galvanic process or if it just slows it down? From what I read blackening the Cu essentially makes it a diode so the power only passes in one direction. When it passes in both directions it causes the galvanic process to speed up. The galvanic occurrence seems to be the achilles heel in all these experiments that have some meaningful amperage associated with them.

                          Have you had any luck reducing the galvanic process so far?


                          • From what I've read, Iron Pyrite is a semi-conductor only allowing a small amount of electric transfer between the two metals. I would assume that using that in the mix is an effort to slow down the galvanic process or completely stop it?


                            • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
                              Hi allwest, have you done a long term test on a chilli battery? that's pretty good amps there, was that 35Ma its giving off constantly after creation? let us know how long it lasts, so far so good, cheers
                              It started out at 50Ma & 1.45 volts with only water added, went down to 15Ma and is climbing back up, it is at 35Ma, this cell has had no water sense it was created

                              We will see how long it lasts


                              • Originally posted by br0ns0n77 View Post
                                Yeah I was curious too about the chili battery - have you noticed any corrosion on the metals? It's probably hard to tell since the chili powder is dark itself... 35mA is great.
                                I did notice on the bottom of the cell, after I took off the tape, it had corrosion of mag, the nice part about this cell is adding no water

