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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
    Ok, I get it now. It's so you don't need the sun to run the lights.
    Thanks for the explanation. Are your pill bottle cells filled with carbon? What is the output?

    The little radio shack solar cells put out 300mA each, but only 1/2 volt. I have two of them, so I should be able to at least charge the AA to one volt, and 300mA, but it doesn't. It does run my oscillator's led light (a super bright 10mm led) real well though, but only during the daylight hours.

    Magnetman does have some interesting videos.
    Activated carbon for aquariums, magnesium fire starter, and stranded copper wire with a fairly active electrolyte. Not the type of cells the users here are looking for, this is truly galvanic and made that way for max output. Let's just say it has more than sufficient power and will run this circuit for 6 months. The problem I have is keeping it moist and preventing the leads from breaking down. Need to try the Calcium Chloride possibly.


    • About this solar thing...
      Great idea there Brad, for places with no sun.
      I've just built a 'redneck' version of a similar concept. The idea, is to use several lights panels as one block and feed out to their circuits. That way, the panel block needs to be the only thing in the sun
      I have my main set of 3 small 1.8W panels that charge a car battery (desulfated with a homemade Bedini 3 coiler and converted to Alum the other day), then the small set of 5 solar garden light panels. The panels sit on a piece of wood, are connected in parallel and put out 2.3V @ 310mA. Behind them, is a stripped out TV remote control, in which an AA can charge, or the output feed out to charge many batteries in parallel. The remotes plastics enable a good angle toward the sun, by just resting on the ground. My garden light panels are rubbish really, bits of strips that aren't even straight ! Even so, i'll be advertising on Freecycle to see if anyone has some more they don't want. Would be cool to emulate the main 12V panel set and add capacity

      Btw, for Alum, do consider iHerb seller on Amazon. I got a 1lb bag of it for $12 delivered. It took just 3 days to arrive and 4oz of it has done a champion job on the car battery. That battery would rest at 10.8V and slowly leak voltage and current over a week. It has never gone above 2.5A usable current. With the Alum, it's on it's second day of charging with those 1.8W panels and is at 12.15V @ over 7A and climbing
      In other words, iHerb are excellent all round.
      Last edited by Slider2732; 04-23-2012, 09:27 PM.


      • Brad: Again, thanks for the reply.
        The Silica Gel also helps keep things moist, but I don't know how well it would work after a while, if the cells are sealed.
        Before that type of cell was not what we were after, but, things have changed. As we now see that sealed dry cells don't output much more than a mA or two. And wet cells may not outlast them, but sure can out power them.

        Two of those tiny solar cells I have output 600 mA, and take no room and don't oxidize at all. That's probably the direction that I'll be taking, when I can afford go the solar route. Unless we really hit it off with our cells. I'm still hoping...but it's been hard getting any real usable light from them, for any amount of time.
        One AA battery connected to a small solar cell has more power than all my cells put together.
        So, I'm getting a bit discouraged, someone please pep me up.


        • I didn't help ya just there did i, when we posted at about the same time

          Keep on truckin, these are still very much early days and we know what to beat


          • Slider:
            Thanks, it did.
            I'm in the process of working on a Slayer SEC type of circuit, which I think that if it were provided by a small but strong solar panel, can provide that circuit with enough input to light many leds, wireless. And/or through a single wire can be distributed throughout the house.
            I don't want to derail this thread, so I'd better stop there.


            • I think one of the questions here is can we produce a cell with crystals that present any real power

              And when I say crystal I mean no galvanic action

              The piezoelectric (crystals) do not need any galvanic reaction at all, just deflection or heat to produce electricity

              So can we produce a high-bred that has a galvanic reaction that excites the crystal to double the output

              I think some of these cells have the making of such, when you pull power from these cells they increase power

              I have personally made some cells that did not care which electrode was the pos or neg, and jump back and forth

              I think that the ideal cell would be a galvanic cell that also took advantage of- or excite the crystals to increase the power

              Otherwise we are making (high dollar) galvanic cells, period

              just some thought & Best of luck to all

              Your thoughts?


              • Sharing some interesting facts.

                I started building my 36 cells battery. I did 2 cells that are my baseline before I commit to 36 total.

                Those 2 cells behave strangely when using an Oscillator compared to when not. If you use the Oscillator it will slowly reduce the current power until 1ma or so BUT if you short the cell either with a very low resistance or direct cable, she loves to give current, lots of it and increases with time.

                It is very strange because I never had cells the shorted output more current than when not shorted, in other words, this cell likes more load and performs better.

                Soon I will have this gigantic (at least to me) battery and we will see how much power it will output.

                Concerning my other baseline cells using the grease, they are running wonderfully well still. Today they reached the 2.69v and I added water for the first time and they are back to 2.71 or more and pumping power out. This is indeed an awesome formula: Activated Carbon 50%, Sand 50% and Electric Grease with paper around Mg.



                • Hi All, Been a while

                  Hello all,
                  Playing a little bit of catch up, been out of the loop for a minute, but still giving plenty of energy to this symbiotic little forum and the amazing group of people here.

                  It seems things have slowed down in regards to the crystal non-galvanics, however, as momma said best, "patience is a virtue."

                  For all those still actively and earnestly pursuing this tech, wonderful job, keep at it, as for others, We seem to have reached our hands out into some other interesting, however coinciding, resources and information/experimentation, Nothing is lost, these are still contributions towards a singularity. Thanks to all, I believe that all things are in their proper place.

                  Another endeavor that must be kept in mind...Aether energy has been almost completely disregarded by the larger half of the scientific community for the past century. We are constantly learning and and embedding the observations of this "illusive" energy into conciousness. Keep in mind that our studies of non galvanic batteries are not just studies about batteries, but also about aether energy itself. This is a revolutionary step in the walk of humankind.
                  Great job everyone...keep up the good play!
                  Much Love
                  Many blessings

                  Ps. My complete support goes out to all of you (that includes NickZ)
                  That should be enough peptalk for another week or so.


                  • I just made a post-it(tm) cell with nothing but spit between two pieces of paper.

                    Haha... As gross as it sounds, it produced 1.4v and .5ma and rising

                    Now to find what is in the spit


                    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                      reddpill , much appreciated your feedback on the clay experiment. ...if i may suggest also testing with aluminum in the mix

                      Pier Ighina's Cosmic Energy Inventions - The Tesla / Reich / Keely of Italy - English Subtitles - YouTube

                      Could you let us know what you know, the clues are killing me, haha..

                      Aluminum powder/aluminum plates/pyramids... Oh can u let us in on the info more bluntly?


                      • Originally posted by vintasalo View Post
                        I just made a post-it(tm) cell with nothing but spit between two pieces of paper.

                        Haha... As gross as it sounds, it produced 1.4v and .5ma and rising

                        Now to find what is in the spit
                        Pretty powerful spit you have there, where you eating hot sauce?


                        • Originally posted by Allwest View Post
                          Pretty powerful spit you have there, where you eating hot sauce?
                          Not eaten in 3 hours... Try yours


                          • Originally posted by vintasalo View Post
                            Not eaten in 3 hours... Try yours
                            Its about beer:30 around here, I was thinking of a making a beer cell Ha!


                            • Originally posted by vintasalo View Post
                              Could you let us know what you know, the clues are killing me, haha..

                              Aluminum powder/aluminum plates/pyramids... Oh can u let us in on the info more bluntly?
                              I am sharing with you info pertaining to your experiment .... not trying to give clues .... giving gathered info spent hours searching to save you time ... and present you with an option worth exploring ... do not think my intentions are to torture your mind ....but more to increase your understanding of the ingredient your are using

                              more bluntly ...try aluminium as one of your ingredient and you'll see

                              pyramidal shape is a concentrator and also acts as an Antenna ...

                              here is an example of a pyramid antenna:

                              Multiband Pyramidal Antenna for Radio Navigation
                              and Telemetry Systems

                              Abstract—A novel multi-band pyramidal antenna combining
                              radio navigation and MicroSAT telemetry applications was
                              recently introduced by the authors. This flexible antenna
                              provides independent and easily adjustable operating frequency
                              design. Furthermore, the radiation patterns of this pyramidal
                              antenna are relatively similar at the different operating
                              frequencies. One key element of this radiating structure is its cutoff
                              waveguide placed underneath the antenna ground plane in
                              order to improve input ports impedance matching while
                              minimizing the antenna rear radiation level.
                              This paper further
                              describes the above-mentioned antenna and gives its latest

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-25-2012, 12:28 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                                Sharing some interesting facts.

                                I started building my 36 cells battery. I did 2 cells that are my baseline before I commit to 36 total.

                                Those 2 cells behave strangely when using an Oscillator compared to when not. If you use the Oscillator it will slowly reduce the current power until 1ma or so BUT if you short the cell either with a very low resistance or direct cable, she loves to give current, lots of it and increases with time.

                                It is very strange because I never had cells the shorted output more current than when not shorted, in other words, this cell likes more load and performs better.

                                Soon I will have this gigantic (at least to me) battery and we will see how much power it will output.

                                Concerning my other baseline cells using the grease, they are running wonderfully well still. Today they reached the 2.69v and I added water for the first time and they are back to 2.71 or more and pumping power out. This is indeed an awesome formula: Activated Carbon 50%, Sand 50% and Electric Grease with paper around Mg.



                                I know it has taken you a long time to come up with the best formula, before spending the time and money to make 36 cells

                                I have been using grease for a long time on some of my cells, but it still eats the mag

                                I have been experimenting with using crazy glue as a sealer for magnesium, and so far it has not decayed at all, but still gives me power, not as much as bare mag at the beginning , but surpasses the uncoated mag in two days @ 25Ma

                                It may be something to try before making all 36 cells

                                Best of luck to all

