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  • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
    Hello all, i found something interesting yesterday, i used fausto's mix (CO+sand) and added galena and bismuth in two cells, and all of the above plus copper and aluminum dust in another cell, this i did thinking about the orgone energy principle... all i can say is:

    ACV crystal cell - YouTube
    It could be your analog meter is taking a DC value and converting it (rms = root mean square) to an AC value. Have you tried testing that meter on a standard battery and set to read AC? This could explain why no AC shows up on you digital meter.

    Wile E. Coyote (Hardheadipus Oedipus) had many theories of how to catch the Road Runner (Batoutahelius) but all failed.


    • Suggest Reading this book!

      Originally posted by NickZ View Post
      BrOn and All:
      This is an even more recent update from Magnetman, with some diagrams for the Joule Thief circuits, as well as some further tests and results from the Plengo type of cells.

      Battery & Joule Thief Update.MOV - YouTube
      I have this circuit running on its 7th day of running continuous from a cheap dollar store AA battery. Those batteries come eight to a pack for $1, so 12.5 cents apiece. The battery started at 1.54V and is currently sitting at 1.49V. So it has dropped 0.05V in 7 days. I will keep it connected to observe how long it will last, so far I am very impressed with this circuit.

      @ all;
      Here is a link to a book written over 120 years ago that I consider a must read.

      This book describes many of the things we have observed in some of the cells we have built, such as depolarizers, temperature, light, electrode protection, etc,.
      For example:
      “It has been remarked that, in general, the best depolarizers are liquid. There are, however, two exceptions which exhibit notable efficiency. They are the oxide of copper and the chloride of silver. Both of these solids readily give up their nonmetallic element to nascent hydrogen, and by reduction to the metallic state become excellent conductors.”

      Here is another example”
      “Battery with Two Carbon Electrodes.” ………. “The E.M.F. is from 0.6 to 0.7 of a volt. No action takes place on open circuit, but since polarization sets in rapidly on closed circuit, the cell can be used only for applications requiring an intermittent current. For such purposes it has a very long life. Some of these cells, after remaining in service for several years, operate absolutely as well as the first day they were set up.”

      And yet one more example:
      “The Sea Salt Battery. —A battery which is said to have done good service has been made with sea salt and powdered alum, in the ratio of five parts to two, dissolved in water, as the excitant. The elements were zinc and carbon, the latter having a very large surface. Zinc chloride and zinc sulphate are formed, and hydrogen is set free, with formation of sodium and potassium hydrates.”

      I personally have made a few of the cells/batteries described in this book and plan to make many more. Many of these are very easy to construct and actually watching them perform has opened my eyes to what might actually be happening. Again, I highly recommend you download and read this book. Many of the things we are doing today have already been done over 120 years ago.
      Happy Experimenting!


      • Originally posted by ionfuture View Post
        It could be your analog meter is taking a DC value and converting it (rms = root mean square) to an AC value. Have you tried testing that meter on a standard battery and set to read AC? This could explain why no AC shows up on you digital meter.

        yes i did!! i tried it with some of my old batteries and no AC is shown, but i suspect you may be right because on the digital meters there's no read.... i believe it might be another form of current that's being interpreted as AC, like radiant or magnetic flux, it only seems to show on the presence of galena... maybe an oscilloscope would tell the truth, too bad i don't have one, that will be next on the list...
        Last edited by cgalvisardila; 04-27-2012, 05:18 PM.


        • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
          yes i did!! i tried it with some of my old batteries and no AC is shown, but i suspect you may be right because on the digital meters there's no read.... i believe it might be another form of current that's being interpreted as AC, like radiant or magnetic flux, it only seems to show on the presence of galena... maybe an oscilloscope would tell the truth, too bad i don't have one, that will be next on the list...
          I did measure using an Oscilloscope before (many pages before) and mention that same thing. They do have a hash on top of the voltage line.



          • b_rads:
            Thanks for the info about your 12 cent AA batteries lasting over a week.
            I'm still working with the same type of circuit, and am quite pleased with it.
            I wonder what your circuit would do with more leds drawing on the battery.

            I'll try to add some copper oxide to the electrolyte mix in my next cells to see what effect if any that might have as a depolarizer, as well as some aluminum fillings.

            I've also been using a new AA to see how it does with Slayer Exciter circuit that I'm working on now. Once I get an idea of the draw, I'll switch over to using these cells instead. That's the plan any way.
            Last edited by NickZ; 04-27-2012, 07:30 PM.


            • Hello everyone, i made this new video on the bismuth-galena cell, still putting off 9VAC, but now the MA dropped to near 200uA.... at this point no cell could light up any LED no matter how many cells are put together.... this one however keeps the white LED bright, i did the video last night, and this morning the LED was still on, but a little dimmer... when i measured it it read 50uA... interesting stuff

              AC crystal cell powering bright LED below 200uA - YouTube


              • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                Thanks for the info about your 12 cent AA batteries lasting over a week.
                I'm still working with the same type of circuit, and am quite pleased with it.
                I wonder what your circuit would do with more leds drawing on the battery.

                I'll try to add some copper oxide to the electrolyte mix in my next cells to see what effect if any that might have as a depolarizer, as well as some aluminum fillings.

                I've also been using a new AA to see how it does with Slayer Exciter circuit that I'm working on now. Once I get an idea of the draw, I'll switch over to using these cells instead. That's the plan any way.
                hey nick, let us know how this experiment works, make sure you test for AC power, cheers...


                • I do get an Ac reading out of my 1 1/2 year old cement cells, pictured below, that are in a bank of 4 cells, giving 8volts Ac., and 4 volts Dc. with no load on them. As these cells are very dry now they only output 300uA. (originally 50mA each cell), but if I let them soak in water overnight current levels go back up. They have been running an oscillator but can also light leds direct. These are the lowest maintanance cells that I've made.

                  Recent cells only put out about 1.0 volts Ac, and 0. 8 v Dc. from EACH carbon/Al cell, but up to 60mA, when new.
                  This is a correction and edit to this same post which I placed yesterday.

                  The fact that a cell(s) can light an led with only 200uAs is something to look into.

                  My analog meter will usually show an AC reading that is twice what the DC reading is on the same battery. But, it will not show anything on the AC setting if the polarity is reversed.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by NickZ; 04-29-2012, 11:22 PM.


                  • Indoor Solar Cells

                    Before It's News

                    'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                    General D.Eisenhower



                    • zinc - carbon batteries can be converted to rechargeable.


                      • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                        Can you share a link to the crazy glue that you used? I would like to buy the exact same.



                        Have you got any where with the super glue seal?

                        On my cell that has the super glue seal, I have bad news and good news

                        It had two little holes in the seal, these two little holes have grown, a crystal form is growing on top of the magnesium and under the seal, its about a 1/4" thick now, this has not decrease the power of the cell

                        Also, I have found out that now, I do not need the copper any more, the crystals are now my positive, this opens up a whole new idea

                        Best of luck


                        • Originally posted by Allwest View Post

                          Have you got any where with the super glue seal?

                          On my cell that has the super glue seal, I have bad news and good news

                          It had two little holes in the seal, these two little holes have grown, a crystal form is growing on top of the magnesium and under the seal, its about a 1/4" thick now, this has not decrease the power of the cell

                          Also, I have found out that now, I do not need the copper any more, the crystals are now my positive, this opens up a whole new idea

                          Best of luck
                          That is interesting. I am still waiting for the glue to come in.

                          My cells with the grease are still running very well. Soon I will open one and see the results too.



                          • Allwest:
                            Thanks for the info. Without using any kind of grease all the metal connection will oxidize very quickly, at least on my cells, as it looks to me like 90% of the rust comes from exposure to the air, water, or humidity. This can happen even if the cells are not loaded, so it's not just the galvanics.
                            My cells form salt puddles of water, just by themselves, so you can imagine what that does to any metals. I also notice that I can get by without the use of the carbon rod electrodes, as the carbon electrolyte will work as the positive electrode as well. But, the carbon rods and especially the carpenter pencil leads, help to raise the output enough to be used. But, it is the negative electrode that is really the weak link.

                            Carlos: The cell bank that I showed is also lighting leds on just 300mAs, after 1/1/2 years of constant daily use, but will not make my oscillator work. Strange huh?!! It must have to do with the higher voltage, (4 volts or higher, or 8 volts AC). I think...


                            • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                              Thanks for the info. Without using any kind of grease all the metal connection will oxidize very quickly, at least on my cells, as it looks to me like 90% of the rust comes from exposure to the air, water, or humidity. This can happen even if the cells are not loaded, so it's not just the galvanics.
                              My cells form salt puddles of water, just by themselves, so you can imagine what that does to any metals. I also notice that I can get by without the use of the carbon rod electrodes, as the carbon electrolyte will work as the positive electrode as well. But, the carbon rods and especially the carpenter pencil leads, help to raise the output enough to be used. But, it is the negative electrode that is really the weak link.

                              Carlos: The cell bank that I showed is also lighting leds on just 300mAs, after 1/1/2 years of constant daily use, but will not make my oscillator work. Strange huh?!! It must have to do with the higher voltage, (4 volts or higher, or 8 volts AC). I think...

                              300mAs?? i guess you mean 300uA, if so, its pretty much the same as my latest cells, 3 of them are giving 10VAC, its been like that for a week now... it is very strange that the leds work but not the oscillator.... would be interesting to try to build some sort of rectifier that will work on such low power. as for the corrosion problem, im looking into the ores of copper and magnesium, i will post details once i have something interesting, but so far i can tell you, im getting power from bornite (its one of the main ores used to get copper) and bismuth on alum water, 1.2V at 5Ma... i'm waiting on many other ores i ordered, next try will be dolomite which is a crystaline ore to get magnesium, heres a cool list of ores i found

                              Ore minerals

                              maybe we can find a good replacement for the electrodes in the natural ores, cheers


                              • Carlos and All:
                                Yes, it's 300uA, not mA, I tried to edit that error several times, but was unable to, as I seam to be having problems with either my Mozilla site, or something on EF.
                                The idea is to make cells that produce a mucho mas higher output, like one or two amps or higher, that will allow for big bright lights from the leds. Or even regular bulbs, as I don't care much for the irritating light produced by CFLs or super bright white Leds. Warm whites are a bit easier to deal with.

                                I've also noticed that the semiconductor treated copper gets very little corrosion on the treated layer. But, it's really the aluminum and its semiconductor layer that I'm concerned about. Grease coatings is the only thing that has worked for me up to now, to some degree...
                                I DO believe in what John B has told us about needing the two semiconductors layers that filter out the electrons, but do allow the ions through. Ions are like light, they are not physical elements, they don't wear away at the metals, and don't have the same qualities as normal electric current. But they can still get bottle-necked and backed up at the positive pole, hence the de-polarizer, but one that doesn't eat the metals up.

                                We need to make our cells similar to solar cells or semiconductors, as there is no oxidation happening there.

                                I'm busy now making the Exciter oscillator circuits, that will also work off of these cells.
                                My dry carbon cells that are sealed and not needing water are still working fine, but any open and exposed salt electrolyte based cells are just going to break down in time. The trick is keeping the water in hermetically sealed cells, and not having to touch them again.

                                Carlos, good luck with your tests.You really seam to working very hard at getting this down pat.

                                Saludos to all, from Costa Rica...

