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  • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
    I may have "worked" for Thomas the "pyromid man", but not for all the others that followed him down the road to nowhere.
    I guess we'll never know, if it really works, or not, as he was another one that stopped posting.... and disappeared into the blue.
    NickZ a link for the info would like to have a look ... food for brain

    ps: you may have followed him but you may have also learned a thing or two
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • As I spend about 1/4 of my time sleeping inside a 7 foot pyramid, I more than just followed him, for years. But like many others, he did not follow through with help and advice for the many replications that followed. NO ONE that I know of made anything useful out off their set up.
      I do think that there may be something to filling the copper pipe capacitor with quartz sand and applying HV to polarize it. As the permanent polarized effect in both light and electricity is what I've always been after.

      Information about what Thomas did can be found on the pyramid thread at You may have to use the search option to find it, as the thread is not being discussed right now, I believe.
      There may also still be found some of his videos on YouTube, like this one:
      TPP V12 Troubleshooting and answers - YouTube
      Last edited by NickZ; 05-07-2012, 05:41 AM.


      • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
        As I spend about 1/4 of my time sleeping inside a 7 foot pyramid, I more than just followed him, for years. But like many others, he did not follow through with help and advice for the many replications that followed. NONE that I know of made anything useful out off their set up.
        I do think that there may be something to filling the copper pipe capacitor with quartz sand and applying HV to polarize it. As the permanent polarized effect in both light and electricity is what I've always been after.

        Information about what Thomas did can be found on the pyramid thread at You may have to use the search option to find it, as the thread is not being discussed right now, I believe.
        There may also still some of his videos on YouTube, like this one:
        TPP V12 Troubleshooting and answers - YouTube
        i read that the way to activate crystals is through high frequency resonance, this is a way to make use of their piezoelectric potential.... ideally, not only do we need to put pressure on the crystal but we also need to release it accordingly, this is what resonance does, puts pressure on the air and release many times per second... i wish i could retrieve the source of this reading, i will look for it... i do remember that for it to work the frequencies used to activate the crystal need to be in tune with the resonant frequency of the crystal, and that many harmonic frequencies need to be used at the same time... i thought it might be very intereting to try, somehow bombard the crystals as they grow within our cells with specific resonance and see what happens...



        • Carlos and All:
          I had a friend show me a crystal that was given to him by a shaman, from the Amazon region of Peru. This crystal was a clear double terminated Quartz, about 3 inches long, and the thickness of a pencil. If this crystal was held between the palms of your hands and rubbed back and forth vigorously, it would shoot a beam of RED light, similar to a laser, quite some distance away. It had been programed to do this by the shaman (and more), and practically no one else could make it do that. But I did...

          @ All: please allow me to introduce my self. I am now living in Costa Rica, am 60 years old, and have been using and learning about pyramids, crystals, UFOs, telepathy, Sacred circuits? and such for many years.
          I have in the past lived and built pyramid homes, large pyramid tents, and small models of different sizes and types.
          This is the only picture of me, taken a year or so ago. I don't normally take any pictures of myself, but I think it's best to be up front, now, and not hide behind odd usernames.
          If interested in hearing more about crystals and their use, as well as about the "13 original crystal sculls" and their purpose, now in 2012. Please check this video out. You might find it interesting...
          Bashar the 13 Crystal Skulls - YouTube

          Attached Files
          Last edited by NickZ; 05-07-2012, 03:53 PM.


          • PLeasure to meet you NickZ ... as i do not have your experience with Pyramids but have encountered the concept throughout some of the discussions being held in another thread to which i invite to read and participate ..... it may seem confusing at first ... but all is related by a single thread ... Mother Nature

            Quartz is an Crystal of much Potential .... for instance did you know that quartz has the same helical shape as your DNA .... and in a way it explains why the Shaman's crystal shot a laser like light .

            did it look by any chance like this:

            ps: Thank you very much for the vid link and the info on pyramids

            just a side note: so as not to derail the discussion

            for a pyramid structure to work to its full potential seems that certain materials used to build it are essential ( granite ....contains quartz / mica etc...) but also on which ground it is set up on ....usually a certain type of limestone and proximity to water ( in the form of liquid (river/ ocean / lac ) or high air humidity )

            Here is a nice show on Subtle Energies

            Coast To Coast AM - 6.5.2012 - YouTube

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-07-2012, 12:56 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • @ MonsieurM and All:
              Your Quartz crystal is faceted, and is very nice. However the one that I mentioned is a naturally double terminated one. The most unusual aspect was the red laser-like 1/4 inch wide beam that it would shoot out , (like the lasersaber), even if it was placed on a table or on the ground, by itself it would continue to emit light for about 30 seconds or so.
              I've never seen such a crystal again.

              I use clear Quartz crystal tips that I pulverize then place in my Aluminum/carbon/ cells, in layers. The quartz beach rocks or beach sand are sometimes used, also. Although I have not tried the High Voltage, to polarize the cells yet, I do use a 12 volt battery to zap them for a second, when they are first made or even afterwards, when needed to fire them up.
              For the new comers to this thread, here is a video of how I do that:
              P1010117.MOV - YouTube

              It is important to note that Pyramids are always built or placed over the most active geomagnetic "Power Spots" on Earth. As they draw in and focus the surrounding energies to their center, hence the name which means (Fire in the Middle - Pyra-Mid). They create a vortex of this energy (similar to how a magnifier lens works to focus light), which then radiates or flows out on all sides, through the bottom 4 corners, and especially from the top capstone area (gold or crystal capstone). Their particular shape causes an "electromagnetic sink", and also a distortion of the space/time continueum, if intensified sufficiently. Similar to what happens with the thunderheads in the "Triangle" areas. This is the same energy that is found outside of the structure, but is then more intensified or concentrated through the power of the vortex. As even Sunlight (erroneously called) is not different because it is focused and more concentrated by a lens, which can then burn even more intensely.
              Neither Sunlight nor heat come to us here from the Sun, believe it or not. As light is created by the photonic needles alinement or polarization with the Sun, within the Earth's Vortex and atmosphere here on this and other planets.
              The "Speed of Light" is the polarization rate at which it moves, although there is no actual physical "movement" of anything, at all.

              Pyramids work well with crystals, and We are are also Silicon/Carbon "units".
              The carbon crystal shape is also in the form of a pyramid, as is the diamond's crystal matrix, and others as well.
              Aluminum also has some special radiant energy qualities, and is why I use it, as the negative pole in my cells, to attract surrounding energy through it, and to the carbon or copper positive pole, thus forming the dipole, similar to a magnet.

              Ok, sorry if I've bored anyone... Yes, it all relates to Nature, and even with our cells, both homemade power crystal cells, as well as the ones in our bodies.

              Attached Files


              • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                b_rads and All:
                As you were having about the same voltage readings after a week of running an AA battery on the low draw oscillator, that is something more than unusual. At that rate you should be able to run the AA for a couple of months. Are you still getting the same results?
                I ask because if I place a new AA on my oscillator that has no resistor, in less than a minute the transistor is so hot that you can't even touch it. In 5 minutes is would be melt down, or go up is smoke. Obviously the circuits are very different. I don't test only the voltage, that can be deceiving, as it can bounce back, and so can the current somewhat, BUT not for long, as once the Current is gone, it's gone. Is it possible that your circuit is also charging the AA???
                Kooler had a Hartley oscillator oscillator lighting leds for 5 months, on a button cell, or 1.5 battery. Could something like this be happening with your set up? I'm very interested in knowing what is happening.
                Did you ever replace the aluminum foil on the CD cover cell with an aluminum plate, or something similar? I really liked the 100mA output, and is what I working towards now, a useable amount of current, to make some usable light.
                Nick, I started the oscillator test on 4-19 and the cheap AA Battery started at 1.54 Volts. It is now in its 17th full day of running non-stop and the battery is reading 1.39 Volts. According to the meter, this circuit has consumed 0.15 Volts. My guess is that the AA Battery will drop off rapidly very soon. This test has proved very successful as the light output from the circuit is comparable to the solar accent light circuits. I am now comparing this circuit to the one Lasersabor posted recently to see if their is any appreciable difference. I hope that there is not since the one Magnetman posted has fewer parts. My goal is to build my own solar lights and run several in the yard for the same power consumption that a single commercial solar light would consume. Nothing free in this, but it is more efficient.

                The aluminum air battery was just a novelty build for me and the aluminum foil is so plentiful. I do have several units ready to assemble just in case, as well as some of the crow's foot/gravity cells. Should I ever need them, these builds could give me some short term power. Still hard to beat secondary batteries and solar panels though. Even cheap primary batteries are tough to replace with our home-made cells. I dare say that any of my home built cells cost more than the cheap commercial batteries. This does not deter me from trying though.


                • T.H. Morray wisdom

                  Heres something i found, speaking of quartz crystals making power:

                  ...What Moray probably ended up with is an artificial willemite, by powdering his crystallized quartz and adding powdered zincite (ZnO) mineral to it, and then heat fusing them together. Artificial willemite is a white lumpy substance. Chemically, it is an anhydrous silicate of zinc, having the composition ZnO SiO2. When willemite is exposed to a preparation of radium, it fluoresces with a fine green glow. The luminosity produced by the proximity of even a small quantity of radium, such as one-thirteenth of a grain, is sufficient to enable the time to be read on a watch in total darkness. The luminosity of the artificial substance is, in some cases, superior to the natural mineral.

                  Moray's mineral find became known as the "Swedish Stone." He was able to light a standard 100-watt General Electric light bulb in June of 1925 using this material in his circuitry. By August 1925 he was able power an electric flat iron along with a 100-watt bulb. Therefore, bringing the total power consumed to 655 watts. People would quite often demand that he would draw too much power from his device and the white, stone-like material would overheat and burn up.

                  here's the whole document..... ordering my zincite off ebay right now


                  • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                    @ MonsieurM and All:
                    Your Quartz crystal is faceted, and is very nice. However the one that I mentioned is a naturally double terminated one. The most unusual aspect was the red laser-like 1/4 inch wide beam that it would shoot out , (like the lasersaber), even if it was placed on a table or on the ground, by itself it would continue to emit light for about 30 seconds or so.
                    I've never seen such a crystal again.

                    I use clear Quartz crystal tips that I pulverize then place in my Aluminum/carbon/ cells, in layers. The quartz beach rocks or beach sand are sometimes used, also. Although I have not tried the High Voltage, to polarize the cells yet, I do use a 12 volt battery to zap them for a second, when they are first made or even afterwards, when needed to fire them up.
                    For the new comers to this thread, here is a video of how I do that:
                    P1010117.MOV - YouTube

                    It is important to note that Pyramids are always built or placed over the most active geomagnetic "Power Spots" on Earth. As they draw in and focus the surrounding energies to their center, hence the name which means (Fire in the Middle - Pyra-Mid). They create a vortex of this energy (similar to how a magnifier lens works to focus light), which then radiates or flows out on all sides, through the bottom 4 corners, and especially from the top capstone area (gold or crystal capstone). Their particular shape causes an "electromagnetic sink", and also a distortion of the space/time continueum, if intensified sufficiently. Similar to what happens with the thunderheads in the "Triangle" areas. This is the same energy that is found outside of the structure, but is then more intensified or concentrated through the power of the vortex. As even Sunlight (erroneously called) is not different because it is focused and more concentrated by a lens, which can then burn even more intensely.
                    Neither Sunlight nor heat come to us here from the Sun, believe it or not. As light is created by the photonic needles alinement or polarization with the Sun, within the Earth's Vortex and atmosphere here on this and other planets.
                    The "Speed of Light" is the polarization rate at which it moves, although there is no actual physical "movement" of anything, at all.

                    Pyramids work well with crystals, and We are are also Silicon/Carbon "units".
                    The carbon crystal shape is also in the form of a pyramid, as is the diamond's crystal matrix, and others as well.
                    Aluminum also has some special radiant energy qualities, and is why I use it, as the negative pole in my cells, to attract surrounding energy through it, and to the carbon or copper positive pole, thus forming the dipole, similar to a magnet.

                    Ok, sorry if I've bored anyone... Yes, it all relates to Nature, and even with our cells, both homemade power crystal cells, as well as the ones in our bodies.

                    thank NickZ for the great info coming from someone who experienced with pyramid brings great value to your explanation ..... thank you again : some images to resonate with your post

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
                      Heres something i found, speaking of quartz crystals making power:

                      ...What Moray probably ended up with is an artificial willemite, by powdering his crystallized quartz and adding powdered zincite (ZnO) mineral to it, and then heat fusing them together. Artificial willemite is a white lumpy substance. Chemically, it is an anhydrous silicate of zinc, having the composition ZnO SiO2. When willemite is exposed to a preparation of radium, it fluoresces with a fine green glow. The luminosity produced by the proximity of even a small quantity of radium, such as one-thirteenth of a grain, is sufficient to enable the time to be read on a watch in total darkness. The luminosity of the artificial substance is, in some cases, superior to the natural mineral.

                      Moray's mineral find became known as the "Swedish Stone." He was able to light a standard 100-watt General Electric light bulb in June of 1925 using this material in his circuitry. By August 1925 he was able power an electric flat iron along with a 100-watt bulb. Therefore, bringing the total power consumed to 655 watts. People would quite often demand that he would draw too much power from his device and the white, stone-like material would overheat and burn up.

                      here's the whole document..... ordering my zincite off ebay right now
                      hope this adds credence to your find :

                      Huifang XU, et al -- Zn Oxide photoelectrolysis

                      Abstract: Materials scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have designed a way to harvest small amounts of waste energy and harness them to turn water into usable hydrogen fuel. The process is simple, efficient and recycles otherwise-wasted energy into a usable form.

                      "This study provides a simple and cost-effective technology for direct water splitting that may generate hydrogen fuels by scavenging energy wastes such as noise or stray vibrations from the environment," the authors write in a new paper, published March 2 in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. "This new discovery may have potential implications in solving the challenging energy and environmental issues that we are facing today and in the future."

                      The researchers, led by UW-Madison geologist and crystal specialist Huifang Xu, grew nanocrystals of two common crystals, zinc oxide and barium titanate, (piezo like quartz ) and placed them in water. When pulsed with ultrasonic vibrations, the nanofibers flexed and catalyzed a chemical reaction to split the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. UW-Madison Mechanical Engineering Professor Xiaochun Li lent theoretical and experimental expertise to the ultrasonic vibrations part of the research.

                      When the fibers bend, asymmetries in their crystal structures generate positive and negative charges and create an electrical potential. This phenomenon, called the piezoelectric effect, has been well known in certain crystals for more than a century and is the driving force behind quartz clocks and other applications.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-08-2012, 12:05 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • side note

                        did you know that some "magic" egyptian amulet were made of :

                        consisting of crushed quartz, lime and alkali, which first made in Predynastic Egypt.
                        Three-dimensional chemistry at grinding powder

                        During the normal grinding of powders in a mortar, the powders can enter into
                        chemical reactions with each other.
                        This phenomenon has been known for years
                        but only now it has become possible to transform in this way three-dimensional
                        clusters of certain chemical compounds into other, also three-dimensional,
                        . The spectacularly easy reaction was conducted by scientists from the
                        Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Faculty
                        of Chemistry of Warsaw University of Technology. The discovery was brought
                        about by the development of a new method of creation of unique compounds that
                        are precursors of nano zinc oxide – a material used, in particular, in modern
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Odd thing concerning the relation between the shape or geometry of some the cells, and their output. My strongest cell is really no different than some others that I've made using the same materials. Except for one thing, a triangular piece of brass that I use only to hold the carbon pieces against the aluminum strip, so that the c-clamp can apply pressure (piezo effect?) to both carbon and the aluminum. It really doesn't have any other effect, or, maybe it does, as I can't duplicate the same output (up to 74 mAs, without the brass triangle. Sort of reminds me of the picture of the amulet that you showed previously.

                          @ Carlos: Good luck with your tests.
                          The info about Moray's electrical devices is still all very intriguing. I also hope to see the day when someone is able to replicate his work.
                          Maybe that day will come, for you.
                          Attached Files


                          • Regarding ZnO and months of running -

                            The seashell cell in the pic, taken just now, began running mid Feb 2012. About 2 1/2 months up to now.
                            It's not budged an inch in terms of output.. 0.736V and 2mA.
                            It has Factor 50 face cream as the mixing electrolyte ZnO (no water).
                            Of note to your question Nick, of has burnt copper as the positive and galvanized steel as the negative. Neither is showing any signs of corrosion. It's sealed, by way of white glue around the edgings of the lower piece of seashell and has run a 'Penny' oscillator continuously.

                            Vid from the start of March, describing the cell in the second half of the approx 3 minutes:: 1.5V mains lightbulb + Sea cell seashell battery - YouTube


                            • Oh! while i'm here though and I don't think i've mentioned this...mention must be made to a cell that has no notes or anything. It was lost down the side of the bedroom dresser last year in December and forgotten about. I found it a couple of weeks back when tidying, because the blue light was flashing !
                              Absolutely no idea what's inside, as it was forgotten about
                              However, I do know it was the first to use standard unfettered with epsom salts, straight out of the bag and sprinkled as a top layer. Those crystals have remained looking the same, instead of drying out to tiny little pellets as some subsequent cells have done.
                              Regular copper and galv steel electrodes, the copper has a very slight green covering where it meets the perhaps surprisingly open air mixture. It sits in an aluminium capacitor can.
                              How this thing is still going beats me.


                              • Slider2732,

                                I love that sea cell

                                Have you tried taking a reading off the shell?

