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  • Originally posted by jehdds View Post

    Thanks Jim

    It is very interesting to have two power sources in one

    It has been lighting an LED and pumping out the bubbles

    Best of luck


    • Nick,

      I tried the aluminum welding rod Chemalloy, and it does what it claims it does

      Insert rod in water, read off the water and rod


      Best of luck


      • Allwest:
        You need to add the de-polarizer, which they did mention but don't use, and give it a month or two, to see if it holds up, under a load of at least one led, or more. The de-polarizer will eat the aluminum, alloy or not, but without it the current will drop, as hydrogen gas production will take its toll. Yes, you can harvest this gas output from the hydrolysis reaction, until the cell dissolves.
        You did not mention the current or voltage readings, so, the important thing is to see how long it will last. Like your chile cell, what does it give now... under load? You have not mentioned, or showed the long term results, only to say "it has dropped".
        Carbon and aluminum normally don't output what they say it gives, 1.6volts, and which they did not show, especially after some time, not minutes.
        Normally the output of aluminum (or their alloys) and carbon is found to be around a volt or so, especially when using leak diluted electrolyte solutions, that do also break down in time. Or using no electrolytes, other than water, or air moisture.

        I am using activated carbon, as that has been found to give the best output, at least that I've tried, and does not rust out. And aluminum alloy tubing for my cells, that also have been anodized. Main thing is how long will it last, and at what output.

        John cells were giving almost 2 amps, that is what I remember seeing, and dropping down to about 1.3 amps or so, UNDER LOAD.
        The second video that you mentioned is also not the last video. His best last cells and videos that were uploaded are not being shown, any more. I don't think that he has been doing nothing this whole time. On the contrary. But, the result that he had shown, speak for themselves. If I could only find them, but I can't.
        Anyways, enough said about our most productive man here, I just wanted to bring you or any other new guys up to date, as far as I know, and remember. As I feel that this information may be important in the direction that is taken by the guys in this forum in the future, and should not be overlooked.

        It does look like John last videos have been removed from Youtube, but, maybe someone has downloaded them, before that was done. Yes, No.? Or maybe he does not want them shown, as I would guess.

        Moving on... check this video out. It is encouraging.
        crystal battery testing.wmv - YouTube

        Last edited by NickZ; 06-04-2012, 05:27 PM.


        • Not there yet!

          Galvanic vs. Non-Galvanic cells? IMHO – we have yet to see a true non-galvanic primary cell. What we have seen, built, and tested are some galvanic cells that can be matched to a load which experience considerable long-lasting usefulness. My 3 water batteries have been powering a red LED, without a circuit, for 1 year and 8 months now. In my book, that is very impressive.

          Look at water – it could almost be considered a perpetual motion machine. Hydrogen and oxygen bonds break to form gasses and recombine to form water. It is not perpetual due to the fact that another process must take place for this to happen, albeit sun (heat), pressure, kinetic, or some other force to initiate the action. Can we find a material that does this without any external force that can be tapped for energy? I do not know, but hopefully someone will find a way.

          Even solar is not free! These can be very expensive systems to set up (solar panels, controllers, storage, etc) and they do not last forever.

          There is absolutely nothing wrong with galvanic cells if we take them for what they are and are inexpensive to build, otherwise, buy the 12.5 cent AA battery from the dollar store. To recycle junk and waste into energy is a great place to start.

          I have many different type cells prepared and sitting on a shelf ready to put into action should the need arise. What I personally would like to see is a better storage application for power when needed. Secondary batteries are typically not environmentally safe and expensive to replace and they do have built in losses associated. Hydrogen can be stored, but is still expensive to make and is volatile. Name any other method of power storage and they all have some kind of problem associated with them.

          I am thankful to all the people that I have interacted with on this thread and have learned so much from everyone involved here. With the knowledge gained from this thread and others, as well as participating on other sites, I am at least gaining confidence in these technologies and more willing to be creative in this new hobby of mine. I hope this will continue to be a hobby and not a necessity.

          Brad S


          • Brad:
            Always good to hear from you, anytime.
            Whether any of these cells are non-galvanic or not, was the original question, or intention. But, after some years at this, we may have given up on that goal. That is, a cell that does not break-down with time, and that does not use a chemical reaction to produce an output, at its own expense. Not even water, as when it's used as a fuel, like in the fuel cells.
            I for one, am still very interested in that original approach. And don't believe that that is all there is to it. Cells that break-down in time are not very interesting to me, even though they work well for a while. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, nor do they have to last forever. But, there are already plenty of cells like that, even at 12 cents a shot, thanks to our oriental friends, that work almost for free.
            So, I'm still hopeful that a semiconductor cell that harvests the surrounding ambient energy can be produced, even by us, that will not be like all the rest.
            That is my goal, whether it becomes a reality, or not.
            I believe in the all possibility. To dumb to know otherwise.
            Last edited by NickZ; 06-04-2012, 08:54 PM.


            • Water is what makes a cell galvanic, this is why things rust when in contact with water. I have said it many times, its the water that corrodes the metals. The energy is already there but when you use water as a median to get the energy you also have to deal with the water destroying the thing that gives you the energy, avoid water and the dipole will be permanent. Has this been done? Yes, I've done it with the pressure cell and JB has replicated it too. IBpointlass2 Cell and a Hydrate Crystal Cell.wmv - YouTube and Copper tube Pressure cell - YouTube
              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


              • Ib2:
                Are you saying that pico amps are what you are trying to accomplish, by not adding water? Don't you get it yet? This is a useless direction that you are suggesting. Years have gone by, and this is what you want people to follow, I don't understand you. You may as well put a nail in a tree, no wonder this thread is going nowhere. Wake up!!! Wow it dimly lit an led, so, what are you going to do with it. Common guys, get with it...
                Your thread at overunity is still trying to light a red led after months to no avail. What is your point...
                My patients is up, sorry.
                Last edited by NickZ; 06-05-2012, 09:01 PM.


                • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                  Are you saying that pico amps are what you are trying to accomplish, by not adding water? Don't you get it yet? This is a useless direction that you are suggesting. Years have gone by, and this is what you want people to follow, I don't understand you. You may as well put a nail in a tree, no wonder this thread is going nowhere. Wake up!!! Wow it dimly lit an led, so, what are you going to do with it. Common guys, get with it...
                  Your thread at overunity is still trying to light a red led after months to no avail. What is your point...
                  My patients is up, sorry.

                  My point is that water is what destroy's the metals. Yes adding water to a cell will give your high amps that you look for but at a high price. Avoid water and the metals don't corrode, and if the metals don't corrode the cell will continue to output power forever, its that simple.

                  Its better to lead people in the right direction than to mislead them with false hopes. My amps maybe low but what I got is real, and not galvanic.

                  We were doing so good until everyone wanted to play with water batteries, remember the semiconductor cells like this one Real solid state crystal. John Bedini - YouTube

                  What happen? We were doing just fine until we wanted more! We wanted more amps and to do this we had to cheat a little and invite our friend galvanic into the party.

                  You think in the form of watts when you really should think in joules. When you add the time factor in you can do some substitution of time for more amps and you can have all the amps in the world you want. So in the end it doesn't matter what your cell produces because all there factors (volts, amps, time) can be swapped around to get you what you want. This was something i learn from playing with my low amp cells.

                  Like i said my amps maybe low but at least I stayed true to myself and stayed focused on cells that are not galvanic and didn't need water to stay alive.
                  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                  • You have been on that same direction for years, what have you accomplished???? Pico amps, and useless output. You do not listen. That is why you have nothing to show for it. John has mentioned it to you, I have mentioned it to you. There is NO hope with you? 0+0 = 0 Wake up! You have nothing to show for it. You know that if you had a point, I would back you up...100% but, you don't. I'm on YOUR side, but, you are not getting anywhere with this, years are passing... Do you want to show your totally dim led output to everyone, is that it? Wow!


                    • Ok, guys, enough said about galvanic cells.
                      Well just one more thing before parting off from this subject.
                      If you take two different metals, and put them into a puddle of salts. What do you get, yes, the old faithful galvanic cell. Now, if you dehydrate it, and remove all the water that can be removed, what do you get? Yes, a galvanic cell that can no longer conduce electricity, as we now know. Right? Ok, now, if you want to make a cell that is non-galvanic, you don't just dry the galvanic cell, and call it non-galvanic. Do you follow me? So what is necessary to have a cell that is really something not like our old friend that we know and love?
                      Good question... So, my idea is not by following what we have been doing up to now.
                      I'm going to think about this some more and will answer, soon... but, in the meantime, maybe some of you that are interested in the subject can expound on your thoughts.
                      I just wanted to say that someone has sugested that I give an example of what I mean. Well, that is so easy to say, but I need some time on this.
                      More to come...


                      • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                        You have been on that same direction for years, what have you accomplished???? Pico amps, and useless output. You do not listen. That is why you have nothing to show for it. John has mentioned it to you, I have mentioned it to you. There is NO hope with you? 0+0 = 0 Wake up! You have nothing to show for it. You know that if you had a point, I would back you up...100% but, you don't. I'm on YOUR side, but, you are not getting anywhere with this, years are passing... Do you want to show your totally dim led output to everyone, is that it? Wow!
                        Wow Nick,

                        Settle down!

                        IB has it right, (Water does equal galvanic) IB has been the only one true to the crystal cause, no matter how low the power is, he is trying within the boundaries of the cause.

                        Otherwise you have a saltwater galvanic battery, that has VERY low power compared to what we can buy for $0.12

                        Best of luck


                        • Originally posted by Allwest View Post
                          Wow Nick,

                          Settle down!

                          IB has it right, (Water does equal galvanic) IB has been the only one true to the crystal cause, no matter how low the power is, he is trying within the boundaries of the cause.

                          Otherwise you have a saltwater galvanic battery, that has VERY low power compared to what we can buy for $0.12

                          Best of luck

                          Thank You Allwest, I'm glad your on the same page as me.

                          If you remove the water the galvanic cell stops producing voltage. Stick two metals in a cup of dry salt and you'll notice you get no voltage but add some water to it and you get voltage, its that simple. Things corrode due to exposure to water. I have made several cells that keep running even when they have the water removed. Even though the amps are small atleast I stay within the boundaries of the crystal cell concept. John Bedini was even doing it better than me with his semiconductor cells, but no more information was heard about those cells so who knows what happen to them? You also forget that I use small electrodes which means small power. It all can be scaled up for more power. I have made three different types of cells that don't need water to be added to them to work, the crystal glue cell, pressure cell, and stove top cell. If three exist that means more exist and that means that the other types can also produce more amps so all we need to do is just look for it. Its my humble opinion that we should not default to using water because its the easy way out and if you do use water you need to provide great proof that the metals are not corroding and not just say "its not corroding."

                          If you have a cell and you want to know if its using water as the median there is 3 test you can do. You can put it in your freezer over night and if it still maintains most of its voltage than its not using water. You can also put it in the oven at 350 F for 30 minutes and if it comes out still alive with most of its voltage than its not using water. Also you can try putting it in a oil bath, this is not as effective but water and oil don't mix.
                          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • @ b_rads

                            How are the bio-plastic cells doing? The Bio-plastic idea seems like a wonderful idea to make a cell out of.
                            All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                            • Ib2 cells are as galvanic as most other cells. The only difference is that they do not conduce current well with only two tiny metal electrodes, so they do not have any USUABLE power, only fluffy voltage, and therefore the galvanic break down of the metals is very minimal, but existent. Epsom salts are FULL of water, and so, they are a galvanic cell also, but do not conduce current well when the salts are dry. This has all been said before, why don't you realize it? Still? Is Pico amps what you want. Dim leds. Is It?

                              Lidmotor has done a months long experiment on the Ib2 type cell, only to find that it died... WHY???? give it water and it lives on, Or not?
                              By drying a salt based electrolytic cell, and calling it something else, does not make it so. This has been studied and looked into. Air humidity is what causes oxidation, not just water. An open exposed salt base cell is absorbing water and will even form puddles. And hydrogen gas from the hydrolysis reaction is further converted to water, and will also cause a lowering of the output. Or not?
                              You both don't believe me, or John, ok??? You saw the video? NO current, zilch, nada on the salt sub type cell if no water is added. Voltage with no current means nothing when using conventional electronics that depend on it. Adding Epsom to the sub salt will not make it different. If so prove it. 2mAs, and less under load after a while. Is this what we are discussing?
                              This is what you are after, this is all you need? After years of playing around with this.

                              There is more to this, and John B is about the only one that is really working on it, by not allowing the galvanic reaction to ruin the results.
                              I know that there are other guys that are also working on this also, and know what I mean. IONS are what are needed to produce output, in this case. and not electrons. There is a difference. They will not produce the break-down of the metals, and will provide for more than miliamps of output.



                              • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                                Ib2 cells are as galvanic as most other cells. The only difference is that they do not conduce current well with only two tiny metal electrodes, so they do not have any USUABLE power, only fluffy voltage, and therefore the galvanic break down of the metals is very minimal, but existent. Epsom salts are FULL of water, and so, they are a galvanic cell also, but do not conduce current well when the salts are dry. This has all been said before, why don't you realize it? Still? Is Pico amps what you want. Dim leds. Is It?

                                Lidmotor has done a months long experiment on the Ib2 type cell, only to find that it died... WHY???? give it water and it lives on, Or not?
                                By drying a salt based electrolytic cell, and calling it something else, does not make it so. This has been studied and looked into. Air humidity is what causes oxidation, not just water. An open exposed salt base cell is absorbing water and will even form puddles. And hydrogen gas from the hydrolysis reaction is further converted to water, and will also cause a lowering of the output. Or not?
                                You both don't believe me, or John, ok??? You saw the video? NO current, zilch, nada on the salt sub type cell if no water is added. Voltage with no current means nothing when using conventional electronics that depend on it. Adding Epsom to the sub salt will not make it different. If so prove it. 2mAs, and less under load after a while. Is this what we are discussing?
                                This is what you are after, this is all you need? After years of playing around with this.

                                There is more to this, and John B is about the only one that is really working on it, by not allowing the galvanic reaction to ruin the results.
                                I know that there are other guys that are also working on this also, and know what I mean. IONS are what are needed to produce output, in this case. and not electrons. There is a difference. They will not produce the break-down of the metals, and will provide for more than miliamps of output.


                                The cell lid motor tested died after running for several months, but once the cell was allowed to rest it recharged itself back up and would run the oscillator once more. When the cell ran down you allow it to recharge itself and it will run again.

                                How can you say my cells are galvanic when you have never built one?

                                Nick I'm not going spend all my time arguing with you. If you want to build water batteries than so be it. Everything has been recorded on this thread and when future readers read I hope they gather a better understanding of what I've been trying to say.
                                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

