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Bedini Earth Light

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  • @Lidmotor - I'll definitely check that one out... !

    @All - Some experiments today with the very common fence wire have resulted in a great method to produce power with the Earth. About 0.750V and 200uA per piece stuck in the ground, but, more amperage with more wire. Considering it's easier to find large amounts of common fencing, all looks good for scaling up.
    Especially because it works as NickZ indicated with his copper rod experiment - just 1 piece of copper is needed. Add to that, my Pac-Man themed water based multi-oscillator of some time back, where 1 piece of galv steel was used, but individual copper pieces per oscillator. There may be a limit, but so far, a number of oscillators to the same piece of copper in the ground work as well as just one. Straight through loadings may be different, but oscillators need only the one piece

    Here's a quick vid to demonstrate: Fencing Earth Light - YouTube
    Last edited by Slider2732; 06-13-2012, 05:41 AM.


    • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
      @Lidmotor - I'll definitely check that one out... !

      @All - Some experiments today with the very common fence wire have resulted in a great method to produce power with the Earth. About 0.750V and 200uA per piece stuck in the ground, but, more amperage with more wire. Considering it's easier to find large amounts of common fencing, all looks good for scaling up.
      Especially because it works as NickZ indicated with his copper rod experiment - just 1 piece of copper is needed. Add to that, my Pac-Man themed water based multi-oscillator of some time back, where 1 piece of galv steel was used, but individual copper pieces per oscillator. There may be a limit, but so far, a number of oscillators to the same piece of copper in the ground work as well as just one. Straight through loadings may be different, but oscillators need only the one piece

      Here's a quick vid to demonstrate: Fencing Earth Light - YouTube
      It would be interesting to bury the whole fence and see what kind of power you get


      • @Allwest:
        I had a document one time that suggested you put an old car in an abandoned swimming pool and fill with chlorinated water to provide power. Don’t think that is going to happen at my house. I will try to find that again as it was quite comical, in the meantime you might enjoy this pdf that has been around awhile.

        Homemade Batteries

        Wonder if Mr. Dickens read that before his claim of being the inventor of the Magnesium Water Copper Battery.
        OS:Stephen Dickens Magnesium-Water-Copper Battery - PESWiki


        • Originally posted by b_rads View Post
          I had a document one time that suggested you put an old car in an abandoned swimming pool and fill with chlorinated water to provide power. Don’t think that is going to happen at my house. I will try to find that again as it was quite comical, in the meantime you might enjoy this pdf that has been around awhile.

          Homemade Batteries

          Wonder if Mr. Dickens read that before his claim of being the inventor of the Magnesium Water Copper Battery.
          OS:Stephen Dickens Magnesium-Water-Copper Battery - PESWiki

          Upon review of your link, it is very interesting the Lidmotor's video is in this

          Lidmotor, how is the Stubblefield doing?

          On June 02, 2012 7:11 PM MDT, Gary Hendershot of the SmartScarecrow Show wrote: (slightly edited)

          This certainly is not a new idea … works with many metals, not just Mg … will also work with Aluminum … the foam is not required either … can use cotton if you like … the copper can be replaced by carbon … many combinations out there that work … this is Stubbelfield stuff from the late 1800’s …

          But it's still interesting and would make for a good presentation ...

          This is but one example … Dragon's Stubby Stubblefield coil---That works!.ASF - YouTube

          There are many different ways to do them … some work better than others …

          Many deploy these as "earth batteries" so the hydration comes from the ground, instead of sitting in a bath of water …

          It's a very interesting project and is certainly one that should be featured … just think it's inappropriate to make more of it than there really is … nothing wrong with discussing old technology rediscovered … but should represent it properly …

          This fellow may have come upon this independently and have no idea that it's been done for over a 100 years … but fact is, folks have been playing with this stuff for a long time … The early telegraph system here in US was powered by very similar technology before the great war of northern aggression … it's yet another example of an old technology that should be reexamined … "

          Best of luck


          • Originally posted by b_rads View Post
            I had a document one time that suggested you put an old car in an abandoned swimming pool and fill with chlorinated water to provide power. Don’t think that is going to happen at my house. I will try to find that again as it was quite comical, in the meantime you might enjoy this pdf that has been around awhile.

            Homemade Batteries

            Wonder if Mr. Dickens read that before his claim of being the inventor of the Magnesium Water Copper Battery.
            OS:Stephen Dickens Magnesium-Water-Copper Battery - PESWiki

            I can see a great oppertunity with this kind of fence placed under a parking lot to light the area, if it worked



            • Originally posted by Allwest View Post

              When the cell is going bad, do the volts go down first, and the amps stay up?
              Both goes down and with water comes back to almost original.



              • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                Both goes down and with water comes back to almost original.


                Wow! hows the metals holding up?

                to all

                I have a cell that when it is in the salt water the volts go down but the amps go up, (.7 volts and 45Ma)take it out of the water and dry it out and the volts go up and the amps go down ( 1.33 volts and 10Ma)

                If I add (in the water) hydrogen peroxide, everything goes up WAY up

                for a time (about 3 hours hits 500+ Ma & 1.7 volts)

                If you needed a quick burst of energy try hydrogen peroxide in the water

                Anybody have an idea on why the volts go down in water?



                • Lidmotor
                  Nice video, I would like that circuit schematic if you are willing to share it. I'm glad to see that the alumiweld is a possibility, time will tell. If it proves to be worthy it is available on Alumiweld's web site not sure on price comparison with harbor freight.

                  Thank you for the kind words, I really enjoy this kind of stuff, Plus it's useful


                  • Originally posted by b_rads View Post
                    @Sawt2:That is a really nice setup and you have been very gracious to share your experience with us. You have set a high bench mark, hope we can achieve your success. I went to Harbor Freight yesterday and bought some of the AlumiWeld rods. Threw a quick 3-pack together this afternoon, don't know what happened to the other 3 .

                    This is a mini version of the cells, 2" tall. Used activated carbon, ground to a powder in an old coffee grinder. If more surface area of the carbon yeilds more current, then powdered carbon should give a lot of surface area. Initial readings. 3.22 Volts, current starts at 71mA and drops and holds at 45mA. With 2 LEDS the Voltage sits at 2.9 and the light is very good. I am sure the current will drop over time, hope it stays at a useable level and the voltage holds. I will watch these for a few days before attempting larger cells.

                    Thanks again Brian for your inspiration.

                    Brad S
                    Very nice, those lights look nice and bright, it will be interesting to see how it does over time.
                    Help me understand something, maybe I missed it in a previous post, what does the charcoal do?


                    • Originally posted by Allwest View Post

                      Wow! hows the metals holding up?

                      to all

                      I have a cell that when it is in the salt water the volts go down but the amps go up, (.7 volts and 45Ma)take it out of the water and dry it out and the volts go up and the amps go down ( 1.33 volts and 10Ma)

                      If I add (in the water) hydrogen peroxide, everything goes up WAY up

                      for a time (about 3 hours hits 500+ Ma & 1.7 volts)

                      If you needed a quick burst of energy try hydrogen peroxide in the water

                      Anybody have an idea on why the volts go down in water?

                      That is an interesting find.
                      the additional energy is great, I would be curious to see if it harms the metals in any way. Peroxide is an oxidizer. I might build a couple more cells and just try it.


                      • Originally posted by Sawt2 View Post
                        That is an interesting find.
                        the additional energy is great, I would be curious to see if it harms the metals in any way. Peroxide is an oxidizer. I might build a couple more cells and just try it.
                        Just so you know what to expect with hydrogen peroxide

                        It will go up to 800+ Ma for a short time (10 min or so) then decline to about 500 within a half hour, then 250 for 2 hours, then 150 for 2 to 4 hours, after this it stays at about 70Ma for a long time 4 to 5 days

                        Keep in mind it produces hydrogen BIG TIME, you can light the top of the water cell and have fire crackers, and have a very bright LED

                        Now all we need to do is find out how to keep H.P. from decomposing in the water,
                        Best of luck and be safe


                        • cerium mischmetal

                          To all

                          cerium mischmetal

                          There has been some testing of a metal alloy (cerium mischmetal ) that produces a voltage as high as 1.75 volts when places in saltwater. It was tested as a shark repellent wouldn’t it be interesting that instead of looking for a electrolyte that doesn’t eat metal that the answer was to find a metal alloy that doesn’t care about the electrolyte!
                          Electropositive shark repellent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Shark Repellent Disk Emits Electric Volts : Discovery News

                          Sharks Repelled by Metal That Creates Electric Field

                          Wile E. Coyote (Hardheadipus Oedipus) had many theories of how to catch the Road Runner (Batoutahelius) but all failed.


                          • Good Question

                            Originally posted by Sawt2 View Post
                            Very nice, those lights look nice and bright, it will be interesting to see how it does over time.
                            Help me understand something, maybe I missed it in a previous post, what does the charcoal do?
                            That is a great question. The reason I chose to use the activated carbon is two-fold.
                            #1 – The voltage potential of carbon and an negative electrode is greater than the voltage potential of copper and the same negative electrode.
                            #2 – Polorization is the second consideration for me in choosing the activated carbon. Gasses form on the electrodes which essentially increase the resistance of the cell shutting down the available current. By using the granular carbon, we are increasing surface area of the electrode to try and overcome some of this resistance. By pulverizing the carbon in my coffee grinder, the surface area is tremendously increased.
                            Using white vinegar or ammonia changes the PH of the electrolyte and attempts to work as a depolarizer, reducing some of the gasses on the electrodes.

                            My theory on why the alumiweld might be working as well as it does is this – Zinc has one of the highest electric potentials of the metals, higher than magnesium or aluminum. Magnesium and aluminum have greater voltage potential than does zinc. Given that this alloy is zinc and aluminum, I think we are seeing the voltage potential of the aluminum and the electrical potential of the zinc in play.
                            As an example - 1 volt at 50 mA = 0.05 watts. 0.5 volts at 100 mA = 0.05 watts. So if my theory is correct: 1 volt at 100 mA = 0.1 watts. I do not think this is linear as described in this example, but does describe what I think might be happening.

                            What I have described about the carbon is classic for redox primary cells. The mission before us is to prove whether or not this is a classic redox cell.

                            Thanks again for the excellent question Brian.

                            Brad S


                            • cerium part 2

                              If anyone is interested seeing a video about the Cerium metal as a shark repellent battery here is the Nova show.

                              NOVA | Hunting the Elements

                              The show is called Hunting the Elements. While I think the entire show is interesting (about 2 hours ) you can skip ahead to chapter 10 about shark testing of the cerium.

                              Wile E. Coyote (Hardheadipus Oedipus) had many theories of how to catch the Road Runner (Batoutahelius) but all failed.


                              • Classic redox cell --or not???

                                Your basic question of whether or not the Alumiweld (or Chemalloy) cell is a classic redox cell is rather important. I had a terrible day yesterday experimenting with the Alumiweld rod cells. All I am seeing is a "classic" chemical reaction. I hope that you and Sawt2 have much better luck than I am having. What I am seeing with the Alumiweld cell is far inferior to some of the other cells that we have built here on this thread. I will keep working with this today and see if my luck turns around.

                                The Slayer Exciter circuit by GBluer is a great simple "exciter" circuit. Go to the "Joule Thief and Exciter Variants" thread here to read the loooonng tale. At about post # 204 @2/5/10-- Slayer (GBluer) posted the first diagram of the circuit. You can lose the variable cap and 1M resistor to the neg. rail and the circuit runs. Replace the 1k resistor with a 10k pot for tuning. There are many variations of the basic circuit. In my video I am using a 1000uh choke with 6 turns of 26ga magnet wire for the primary. Slayer's (GBluer on Youtube) has a video called "Worlds Smallest Exciter" that shows a choke being used for the coils.

                                Everybody should remember that the "exciter" research done here started with Dr. Stiffler's SEC Exciter work and his thread called: "High voltage from thin air". There was much discussion on this subject also over at the OU forum. Dr. Stiffler has retired (I think) and has left behind many ideas to study and fun projects to build.

                                @ Allwest
                                All my Stubblefield coils are basically "neutralized". The chemical reaction between the galvanized wire and the copper wire ran it's course and the coils simply went dead like any redox cell. I never burried one in the ground to see if it would run longer. I checked my big one today just for fun to see if there was any power left (it has been bone dry for many many months) and to my surprise there was still .024 volts with 10 micro amps still on it. So maybe there is something to it. I don't know.

                                @ ionfuture
                                I really enjoyed that video on the liquid metal battery. It was 15 minutes well spent. I'll never be able to build one of those on my kitchen table but the video was inspiring.


