Potassium permanganate is also used to remove rust in water softeners and green sand filters. Check the hardware store by the water softeners. Also pool supply stores carry it. I know Menards carries it.
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Bedini Earth Light
more pics
Thanks petar113507
This is my improvised brewing setup. works pretty good. I had a better idea which would involve modifying our coffee maker as a hot plate but I don't like changing flavor of my morning cup
And evaporating first batch
And second batch applying coating of copper oxide to the wire electrode for another battery.
Vtech'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
Hydro Clock
We have had one similar to this running on H2O for 2 years now. you can find them all over the net for about 5-6 bucks. we did have to add a pinch of salt, and have had to replentish the water once so far - not sure what kind of probes they are using - but expect some long run times with these babies
we keep reading and have some of the materials to put a cement battery together this weekend when we'll finally have some time. Basket ball, Soccer, annual camp, and the usual are all overlapping right now.
PatrickLast edited by minoly; 12-26-2011, 07:37 PM.
Originally posted by Inquorate View PostTo cover a post with oxides all we need to do is put the posts in water with electrolyte and run ac current thru them until a lightbulb in series stops glowing right?).Copper oxide will accumulate on one electrode and eventually start falling down. Copper sulphate will settle in the lower part as well. You'll notice difference in blue color of electrolyte. There will be visible level of darker blue about 3/4" from the bottom during electrolysis. After you disconnect and let it settle for couple hours this darker area (higher concentration) will get about 1/2" and deeper blue. I used a battery tester to suck out as much from the surface as I could without disturbing bottom part, leaving only 1/2". Then I used my setup with heater and exhaust fan to evaporate the rest.
V'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
Originally posted by blackchisel97 View PostActually we need a DC. I used 6/12V charger (which doesn't have a purpose anymore since I'm using John technology).Copper oxide will accumulate on one electrode and eventually start falling down. Copper sulphate will settle in the lower part as well. You'll notice difference in blue color of electrolyte. There will be visible level of darker blue about 3/4" from the bottom during electrolysis. After you disconnect and let it settle for couple hours this darker area (higher concentration) will get about 1/2" and deeper blue. I used a battery tester to suck out as much from the surface as I could without disturbing bottom part, leaving only 1/2". Then I used my setup with heater and exhaust fan to evaporate the rest.
When my alum arrives i'll do one cell without it one with it, and see what the insider look like after.
I think things i'm ordering (Magnesium rods and stuff) are being quarantined cause they're not arriving.Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.
Originally posted by Inquorate View Postwhat would be the difference between copper oxide and zinc oxide? Cause i already have zinc oxide and copper sulfate..
Vtech'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
Originally posted by blackchisel97 View PostActually we need a DC. I used 6/12V charger (which doesn't have a purpose anymore since I'm using John technology).Copper oxide will accumulate on one electrode and eventually start falling down. Copper sulphate will settle in the lower part as well. You'll notice difference in blue color of electrolyte. There will be visible level of darker blue about 3/4" from the bottom during electrolysis. After you disconnect and let it settle for couple hours this darker area (higher concentration) will get about 1/2" and deeper blue. I used a battery tester to suck out as much from the surface as I could without disturbing bottom part, leaving only 1/2". Then I used my setup with heater and exhaust fan to evaporate the rest.
What are you using as an electrolyte?
Originally posted by Sawt2 View PostVtech
What are you using as an electrolyte?). I set charger at 6V. At 12V process goes faster but fluid is getting quite warm.
Vtech'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
I finished evaporating one batch of acid and made two more batteries. They're drying. I used one of the copper oxide coated electrodes in one of them. Also used copper sulphate pentahydrate crystals, metallic copper crystals and copper silicate (radiator seal), fish gravel and portland.
Will report tomorrow when they dry a bit. Bertha still running and powering monopole rotor at 15mA. Despite the size and thickness she is responding to the temperature. Even holding for couple minutes causes increase of 5-8mV.
Dr Pepper running LED through an oscillator continuously.
Vtech'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
@john bedini - is the relationship between the temperature of these cells and their output a linear one?
Have you kept that program on logging the cell? If so are there any apparent links with moon phases or tides?
Someone on another forum is arguing that the heat - power fluctuations are due to the temperature sensitivity of the semiconductor dopants. I don't have a rebuttal and thought you of all people would know if there's anything to his? explanation, or if it is given in error.Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.
Earth Lights/ Crystal Cell
Yes the voltage seems to rise on a linier scale, almost like a steam engine curve then flattens off. The cell I'm working with is using light doping taken from old solar cells seem to work good. temperature plays an important part in the cells output, but I see other things also. All the different salts seem to work too. I'm just not saying anything at this time until I know and it can be reproduced here.
John BJohn Bedini
Originally posted by John_Bedini View PostInquorate,
Yes the voltage seems to rise on a linier scale, almost like a steam engine curve then flattens off. The cell I'm working with is using light doping taken from old solar cells seem to work good. temperature plays an important part in the cells output, but I see other things also. All the different salts seem to work too. I'm just not saying anything at this time until I know and it can be reproduced here.
John Bthanks for the reply.
Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.
A Test.
I have been formating a cell for the last week or so. I made it with copper pipe in the center.
I wanted to further test the thermal reactions of the battery.
So filled the copper pipe in the center of my battery with ICE. I was kinda thinking if heat on the ground side of the battery (The aluminum) raised the voltage and current production of the battery maybe using cold on the inside might as well.
Nope that didn't happen. But what did happen is pretty neat.
The temperature in the center went down so did the voltage. But the current went up a bit. So I took out side and stuck it in the sun and not only was the current up but the voltage came up as well. Hot always travels to cold. So cooling the center, and raising the temperature will help deliver more energy overall.
If anybody can confirm it I would appreciate it.
I just used a concrete battery with marble chips, sodium silicate, and portland. Aluminum pipe (1/16 thick) and 1/2 inch copper pipe in the center.
@Matt I'll try to replicate but need to make another battery for that test.
Update on batteries with copper sulfate pentahydrate (blue crystals). One battery is still wet but I dried the other one in the oven and she is running oscillator for the past 24 hrs delivering 5mA at 1.2V. I can lower base resistance of oscillator and pull 30mA which cause LED to become a search lighthowever, voltage slowly drops. At approx 5mA voltage stays the same with LED bright.
For both cells I used copper electrodes (twisted grounding wire coil and 3/8" copper pipe coil) with copper oxide deposited on them. Also, copper sulfate crystals, fish clear(white) crystal gravel, copper silicate (rad seal), metallic copper crystals, portland cement.
I poured this in plastic tobacco can with 6" length of flex aluminum dryer hose and copper coil inside. I'll try to get some pics or vid later.
Those small 2" Al pipe batteries which I made 3-4 days ago using Al and Cu rad seal still holding over 1.5V. Copper seal doped slightly higher (30mV).
Their current dropped but I can still light LED directly from the two in series.
Vtech'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower