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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Originally posted by CrystalDipoleMatrix View Post
    I think you get mesurement error because of the magnesium ability to suck in water to form the magnesium carbonate. Sorry...Maybe I'm wrong but I need proofs. I'm not a skeptic, I'm realistic!

    Measuring the weight of a electrode is the proof. Magnesium corrodes into a lower energy state. This lower energy state decays from the metal or falls apart. If you have metal falling apart it should be getting lighter. I have seen metals do this, like for example alum and water cells that have been shorted out for a certain time will break apart the magnesium ribbon. Or i have seen aluminum foil get holes in it, if holes are created the metal is getting lighter. magnesium carbonate is white, the electrodes gaining weight are black. White magnesium means its corroding into it lower energy state of its salt forum so it turn white. When it turns black it suppose to be another form of corrosion but i'm not seeing it being destructive like the white corrosion. I'm just saying not all corrosions are the same.
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


    • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
      I'm just saying not all corrosions are the same.
      You got that really right my friend. Not all corrosion are the same at all.

      If the metal is gaining weight, even if it is transforming into something else, it is still gaining weight and therefore volume and mass and also accumulating more potential energy in itself.

      My cells that perform wells have that black Mg. Other cells have the white Mg but hold in place by the external carbon that is around and still performs. So corrosion seams to be how things fall apart (from somewhere) and agglomerate into something else which can be beneficial.

      Trees and plants grow with time from within by just giving them water, sun light and "things" from the ground (free). Water is the vehicle for transporting the elements around and also to catalytic element of transfer of energy.

      What is that brings the nutrients up to the top most part of a 30 foot tree? Is water in minuscule "pipes" inside the tree.



      • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
        Measuring the weight of a electrode is the proof. Magnesium corrodes into a lower energy state. This lower energy state decays from the metal or falls apart. If you have metal falling apart it should be getting lighter. I have seen metals do this, like for example alum and water cells that have been shorted out for a certain time will break apart the magnesium ribbon. Or i have seen aluminum foil get holes in it, if holes are created the metal is getting lighter. magnesium carbonate is white, the electrodes gaining weight are black. White magnesium means its corroding into it lower energy state of its salt forum so it turn white. When it turns black it suppose to be another form of corrosion but i'm not seeing it being destructive like the white corrosion. I'm just saying not all corrosions are the same.
        I follow you on this IB. I wasn't quite sure what to do with the black magnesium thing but if you say it's getting bigger and have an higher energy level then it makes sense to me too. Recently, experimenting with ground potential I found that you must ''condition'' the magnesium to be able to built this black oxide more rapidly. We must short the thing out to lower the resistance and then let the battery a chance to ''breathe'' before cycle it again. Same thing I do on my water fuel cell experiment currently. ''To built a white oxide on the negative that will act like an dielectric''. IB, have you ever done some testing to show if there is infinite resistance on the black oxide?? This would be the ultimate proof! With the WFC experiment, It has been tested on the negative conditioned electrode and I've found infinite resistance! It has current limiting properties but enormous output power potential!
        Last edited by CrystalDipoleMatrix; 08-23-2012, 04:21 PM.


        • Originally posted by CrystalDipoleMatrix View Post
          I follow you on this IB. I wasn't quite sure what to do with the black magnesium thing but if you say it's getting bigger and have an higher energy level then it makes sense to me too. Recently, experimenting with ground potential I found that you must ''condition'' the magnesium to be able to built this black oxide more rapidly. We must short the thing out to lower the resistance and then let the battery a chance to ''breathe'' before cycle it again. Same thing I do on my water fuel cell experiment currently. ''To built a white oxide on the negative that will act like an dielectric''. IB, have you ever done some testing to show if there is infinite resistance on the black oxide?? This would be the ultimate proof! With the WFC experiment, It has been tested on the negative conditioned electrode and I've found infinite resistance! It has current limiting properties but enormous output power potential!

          When the magnesium builds up the black layer it does not have a higher energy output as in more amp. the black has lower amps but the fact that it still gives power without deterioration is the key point. As long as the metals don't deteriorate then the battery will output continuous power.

          infinite resistance? I don't understand how to prove infinite resistance?
          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


          • Even though i say some electrolyte creates a weight gain a metal such as magnesium there also exist some electrolyte that will lose weight in a metal. I have been running a test to measure the deterioration of a magnesium in certain electrolytes. I have two cups both with the same amount of water and alum in them. One cup has vegetable oil on top and the other cup is open to the air. Both cups are shorted out with copper wire. Both cups show a loss in weight in the magnesium electrodes but whats interesting is that the cup with oil on top has lost less weight than the one open to the air. So What i'm seeing is that cells with oil on top will protect the metals better than the cells that allow the water to evaporate.

            From what I'm seeing and measuring is that we have two classes of corrosion, one is destructive and one is additive. From what I can see is that so long as you don't destroy the thing that gives you the energy than it will pour out continuous energy. Don't destroy the electrodes with destructive corrosion.
            All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


            • Like Thomas bearden said all along, don't kill the dipole!! The dipole is what's pours out all the energy we want from the vaccum of space. All one needs to do is to built it and condition it. We need to focus on the caseimir effect. That's the real thing! Resonance is the key. PWM: Pulse width modulation. This is the triggering mecanism to unlock this ''free potential energy''.


              • To all,

                Friday night fun

                I think, (in my humble opinion) that the best we can hope for is to slow down the corrosion of a metal from the elements

                I believe this hidden power everyone is talking about is simply the power of nature, that wants everything to come down to the lowest common denominator

                As IB pointed out in one video, taking one piece of charcoal big and the other one small, you catch a reading, the power we are catching is nature trying to bring each piece to common

                I have taken ice and water and caught a reading

                The same with different metals

                The power is (nature trying to make everything in close proximity come to common)

                The goal for infinite power, would be to setup a way that nature would try but never be able to accomplish its goal, thereby collecting power that will never quit until it accomplishes it goal

                This is the basis that I created the new Allwest power cell that I am working on and Plengo

                Your thoughts?


                • Originally posted by CrystalDipoleMatrix View Post
                  It has current limiting properties but enormous output power potential!
                  That's awesome. My last cell (on youtube) is built with the idea of making it zero resistance (or at least the minimum possible to a poor lab) on the output terminals. I still have 500 ma easily at 30mv. 30mv is in essence zero (or almost) which shows the resistance to be very low therefore no potential difference..

                  Where is the current coming from? and It has POWER to move the nidle of the analog 1970s Amp meter.


                  ps: Allwest created the design.
                  Last edited by plengo; 08-25-2012, 05:10 AM.


                  • I ran a corrosion test on alum and water. From what I can find is that alum and water is destructive corrosion to magnesium ribbon. Here is the video of it. Alum and Water corrodes Magnesium ribbon - YouTube
                    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                    • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                      That's awesome. My last cell (on youtube) is built with the idea of making it zero resistance (or at least the minimum possible to a poor lab) on the output terminals. I still have 500 ma easily at 30mv. 30mv is in essence zero (or almost) which shows the resistance to be very low therefore no potential difference..

                      Where is the current coming from? and It has POWER to move the nidle of the analog 1970s Amp meter.


                      ps: Allwest created the design.

                      When the new cell is forming, try placing a florescent tube light next to it, it will play with it sometimes


                      • @Allwest,

                        yes I will turn on the CFL light I have right there over the cell.


                        Nitinol or Nickel Titanium- First Heat to Power Conversion Motor - YouTube



                        • Alum Batteries

                          Hi all, this is a copy of the post i wrote last night at the energyscience forum:

                          "Hello all, i just bought the DVDs on crystal batteries by John B and Chuck, and decided to build the cells and the oscillators as close as i could. all i can say is... Mr. Bedini is right as usual... the alum batteries proved to be ahead of the game so far, and the simplest. these are putting off an awesome 1.9 volts each at around 90Ma shorted. the first pic shows 4 cells in series powering 3 of a very special kind o LED, these have a 360 degree light radiation and they use 3.6 Volts!!, these are 3 led, look how beautiful.... no problem reading with these on, apart from these 3 LEDs there's no other light in the room. the next pic shows 3 newer cells with a bigger copper cap, they are each running an independent sg oscillator described by Mr. Bedini in the dvd, I tried to build it as accurate as possible. they all have different coil sizes, the smallest one (about 25Ft 30AWG) is the faintest, the biggest one is middle bright and the middle size coil is the brightest... that's John's sugestion, about 45Ft. Mr Bedini you have a very grateful student here, thank you very much. i know you are giving what you can and it is a great basis to study the radiant energy... many blessings,


                          also, although these are very new, i'm starting to see that layer of white corrosion building up on the Mg that you guys talk so much about. this seems to be very good for the cell, bedini says he has some of these over 2 years old and still run even better than new. he also says that putting them on the radiant oscillator (the sg) is also very beneficial for the cells. these are only alum powder with water, no more... as soon as you add other stuff the alum will react and sulfate the cell and corrode everywhere, this i've seen for myself on many cells running on mixes with alum in them, led me to think that alum was very corrosive... well it turns out it's not as long as it's on its own..... i still need to prove for myself all the claims that john makes, but i don't think he's gonna go to a big conference and sell dvds giving this information if theres not plenty of testing beforehand, and i know he's a rigorous tester... cheers all

                          Attached Files


                          • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
                            Hi all, this is a copy of the post i wrote last night at the energyscience forum:

                            "Hello all, i just bought the DVDs on crystal batteries by John B and Chuck, and decided to build the cells and the oscillators as close as i could. all i can say is... Mr. Bedini is right as usual... the alum batteries proved to be ahead of the game so far, and the simplest. these are putting off an awesome 1.9 volts each at around 90Ma shorted. the first pic shows 4 cells in series powering 3 of a very special kind o LED, these have a 360 degree light radiation and they use 3.6 Volts!!, these are 3 led, look how beautiful.... no problem reading with these on, apart from these 3 LEDs there's no other light in the room. the next pic shows 3 newer cells with a bigger copper cap, they are each running an independent sg oscillator described by Mr. Bedini in the dvd, I tried to build it as accurate as possible. they all have different coil sizes, the smallest one (about 25Ft 30AWG) is the faintest, the biggest one is middle bright and the middle size coil is the brightest... that's John's sugestion, about 45Ft. Mr Bedini you have a very grateful student here, thank you very much. i know you are giving what you can and it is a great basis to study the radiant energy... many blessings,


                            also, although these are very new, i'm starting to see that layer of white corrosion building up on the Mg that you guys talk so much about. this seems to be very good for the cell, bedini says he has some of these over 2 years old and still run even better than new. he also says that putting them on the radiant oscillator (the sg) is also very beneficial for the cells. these are only alum powder with water, no more... as soon as you add other stuff the alum will react and sulfate the cell and corrode everywhere, this i've seen for myself on many cells running on mixes with alum in them, led me to think that alum was very corrosive... well it turns out it's not as long as it's on its own..... i still need to prove for myself all the claims that john makes, but i don't think he's gonna go to a big conference and sell dvds giving this information if theres not plenty of testing beforehand, and i know he's a rigorous tester... cheers all


                            Hi Carlos, I have done testing on cells that are just alum and distilled water and from what I've seen is that they corrode away magnesium ribbon. It took about 3 days for the magnesium to fall apart. The white corrosion is bad, its magnesium going into its salt form. Here is a video of the test i did. Alum and Water corrodes Magnesium ribbon - YouTube
                            All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                            • @ Ibpointless: I'm willing to take the bedini challenge. I think it's not Alum dissolve in water that will keep the Mag from corroding, but melted Alum to make a crystal and then add little bit of water to the crystal. That's it! I remain skeptical about the white stuff on the Mag being protective?? I will try and see! So simple but maybe misunderstood...


                              • Originally posted by CrystalDipoleMatrix View Post
                                @ Ibpointless: I'm willing to take the bedini challenge. I think it's not Alum dissolve in water that will keep the Mag from corroding, but melted Alum to make a crystal and then add little bit of water to the crystal. That's it! I remain skeptical about the white stuff on the Mag being protective?? I will try and see! So simple but maybe misunderstood...

                                The bedini challenge? Very interesting.

                                So are you saying a alum crystal grown around a magnesium electrode? How will you measure deterioration? The white stuff on magnesium is not protective. I'm very interesting in how you'll perform this test. Let me know and I will also try it too in the way you described.
                                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

