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  • More Good News

    I got the "solder cell" to work with Epsom salt and distilled water.
    I did alot of research on lead acid battery chemistry yesterday and kept bumping into sites that talked about rejuvenating weak batteries using Epsom salt and distilled water. Since I already knew that the Alum (aluminum sulfate) worked on my solder cell I wondered if maybe Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) would work. It did.

    I also looked into lead alloys --specifically the lead acid battery plate alloys and solder alloys. I am pretty sure now that my cheap solder is mostly lead with only a slight amount of tin.

    Last night I hooked up one of my "Penny" oscillators to the solder cell that I had charged up with the 3v solar cell. It ran the light all night (at a low setting) and still had 1.4v on it this morning.

    I made a 4 sinker cell that is also performing well but oddly has a negative
    electrode that is black and a positive that is dark brown. That sinker metal might be some kind of alloy also instead of pure lead.

    According to my research the lead plates in acid batteries are usually lead with a slight amount of tin and antimony. The sulfate (SO4) appears to be the chemical player in why my simple cells work with either an Aum or Epsom salt electrolyte---but I'm just guessing.

    Solder & Epsom Salt --Homemade rechargeable battery - YouTube

    @ Slider
    Maybe you could find some wheel weights or lead sinkers and try it again. This cheap solder that I found might be not that common.

    Last edited by Lidmotor; 09-02-2012, 09:37 PM.


    • I'm sure that other 'stuff' that we have made is going to work on these too
      A stovetop lead based cell next ?

      Been on the lookout for cast away wheels on roadsides...thought they'd be common around here
      I read though that many of the wheel weights are now simply alloys, not lead.
      However, I have a real junker 12V gel battery that was gained from Freecycle, it's puffed out at the side and that is to go under the hammer, to see what's what inside and do some salvage.
      Then i'll replicate more poperly and try the stovetop ideas too. The thinking goes that while most salts cells seem to have water locked up somewhere, we can solidify the cell and yet charge it up too.

      Update -
      The donor 12V 4.5Ah battery with the bulge was hooked up straight to a uA blocking oscillator...and flashes it once per second. Would probably run for ages, but what's the point ! Time to dissect.

      Last edited by Slider2732; 09-02-2012, 11:35 PM.


      • Windows open, fan blowing anything away, Dremmel spun up......



        • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
          Windows open, fan blowing anything away, Dremmel spun up......


          WoW! Slider,

          I always wanted to see what was inside a battery

          You may want to try and use baking soda to neutralize the acid

          Be careful, and take lots of pic's

          Good luck


          • Magnesium sulfate or potasium sulfate?

            Which electrolyte works better in a converted battery? I have seen the energetics alum converted battery videos and read John Bedini's post about how he was using epsom salts and sticking with it early on in this topic thread and now lidmotor is doing both cell types. Just currious how the epsom salt converted lead cells stack up when compared to the alum lead cells ... It appears that understanding and common sense have returned to the thread...thankyou all damon


            • Melting lead

              To All

              In metal shop in high school, a couple of years ago Ha!

              We had forms for melted metals, not much to it, moist sand imprinted with any shape you wanted, pour in the melt

              But sometimes the sand would be impregnated into the metal, not good

              But it may be interesting to setup a grid pattern for melted lead, and let the sand (alum, salt or other) be impregnated into it, to see if this helps the power

              Lead is a very easy melt, but be careful, it may cause you to grow hair out of your nose

              Best of luck
              Last edited by Allwest; 09-03-2012, 01:37 AM.


              • I have the same old totally dead 12v, 4.5ah battery. It's junk, so I just dumped the acid, and filled it with some salty water and got 1.2 volt, 4mA. I'll put a solar charge on it tomorrow, just for fun.
                This video (below) the electrolyte mix is two tablespoons of table salt, to a quart of water. I did not make the video, just thought it was interesting.
                I'm sure that Epsom, or Alum would work better, but even plain salt works, also.

                Cómo hacer una pila eléctrica con agua y sal. How to make a salt water battery - YouTube


                • To All,

                  Apparently these battery conversions from Acid to Alum, have been going on for some time, I remember seeing this awhile back

                  Lead Acid Car battery to Alkaline rechargeable battery conversion - YouTube

                  Make sure you click on the update at the end of video

                  This was two years ago, I am sure they have more info-data sense then

                  Best of luck


                  • To All

                    I found the results data after two years of use by a alum filled lead acid battery

                    Lead Acid Car battery to Alkaline rechargeable battery conversion Over 1 Year later! Update - YouTube

                    Very impressive

                    Best of luck


                    • Originally posted by pastfuturetechnology View Post
                      Hello all, first off I would like to say thank you Plengo for inviting me to this thread! It is very informative and a great place for research collaboration (although I could do without the drama )

                      So I have a few things to add and a couple questions for you all

                      I have replicated some of Plengo's work which I understand is based off of John Bedini's work. [By the way Bedini I did a school project about your advancements in Alternative Energies when I was younger ]

                      Here I made a video of my first strong cell which is 3 smaller cells in series:

                      Water Battery lights LED underwater - YouTube

                      This is a pretty nice cell which lights up some LEDs nice and bright.

                      So then I added on to it and made it 9 cells in series which came to about 12.5 volts right after assembly. I was actually pretty excited about this voltage

                      My first question is: Can the amperage only be as strong (for the entire battery) as the weakest cell in the series?

                      My second question would be regarding the loss of not only amperage but the voltage when put under a load over time. I don't know if you can see in the video I posted, but I have used paper towels between the magnesium and carbon to help with corrosion. This is because I am still waiting on my sodium silicate solution to arrive in the mail. When this comes I am planning on covering the magnesium in a layer of iron pyrite using the silicate as a 'glue'. This is based off of Plengo's work.

                      The corrosion is appearing on the magnesium even though the paper towel is still pretty white on the inside. The corrosion is a blackish residue that seems to be eating away at the outside of the magnesium causing depressions.

                      So the question is: (maybe directed at you Plengo ) Will my cells stop corroding as much after I put on the pyrite layer and will they stop losing their voltage and amperage?

                      If I can get some answers on these two questions it will really help to further my understanding of this amazing technology.

                      Thanks all
                      Welcome aboard. This forum is full of knowledge and you will learn a lot for sure.

                      Concerning the Iron Pyrite and Mg and Silica cell you see on my videos, they are one among over 100 cells formulas that I already tried. I still have cells running with that formula. More water just revive them. The cell is rock like a rock and I can not see the insides but no matter what it is running.

                      So to be honest I think it can run for a long time even though it will lose some of its power but not all at all.



                      • Lead --Alum homemade cell dissected after load testing

                        I took my Lead--Alum "solder cell" apart after doing some harsh load testing for several days. The redish brown oxide deposit did start falling off the positive electrode after some time but it reforms again. This is an interesting cell because the two electrodes retain a charge even out of the Alum/water electrolyte. I show the cell here running on a paper towel with just a few drops of distilled water on the towel.

                        Homemade rechargeable battery---dissected after load testing - YouTube

                        Your idea about making a "solid state" version of this cell might just work if you kept the charge / discharge rate very low. Too high a current would form gases though and ruin the cell.

                        @ John B.
                        I wonder what your thoughts are on this. You are calling this a "crystal cell" and perhaps you can explain the chemistry a little better. I am very surprised that there is so little information on the web about using the Alum/water electrolyte in an all lead cell. Is there some problem that has kept this idea from being developed further???



                        • Hello all ,

                          I have a question if i may ..... have been reading all the tests being done on the various Crystal cells .... but was wondering :

                          the resulting oxides (red brown or other once the cell is opened ) did you think of reusing those in another mix or do you just discard them

                          just thought worth bringing it up
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                            I took my Lead--Alum "solder cell" apart after doing some harsh load testing for several days. The redish brown oxide deposit did start falling off the positive electrode after some time but it reforms again. This is an interesting cell because the two electrodes retain a charge even out of the Alum/water electrolyte. I show the cell here running on a paper towel with just a few drops of distilled water on the towel.

                            Homemade rechargeable battery---dissected after load testing - YouTube

                            Your idea about making a "solid state" version of this cell might just work if you kept the charge / discharge rate very low. Too high a current would form gases though and ruin the cell.

                            @ John B.
                            I wonder what your thoughts are on this. You are calling this a "crystal cell" and perhaps you can explain the chemistry a little better. I am very surprised that there is so little information on the web about using the Alum/water electrolyte in an all lead cell. Is there some problem that has kept this idea from being developed further???


                            What do you think about using the combination of the low power crystal cells and or solar power, to trickle charge this type of alum filled battery?

                            Best of luck


                            • @MonsieurM - I keep all those flakes and whatnot and put it all in a pills bottle. Some appears to be crystals. I've tried those bits in other cells and they certainly don't seem to harm anything...but i've no idea if they offer any improved runnings.

                              Gel cell 12V batteries can be brought back, even completely toasted bulged ones to at least partial running.

                              Sure, they may never return to full 12V capacity, but my completely useless 1245 model now sits at 4.4V and is steadily increasing with use and recharging. This one now has 2 lead plates missing and lots of crud fell off from corrosion when opening it up - but the proof is in the video below.
                              Alum gel battery/Lead plate cell/Motor circuit - YouTube

                              The white gel pads were bone dry on opening it up.
                              I neutralized it with baking soda and distilled water (1ltr to 4 teaspoons baking soda), then formed a bath of Alum/distilled water to the same ratio...and wetted all the internals thoroughly. It was then sat on charge overnight, via my workhorse Alum converted car battery. Initially it sat at 3.8V after 1hr rest time. I used it for some experiments and then put it back on charge for 2hrs. It now sits at 4.40V.
                              It'll be recased with the parts I removed. How far it gets in it's new life is unknown, considering the bulge area damage and the now 2 missing plates.

                              The 2 plates from it have formed well and show similar results to Lidmotor's lead solder. The plates will 'supercharge' in about 30 seconds, using around 9.3V from the uncharged Alum car battery. If nothing else, they make a wonderful supercap.

                              Also shown in the video, is a modification to sMartcreations2010/Lidmotor's self start pulse motor designs, with simple charging output radiantly.


                              • Oscillator variant, works really well when cell dries

                                Hello all!

                                i was looking for a way to improve the basig SG oscillator and came up with a hybrid between the SG and th penny oscillator by Lidmotor, the adding of the caps adds up a little brightness to the LED when the cell is wet, but when it dries it keeps going for much longer than the configuration with no caps. heres the video

                                SG/Penny hybrid oscillator - YouTube

                                and heres a link to the original penny oscillator by Lidmotor

                                PENNY's circuit diagram- YouTube



