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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
    Good you have made MgO + H2O2 --> MgO2 + H2O the energy out put is 90KJ per mole that reaction is 35% efficient that is degrading into Magnesium Hydroxide, known as Milk of Magnesia, but I would not drink it. Oh the other thing is you should keep it as cool as possible. it's a exothermic Reaction, great, if it shoud go nuts watch out for your eyes.
    John, its not as simple as this, we need to add the NaCl to the formula

    Or we could add MgSO4·7H2O to it with different results

    Each salts have different ions (Heavy on pos or heavy on neg) with different result

    Or another salt that is used in some of the Allwest Power cells has very interesting results
    spectral analysis
    Element Symbol Analysis Type
    Hydrogen H 0.30 g/kg
    Lithium Li 0.40 g/kg
    Beryllium Be <0.01 ppm
    Boron B <0.001 ppm
    Carbon C <0.001 ppm
    Nitrogen N 0.024 ppm
    Oxygen O 1.20 g/kg
    Flouride F- <0.1 g/kg
    Sodium Na+ 382.61 g/kg
    Magnesium Mg 0.16 g/kg
    Aluminum Al 0.661 ppm
    Silicon Si <0.1 g/kg
    Phosphorus P <0.10 ppm
    Sulfur S 12.4 g/kg
    Chloride Cl- 590.93 g/kg
    Potassium K+ 3.5 g/kg
    Calcium Ca 4.05 g/kg
    Scandium Sc <0.0001 ppm
    Titanium Ti <0.001 ppm
    Vanadium V 0.06 ppm
    Chromium Cr 0.05 ppm
    Manganese Mn 0.27 ppm
    Iron Fe 38.9 ppm
    Cobalt Co 0.60 ppm
    Nickel Ni 0.13 ppm
    Copper Cu 0.56 ppm
    Zinc Zn 2.38 ppm
    Gallium Ga <0.001 ppm
    Germanium Ge <0.001 ppm
    Arsenic As <0.01 ppm
    Selenium Se 0.05 ppm
    Bromine Br 2.1 ppm
    Rubidium Rb <0.04 ppm
    Strontium Sr <0.014 g/kg
    Ytterbium Y <0.001 ppm
    Zirconium Zr <0.001 ppm
    Niobium Nb <0.001 ppm
    Molybdenum Mo <0.01 ppm
    Technetium Tc N/A unstable isotope
    Ruthenium Ru <0.001 ppm
    Rhodium Rh <0.001 ppm
    Palladium Pd <0.001 ppm
    Silver Ag 0.031 ppm
    Cadmium Cd <0.01 ppm
    Indium In <0.001 ppm
    Tin Sn <0.01 ppm
    Antimony Sb <0.01 ppm
    Tellurium Te <0.001 ppm
    Iodine I <0.1 g/kg
    Cesium Cs <0.001 ppm
    Barium Ba 1.96 ppm
    Lanthanum La <0.001 ppm
    Cerium Ce <0.001 ppm
    Praseodymium Pr <0.001 ppm
    Neodymium Nd <0.001 ppm
    Promethium Pm N/A unstable isotope
    Samarium Sm <0.001 ppm
    Europium Eu <3.0 ppm
    Gadolinium Gd <0.001 ppm
    Terbium Tb <0.001 ppm
    Dysprosium Dy <4.0 ppm
    Holmium Ho <0.001 ppm
    Erbium Er <0.001 ppm
    Thulium Tm <0.001 ppm
    Ytterbium Yb <0.001 ppm
    Lutetium Lu <0.001 ppm
    Hafnium Hf <0.001 ppm
    Tantalum Ta 1.1 ppm
    Wolfram W <0.001 ppm
    Rhenium Re <2.5 ppm
    Osmium Os <0.001 ppm
    Iridium Ir <2.0 ppm
    Platinum Pt <0.47 ppm
    Gold Au <1.0 ppm
    Mercury Hg <0.03 ppm
    Thallium Ti <0.06 ppm
    Lead Pb <0.10 ppm
    Bismuth Bi <0.10 ppm
    Polonium Po <0.001 ppm
    Astatine At <0.001 ppm
    Francium Fr <1.0 ppm
    Radium Ra <0.001 ppm
    Actinium Ac <0.001 ppm
    Thorium Th <0.001 ppm
    Protactinium Pa <0.001 ppm
    Uranium U <0.001 ppm
    Neptunium Np <0.001 ppm
    Plutonium Pu <0.001 ppm

    Oh, and by the way, you are scaring your lap dog CDM, LOL!!

    Best of luck


    • Originally posted by plengo View Post
      AllWest, thank you.

      That solution you mean on step 16 is the same solution you used to cool of the Copper?

      Hi Plengo

      On this basic type of cell, that is correct

      Best of luck


      • Crystal structures of 3 different types of salt

        Best of luck


        • Exothermic Reactions

          What is not simple?, it's pretty simple to me what is going on it's on youtube.
          Adding salt what for what do you gain? And what is the list or do you like typing. You can do anything you want until the group is locked for safety reasons. I have seen it happen before here. It could be a safety issue to some people that do not know what you have done with the experiment. The Earth Lights Group is not about Exothermic Reactions that generate heat and possible danger to others, what is the group about here?. You wont be LOL if someone gets hurt or maybe you will. Been around a long time Allwest know what I see.

          Originally posted by Allwest View Post
          John, its not as simple as this, we need to add the NaCl to the formula

          Or we could add MgSO4·7H2O to it with different results

          Each salts have different ions (Heavy on pos or heavy on neg) with different result

          Or another salt that is used in some of the Allwest Power cells has very interesting results
          spectral analysis
          Element Symbol Analysis Type
          Hydrogen H 0.30 g/kg
          Lithium Li 0.40 g/kg
          Beryllium Be <0.01 ppm
          Boron B <0.001 ppm
          Carbon C <0.001 ppm
          Nitrogen N 0.024 ppm
          Oxygen O 1.20 g/kg
          Flouride F- <0.1 g/kg
          Sodium Na+ 382.61 g/kg
          Magnesium Mg 0.16 g/kg
          Aluminum Al 0.661 ppm
          Silicon Si <0.1 g/kg
          Phosphorus P <0.10 ppm
          Sulfur S 12.4 g/kg
          Chloride Cl- 590.93 g/kg
          Potassium K+ 3.5 g/kg
          Calcium Ca 4.05 g/kg
          Scandium Sc <0.0001 ppm
          Titanium Ti <0.001 ppm
          Vanadium V 0.06 ppm
          Chromium Cr 0.05 ppm
          Manganese Mn 0.27 ppm
          Iron Fe 38.9 ppm
          Cobalt Co 0.60 ppm
          Nickel Ni 0.13 ppm
          Copper Cu 0.56 ppm
          Zinc Zn 2.38 ppm
          Gallium Ga <0.001 ppm
          Germanium Ge <0.001 ppm
          Arsenic As <0.01 ppm
          Selenium Se 0.05 ppm
          Bromine Br 2.1 ppm
          Rubidium Rb <0.04 ppm
          Strontium Sr <0.014 g/kg
          Ytterbium Y <0.001 ppm
          Zirconium Zr <0.001 ppm
          Niobium Nb <0.001 ppm
          Molybdenum Mo <0.01 ppm
          Technetium Tc N/A unstable isotope
          Ruthenium Ru <0.001 ppm
          Rhodium Rh <0.001 ppm
          Palladium Pd <0.001 ppm
          Silver Ag 0.031 ppm
          Cadmium Cd <0.01 ppm
          Indium In <0.001 ppm
          Tin Sn <0.01 ppm
          Antimony Sb <0.01 ppm
          Tellurium Te <0.001 ppm
          Iodine I <0.1 g/kg
          Cesium Cs <0.001 ppm
          Barium Ba 1.96 ppm
          Lanthanum La <0.001 ppm
          Cerium Ce <0.001 ppm
          Praseodymium Pr <0.001 ppm
          Neodymium Nd <0.001 ppm
          Promethium Pm N/A unstable isotope
          Samarium Sm <0.001 ppm
          Europium Eu <3.0 ppm
          Gadolinium Gd <0.001 ppm
          Terbium Tb <0.001 ppm
          Dysprosium Dy <4.0 ppm
          Holmium Ho <0.001 ppm
          Erbium Er <0.001 ppm
          Thulium Tm <0.001 ppm
          Ytterbium Yb <0.001 ppm
          Lutetium Lu <0.001 ppm
          Hafnium Hf <0.001 ppm
          Tantalum Ta 1.1 ppm
          Wolfram W <0.001 ppm
          Rhenium Re <2.5 ppm
          Osmium Os <0.001 ppm
          Iridium Ir <2.0 ppm
          Platinum Pt <0.47 ppm
          Gold Au <1.0 ppm
          Mercury Hg <0.03 ppm
          Thallium Ti <0.06 ppm
          Lead Pb <0.10 ppm
          Bismuth Bi <0.10 ppm
          Polonium Po <0.001 ppm
          Astatine At <0.001 ppm
          Francium Fr <1.0 ppm
          Radium Ra <0.001 ppm
          Actinium Ac <0.001 ppm
          Thorium Th <0.001 ppm
          Protactinium Pa <0.001 ppm
          Uranium U <0.001 ppm
          Neptunium Np <0.001 ppm
          Plutonium Pu <0.001 ppm

          Oh, and by the way, you are scaring your lap dog CDM, LOL!!

          Best of luck
          Last edited by John_Bedini; 09-28-2012, 04:16 AM. Reason: adding
          John Bedini


          • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
            What is not simple?, it's pretty simple to me what is going on it's on youtube.
            Adding salt what for what do you gain? And what is the list or do you like typing. You can do anything you want until the group is locked for safety reasons. I have seen it happen before here. It could be a safety issue to some people that do not know what you have done with the experiment. The Earth Lights Group is not about Exothermic Reactions that generate heat and possible danger to others, what is the group about here?. You wont be LOL if someone gets hurt or maybe you will. Been around a long time Allwest know what I see.

            Allwest, what is not simple, it pretty simple to me what is going on.
            Adding salt what for?
            If you think that a 3% Hydrogen peroxide and salt solution is dangerous in this application, then I must bow to your concerns

            This cell will work minus the 3% Hydrogen Peroxide as well, it just takes longer for it to form
            Note: My point being on the above listed posts is: All salts are not the same. Some form crystal structures that are more conducive to power on these cells, such as K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4 - 2H2O


            • Allwest,
              Well do what you must do. You would be surprised what little things can do to you. I have worked with Heptahydrates here, nice formula. really great with Magnesium.

              So just answer the question, what are you trying to do with the magnesium that has not been done here before. Are you trying to build a special coating of some kind?

              Originally posted by Allwest View Post
              If you think that a 3% Hydrogen peroxide and salt solution is dangerous in this application, then I must bow to your concerns

              This cell will work minus the 3% Hydrogen Peroxide as well, it just takes longer for it to form
              Note: My point being on the above listed posts is: All salts are not the same. Some form crystal structures that are more conducive to power on these cells, such as K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4 - 2H2O
              John Bedini


              • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                Well do what you must do. You would be surprised what little things can do to you. I have worked with Heptahydrates here, nice formula. really great with Magnesium.

                So just answer the question, what are you trying to do with the magnesium that has not been done here before. Are you trying to build a special coating of some kind?

                I do not have much time these days for fun, business is getting in the way of fun

                R&D takes so much time (as you know) One line I was trying for with interesting results, is by adding Copper to the cell when it was forming I was trying for K2Ca2Cu(SO4)4-2H2O crystal structure on the Mag

                You can probably tell us more than anybody else how this cell differs than any other cells

                Best of luck
                Last edited by Allwest; 09-28-2012, 02:21 PM.


                • leightonite

                  you know that if your trying to get energy from something that is leightonite is only going to produce about 1.5 Ma in a cell. How do I know because I tested it when I was talking about Sulphates in rock form. But anyway if business is getting in the way. Then I guess this does not make a living for you does it? The group has been all through these chemicals and some good rocks that generate energy. I have seen things explode by accident. it's not good when it happens and I never want to see people hurt. They may not do it like you and that is the only reason I bring up the safety issue here. It's the little things that get you, it's always unseen with mixing chemicals. One of the biggest problems is galvanic action with magnesium. that is why the rest of us moved to lead crystal forms. Anyway good luck. Oh, Leightonite is very interesting mineral.
                  Last edited by John_Bedini; 09-29-2012, 04:15 AM. Reason: edit
                  John Bedini


                  • I have a question to you John: What happened to all of your magnesium/copper crystal cells?? Any updates? Thanks, Jean.


                    • I understand why John and others have gone to the lead plates and Alum cells, to avoid the breakdown of the metals, and oxidation.
                      But, can't we make a cell that can be charged, by solar, or whichever way to charge them, but can also have a perpetual output of their own. Like with using stainless steel for the positive plate, and lead or some other electrode that would give a voltage, and some current.

                      Last edited by Nick_Z; 09-28-2012, 11:52 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
                        I understand why John and others have gone to the lead plates and Alum cells, to avoid the breakdown of the metals, and oxidation.
                        But, can't we make a cell that can be charged, by solar, or whichever way to charge them, but can also have a perpetual output of their own. Like with using stainless steel for the positive plate, and lead or some other electrode that would give a voltage, and some current.

                        I think only John can answer this correctly. I will reformulate my question: Should I just give up on the magnesium/copper crystal cell or not and why? I have my alum mag/copper cells running right now but I dont want to spend 2 years of my life thinking it's the way to go and suddently see the cells dying in front of me....Please put the lights up on this! Just want to know whitch direction to take from now on..


                        • Did I waste my time

                          Ok I guess I will start here, As you know that we all started very early with the Alum Magnesium battery. I myself do not think you have wasted any time building these batteries as they pack a real punch for just a little water. Here is what I was facing with the group, I could not make anybody understand how important the cell was. I did my best to explain that loosing 1% to 2% of the magnesium was meaningless here, yes the magnesium oxidized to a point. The truth is I have been running one of the cell for over two years just by adding water. However, I do not stop here as I have been converting Lead Acid to Alum batteries since 1985 so I know a little about the chemistry and what the currents do. I saw Lidmotor get excited about using Alum with Lead and I knew that this corrosion factor would be like nothing else ( NONE). I wanted to jump right in and help to get something that everybody would be happy with at the same time gaining large amounts of current for extended time, I could not give the group the same amount of current with Magnesium Alum copper and no one else could either. The most I could get was 1 Ampere and not for very long because of the impedance changes in the crystal Hydrate.

                          I could not talk about Marcus Reads cell because of what I promised and signed with him. The Reid Cell can not give you the current of the Magnesium Cell with Copper and Alum, yes it is a true Free Energy device but very limited in power, anything more then 2 Ma and it just goes dead and you must wait for it to recharge itself. Your work with the Crystal battery is not in vain at all, you did not waste your two years.

                          I got tired of hearing it's galvanic it was like some kind of godsend buzzword that no one ever heard of. I plainly stated that 1 to 2 % in galvanic action was meaningless as far as the amount of power you got out of it. Yet, I had to put up with Dumb Crap and everybody knows from who, even when I left the rambling kept going on, so I just told him off, and yes Stupid Dumb Crap that was not going to give anybody anything for current, well maybe a Mr. Potato Head Clock, big deal a lemon will do that.

                          But see, this was carried over to other groups and boy did he complain to the biggest Monkey of all who will never show you anything he builds.

                          Back to the Hydrate Lead Cell, The Crystal Light Group was about learning how all this works and what can be done with rocks and compounds and metals. We all must start somewhere and this was the best place to start. Everything I said about things here were moved to other groups, and those groups claiming John B talking in the third person all the time and the comment being, I just hate that, well those people should look up what the third person is because they do not know anything except what they take from others. This is why I moved my Monopole groups to a new board and started a new crystal battery section so I could get rid of the Dumb Crap, that is not going to get you anywhere building things. But did you waste your time, HELL NO. I have built very big cells that do the 1 to 2 amps but the cost was not something people would want to spend right now, not in this ecomany. I did use Hydrates and had to buy them through my company. I spent my own money to try to help and gave the information away. I got nothing out of it, just more Dumb Crap. So I left to only check in sometimes here as I was asked to do. Did everybody waste time only the ones that do Dumb Crap.
                          Last edited by John_Bedini; 09-29-2012, 04:33 AM. Reason: edit
                          John Bedini


                          • everything we build uses current.


                            Your the only one that can make that decision, I feel if your looking for a limited current for running led's in an emergency you have a winner for a few drops of water.

                            However, if your looking to run your house you have allot of work ahead of you. That is why Marcus is in trouble, no real usable current and everything we build uses current. Chuck builds the same crystal cells and lights his bathroom at night. I have seen Chuck build them and light many led's off one Crystal Cell. Now, Cream of Tartar slows the oxidizing down, but you can not use very much, one pinch. You should try both Cells as this is not very hard to do. My next video which I did not have time to put up today will show everybody some things they do not know about this type of battery. You can take the information and do what you want with it. People, I think misunderstand what can be done with Chemical bonds and what they can do with different currents when applied to them. Lead is no different here, except you do not have the same problem that you have with Magnesium, and it can be recharged for very little. You have not wasted your time learning all this and it's up to you what you want. The information is on the other group.
                            John Bedini


                            • Such hurtful things are said about me, but never the less I have kept a journal about my crystal cell research. I figured since it was about this thread i should post it here. It has my highs and mostly my lows. John don't think you're the only one who got insulted by others on your work. Here it is everyone *************

                              Edit: The Link has been taken down as requested by John. My real name was never important, it was about giving away the idea to everyone so that not just one person would prosper but instead many would. But what do i know i'm just a idiot.

                              Good bye everyone.
                              Last edited by ibpointless2; 09-29-2012, 04:25 PM.
                              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                              • John,
                                Have you had any experience with Au(Bi,Pb)5S4

                                or Cu2Pb6Bi8S19

                                Best of luck

