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  • Originally posted by CrystalDipoleMatrix View Post
    Okay some bad news for you guys...I decided to check my pulse motor cell for corrosion and the mag is eating like crazy! I thought It will be corrosion free because I melted the alum once to make this cell but...Guess what? The ''crystaline structure'' of alum seems to let free water and it keeps on corroding the mag with no water added since it's creation 2 weeks ago. I'm very dissapointed...I see dark chunks of magnesium in the bottom of the corroded rod and it seems to be protected. Maybe this dark coating was the part of a diode configuration but the rest was corroding anyway.. Don't know what to think about all of this..
    I feel your frustration. I have cells older than one year still running the LEDs. Funny some LEDs get their terminals corroded faster than the cell inside itself.

    Just Alum is not all you need to get it not corroding the Mg. You will have to figure out how to stop the Alum from corroding the Mg at a substantial level.

    Think like how to stop the "acid" action of a Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) so that it would not corrode a metal? Alum is just an means for locking "whatever you want" (like SO4 or water or 'corrosive elements to the metal in play') and on top of that Alum is conductive to "electricity" (in this case ions).

    So you got your cell at half way correct you just added too much of the ingredients that improved corrosion process.

    Cook out Alum will be water deficient and in a structure that is very crystaline (very, very hard) and incapable of absorbing water therefore you will have excess water in your cell which will eat up your Mg.

    I have figure out a way to create Alum in a mix that makes it not crystaline neither watery.

    Try a mix of Alum with a little bit of Sodium Silicate and add a bit of something that will help it to be consistent in form (may borax or epson salts - my favorite - and so on). This new mix of Alum in your exact same cell will have a much longer lasting time. You can see if for yourself.



    • Originally posted by plengo View Post
      I feel your frustration. I have cells older than one year still running the LEDs. Funny some LEDs get their terminals corroded faster than the cell inside itself.

      Just Alum is not all you need to get it not corroding the Mg. You will have to figure out how to stop the Alum from corroding the Mg at a substantial level.

      Think like how to stop the "acid" action of a Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) so that it would not corrode a metal? Alum is just an means for locking "whatever you want" (like SO4 or water or 'corrosive elements to the metal in play') and on top of that Alum is conductive to "electricity" (in this case ions).

      So you got your cell at half way correct you just added too much of the ingredients that improved corrosion process.

      Cook out Alum will be water deficient and in a structure that is very crystaline (very, very hard) and incapable of absorbing water therefore you will have excess water in your cell which will eat up your Mg.

      I have figure out a way to create Alum in a mix that makes it not crystaline neither watery.

      Try a mix of Alum with a little bit of Sodium Silicate and add a bit of something that will help it to be consistent in form (may borax or epson salts - my favorite - and so on). This new mix of Alum in your exact same cell will have a much longer lasting time. You can see if for yourself.

      Thank you very much Fausto. Will do that and see what it does. I have the sodium silicate and the epson salts.


      • WoW!!! Such a little change in the mix but what a change in results!!! I cooked it (the cells) in the oven at about 80 celcius for an hour. The trick is to mix with a spoon a little bit of sodium silicate with 50/50 alum, epson salts to liquid consistancy. At first, the feeling of sodium silicate on the fingers have a tendency to be ''oily''. After mixing, you don't want this feeling anymore. Then, take a piece of cotton towel and pour it into this liquid. It's the separator between the mag and the treated copper. I first connected an oscillator to it and the led was barely bright at first but for no reason the light intensity kept on increasing and now it's very bright! I made the test on a 10 ohms resistor to see the current reading. At first, current of about 2 ma but soon after it bounces to 16 ma in a minute or so and stayed there. Just after I disconnected the resistor, the voltage jumped back up to 1.55 volts. I have a cell now with a copper penny that shows 1.87 volts on the meter. What tha ####?? The best that I could find is about 1.45 volts with a newly formed alum cell. And no! My battery in my meter is not depleted. It's fully charged, I charged it yesterday. I checked one of my cells (the one with the copper penny) for possible signs of corrosion or humid spots and....Nop! Just dryness and white powdery stuff! Thanks again Fausto!! Very impress on that one! What a change in 36 hours can make!!


        • Hello everybody, this morning the pulse motor is slowing down and the oscillator too. It needs water for current as we know it. I will keeps things going to see when it will stop producing power before adding little bit of water. See you later..


          • Remember the thing that Markus reid said about the crystal cells output power?? Initially, the power output goes down for couple days then, it stabilise. From this morning, the pulse motor is steady tonight and the oscillator too. Good news! But again, it's maybe all galvanic action....Will see in the long run...I will report what's going on in a couple days.


            • Markus Reid cell

              To All & John B

              Does any body know the power levels his cell has

              John I have read from you, that you had did some tests on this cell, can you tell us volts and amps?


              Best of luck


              • No other explanation very possibly means paydirt

                John and Chuck reveals an unusual extended run time
                which has no other explanation other than successful build.
                Update On Lead Zinc Alum Cells - YouTube

                The point of entry is possibly on the battery plates somewhere.
                A careful thermal study will find the cool spot. There is more to follow.

                urgently needs replication, discussion, mix, materials,
                pdf, photos ect.

                Great job John and Chuck !!!
                Last edited by mikrovolt; 10-11-2012, 01:04 AM. Reason: OMG


                • Marcus Reid Cells

                  They run at 1.2 volts at 2 Ma to run the led he needs two cells unless you use the oscillator.

                  Originally posted by Allwest View Post
                  To All & John B

                  Does any body know the power levels his cell has

                  John I have read from you, that you had did some tests on this cell, can you tell us volts and amps?


                  Best of luck
                  John Bedini


                  • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                    John and Chuck reveals an unusual extended run time
                    which has no other explanation other than successful build.
                    Update On Lead Zinc Alum Cells - YouTube

                    The point of entry is possibly on the battery plates somewhere.
                    A careful thermal study will find the cool spot. There is more to follow.

                    urgently needs replication, discussion, mix, materials,
                    pdf, photos ect.

                    Great job John and Chuck !!!
                    I built a crude version of this cell today, I only had a galvanized plate, and a lead plate from an old lab. Used 50%alum/50% sodium carbonate, although I think I made it too thick. Still forming it, but seems to have some good current.
                    Last edited by Freezer; 10-11-2012, 03:11 AM.


                    • I was able to capture some of that effect of: below trigger voltage level of the oscillator and right after it triggers the oscillator while the cell restores itself to higher voltage.

                      Oscillator seems to be not only driving the voltage of the cell but also maintaining its minimum necessary momentum. It is almost as if my oscillator is not good enough to play with the cell correctly.

                      I would speculate that a more sophisticated oscillator can indeed make a huge difference in performance of the whole cell.




                      • I suspect that you are right about the need for better oscillators. Maybe ones that really feed back some of the output, to maintain it's source up and going.
                        Your youtube video link said PRIVATE. I couldn't open it.


                        • Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
                          I suspect that you are right about the need for better oscillators. Maybe ones that really feed back some of the output, to maintain it's source up and going.
                          Your youtube video link said PRIVATE. I couldn't open it.
                          ops. Thanks for the tip, I was about to go to sleep. Video is public now.



                          • Ran a graph over night. The battery on the meter was getting low, but it is reading correct, and the led is dim, but still on. Also wanted to note that the electrolyte in the cell is around 3 degrees lower than ambient temperature.
                            Last edited by Freezer; 10-11-2012, 07:16 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Freezer View Post
                              Ran a graph over night. The battery on the meter was getting low, but it is reading correct, and the led is dim, but still on. Also wanted to note that the electrolyte in the cell is around 3 degrees lower than ambient temperature.
                              What a beautiful graph. Great work.



                              • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                                What a beautiful graph. Great work.

                                Thanks plengo. Just checked the voltage again, and it's still at .399. It's been at that voltage for about 5 hours.

