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  • Cement cell request

    @John B. or Chuck H.,

    If possible, could either of you do a test with your Mag oven to see how it affects a cement cell? I have no access to a mag oven and would like to see a comparison of a cell that has been cooked in a traditional oven and an identical cell cooked in the mag oven. This test could be done with just portland cement, all we're looking for is to see if there is a change between the mag oven and a traditional oven cooked cells, and if so, how much?

    If there's a big change then I need to look into how to reproduce this at home. Maybe some large ceramic magnets and put the cell between them.


    My Calloway V Gate Motor Video


    • Cells

      @ everyidea and everyone.
      I will show a picture or video tommorow on one of the cells. The Aluminum Anode and Cathode experment with the Sodiam Silicate and Iron Oxide. The oven is not so much the deciding factor on the outcome of some of these cells.
      Last edited by chuck H; 03-16-2011, 02:44 AM. Reason: Correction


      • One of easy ways to obtain Iron Oxide

        I found this also interesting - HD laboratory products could be created with rusty nanorods - Mar 15 2011 - Breaking News - Labmate Online

        Last edited by blackchisel97; 03-16-2011, 03:09 AM. Reason: link
        'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

        General D.Eisenhower


        • Funny that you mentioned steel wool Vtech as I'm using 0000 steel wool to cast my next rotor with epoxy to test out a different motor geometry.The 0000 steel wool seems to lose its magnetic field completely after a magnet hits it.You can find steel wool for under $4 bucks for a bag of 12 pads at Home Depot or Loews.Peace out


          • Originally posted by gmeat View Post
            Funny that you mentioned steel wool Vtech as I'm using 0000 steel wool to cast my next rotor with epoxy to test out a different motor geometry.The 0000 steel wool seems to lose its magnetic field completely after a magnet hits it.You can find steel wool for under $4 bucks for a bag of 12 pads at Home Depot or Loews.Peace out
            Yes, it works well with epoxy and much quicker than waiting for nails to rust. I used to buy 24" rolls when working in furniture restoration business.

            Thanks for the update Chuck

            Last edited by blackchisel97; 03-16-2011, 03:54 AM.
            'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

            General D.Eisenhower



            • Aluminum Anode and Cathode rock battery update.

              Aluminum Anode and Cathode rock cell. Galvanic and severe caustic reaction took its toll on the can. The Lime in the cement is very harsh on the Aluminum. This is 1 cell that John Bedini did extensive testing and charting on. See the results on the video.

              YouTube - Rock battery update on blown Aluminum cell.wmv


              • @Chuck,

                That's a bummer. Most likely that's what I'm seeing with my cement cells as they are also loosing their mA's too.

                How's the Al/PbS/CuO/Cu cell going? You get your SrTiO3 yet for the Al?

                Thanks again for sharing,

                My Calloway V Gate Motor Video


                • Cement battery possible ingredients.

                  Ive been watching the hole cement battery post for awile now and from watching some of Lidmotor's videos on youtube, there was one vid that caught my eye and that would be when he mixed beach sand with the cement and in the end his batterys turrned out better then the ones with out, reason for this could be the extra minerals. my idea would be what if you mixed the black sand you find on beaches, the accumulation black sand is actually called a placer deposit and alot of these placers contain the minerals Gold Tin Iron in some cases Diamond dust Thorium, Titanium and Uranium. the list goes on so perhaps lidmotor had something there worth retrying. some other ideas of mine would be perhaps try mixing the the cement with the minerals graphite is powerd form, ferrite also powerd, Gallium, Arsenic, Silicon, phosphorus ,Germanium, lithium, potassium and finnaly i know the list was long high levels or low of nitrogen. just many minerals that might work together with the cement to make a great battery. Thanks for your time i hope this wasent for nothing.


                  • Its the minerals in the water or cement that kills the plates. when the Plates are the same no galvanic reaction can occur, but the plates still can die when they're exposed to minerals or other harsh elements. When two dissimilar metals are use the combo of minerals and galvanic reaction will kill the plates.

                    Don't let that concision kill the idea, further research will give better cells.
                    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                    • Sucesses and failures

                      Originally posted by chuck H View Post
                      Aluminum Anode and Cathode rock cell. Galvanic and severe caustic reaction took its toll on the can. The Lime in the cement is very harsh on the Aluminum. This is 1 cell that John Bedini did extensive testing and charting on. See the results on the video.

                      YouTube - Rock battery update on blown Aluminum cell.wmv
                      Thanks Chuck for posting these results. Knowing what doesn't work well is valuable info towards making something that does. My cement batteries are all still intact but have dropped in power output. The first one that I made on 2/21/11 (the beach sand one) is connected to the LCD clock and is still working but the clock is dim. I have that one on my kitchen window sill and in the morning when the sun hits it the clock gets brighter. It is kinda like having it connected to a ammeter. When it gets cold it goes dimmer. The simplest and most effective cell that I made is the one that is just Quikrete in a small coke can (copper wire doubled over down the center) that I built on 2/26/11. It now puts out about 1 volt and shows about 1 Ma when shorted with a multimeter.
                      The hybrid cell that I made out of the zinc electrical conduit connector, copper pipe, and cement mix is still working and is connected full time to a Joule Thief LED light. I consider that one more of a pure galvanic cell where most of the action takes place at the exposed metals at the bottom. The cell sits in a small plastic jar lid on a paper towel disk soaked in an alum and water solution. When it starts to drop in power I refresh the bottom metal surfaces with sand paper and change the electrolyte.

                      I agree with you---..."further research will give better cells." You said it all right there. We just have to keep plodding along and keep a sharp eye on what John B. is sharing with us.

                      Last edited by Lidmotor; 03-17-2011, 05:32 PM.


                      • Trying 5 hour of reverse charging today, copper connected to minus of charger, and the can to plus of charger. Indicating 50V negative during reverse charging, and quickly climb back to positive value after detached form the charger. It reach and hold at 0.48V in a minute without load.

                        Interestingly, while previous 7 day draining resulted on 0.1 mili amp, after reverse charging it indicate 0.4 mili amp. So reverse charging also add charge just like normal charging.


                        • Alum arrived

                          I finally have all the pieces of the borax and heat treated copper, alum salt, magnesium, and powdered galena battery. Will share results when i can.
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • Thankyou all for the excellant support.
                            Which batteries (cells) did last ?
                            not withstanding is that non-galvanic phenomena does occur.

                            I have been looking at no lime cements that is MgO and phosphate cement.
                            One variety of magnesium oxide cement found in buildings near Chernobyl;
                            comment: that those residents had less effects of fallout. fact or fiction I am not sure.
                            I am making notation here as it maybe related to MgO cement crystal structure property.
                            While natural radiant has some relationship not understood by me.
                            lime variety cement is said to have less shielding not best choice for containment.
                            Also as a cell with Aluminum +3 ions and lime over time did'nt capture radiant.
                            What did?

                            I am still excited about the last two ChuckH and JohnB videos.
                            A solid state approach this is really nice information,
                            My job schedule and hours are changed around, I will be regaging next week.
                            much appreciation for time and effort spent and documented.
                            Last edited by mikrovolt; 03-22-2011, 03:54 AM.


                            • I took apart two of my weakest batteries and there was no visible deterioration/corrosion on the inner side of aluminum can. Also, no sign of changes on copper coiled electrode. One of them has been heat treated and other had been used in copper sulphide electrolysis process. My two bigger ones have piece of Al duct pipe - much bigger electrode surface compared to the can. They don't supply the current they used to but still run monopole or LED with an oscillator. I also noticed that their voltage went up a bit. If I let them rest for a few hours they climb back to their nominal V. I don't have other compounds yet to follow John's semiconductor idea atm.
                              The portland cement which I was using is called "hydraulic cement".

                              Last edited by blackchisel97; 03-22-2011, 04:03 AM. Reason: added text
                              'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                              General D.Eisenhower



                              • quickcrete cell

                                Hi, everybody! I'm new to this forum. Three days ago I made a cell, just using a quickcrete, just like Lidmotor did, I had a bag in my garage for a few years.
                                It showed 0.7V from the very beginng. The voltage have been increasing since then and now it's around 1.27 -1.31 V. Today I shorted it the current started at 30uA and went down to 1uA, stayed there for few minutes, then it went down 0.4 uA and was there for a few hours. When i disconnected it, the voltage came back to 1.3V in about 10-15 min. And i can do it as many times as I want. I bought alum today in Food Basics, will do something with it on weekends.

