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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Ib:
    Yes, I agree.
    I'm also just now trying the small aluminum emergency candle lights holders (empty) that come in 1.5 by 3/4 inch aluminum containers, that don't have the plastic coating. I'll be looking for other aluminum cans also, as well as trying the big capacitor cans out, as well.
    I'd like to try the bees wax, also, as the regular candle wax doesn't conduce electricity.
    I'll know more about the results of my new cells in a day or so.


    • Guys:
      Some preliminary readings and tests on my new cement beach-sand cells that I just made today, and I must say that they are working great. I'm now using the larger aluminum cans, beach sand, cement, baking powder, and regular tap water. They are producing 1.5 volts, or more from each cell, with over 65 mA. If I hold the multi-meter on them for one minute they are still nailing my analog meters needle to the right all the way, and it stays there, with more than 55 mA, on the 50 mA scale. I got tired of waiting for the current to drop, it started to, but only after a long while, and it did it very slowly. At one point on one of the cells I actually saw the current going up as I was testing.
      The 30 degree inverted copper spiral coil (previous picture shown) is the winner, with the 1/4 inch regular spiral (not inverted coil) like JB mentioned as a close second best.
      I also made some small 1/2 by 1.5 inch aluminum candle wax holders filled with beach sand and cement, (with a 1/4 inch thick copper tube, one inch long inside) and I'm getting a surprising 1.2 volts or more from them also, but only half the mAs. They are only 1/10 the size compared to the larger aluminum soda cans.
      I also made 4 cells today using beach sand and gelatin, which did not produce hardly anything at all (1/2 volt). So, I will not use gelatin in the mix anymore, as the washed beach sand-cement mix works much better than the gelatin-sand mix, in my case, and are now hard as a rock.
      I also made a cell using just plain washed beach sand with No cement, and it's working fine also, just not quite as strong, but, with just beach sand... I figure that it might be the iron needles that are found in the beach sand, that are helping to make the sand only cells work also.
      I'll upload some pics, maņana. I had a great day today, lots of fun...
      My thanks to Lidmotor, and all the other guys, for the great ideas.


      • John just say hi

        I think someone should check on him and chuck too

        Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
        What happen to people working on the earth light/crystal cell/ concrete batteries? Is anyone still working on them? Is John Bedini ok or is he really busy, he hasn't posted anything since page 16.

        I'm still playing with my cells, glue and concrete ones and I'm seeing some great stuff.

        I have one concrete cell that is quite unique. This cell will only drain at night, it will hold steady during the day but when night roles around it likes to drain. This cell is in a box so no light can get to it and its sealed off from the humidity too. Temperature has been constant.


        • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
          I also made 4 cells today using beach sand and gelatin, which did not produce hardly anything at all (1/2 volt). So, I will not use gelatin in the mix anymore, as the washed beach sand-cement mix works much better than the gelatin-sand mix, in my case, and are now hard as a rock.
          @NickZ, ibpointless2, Lidmotor, and all:
          Anyone working with gelatin or glues mixed with sand. These cells love heat. I reheated my test cells several times this weekend in the oven at 250 for 10 to 30 minutes at a time. With glycerin added to the gel, the melting temp decreases and they hold the moisture well while putting out impressive amperage (In the 70 to 100ma range). I do not know how many times this could be done or the effects on the metals. It might be possible to put these cells in a solar oven with daytime charging cap bank or traditional batteries?


          • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
            What happen to people working on the earth light/crystal cell/ concrete batteries? Is anyone still working on them? Is John Bedini ok or is he really busy, he hasn't posted anything since page 16.

            I'm still playing with my cells, glue and concrete ones and I'm seeing some great stuff.

            I have one concrete cell that is quite unique. This cell will only drain at night, it will hold steady during the day but when night roles around it likes to drain. This cell is in a box so no light can get to it and its sealed off from the humidity too. Temperature has been constant.
            Do you remember the formula (ingredients) for this one? It is very interesting.
            I didn't abandoned this research and have plans to get some more work done with crystals but have been working on couple project at the same time with no budget and fighting eviction from my place of residence.
            Sometimes it is hard to maintain sanity and sustain creativity.

            'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

            General D.Eisenhower



            • Bc:
              Sorry to hear about your situation. I hope that it improves soon. Looks like robur is also having a hard time, me too, at least economically.
              I haven't heard from Sucahyo, I hope the caterpillar's attack didn't scare him out of house and home.

              I was thinking about what was said about not really being able to get all the power out of these cells. Unless you use a capacitor. Could that be the case here? As the leds do still get dimmer as time goes on, even when theres enough mAs available, I don't know what's up with that. Reminds me of the Captret. Maybe a cap would help to utilize more of the unaccessible power. I'll connect one up tonight and see what happens in the morning.
              I think the cells just needs to be stronger yet, by connecting more of them together. I'll be making more soon.
              Maybe the cells would do better if they were in a tightly sealed container, that way the Alum crystals might be able to grow and expand to create that piezoelectric effect, in time.
              My new cement cells will hold steady at 50 mAs, each cell, while connected to a load of one or two leds. One cell alone can light an led from a joule thief. They have 65mA each without a load, and sustaining over 50 mA with a load of two leds. I have been able to get a true 4+ volts so far by connecting just 3 of the cells together. Which produced a fairly strong light when connected to an led flashlight bulb with 3 leds, direct, or through a Jtc.
              For my next cells I've been thinking about using a one inch thick aluminum tube cut into one foot sections. With a copper tube or copper spiral running through the center the full width, and filled with cement and beach sand, with caps on the ends. It should produce some current, and several sections can be joined together to get the needed voltage.


              • Radiant energy has made significant progress in disproving galvanic fatality.
                when you connect a battery to a bedini charger there is the famous radiant spark.
                We can see this radiant energy at a battery terminal gap recieving dc pulses from the charger.
                When you use the battery and the charger together as an efficient storage unit
                galvanic fatality becomes less of an issue then previously thought.

                we add water it gives energy.
                So we continue the quest to make an accumulator of energy.
                In solids such as crystals lattice pathways can be traveled by waves of sound and light
                when interfaced to an atmosphere the kinetic component uses space to form alignments.

                This energy interacting within a gas are known to
                accumulate charges forming cloud like structures that move like a swarm
                of bees clinging to dielectrets converted into static as high voltage low amperage.
                In liquid a pathway, defined by valence of metals such as 1.5 or 2 volts typically per cell.
                the energy in water flows with the help of electrolytics, the structural alignments
                have less space between molecules and the kinetic component is less static.
                In cement cells we find the metal surface area and water content are

                In reply to how can we increase current
                lets look at the gravity zinc copper cell and the role of dissolved oxygen
                and finally adding copper sulphate

                Nerds - Make a Copper sulfate and zinc gravity battery -

                We add water we get energy.
                But is something really used up or is it a congestion problem.
                recommend this post is beautiful:
                Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-08-2011, 07:34 PM.


                • Mikrovolt:
                  Maybe not the quest for an Accumulator, but rather a device which can constantly output a voltage, and usable current too.
                  I can see that even the cement batteries can be made to produce higher and higher current outputs. Who knows what the limits are...
                  What I'd like to see is a "Nano Cell", tiny, strong, with a ongoing permanent output 24/7.


                  • Work

                    @ all
                    Yes we are still alive. Energenx is an RnD company. John and I have been very busy at work. John has developed 5 new products that we are prototyping and releasing soon.
                    We have started shipping some new products in the last few weeks. See some of these at
                    We need to build and test these for long periods of time and collect data and make changes as needed. This takes time. The new spanker has been released as well as the 36/48volt golf cart charger. We will be relasing a new solar charger that will be very helpful to those who live in a place that is clouds 70-95% of the time (or industrial, home, RVs, golf carts, bikes, etc). Also will be the new 36/48/60v chargers for bikes/carts etc. The new 10amp charger is starting to ship within a week. We also have the convention in July that we will be showing many new products as well as many items from this thread (yes new stuff). For those that can attend I highly recommend coming to this convention (info at As you see we have been busy.

                    For those that have converted batteries with Alum post some results.

                    We have converted many car/truck batteries and deep cycle batteries and they have shown great results.

                    Also the Copper/ Magnesium/Alum cells are still working great (some over 7 months).


                    • Dry battery

                      @ Minoly
                      2 cups Alum and 1 gallon distilled water. Radiant charge with your machine. post results.
                      Last edited by chuck H; 05-14-2011, 06:52 PM. Reason: Amount of H2O


                      • Hi, Chuck!
                        How much water in liters and alum in grams(or teaspoons) should be mixed for dry battery.


                        • Alum/H2O

                          @ hiops and all
                          2 cups Alum and 1 cup distilled water

                          Here is a metric conversion chart in pdf format:



                          • Handy little program: Convert for Windows —


                            • @Chuck or JohnB
                              I watched that video John B made a while back about the conversion from Acid to Alum. (I think) In the video he constructed a battery using acid and then converted it to alum.
                              Is it possible to just make a lead battery with alum from scratch, or do you have to grow the crystals with acid then convert?

                              And while I am at it what kind of potential does the alum deliver opposed to the acid?

                              I appreciate it...



                              • For us that are not expert battery builders I looked up
                                the some history when battery technology changed directions
                                Because of the gap of over 100 years and because
                                energy theory has changed, it is helpful to
                                revisit the discoveries and this (accumulator stuff) the gate.
                                Whatever your theory might be it is my intention to
                                highlight that an accurate model for understanding
                                needs to include function and details of how the standard cell
                                was modified to give more power.

                                In the late 1800's to make an accumulator you needed to be familiar
                                with the patent of Camille Faure and nearly copy the methods in the patent.

                                short summary on page 231 entitled "Faure's new secondary battery"
                                Faure's battery

                                on page 63 of this article about Waldmar Jungner a Swedish battery inventor
                                improved the Faure cell.

                                putting these developments into homegrown technology and
                                interpreting them correctly as energy from (vacuum)
                                may give more basis for understanding theory.

                                to ChuckH;
                                the Copper/ Magnesium/Alum cells are
                                still working great (some over 7 months).
                                just add water get energy.
                                well done ! much thanks for the technology
                                (7 months of power that's awesome!)
                                Last edited by mikrovolt; 05-17-2011, 07:15 PM.

