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Bedini Earth Light

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  • @Vorg - I agree, they do seem to be the same.
    @mikrovolt - thanks for the links - good info!
    @NickZ - could you tell me more about what you are doing when hooking your cells up to external sources. I don't quite understand.

    Sorry for the copy and paste here and the long post - however, this is information I am looking at to try and understand what might be happening in the monothermal cell.
    Permittivity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A perfect dielectric is a material that has no conductivity, thus exhibiting only a displacement current. Therefore it stores and returns electrical energy as if it were an ideal capacitor. Although an ideal capacitor would remain at zero volts after being discharged, real capacitors will develop a small voltage, a phenomenon that is also called soakage or battery action. For some dielectrics, such as many polymer films, the resulting voltage may be less than 1-2% of the original voltage. However, it can be as much as 15 - 25% in the case of electrolytic capacitors or super capacitors.
    Dielectric - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A dielectric is an electrical insulator that can be polarized by an applied electric field. A common, yet notable example of a dielectric is the electrically insulating material between the metallic plates of a capacitor. The polarization of the dielectric by the applied electric field increases the capacitor's surface charge. The most obvious advantage to using such a dielectric material is that it prevents the conducting plates on which the charges are stored from coming into direct electrical contact. More significant, however, a high permittivity allows a greater charge to be stored at a given voltage.
    Polyvinyl acetate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Polyvinyl acetate, PVA, PVAc, poly(ethenyl ethanoate), is a rubbery synthetic polymer with the formula (C4H6O2)n. It belongs to the polyvinyl esters family with the general formula -[RCOOCHCH2]-. It is a type of thermoplastic.
    Dielectrics - The Physics Hypertextbook
    When the atoms or molecules of a dielectric are placed in an external electric field, the nuclei are pushed with the field resulting in an increased positive charge on one side while the electron clouds are pulled against it resulting in an increased negative charge on the other side. This process is known as polarization and a dielectric material in such a state is said to be polarized. There are two principal methods by which a dielectric can be polarized: stretching and rotation. Some insulators will remain in their polarized state for hours, days, years, or even centuries. It is somewhat important to keep in mind that the charges "stored" in a dielectric layer aren't available as a pool of free charges. To extract them, you still need metal plates.

    With this information, I am inclined to think that the elements used in the intermediate layers of this type cell is creating an electrical source similar to an external source placed on a normal capacitor. The glue is dielectric passing the stored, or in this case, the generated electricity to the metal plates. I welcome and entertain all comments on this. Would it be impossible to consider this a self powering capacitor?
    Again, sorry for the long post!
    Brad S


    • b_rads:
      Here I've connected a 1.2 volt capacitor can cement cell to a small flat 3 volt pc motherboard type of lithium battery. They have been running together and lighting a red led for about two weeks now. The small flat battery cell dropped a 1/2 volt, after a day or two, but, it is now staying at 2.5 volts. If I remove the lithium cell, the red led will continue to light with just the 1.2 volts coming from the cement cell, which is now charged up to to 2.5 volts, by the other lithium battery. The led will light for about an hour or so on just the cement cell. Both sources connected together will continue to light the led, probably for a long time. Neither of the two sources can keep lighting an led continually, but when they work together they can keep it going, at least so far.
      The larger aluminum can cement cells are connected to 4 small lead acid batteries, which are maintained charged to 4 volts by the cement cells, and together will light the 15 led bulbs that are next to them.
      The info on how I make them is in this thread, a couple of pages back.
      Last edited by NickZ; 07-23-2011, 03:42 PM.


      • Did you connect the battery in parallel or series to the cement cell?


        • You can do it both ways, but, with my cement cells when connected in parallel the current will not add up, but in series I can add more cans and obtain the voltage that I want. Each one has 1.4 volts, and 65 mA. I've gotten up to 12 volts with them in series, but with only 65 mA altogether.


          • How to build a Hutchison Power Cell !!!!

            YouTube - ‪How to build a Hutchison Power Cell !!!!‬‏


            • YES! I showed this mixture(almost exactly the same) and photos of our cells at the R-charge conference to anyone that would listen. I posted it early on in this thread. Our cells are a year old and still produce. Its nice to see John H. showing his ingredients. My brother spent six months research to come up with what we used and it is almost the same.

              Thanks for posting this Chasson321

              Just want to give John Hutchison a big thank you!

              Last edited by fan1701; 06-20-2011, 09:51 PM. Reason: forgot something


              • Hey John Hutchison! I love you like a brother man.. Thanks for the VID!


                • JH, appreciate the feedback ok we did'nt forget about you.

                  last i heard JH was trying to connect archeological info monatomic
                  gold (vaporized meta material) with alien energy technology.

                  YouTube - ‪Ark of the Covenant REVEALED‬‏

                  again pointing to powder in metals,

                  YouTube - ‪hutchison effect wiki never before seen footage 3/25/2011‬‏

                  simular studies
                  YouTube - ‪ElectroMagnetic Drives & Beam Propulsion Technology‬‏

                  keywords: project skyvault, polorization, induced resonance, negative permittivity.
                  Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-21-2011, 03:39 AM.


                  • Pls Archive this

                    Hi all,

                    Pls lets archive this video and the rest to come just in case...


                    • Johns "power cells" = 7mA. Not much power, after all these years of playing around.
                      My "power cells" output 1.4 volts, and 65 mA, just using beach sand and cement.
                      Johns cells seam pretty insignificant to me. I don't know why he wants to make a big deal of it. Or maybe he just wanted to wear the dress and be Carla, and needed an excuse.


                      • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                        Here I've connected a 1.2 volt capacitor can cement cell to a small flat 3 volt pc motherboard type of lithium battery. They have been running together and lighting a red led for about two weeks now. The small flat battery cell dropped a 1/2 volt, after a day or two, but, it is now staying at 2.5 volts. If I remove the lithium cell, the red led will continue to light with just the 1.2 volts coming from the cement cell, which is now charged up to to 2.5 volts, by the other lithium battery. The led will light for about an hour or so on just the cement cell. Both sources connected together will continue to light the led, probably for a long time. Neither of the two sources can keep lighting an led continually, but when they work together they can keep it going, at least so far.
                        Saturday I tried connecting my 13 penny 12 cell battery to 9V commercial battery. It would take a charge amazingly fast. Charging for less than a minute would lite a LED for 15 minutes or so. The penny battery does like your cement batteries. Self charges to about 1.5V but will not hold for long. An LED load will drain it very quickly.

                        Sunday I tried the 3V lithium battery connecting it in series with the penny battery. Neg of button cell to positive of penny battery. Lighting the LED the output started at 1.74V and dropped to 1.65V. It has been running at 1.653 to 1.655V since. The reading this morning was 1.655, the fluctuations seem to be temperature induced.

                        This is quite curious indeed. I will continue to monitor this setup and report any changes. Thank you for sharing this NickZ.

                        Brad S


                        • b_rads:
                          Yes, there are some interesting effects to be had by the combination of these cells when connected to regular batteries. My cells are now mutually self charging. As it seamed that nobody was interested, I haven't made any more comments about it. Thanks for your obsevations Brad.

                          The capacitor cell that I showed in the picture is still holding its voltage while lighting an led 24/7 without further discharging of either the lithium cell or the cement cell.
                          The lead acid batteries connected to my cement cells are also still lighting 5 leds after about 3 weeks, and are also holding their voltage steady without further discharging. They reach an equilibrium state after a while, and stay at that voltage-current level. If shorted out they just bounce right back.
                          On the other hand all of my Jtc or BwJT are draining their source batteries non stop, and I have to continually recharge their batteries.


                          • @NickZ
                            Could you please describe how your cell that has been running the led 24/7 is setup? Do you have the lithium button cell connected in parallel with the cement cell? I think mixing the "crystal" cells with regular batteries is an interesting angle. I'd love more info on your setup. Thanks!


                            • these are really interesting posts.
                              When I read amazingly fast charging I understand that is current flow
                              in an unexpected way.

                              Years ago I read a guy in Australia had a bunch
                              of old car batteries and his pulse charger had an increase he said the
                              depleted batteries had something to do with it.

                              That is when I began studying what John Bedini was doing. The crystal cells
                              are probably the hardest to develop. The other Bedini replications,
                              all of them 3 coilers, SS, lidmotors ect have motivated me to keep going.

                              People have made 800 amp/hour nickel/ iron/ batteries in a 5 gallon plastic bucket that will last over 25 years but they need a way to charge them.
                              if there is a crystal counterpart that would charge even a little faster its progress. there is zinc sheet available in d cell batteries easier than stripping pennies.

                              I bought a bag of cement because 65 mA is also doing something right
                              but I need to order some copper foil because more surface area of copper with the nickz recipe and alum at the junctions should give more current. Another comment Mathew Jones re-soaked his cement cells and they came back, opened up his cells expecting to find green stuff and there was nothing which tells me his alum/cement recipe is working very nicely and re hydration is not that big problem.


                              • @ Voire:
                                The 3v lithium battery is connected to the cement cell, positive (center post of the cement cell) to positive of the battery, and negative of the lithium battery to the can of the cement cell.
                                MikroV: The key to the higher current is the one pound of thick cooper wire that is spiraled inside of the can, and inverted onto itself. Thin foil sheet will probably not work the same. It takes some mass. A fairly dry cement mix packed tightly into the can is best. It might be able to be done with just using cement and alum, but I don't know, as I always use beach sand since it has alot of iron needles in it. You can see them on the end of the egg magnet (pictured) after passing it in the sand. I would connect the newly poured cell to a 12 wall adapter while the mix is still liquid and see it that helps to increase the voltage or current. Or, a magnet might work, also.
                                Last edited by NickZ; 07-23-2011, 03:42 PM.

