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Bedini Earth Light

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  • @ b_rads:
    The charging that goes on from the cement cells may not be long lasting at times, but it is constant, like a drop falling into a bucket. And it takes some time to condition the other batteries to accept the charge, but they will get used to it, after a while.
    I've had luck charging lead acid batteries, and the charge lasted longer than when charging the batteries using a regular wall charger. But, the idea is not so much to see how long the charge will last on another battery, but instead to see that together they can continue to output energy permanently, by mutually self charging. A high farad capacitor would probably work great in soaking up the charge from the cement cells or your penny cells, and may even help to raise the normal voltage that these cells would output just by themselves. So, there's alot to learn...


    • marcus reid from john hutchinson

      "dr marcus reids power cells have gone threw years of testing made with calcite and sodium silicate have had many years of testing in large laboratories more info google out dr marcus reid rex research these are same types i made awhile ago"

      Has anyone tried these materials...


      • Does anyone know where Rochelle Salt can be readily purchased. Only places I can locate it are either very expensive or take up to a month just to ship. I live in Michigan, USA.

        Thanks, Mark


        • Hi Mark,
          you can make it easily they say.
          Rochelle Salt Synthesis (xlroch.htm)
          or ebay
          Rochelle Salt U.S.P. One Pound | eBay

          please let us know when you get them running.

          alum works
          Crystals and crystal growing - Google Books
          Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-23-2011, 02:46 PM.


          • Thanks Mikro, supplies on the way.


            • New test cells

              Playing around in the shop last night, I decided to combine several of the different things I have tried into a single cell. First results look good – although most of it looks to be early galvanic reaction. I will monitor and report if anything positive results.
              I have played with copper foil, galvanized conduit, and prescription bottles for a long time. I decided to go this route again. Taking part of the Monothermal cell work, I used glue (both white and yellow) and magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salt). Using other material discussed on this forum, I added Gulf of Mexico/Mississippi beach sand and alum to the mix. Additionally, I added magnesium oxide and chromium oxide to the mix. From the John Hutchinson video with a little different twist, I heated the entire cell at 200 Degrees Celsius for 30 minutes and then hit each cell with 12V DC from a wall wart.
              2 hours after I hit the cells with 12 Volts I attached a white LED to the 3 cells connected in series. 12 hours later the white LED is still lit – it is not as intense as it was when I first connected the LED – but still pretty bright. This cell is measuring both DC and AC voltage. After a couple of days I will connect them to a commercial battery and see how it responds.
              Have a good weekend everyone,
              Brad S
              Attached Files


              • I know that people hate it when these cells are called galvanic but we must prove that its not galvanic. What are ways to prove that these cells are not galvanic?

                The reason why it would be galvanic would be due to the water. So how do we get rid of water without destroying the results?

                So how do we prove that its not galvanic? I don't want to be the devil's advocate but if these cells are galvanic then our work has been in vain. If we can prove that the cells are using Zero point energy then we as a human race can move forward.
                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                • Galvanic corrosion is a process that degrades metals electrochemically. This corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals are placed in contact with each other in the presence of an electrolyte, such as salt water, forming a galvanic cell. A cell can also be formed if the same metal is exposed to two different concentrations of electrolyte. The resulting electrochemical potential then develops an electric current that electrolytically dissolves the less noble material.

                  According to the definition galvanic corrosion is a process with specific
                  characteristics under specific conditions.

                  If any of the characteristics do not exist but the conditions do exist the
                  statement is false. Also vice versa

                  Stan Meyers said that the stainless steel cells would last several hundred years, we will not live that long, so why does it matter.

                  To abdlquadri welcome,
                  Marcus Reid good to mention him, no "how to" info on Reid's crystal batteries,
                  lot of zpe, 2007 pdf from marcus:
                  Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy
                  Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-28-2011, 05:55 PM.


                  • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                    I know that people hate it when these cells are called galvanic but we must prove that its not galvanic. What are ways to prove that these cells are not galvanic?

                    The reason why it would be galvanic would be due to the water. So how do we get rid of water without destroying the results?

                    So how do we prove that its not galvanic? I don't want to be the devil's advocate but if these cells are galvanic then our work has been in vain. If we can prove that the cells are using Zero point energy then we as a human race can move forward.
                    You don't have to get rid of anything. Its simple, a galvanic battery will deteriorate the metals that are included in construction.

                    SO.... Measure the metal. Measure it thickness with a micrometer. Do you have access to a big microscope? Look at the metal close up. That might show any pitting or wear that cannot be measured. If the material is being consumed there will be a bi product. Read about it and see if there are tests to identify the presents of those bi products.

                    Construct a cell of your liking. Make notes of the metal thickness as well as keep some original material. Run the cell for a given time. Then break it down.

                    You could even run it next to a cell that is truly galvanic, and record the deterioration in it.

                    And the presents of water does not matter, it whether or not the metal is being consumed to make the reaction happen. Thats galvanic.

                    But then again you just say, "screw everybody else and the proof they need". Build the things and use them. Long term use will reveal the process that is taking place.



                    • My supplies are on the way also.. Plan to make an energizer for the old lady's toys.


                      • liquid water crystal

                        I watched the work of Pollack over the weekend regarding water structure. Here it is for review: YouTube - ‪Pollack G.H. Water, Energy and Life‬‏

                        Pretty interesting findings regarding a forth state of water, being a liquid crystal. Take a piece of nafion and place it in water. The nafion attracts and builds a negative layering of water molecules. On the other side of this layer are positive charged protons. This creates a battery and it's charged by solar radiation.

                        This research also explains the water bridge that's created between two touching beakers filled with water and an HV passed through them.

                        Very cool stuff.

                        My Calloway V Gate Motor Video


                        • Originally posted by everyidea View Post
                          I watched the work of Pollack over the weekend regarding water structure. Here it is for review: YouTube - ‪Pollack G.H. Water, Energy and Life‬‏

                          Pretty interesting findings regarding a forth state of water, being a liquid crystal. Take a piece of nafion and place it in water. The nafion attracts and builds a negative layering of water molecules. On the other side of this layer are positive charged protons. This creates a battery and it's charged by solar radiation.

                          This research also explains the water bridge that's created between two touching beakers filled with water and an HV passed through them.

                          Very cool stuff.


                          I've seen that video too. They crystals form at the top of the water and that's why some insects can float on water or walk on water. I've done experiments before using the same metals in water, one plate was barely touching the water and this is where i got the best voltages. I was able to get around 600mV from the same metals in water exploiting what this video talks about.
                          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • Light Emitting Plasma

                            Hi everyone,
                            I am pretty new to this forum, but how does Bendini Lights compare to Light Emitting Plasma?
                            YouTube - ‪Flashlight Experiment LEP vs LED‬‏


                            • How do they compare ? Thats easy. They don't spam forums with useless products that have absolutely nothing to do with the thread they are posted in.


                              • If you concider John Bedini's use of copper oxide I, where he roasts
                                copper to form a junction material on the copper sheet.
                                In the John Hutchison cell he adds small amount of dopant to sodium silicate
                                mixture that when heated makes a junction material.

                                This idea can be used in other circuits to performance.
                                These ideas do not fit the galvanic chemistry definition.

                                As good ideas are made available they will be found in other devices.
                                I found video where a romero generator used a larger surface area
                                of diode to increase efficiency. He basically doubled the surface area
                                by running diodes (bridge rectifier) in parrallel. The voltage went from
                                16.5 to 22 volts ! here is the video.

                                YouTube - ‪Why DIODE SURFACE AREA IS IMPORTANT?.mov‬‏

                                If you want to read more on a diode builders Victor I Klimov has done something interesting with an advanced diode and a photon.

                                Site:LRP:Victor I. Klimov - "Energy From The Vacuum" - Verification - PESWiki

                                Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-28-2011, 05:56 PM. Reason: crawl before walking

