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Bedini Earth Light

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  • CONGRADULATIONS XEE2 having the longest running Joule Thief,
    Driving a green led 84 hours on a 10,000 uF ecap ... WOW !!!
    YouTube - ‪2 uA Joule thief‬‏

    Lately more websites on crystal cells have been removing information
    from public. The Hutchison formula and method needs to be replicated.

    YouTube - ‪CRYSTAL POWER!.wmv‬‏

    YouTube - ‪Rochelle salt crystals generating electricity‬‏

    John Hutchison crystal info still available:
    YouTube - ‪How to build a Hutchison Power Cell !!!!‬‏

    basic instructions:
    1/4 cup Rochelle salt
    1/2 cup epsom salt
    doping agents, using nail file 1 inch strokes 25 times
    calcium carbonate
    silver (not too much)
    iron pyrite

    with liquid sodium silicate coat inside and the thick galvanized wire electrode, plug one end tube with q_tip
    next warm salt mixture to moderately molten and pack tube, apply 12V from walwart as it cools.
    Last edited by mikrovolt; 07-13-2011, 06:55 PM.


    • You may be able to produce some electricity using salt, but you will also quickly be left with nothing but dust, as salt "crystals" will destroy most anything.
      John's "crystal power cell" outputs 7 mA. Is that worth replicating??? I still think he just wanted to wear the dress, and needed an excuse. And, I don't think he's showing all his cards, so what's the point???


      • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
        You may be able to produce some electricity using salt, but you will also quickly be left with nothing but dust, as salt "crystals" will destroy most anything.
        John's "crystal power cell" outputs 7 mA. Is that worth replicating??? I still think he just wanted to wear the dress, and needed an excuse. And, I don't think he's showing all his cards, so what's the point???

        I believe you are incorrect. Check the post below:

        I think your "7ma" that you keep quoting referes to the draw current from the FM transmitter, not the output of the cell.

        Worth replicating IMHO!

        John K.


        • John K:
          I'll look for and upload the link to the video where he states that they output 7mA. If that is not the case, then what is your idea of the output current (not the voltage) of his "power cell"??? He has made several different cells. The transmiter draw video is another thing, and is not what I am talking about.
          I have been watching those Johns H videos for a while now, and if I'm wrong about this, I'd like to know, as "power cells" are what I have been working on for a while now. Has anybody replicated his cells or knows for a fact how much they output???
          In Lidmotors replication of the cement cells he mentions that they have hardly no current. Not enough power to light a single led by itself without being aided by the Hartley oscillator circuit. So, I'm not trying to argue the point, just personally interested in a worthwhile replication of a working practical power cell, which up to now I have not seen, or heard of.


          • John K:
            I'm talking about John Hutchison's crystal cells (7mA), and not John Bedini cells, as John Bedini mentions 0.5 amps, but I don't believe he has shown any of them working at that output. Wishful thinking, on his part, I think. If JB wants to clarify the point, I'm all ears.
            If John Bedini has shown in a video that he has made a cell that outputs 1/2 an amp or so, please upload the link, as I have not seen it, if that is really the case.
            Lots of Johns out there, I thought that I'd clarify.


            • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
              John K:
              I'm talking about John Hutchison's crystal cells (7mA), and not John Bedini cells, as John Bedini mentions 0.5 amps, but I don't believe he has shown any of them working at that output. Wishful thinking, on his part, I think. If JB wants to clarify the point, I'm all ears.
              If John Bedini has shown in a video that he has made a cell that outputs 1/2 an amp or so, please upload the link, as I have not seen it, if that is really the case.
              Lots of Johns out there, I thought that I'd clarify.
              NickZ, thanks for clarifying. Yes, too many Johns out there!

              Sorry for the confusion.

              (another John)
              John K.


              • @ John K:
                No problem John. I was not being negative, just trying to search for the truth.
                The problem that I have found with cement cells is that they do lose voltage after a load is connected. They will drop in both voltage and current after a while until there is little power left to draw from to use. Even though they do bounce back after being disconnected for a while.
                So, I see them as working similar to a battery charger, instead of actual power cells. They will charge lead acid batteries to their voltage and current, but if a load is connected directly to them, they don't work very well, for long. The wire connections also start to oxidize rather quickly, which further weakens them.

                I'm hoping that a real power cell can be made of much smaller size, by using the right materials. As these are similar to trying to start a car by using a small battery charger to start the car directly.
                Any ideas are welcome.


                • My galena already has silver and iron pyrite mixed in it.

                  Sure is pertty.


                  • Pengrove

                    Could you please post a link to your Gelena supplier.



                    • Originally posted by Mark View Post

                      Could you please post a link to your Gelena supplier.

                      I bought it off of ebay. And it does not look like they have more like this one. We will have to try lots of different seeds to find the best ones.


                      • My "Beach sand & cement" battery --at 5 months

                        I have been following this thread and thought that this might be a good time to report on the first cement battery that I made. I built it on February 2, 2011 with local beach sand and Quikrite cement. It is still running a small LCD clock and sits on my kitchen window sill. The real reason for my report today is that it seems to gain energy from sunlight in the morning. The clock display gets brighter in the morning and in the late evening it gets dimmer. I initially thought that this was heat related but now that it is summer the temp inside my house is about the same day and night. Has anyone else noticed this effect?
                        Here is a video showing the cement cell still powering the clock--- after 5 months:

                        YouTube - ‪My Beach Sand & Cement battery at 5 months.ASF‬‏


                        P.S. I am not adding water to this. It is just a chunk of rock now.


                        • Try mirrors to focus more sunlight on your cells.

                          With Lidmotors thoughts/findings all of you with cement cells should try using mirrors, focusing the sun's light on your cells and see if there are visible/measurable changes to the power output.


                          • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                            The real reason for my report today is that it seems to gain energy from sunlight in the morning. The clock display gets brighter in the morning and in the late evening it gets dimmer. I initially thought that this was heat related but now that it is summer the temp inside my house is about the same day and night. Has anyone else noticed this effect?
                            @Lidmotor - thanks for the update - I always enjoy your videos.
                            Question – The copper you are using as the cathode, is it a coil similar to what NickZ is using or a straight piece of copper? Could you please describe?

                            I have seen videos where sunlight would make water more electric. The beach sand and the Quikrite both have quartz sand in them. This video might also be of some interest to some.
                            YouTube - ‪Crystal Ball Fire‬‏

                            Brad S


                            • @ Lidmotor and All:
                              Although my beach sand cement batteries do lose some of their voltage and about 1/2 of the current they started with, when connected to several leds, 24/7. When that happens I just give them a water soaking, as that does seams to help, for a while. They are not in the sunlight so I can't say about the variables due to that, but I'll try to set them in the sun to see if that helps at all. I thought of painting them all black and setting then on the roof of my house.
                              My capacitor can cement cell after being connected to a dead 3 volt lithium cell, is now lighting a red led, for hours (all day today) even now without the lithium cell connected to it. So, they will accept a charge as well as give a charge. That capacitor can cement cell can charge a dead 3 volt lithium cell to almost 2 volts, and will light the red led even brighter, than it would just by itself. This charge does seam to last for a good long while (all day, so far), although only to about 1/2 brightness of the red led after a while, but IT NEVER GOES OUT.
                              I also notice that if I charge two totally dead AAs using one cement cell, then connect the the AAs together in series, they can give about 2.5 volts. Lead acid batteries will also receive the charge from the cement cells very well.
                              It may be that the cement cells are not really being charged at at from an external source, but rather they are being stimulated or polarized by the additional source instead. I'm still at it... as they are the only free energy that I've personally seen yet.
                              I have not had much luck connecting them as a source to run my Hartley oscillators. The Hartley circuits need more than 50 mA to operate even thought they draw much less than that. And I can't connect these cement cell in parallel to obtain more current.
                              Too bad John Bedini is not working on them any more, or any one else, as I think this is an important project, with some great potential.
                              In any case it's been fun...
                              Last edited by NickZ; 07-23-2011, 03:42 PM.


                              • Galvanic? Or not Galvanic? That is the question---still

                                My cement batteries were made using plain copper wire and aluminum soda cans. I lightly sanded the inside of the cans down about 2'' and insulated the copper wire from the can bottom. As EVERYBODY now knows, when these cells are first made it IS galvanic action that makes the juice. The water in the mix makes it so. People just kinda faded away from this thread when their cells just got weaker and weaker as they dried out or the chemical reaction stopped. I did too. What good is a battery that has some voltage but almost no amperage? If you add water to it to bring back the chemical reaction then all you are doing is a third grade science experiment and it means nothing.
                                What I am seeing with this beach sand & cement cell puzzles me. It may be a very slow galvanic reaction that is effected by sunlight. The Al can filled with the cement might be a weird kind of solar cell. I really don't know but I thought that it was interesting. One strange thing is that the clock is brightest in the early morning. When we are making breakfast it is very handy to look at. Late at night you can barely read the display. I have had to reset the clock twice during the 5 months. It runs fast?


