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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Guys:
    Even without water there may still be a galvanic reaction going on with the cement cells, and other cells as well. As it is the oxygen present in the air, as well as in the water, that is mixed with the cement, that is causing the corrosion in the cells. The lime in the cement is also caustic. This is one of the reasons that these cells break down, and lose power over time, as well as the shrinking of the cement away from the aluminum cans, thus losing contact surface. The mixing of any types of salts to increase the voltage will only yield in a further break-down of the metals.
    Even if you did not use water in the cells mix, there is still air present between the molecules, as well as there being two different metals (electrolysis), and so, the cells may be galvanic, yet. Even when using the same metals, air is always present, and will oxidize and affect any exposed metal surfaces and connections.

    The only way that I can see of not having a galvanic reaction breaking down the cells is to not use any metals, and this may not be possible. Or, to use true 100% stainless steel, gold, platinum, etz... precious metals.
    The advantage and beauty of these cells is that they are very cheap to make, using only sand and cement, so most anyone can afford to make them. I use no chemicals, just a little baking powder, but not soda.
    I will look into charging the cells with sunlight, and let you know what happens. ALL electricity production is done by the utilization and conversion of Aether. As everything in heaven and Earth is made from it. Of course there is more charge in the air during the day, due to the so called Sunlight, compared to night time. I say so called because sunlight is created on earth, by the Earths Vortex, and does not come from our Sun, at all. There is NO "travelling of light", but a polarization rate instead. Waves don't "travel" at all, they polarize at a certain rate and speed. Aether is still undetectable by our meters and scopes, as yet.

    Possibly the placing of a piece of zinc on the cells can surface may help to control or at least slow down the corrosive affects, just like it helps an outboard motor. Just an idea...


    • With these cement cells i find that its better to charge a capacitor or battery and not put a load directly on them. It seems the load can kill the cells. As for charging a capacitor a cell that gives 1.5 volts would charge a capacitor to almost 1.7 volts, so charging a capacitor seems to be key.

      As for Lidmotors cell being able to get more power out during the morning then at night might have to do a true effect that we need to go after. You stated that its in the window and this leads me to think that cosmic radiation is affecting your cell. Some sunlight and other electromagnetic radiation is hitting your cell and its more noticeable during the day time than at night.

      The key to making these cells work great would be to tap the radiation. I think many people like Marcus Reid and Stubblefield used some type of radiation. Radiation such as with some rocks like Pitchblende can be found easily in nature.

      This video shows someone finding Pitchblende in nature YouTube - ‪Finding pitchblende in nature - Pechblende‬‏

      So radioactive material can be found in nature and every click from the speaker is power coming from the rock to move that speaker. So this stuff could really give off a lot of power and for a long time too. But the experiments don't need to use this type of radioactive material, you could use Bananas. Mix some bananas in your concrete cells because they contain Potassium which is radioactive too.

      Its about the ions not the electrons.
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • Ib:
        The problem with using capacitors to obsorb the charge from cement and other types of cells, is that they are not cheap... as compared to batteries. So, I have been charging small 4 volt lead acid batteries, which are working well with these cells. But I think that the combination of using both a capacitors and batteries is the way to go.

        As Lidmotor has mentioned most people drifted away from this thread because of the low voltage and hardly no current output. I have stayed with it. To find that up to now I can get 1.5 volts and 65mA, per cell, and in series I've gotten up to 12 volts, but the same 65mA.
        I think we have a lot to learn still, for those that keep at it.
        This system offers safe, clean energy, and NO NOISE. But it can't compare to solar cells, as yet, as they can output 10 times the current, and take up 1/10 of the space, if you can afford them, and there batteries.


        • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
          My cement batteries were made using plain copper wire and aluminum soda cans. I lightly sanded the inside of the cans down about 2'' and insulated the copper wire from the can bottom. As EVERYBODY now knows, when these cells are first made it IS galvanic action that makes the juice. The water in the mix makes it so. People just kinda faded away from this thread when their cells just got weaker and weaker as they dried out or the chemical reaction stopped. I did too. What good is a battery that has some voltage but almost no amperage? If you add water to it to bring back the chemical reaction then all you are doing is a third grade science experiment and it means nothing.
          What I am seeing with this beach sand & cement cell puzzles me. It may be a very slow galvanic reaction that is effected by sunlight. The Al can filled with the cement might be a weird kind of solar cell. I really don't know but I thought that it was interesting. One strange thing is that the clock is brightest in the early morning. When we are making breakfast it is very handy to look at. Late at night you can barely read the display. I have had to reset the clock twice during the 5 months. It runs fast?

          Hey Lidmotor,

          I hear ya, this is why I could not really subscribe to this thread. I have been doing my own experiments along these lines but it has been slow due to lots of stuff on the table and about 1 hour of experimentation a day if that!

          I really think that to make this work well there needs to be a different approach to what people are taking.

          Think layers....

          for example, imagine taking a piece of copper, and conditioning it so that it has a semiconductor coating to it (we know the process with heat and borax).

          Now can you electroplate additional copper onto this surface?

          Can you make layers of alternating semiconductor and copper?

          What happens when we consider these laminations or electroplated coatings as thin films? Thin films have interesting properties which can strongly affect light (heat, all EM waves).

          One such example is quarter wave cancellation, used in lenses to selectively cause interference with incoming light. Frequencies can be canceled, doubled in amplitude etc.

          What if the electroplated layers have a thickness which corresponds to the wavelength of the infrared spectrum?

          So we create thin film layers of semiconductor and pure copper, with thicknesses corresponding to the wavelength of infrared spectrum, and we order ambient heat energy.

          just an idea, but I think this has more possibility than the current line of thinking.


          • I am trying John Bedini Cell

            I got now about 1 mW for 1g of Mg (with a AA pile C rod) - so it should give at least 1W for 1Kg of Mg for bigger battery, but some gasses started to escape (H/O?). So I tried to expose Mg in borax/alum only to see how it resists, later it apparently stopped. This is what I don't understand. MgO should not produce gas. If Mg does, then why it stopped? Or the concentration alum/borax was too high? I got about 1.6 V!


            • If heat and borax plus layers is the way to go, then why don't you try it and see.
              Nobody that I know of has made a cell with over 2 volts, and 70 mAs, using any of the ingredients or special chemicals, or magnetic ovens, etz...
              That does not mean that it is not possible, but it certainly has not been easy. Many "ideas", but no cigar...

              I just removed several (7) my cement cells that were placed in direct sunlight, after receiving more than two hours of full tropical sunlight, they are quite warm to the touch, I would guess about 100 degrees in temp, or higher. No measurable difference in voltage or current that I can see or measure with a volt meter, nor will a single cell light an led by itself still.


              • Let's try this again!

                Since I had discarded all my previous attempts with the cement battery, I made a new one last night from a “ya hooo” Mountain Dew can. I used a 50-50 mix of beach sand and Quickrite and approximately 3 feet of 14g copper wire as a coil and coming through the center of the coil from the bottom with felt in the bottom of the can. The coil is not conical, but rather cylindrical. I had a compulsive urge to throw something else into the mix, so I added a small amount of chromium oxide to the mix. This colored the cement green like the can. Does that make this “green energy”?

                If I understand correctly, Lidmotor had his cell in the window the entire time. This suggests to me that it might take some time to condition the cell to accept the sunlight/radient/ambient/whatever charge. I am looking forward to trying to replicate his findings.

                Brad S


                • The fact his cell loses power in the afternoon may indicate that is just simply getting weaker, and may eventually drop even further, and not be brighter in the morning. A Jt attached to it would help to see if it is also changing the intensity of the led, as well as a voltage reading. Might also be just the clock affecting it now.
                  Right now my cells will not reach their original output current levels of 55 to 70 mA. No matter what I do. Might be something in the air. who knows...
                  b-rads: good luck with your new cell. The only way to improve this effort is to stay with it. Most other projects have resulted in nothing. I'm still lighting my house at night with permanent night lights. It's not the "big light" that we all want, but better than no light at all.


                  • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                    b-rads: good luck with your new cell. The only way to improve this effort is to stay with it. Most other projects have resulted in nothing. I'm still lighting my house at night with permanent night lights. It's not the "big light" that we all want, but better than no light at all.
                    Thanks for the encouragement, this is fun and I have learned a lot from doing these experiments. Of course the wife thinks I might be a little crazy.
                    I know this deviates from this thread, however let me share the simplest and cheapest batteries I have built to date. That is the zinc/copper tap water battery. The 3 cells shown below have been lighting the red LED for over 10 months and I have only changed the water twice. I am curious to see how long they will continue to work. The galvanized conduit cost me 7cents per cell and copper and bottles are scrap. Much like your cement cells, they do not parallel very well. They do series connections and can reach almost any voltage you want. The current is terribly small though. A RS LED holder will disperse the light nicely and makes a sweet little torch.
                    Thanks again,
                    Brad S
                    Attached Files


                    • My wife also thinks I'm also a bit off when doing these tests on the kitchen table. But she had a different opinion last night when a big storm came in and the electric power from the grid stopped, until this morning. My multiple Jtc, and cement cells were all that was still on... and are more than enough to still be able get around on. Not like candles that burn out in time, and can't last all night.
                      I hang in there because I feel that sooner or later there will be no grid power to count on. So, while there is time left to play with this, and other projects, I will continue to do so.
                      Although John B says to not put a load on the cells until they are dry, I find that it makes no difference. Adding a magnet or 12 dc to them while wet may help, but I can't say for sure as I have not tried it.


                      • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                        The key to making these cells work great would be to tap the radiation. I think many people like Marcus Reid and Stubblefield used some type of radiation. Radiation such as with some rocks like Pitchblende can be found easily in nature.

                        This video shows someone finding Pitchblende in nature YouTube - ‪Finding pitchblende in nature - Pechblende‬‏

                        So radioactive material can be found in nature and every click from the speaker is power coming from the rock to move that speaker. So this stuff could really give off a lot of power and for a long time too. But the experiments don't need to use this type of radioactive material, you could use Bananas. Mix some bananas in your concrete cells because they contain Potassium which is radioactive too.

                        Its about the ions not the electrons.
                        Here is a patent that supports your statements above.
                        Polyvinyl Acetate (wood glue) and bananas could be an interesting experiment. I am not interested in messing with serious radioisotopes, but bananas might be cool.
                        Brad S


                        • Tests

                          I did more tests with the cement battery clock setup and I have come to no conclusions. I did check other cement cells that were made about the same time and they all show about 1 volt unloaded now. There just isn't hardly any amperage to play with though. Even hooking a multimeter up drops the voltage. The clock cell (made with beach sand and Quikrete) has .910 volts on it mid morning and drops down to about .830 late in the day. Last night I tried heating it up with a BBQ lighter flame on the bottom of the can and the voltage did go back up. It went right back down as soon as it cooled down soooo----maybe what I am seeing is very much "heat" related and not solar radiation like I had hoped. It might be a combination of things happening.

                          I spent quite some time yesterday researching cement and how it cures. It can take years to completely cure depending on several factors. The chemistry is facinating----if you can understand it. I thought that the water mostly evaporated but it doesn't. It hooks up with the other molecules and they have great "hot" party inside that rock. Some of the poor water molecules never do hookup and just sit around unattached and trapped.

                          @Ibpointless-----If you made a video called: "The Nuclear Bannana Battery"---- that has viral video written all over it if it works. A million hits the first day.

                          Last edited by Lidmotor; 07-09-2011, 02:42 PM.


                          • clam shell calcium

                            An old alchemist I knew claimed that calcium carbonate from clam shells has enough radioactive calcium to be of interest for certain experiments. Like bananas it should be pretty safe. Clam shells are used in chinese medicine so you can get it cheap from a chinese herb shop or you could consider coral calcium from a supplement store...


                            • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post

                              @Ibpointless-----"The Nuclear Bannana Battery". That has viral video written all over it if it works. A million hits the first day.

                              That's funny!

                              Bananas might be a little too crazy but worth a shot. Its the potassium that makes them radioactive and knowing that I have something that should work a little better. Like many of you might know already when you make these type of batteries (water, earth, and cement batteries) adding salt to it makes them more powerful. Well its the ions in the salt that really make it boost its power, and radioactive things give off ions. Where I'm going with this is that I have a "salt substitute" which is potassium chloride. Its like salt but its not, and most important of all its radioactive (its safe too). Here is a video of someone showing potassium chloride is radioactive but safe YouTube - ‪Is Potassium Salt Radioactive? The Test!‬‏

                              I'm going to make some of these cells tonight and test them in the morning to see if it works. I'm looking for the radioactive salt to emit ions that that hit and make electrons that will be collected on the plates which make electricity for me.

                              As for the water in the concrete cells I've found it vastly important to use less concrete. The less you use the less water you use and the quicker it can dry. Using a can can take awhile to dry as there is little air getting to the concrete to dry it as the can is in the way. I place my cells on cardboard and use a little and spread it out so that it dries faster.
                              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                              • Ok guys:
                                Do you have to peal the bananas? Which end is the anode? Lots of questions...
                                Electrico bananas, it's going to be the very next fase...
                                If you remember that song you're as old as me.

                                Lidmotor: thanks for doing the voltage test on the clock.
                                I did not gain anything by putting them in the sun. They are probably weaker now... ha.
                                Although I've lost 1/2 the current from when the cells were first made I still have 25 to 35 mA on each one of my best cells.
                                Instead of spending more time on these cement cells, what other type of cells can we make that might work better??? I think that John B gave up.
                                I had a case of beer cans waiting to be poured, but I'm going to wait now and maybe try something else. I think John B gave up with them.

                                Although radioactive bananas can kill you, (if you slip on them), they are viral friendly, and beats potatoes, any day.

