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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Bedini Earth Light/ Crystal Cells

    You will find some trouble getting Selenium as the cost is very expensive. I have posted the chemical house some posts back. The copper bowls come from New York I will get the link for you as soon as I can. The bowls are about 14 to 18 dollars each.

    Rochelle salt Takes time to make My first batch is still growing crystals. I got two big ones but that is not enough. I have ordered Cream of Tartar through a spice house to get the correct tactic acid. Do not expect a cell that will give allot of power when you first make them. To get the crystal batteries even better it takes again very expensive pure chemicals. The Selenium I have from many years ago when I was making Ionic Amplifiers, I never used it in the mix as I found out I did not need it.

    I also found a trick to the Sodium Silicate as it acts as a semiconductor layer, like doped glass. It's not used as a glue at all. Chuck and I will soon post another video of the Star cell in reverse with the magnesium.

    You all can do simple tests with the metals to find out what metals work the best. This is done by making the mix that John H gave into a small square block and making a test stand using metal plates., you want the highest voltage.
    Here is the Chemical house if you want the good stuff.
    Alfa Aesar - A Johnson Matthey Company

    "WARNING TO ALL USING SELENIUM YOU DO AT YOUR OWN RISK"I would not suggest anybody using Selenium because of the risk, I would use Galena first. Selenium power is not available in the US.
    I'm looking for other doping right now that will do the same thing. I'm not in a big hurry here because it must be done exact. I found out you just cant pop these out.
    John B
    John Bedini


    • Confused

      Now I m confused. I thought that it was the same selenium. Here is a fact sheet on the supplement.

      Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Selenium

      I guess I was wrong the supplements have an organic form of selenium not pure selenium


      Last edited by FRC; 08-18-2011, 06:50 AM. Reason: more info


      • copper plumbing

        not all copper is alike when it comes to plumbing.
        more recently some of the larger "hardware" stores have "watered down" the copper. it is not as pure as it was in the "old days" you can find a more pure copper at a real plumbing store. that said, those copper end caps are not so cheap. I paid 14 each.
        I found these bowls:
        red flower - Detail1 - 00316 - red flower prayer bowl - candles - red flower
        they state that they are pure copper, but I have not ordered yet. I'll wait for the NY link.



        • PS we are lighting a couple of bright LED's now with the joule ringer as our motor stopped turning. not enough energy for the CFL anymore I was hoping to get that lit to do a vid maybe if we add water or a couple more cells in parallel. we have started on other projects until the lights go out, if ever :-)


          • If you want that copper bowl to work you have to say a couple of prayers, light an led, with some incense, and howl at the moon. Just kidding,
            but I've heard that the howling part always works.


            • Metal/Chemical USA source

              Here's a USA source that has many of the items you are looking for. They provide high grade materials to research departments.

              ESPI Metals | HOME

              Hope it helps,

              My Calloway V Gate Motor Video


              • copper shells (half ball)

                Here is a link to a place in Smithfield, Rhode Island that sells copper shells (half ball). It says they are made from 110 Revere Copper. Are these suitable John?

                Sizes 1-3/4" dia to 5" dia are 0.032" thick. ($5.25 to $13.5)
                Sizes 6" dia to 14" dia are 0.043" thick. ($20 to $170)
                Size 16" dia is 0.064" thick. ($270)

                Copper Ball and Half Shell (half ball) by New England Copperworks



                • Copper bowls

                  @ hherby and all:

                  Yes that is the place where the copper bowls come from.


                  • Cell mixture

                    @John B.
                    Thanks for the info. I hope that you have success finding a better dopant than selenium. In the mean time, like you suggested, there are other things that we can be trying with the basic mixtures.

                    To me this is kinda like watching a master chef and trying to learn how to cook. Me the student asking ---"OK that looks good now when do I add the slice of bat wing, pinch of lizzad tail, and cup of dragon's breath?" "What?" "Am I missing something?

                    ---The master chef turns slowly and simply says:---"You can leave now. You will never get this."

                    Soooo--Today all I did was study semi conductors and dopants.



                    • Copper and Magnesium

                      Here are some other links for those of you that want Copper sheets and Magnesium.

                      Discounted Copper Sheets- Various Sizes and Thicknesses

                      Magnesium, Magnesium Alloy - All Metals & Forge


                      • So here are all the crystal battery replicators!

                        What an idiot Ive been not noticing this thread....

                        My battery is reading 3.6mA @ 0.5V under load and its now day 8 of an (almost) 24 hour non stop LEDathon. I say almost, because after several days the amps dropped to 2.4, but a quick 5 minute breather and the current came back to 3.6.

                        The maximum I've achieved is 4.5mA when I add one more cell in parallel.

                        I spiral the Mg ribbon round a central (graphite, cu coated) welding rod, though not touching obviously - it works great!

                        Good luck everyone.

                        Just found this on ebay

                        Magnesium Plates , 99.9% pure Magnesium ( 1 x kilo ) | eBay

                        10 pound for a kilo of Mg.

                        Last edited by seth; 08-18-2011, 10:50 PM.


                        • Infrared material absorption

                          For those who wish to touch up their IR absorption knowledge;
                          Introduction - University of Reading

                          Interesting IR semiconductors
                          Cadmium Telluride - real dangerous stuff
                          Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) - University of Reading

                          Zinc Selenide - has an IR-A, IR-B and some IR-C range - 0.5-15µm
                          Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) - University of Reading

                          Interesting that Germanium is listed too.... scroll down the page to see. I remember Moray really liked Germanium.

                          I kinda see this as the IR waves vibrate these elements and their vibration causes the Rochelle salts to vibrate, producing electricity. Not sure if this is so, but seams logical.

                          My Calloway V Gate Motor Video


                          • here is a video of me adding salt substitute and Epsom salts that I use in the Latest glue cells to distilled water. The effects of adding those salts are not what you expect from salts. Heres the video Adding Salt Substitute and Epsom Salt To water - YouTube

                            I took this one step further and got a copper pipe and wrapped notebook paper around it with magnesium ribbon around the other side of the paper. I mixed 50/50 Epsom salt and salt substitute into distilled water. Dipped the cell in the water mix and took it out and set in a container and closed the container off so that the water won't evaporate so quickly and hook it up to the LCD clock. I'm doing this to see if the magnesium will corrode, from the effects in the video I'm hoping it work corrode as easy.
                            All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                            • IB:
                              If you had not shown that test where the voltage goes down by adding salts, I would not have believed it.
                              Can you check to see if the current goes up, when the voltage goes down, in the same two wire test, when the salts are added.


                              • PN junction and doping

                                @John B.
                                In my research today on semi conductors and doping I came across this simple 1 minute video on Youtube that explained how a solar cell works. It seems to point to why your crystal cell might be working the way it does. A solar cell does not make any energy on it's own but it is setup, by design, to cause a flow of electrons when it is hit by photons. I hope that this idea is correct because it made sense to me.

                                How PV cells produce electricity - YouTube


                                Check out your local thrift store for old copper bowls. I found a really good one today for $1. It is about 4" across and made out of excellent copper. Have no idea how old it is or where it came from. I made a quick cell (zinc,water, and Alum) and it worked great.

