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  • Excellent "must see" video

    Originally posted by plengo View Post
    Some of my experiments with crystal cells: Crystal Cell Battery 1 - YouTube

    That was a great video you made ---for several reason. First it walks us through the progression of steps that you took to get to that amazing final 12 volt battery. The second is it shows that you don't have to have a "lab" to do this research in. Third you explained what you used, and how you made the different cells. Finally you showed that if a person thinks outside the box then many things are possible. I would have never thought of using a copper circuit board to build a multiple cell battery.

    Anyone who is just starting on this crystal cell project should watch your video to gain insight into the steps to take towards the final goal.

    I am looking forward to your next video where you show how to make the "dried chewing gum" electrolyte. Because the formula uses NO WATER --I am very interested.

    Last edited by Lidmotor; 08-21-2011, 07:31 PM.


    • and my compound mixture in very early stages. Crystal Cell Battery 2 - YouTube



      • Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
        The wiki links says the the alum used for pickling is the "Aluminum potassium sulfate, potash alum". John Bedini said that the Alum he used is the same one they use for pickling (which is why McCormick us selling it for). So if the wiki page is right, it should be the Potassium Aluminum Sulfate.

        But I think wiki link is wrong and that the McCormick site is correct.

        Thanks for your input, didn't know this stuff smells badly. Should be fun making these batteries.
        McCormick site is correct. I emailed them a while back and asked specifically if there was any potassium or salt of any kind. Told them we were doing some Science experiments with their product and that it was important for us to know. they were very quick and friendly.



        • I made a Dry Crystal Cell battery that does not need water. If the cell comes in contact with water it will be destroyed so its best to keep the water far way from this cell. No water is needed, never, no water to get it started or to keep it going and like I stated water will destroy the cell so keep water away from it. This cell also functions when heated to a high temperature, which many crystal cells can't do.

          This cell functions much like the glue batteries but without the glue. I have left out Epsom Salts and Rochelle salts do to the fact that these salts you buy contain mostly water.

          The ingredients are: Salt substitute by Morton, Alum by McCormick, Borax by 20 mule team. The electrodes used are copper and Magnesium.

          I would also like to say that this cell is not perfect, i'm still testing it and making it better and any input would be great. Its been powering my LCD clock for a good bit of time, far exceeding the glue cells.

          Also be careful when making these cells, stoves and chemicals can be dangerous so use caution. Here is the video on how to make the Dry crystal cells
          How to make a Dry Crystal Cell Battery that contains no Water - YouTube

          Enjoy experimenting
          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


          • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
            The ingredients are: Salt substitute by Morton, Alum by McCormick, Borax by 20 mule team. The electrodes used are copper and Magnesium.

            How to make a Dry Crystal Cell Battery that contains no Water - YouTube

            Enjoy experimenting
            I love the fact that I can get all the ingredients for this cell within 10 minutes from the house. I could not wait to replicate this build. I took two copper 1/2" caps and magnesium rod. Just like Plengo showed in his video. Put a piece of felt in the bottom, added mixture, and baked in the oven. One cell was your mix and the other I added an additional element.
            Today, I looked on the internet for galena and found out that it is PbS. Lead and Sulpher, and if not pure, can have traces of silver or gold. I retrieved a lead weight from the tackle box and with a very fine file, I added lead to the second cell.
            The cells had cooled considerably, but still warmer than room temperature. The cell with lead had more than double the current than the first cell. For those who do not have galena, try some lead.
            It is very important to me that these cells can be built with commonly available materials and this build is so simple. Let's see how they hold up.
            Thanks ibpointless2 for this cell.
            Brad S
            Last edited by b_rads; 08-23-2011, 02:25 AM. Reason: grammer


            • Replication!!!!

              Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
              I made a Dry Crystal Cell battery that does not need water. If the cell comes in contact with water it will be destroyed so its best to keep the water far way from this cell. No water is needed, never, no water to get it started or to keep it going and like I stated water will destroy the cell so keep water away from it. This cell also functions when heated to a high temperature, which many crystal cells can't do.

              This cell functions much like the glue batteries but without the glue. I have left out Epsom Salts and Rochelle salts do to the fact that these salts you buy contain mostly water.

              The ingredients are: Salt substitute by Morton, Alum by McCormick, Borax by 20 mule team. The electrodes used are copper and Magnesium.

              I would also like to say that this cell is not perfect, i'm still testing it and making it better and any input would be great. Its been powering my LCD clock for a good bit of time, far exceeding the glue cells.

              Also be careful when making these cells, stoves and chemicals can be dangerous so use caution. Here is the video on how to make the Dry crystal cells
              How to make a Dry Crystal Cell Battery that contains no Water - YouTube

              Enjoy experimenting
              It works!!! Don't know how long it will work but it works! NO WATER!!! Good job. I made up a device specfically to test low power sources and this was the first day to really use it. I named the device "PENNY" because she would run on my "2 cent cell". She works great on your crystal "waterless" cell. I still think that there is an ionic transfer between the two dissimilar metals in this cell-- but at least it looks like it CAN happen in a crystaline structure without water. Now the question is how long will this cell last.

              Excellent work Ibpointless.

              Here is the video of my replication:

              PENNY running off Ibpointless crystal cell.ASF - YouTube



              • Borax has water contained in its crystalline structure. I just made one of ibpointless's borax-alum-KCl batteries as well and you can tell there's water in it, as the cell is a bit gummy after cooking. Over time this will probably dry out some, but it may be causing a galvanic reaction...

                And let me state that I do not mean to discourage anyone by pointing this out. I've been cooking all sorts of stuff on my stove in a similar way to try to find something that works.


                • Video deleted

                  Originally posted by skaght View Post
                  Borax has water contained in its crystalline structure. I just made one of ibpointless's borax-alum-KCl batteries as well and you can tell there's water in it, as the cell is a bit gummy after cooking. Over time this will probably dry out some, but it may be causing a galvanic reaction...

                  And let me state that I do not mean to discourage anyone by pointing this out. I've been cooking all sorts of stuff on my stove in a similar way to try to find something that works.
                  You are right. This isn't a waterless cell. The water is just part of the crystals.
                  I just deleted the video that I made because it was misleading.

                  Back to the drawing board.



                  • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                    You are right. This isn't a waterless cell. The water is just part of the crystals.
                    I just deleted the video that I made because it was misleading.

                    Back to the drawing board.

                    Just wondered if any of the brainy folk here knew if there is water in the Hutchison cell ingredients?

                    Does it absorb water from the air?

                    Im using Epsom n Rochelle salts, ''calci chew'' tablets and Galena and Iron pyrite. the LED has been lit for almost 2 weeks and I certainly havent added any drops of water, or recharged it.

                    PS My mA's are definitely decreasing, but at a very very slow pace. I measured 2.4mA today on all 6 cells. Im sure it will return to 6mA if I give it a little rest, but noetheless its certainly decreasing in power over time. Im hungry for something better.....
                    Last edited by seth; 08-23-2011, 08:00 AM.


                    • Originally posted by skaght View Post
                      Borax has water contained in its crystalline structure. I just made one of ibpointless's borax-alum-KCl batteries as well and you can tell there's water in it, as the cell is a bit gummy after cooking. Over time this will probably dry out some, but it may be causing a galvanic reaction...

                      And let me state that I do not mean to discourage anyone by pointing this out. I've been cooking all sorts of stuff on my stove in a similar way to try to find something that works.

                      You're correct Borax contains water. Borax is sodium tetraborate decahydrate. decahydrate literally means 10 water molecules. But it doesn't stop there because the formula changes when heated.

                      "Sodium tetraborate occurs naturally as the minerals tincal (pronounced "tinkle;" Na2B4O7·10H2O) and kernite (Na2B4O7·4H2O). Ores containing these minerals are crushed, washed, and processed to obtain the decahydrate of high purity. Anhydrous sodium tetraborate can be obtained by heating the decahydrate"
                      Sodium Tetraborate Summary |

                      When heated sodium tetraborate decahydrate can become Anhydrous sodium tetraborate which means contains no water.

                      "As a general term, a substance is said to be anhydrous if it contains no water" Anhydrous - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      But how hot did I get it? Enough to melt the aluminum to the stove. sodium tetraborate decahydrate melting point is 75C degrees. But what about the gummy texture? The gummy texture is the Alum, I used it because it acts like a glue. You noticed that I said put it on last, this is to seal the cell out from water.

                      If guys noticed that i left out Rochelle salts and Epsom salts for a good reason. Those salts are nothing but water, just check the box they come in for H2O.

                      Like i said in the post this cell is not perfect and i'm still working on it to make it better. So yes Borax contains water but the water can be removed at 75C degrees making it so it contains no water and with the Alum acting like a glue it should help to keep water out. This cell works really nice and is powering my LCD clock just fine. I did a lot of study to make this cell. I was after a crystal cell that still produced voltage even when hot, because when hot the less chance of water.
                      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                      • Originally posted by seth View Post
                        Just wondered if any of the brainy folk here knew if there is water in the Hutchison cell ingredients?

                        Does it absorb water from the air?

                        Im using Epsom n Rochelle salts, ''calci chew'' tablets and Galena and Iron pyrite. the LED has been lit for almost 2 weeks and I certainly havent added any drops of water, or recharged it.

                        PS My mA's are definitely decreasing, but at a very very slow pace. I measured 2.4mA today on all 6 cells. Im sure it will return to 6mA if I give it a little rest, but noetheless its certainly decreasing in power over time. Im hungry for something better.....

                        Yes his cell is nothing but water. Epsom and Rochelle salts contain mostly water. Epsom salts easily absorb water from the air. But water is the reason why they even have a crystal structure. Just check the box they came in for H2O. I don't think John gave away all his cookies, he'e either not telling us something or is a fraud.
                        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                        • John Bedini, Plengo and lidmotor all thanks bringing this technology up.

                          IBpointless; great job ! don't be to hard on JH he's cool guy.
                          We Are making progress.

                          RE: "but it does contain water"
                          We know this is not a water cell. To those who feel otherwise I will say;
                          We know rocks will sweat and give fractional potential, the water needs to be added,
                          recommend they read the thread and do experiments so our time is not consumed by what
                          the rest of the group can simply understand.
                          IB referred to in a general sense this cell by type did not appear to be using water.
                          A water cell is needing to add water. This is a type of cell.
                          He can make this distinction after months of trial and error, I respect that.

                          I feel it is a dry crystal cell with low melting point. To make certain
                          later the cell could be put in a sealed jar with silica gel pack and leads on top.
                          Always use a control. Always have one designated unit undisturbed called a control
                          in order to prove by comparison between a test unit and a control unit.
                          Just in case the infrared is inhibited by an enclosure or something else not thought of.

                          Curious if this is an IR absorber, just got the feeling it will go long term.
                          Also the increase of current by the addition of lead sounds optimistic.
                          Last edited by mikrovolt; 08-23-2011, 03:31 PM.


                          • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                            Yes his cell is nothing but water. Epsom and Rochelle salts contain mostly water. Epsom salts easily absorb water from the air. But water is the reason why they even have a crystal structure. Just check the box they came in for H2O. I don't think John gave away all his cookies, he'e either not telling us something or is a fraud.
                            Any salt which is heated above 100 degrees celsius will lose its water content. So even though the epsom and rochelle salts contain water when in the packet, after heating them they will lose their water content. The question remains whether they reabsorb the water when they dry (i havent got a clue).

                            My cell is reading 3.3 mA today. Almost a whole mA better than yesterday......I havent given up on this one yet....

                            Nonetheless, it has been raining all day, so there is plenty of water in the air....perhaps the cell just absorbs water moisture and the current increases???

                            Just a wild stab in the dark


                            • John H cells are only putting out 7 mA or less, that is after making "hundreds" of them. Even just to dimly light an led, it would take several of his cells alone to do that. So, it doesn't look to me like he is really spilling the beans on that. Hutchinson mentions that he can get 1 amp in short burst. That is a very long ways from a just few mA. So, the secret is still a secret, if true.
                              To get a few mA by using salt that contains water, is not really moving forward, at least not the way I see it. Crystal Cell? More like a salt crystal cell.
                              To obtain 1 or 2 amps per cell is something else, at least there the salt is making some current, even if it is at the expense of the metals. But, even Lasersabers best cells also lose a lot of their power after a while, but are at least easy to replace the thin worn out magnesium electrodes, that are on the outside of the cell. Making a bank of a dozen or more of those cells (Carbon/Mg solid rod cells) and you've got something. At least a lot of maintanance to keep them all going.
                              We need to find an electrolyte that is totally dry, but that can still transfer ions without using salts that contain water. And to make cells that are comparable to the existing batteries technologies (that have usable current), but that don't drain in charge.That type of cell is already out, and lasts for over 3 years without any recharge. I don't remember who's making them now. One of the other guys here had sent a link, before.
                              It would be a good idea to buy one of those to take apart and see how it works.

                              The magnesium fire starter that is about 1 by 3 inches by 1/4 inch, can produce 110mA, just by wrapping copper wire over the wet paper towel, no science lab needed.

                              John B says that his semiconductor cell has no problem outputing 500 mA, 1 or 2 amps, or more, but has not shown a meter reading of it doing so, with a load. Open circuit voltages can be fluffy without a load. The longevity of the copper after been burnt as a semiconductor is still a question. As copper electrodes form that black oxide coating that in time kills the output, especially when the cells are being charged for more than a few seconds.


                              • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                                John H cells are only putting out 7 mA or less, that is after making "hundreds" of them.
                                Ive made one (without sodium silicate) and ive seen it producing 8mA. Perhaps with a better design than my prototype, they could output 100 mA?

                                Ive built lots of lasersaber earth batteries, and just a few crystal cells. Im paying a lot of attention to these crystal cells because they seem to be performing at least as well as my lasersaber reps.

                                No-one has convinced me yet that Hutchison cells contain water. Some kind of chemistry info about how how crystalline salts absorb water would be nice.
                                Last edited by seth; 08-23-2011, 05:01 PM.

