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  • @ibpointless2

    You might want to try oil or WD-40 in your test as well.


    • Originally posted by LaserSaber View Post

      You might want to try oil or WD-40 in your test as well.
      I have tried WD40 but it never worked for me. But i did see you latest video with the carbon magnesium cell you put in oil. I'm very interested in this cell, what oil do you use? It seems the oil really does work for that cell and it also seems that it should last for a long time.
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • How can the water in the salt freeze? The water in the hydrated salt is already in solid form (in other words, its already frozen!) because the molecules are held in tight bonds around the crystal.

        MgSO4.7H2O (s) ------> MgSO4.7H2O (s) in the freezer. In other words, no change. The water cant freeze cos its already solid.

        However, the water cell CAN freeze, because its in liquid state.

        H2O (l) -------> H2O (s)

        The water in the crystalline salt cannot freeze. But it can evaporate, and will do so with heat. It will also be reaborbed into the anhydrous form of the crystal.


        • Q & A: Freezing Saltwater | Department of Physics | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

          Although pure water freezes at 0°C (32°F), water that has salt dissolved in it has to be colder before it freezes. If the water has as much salt dissolved in it as it can hold (that's called a saturated solution of salt), so that any further salt would just come out as crystals, the freezing temperature is around -21 °C, or about -6 °F. If your freezer isn't colder than that, the part of the ice touching the salt will start to melt. If you've put so much salt on the ice that the water can all melt and form a saturated solution, and still leave some salt crystals, then it will all melt. If you've put only a little salt on, it will melt some ice until the salt crystals are gone. Now as more ice melts the solution becomes less salty, more like pure water. So its freezing temperature goes up. At some point its freezing temperature will be the same as the freezer temperature, so the freezing will stop. You'll have some ice left, and some salty water.

          What is interesting is that this effect is used all over the place. Often, salt is put on roads to melt ice. If there's a lot of ice, you need a lot of salt. If the temperature drops below -21°C, it won't work at all.

          You also wanted to know why it works, why saltwater has to get colder than pure water before it freezes. We've got some other answers on that, which you can find by searching this site for "saltwater". Briefly, the ice is a crystal, an almost perfect array of pure water molecules with almost no salt in it. To make that out of pure water requires limiting the ways the water molecules move around. To make that out of salt water requires BOTH limiting the ways the water molecules move around AND limiting the ways the salt can move around (it's stuck in the liquid, or in separate crystals), which is harder to do.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Testing new crystal cells

            Hello everbody! Here is a short video of a test that we are performing on some of the new crystal cells. These cells use no water and are kept in the lab at 75-80 deg F The weather here is very very dry at this time. What we have seen testing in the last few weeks with these dry crystal cells is that they are sensitive to solar flares and pressure change. Voltage climbs under load starting at about 3:00 p.m. and in the a.m. drops to 1.03v. Current stays the same. There is a low pressure front moving in and the cell has changed in voltage slightly. We are not going to release the dopping materials at this time as some of them are very hard to get and are very expensive as well as dangerous. These cells cost about $150 ea to make and test. Hopefully we will find dopping materials that are less expensive and safer to use. We will post updates on these cells as testing moves along. Thanks everyone for all of the testing and posting of results. I'm sure we will find the correct recipe for these cells at some point if we all keep up the good work.

            crystal battery test and graphing 082411 - YouTube


            • All very interesting Monsieur!

              But, with all due respect, hydrated salt is not the same as salt dissolved in water (in solution). You have posted information about salt dissolved in water. We are describing hydrated salts. They are very different. For example:

              Hydrated salts are crystalline solids. MgSO4.7H2O (s)

              Salts dissolved in water are aqueous solutions. MgSO4 (aq)

              Again, the former cannot ''freeze'' because it is already solid. But aqueous solutions can freeze because they are liquids, and so can transform into a solid at the right temp.

              Does anyone get what Im talking about? Im not trying to be an arse, just trying to make sure we all have our minds on the right track.
              Last edited by seth; 08-24-2011, 05:51 PM.


              • Lidmotor, ibpointless2, All
                The whole idea is to do a crystal void of all water. Alum and Alum water makes a very powerful cell for what it is, I have got over 750Ma when the cell is done correct. I have been running these cells since we have started this thread without any degeneration to the copper or the magnesium. I have stated before that the magnesium tape is not pure and will fail very fast, if you examine it you will find that it has little pits all through it and it is impure. Anode Magnesium must be very pure to work as an anode, the only thing is the steel rod in the center must be removed, not easy.

                The crystal cell requires exact chemical make up's to function properly after that I can not find a battery that can compete. I can find a battery that gives allot more amperage but it does not last like the crystal cell. I have been very successful growing my own Rochelle Salts, symmetry of the dipole is everything.

                I have stated I do not agree with John H or Marcus Reid that the Casmir effect has anything to do with the energy that it is taping, ambient can be anything, crystals are energy converters all by themselves in every form, the question is can you tap the energy? I watch the Crystal Cell go much higher in power at night and reduce the power during the day the symmetry of the Crystal Lattice is the answer. Solid State batteries are dependent on the doping of the materials to form a band of diodes that gather the ambient energy, Gravity, Far Infrared and Solar bursts from the Sun.

                I have spent weeks charting the energy input to the cell. You can say this is an energy dam for the cosmic forces at a very small rate right now, soon to be powerful. Dealing with harsh chemicals like Barium Titanate, Strontium Titanate, Selenium Powers, Copper oxides can be very dangerous and you run your own risk to your health.

                So Chuck and I can not recommend you doing this in the mixes at this time. If you insist on doing this, it is at your own risk.

                How do we get semiconductors is by adding an electron to the valance band so that holes can be created and filled in with electrons as they move. You all search after the electrical wind with Crystal Batteries "Broken Symmetry" they must be open to nature and the forces that surround us.
                I will continue to change mixes in these cells until I find a safe one that works at the maximum power and does not cost 150.00 dollars to make.

                I'm completely satisfied in what I did to make the first cells as an experiment as I do have the light that never goes out at this time. I wish the best of luck to you all in your cells whither it be Water or Crystal Solid State, as I'm just focused on the dry Crystal Cells at this time, more to report later.
                John B
                John Bedini


                • From experiments we have found that when water freezes ( enters it solid form) it no longer conducts electricity. Its only when water is in its liquid form that it makes a galvanic battery. So what we see is that solid water equals no galvanic reaction and a liquid water equals a galvanic battery. Now that this has been stated we must not look at crystal that contains the water molecule.

                  Lets take a look at Epsom salts as an example. Its a crystal and it contains 7 water molecules. If you observe the crystal you'll notice like all other crystals that it is in a solid form and not a liquid form. We can all agree that a Crystal, even the ones that contain the water molecule, are in a solid form. Agreed? So in order for use to have a solid material such as this crystal we must also conclude that the virtual make up of the crystal is solid too, because if it wasn't it would either be a liquid or a gas. So stating that we must say that the water molecule is a solid too or the Epsom salt crystal would be wet due to liquid water. And from our test we know that solid water is not conductive enough to make a galvanic reaction. Now this begs the question, “how can something liquid be a solid”? Is the water existing as a plasma? You can pick up the Epsom salt yourself and see and feel that its a solid, and if it contain liquid water the crystal would be wet right? So how can this solid water be conductive when in test has showed that solid water is not conductive. After all the crystal is a solid so the make up of the crystal must set in a solid form in order to have a solid, right?
                  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                  • The three states of water

                    @IB, Seth and All---

                    I did some research this morning on the three states of water (solid, liquid and gas). I decided that it is a situation where a WHOLE BUNCH of the water molecules are together--not when they are hanging out solo or in a small group with some other chemicals.
                    Now I really wonder what we are seeing here in this "dry" cell. The water molecule in the "dry" crystal cell isn't in a puddle or a snowflake, or puff of steam. It is hiding in the larger crystal molecule either alone or with a some of it's buddies. Heating the Alum opens up all the crystal doors, the water starts joining up, and gases off. Stop heating it and the water molecules left over go back into their little crystal rooms and close the door. If you heat the Alum too much ALL the water gases off and you end up with just an amorphous powder----devoid of water. No crystals.

                    Soooo---how are we getting this thing to make electricity?

                    @ Chunk H. and JB
                    I am glad that you are still working on this and are trying to find something simple that anyone can make. I am curiuos what your thoughts are on what we found out about the water situation in the crystals.

                    Last edited by Lidmotor; 08-24-2011, 07:04 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                      @Seth and All---

                      I did some research this morning on the three states of water (solid, liquid and gas). I decided that it is a situation where a WHOLE BUNCH of the water molecules are together--not when they are hanging out solo or in a small group with some other chemicals.
                      Now I really wonder what we are seeing here in this "dry" cell. The water molecule in the "dry" crystal cell isn't in a puddle or a snowflake, or puff of steam. It is hiding in the larger crystal molecule either alone or with a some of it's buddies. Heating the Alum opens up all the crystal doors, the water starts joining up, and gases off. Stop heating it and the water molecules left over go back into their little crystal rooms and close the door. If you heat the Alum too much ALL the water gases off and you end up with just an amorphous powder----devoid of water. No crystals.

                      Soooo---how are we getting this thing to make electricity?

                      Hi Lid!

                      We are getting electricity because when the battery cools, the little water vapour molecules jump back into the crystal lattice. MgSO4 is a drying agent because it absorbs water so quickly. Im not sure about Alum, but I assume it works in the same way.

                      Basically, our crystal cell is constantly giving up the h2o molecules which are trapped in the lattice to oxidize the electrodes......and when these h2o molecules react there is more space for water molecuels in the air to be absorbed.....The cell is constantly losing water molecules to the elctrodes, but constantly absorbing more from the air....this is why it stabilizes at a certain mA level after a few minutes - it reaches equilibrium.


                      • @Seth, thank you for correcting me ...and the info , now i know
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-24-2011, 07:15 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by seth View Post
                          Hi Lid!

                          We are getting electricity because when the battery cools, the little water vapour molecules jump back into the crystal lattice. MgSO4 is a drying agent because it absorbs water so quickly. Im not sure about Alum, but I assume it works in the same way.

                          Basically, our crystal cell is constantly giving up the h2o molecules which are trapped in the lattice to oxidize the electrodes......and when these h2o molecules react there is more space for water molecuels in the air to be absorbed.....The cell is constantly losing water molecules to the elctrodes, but constantly absorbing more from the air....this is why it stabilizes at a certain mA level after a few minutes - it reaches equilibrium.

                          I love how Lidmotor put it. The water molecule lives in a house with a lock on it and the only thing with the key is heat. When heat is present the doors up and the water is exposed but take heat away and the water goes back into the house where nothing can touch it.

                          But we need a proof of concept with this idea and I think I have it.

                          Take for example Epsom salt. Epsom Salt contains 7 water molecules that are locked up in the house. For this experiment just place The Epsom salt in a cup then place you copper and magnesium electrodes in the Epsom salt crystals. If we are using the water in the molecule then this simple cell would produce 1.7 volts just like a cell that contained water. But the Epsom salt only cell does not produce this voltage or really any useful voltage and that's due to the fact that the water molecule is locked up and can not be reached unless you add heat.

                          If we were reacting to the water molecule in the crystal you could make a battery out of any crystal that contained water such as Epsom salt, Alum, Rochelle, etc..without the need to add water (dry mix, just the crystal by itself). But sticking you electrodes in these crystals gives you little to no voltage because the water molecule is in a solid form locked up in a house.
                          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post

                            If we were reacting to the water molecule in the crystal you could make a battery out of any crystal that contained water such as Epsom salt, Alum, Rochelle, etc..without the need to add water (dry mix, just the crystal by itself). But sticking you electrodes in these crystals gives you little to no voltage because the water molecule is in a solid form locked up in a house.
                            Hi I.B!

                            In its crystaline form I assume you dont get a good voltage because the surface area of the crystal in contact with the electrode is so small. I saw someone with a youtube video showing that a crystal WILL show a voltage anyway...Here it is....

                            CRYSTAL POWER!.wmv - YouTube

                            0.3V directly off a (I assume at least slightly hydrated) crystal salt.

                            So, I believe that in spite of the water molecules being bonded into the crystal it will still be able to unattach itself if a metal electrode is near. The metal will attract the polarized water molecule. and the water molecule will react, oxidize the electrode, only to be replaced by another water molecule which comes from the atmosphere to fill the space left by its mate

                            Hope this makes sense!


                            • Wow, got the whole gang in on this...

                              John B- Can you please show us the mA reading that you mentioned you are getting,(750 mA) from each cell. Two cells in parallel with no load should then produce 1.5 Amps. And also the output when using a single led as a load, when you have the time...

                              Seth: The hermetic sealing of the cell is a must, otherwise air moisture just invades the "dry" cooked salt electrolyte cell, again.
                              If the cell is sealed, there is no new oxygen, to keep the charges going, but Brad seams to still be getting great results from his cell that are in sealed casings. Those cells may not be perfect either, but its a start in the right direction, as no one else has a hermetically sealed cell.
                              It all involves the use of two different metals, and the separation of charges, just like most all OU type devices. Unfortunately is seams that without the use of salts there is only minor microamps or just a few mA of current to harvested. Or not???
                              I'm hoping the Plengos test of the drier gum electrolyte using no heat or water, will be the best way to go, especially if all his cells are further sealed from the air by a coating of casing resin, or a similar sealant. Unfortunately there will not be much current present there, still a great start though.


                              • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                                Wow, got the whole gang in on this...

                                John B- Can you please show us the mA reading that you mentioned you are getting,(750 mA) from each cell. Two cells in parallel with no load should then produce 1.5 Amps. And also the output when using a single led as a load, when you have the time...

                                Seth: The hermetic sealing of the cell is a must, otherwise air moisture just invades the "dry" cooked salt electrolyte cell, again.
                                If the cell is sealed, there is no new oxygen, to keep the charges going, but Brad seams to still be getting great results from his cell that are in sealed casings. Those cells may not be perfect either, but its a start in the right direction, as no one else has a hermetically sealed cell.
                                It all involves the use of two different metals, and the separation of charges, just like most all OU type devices. Unfortunately is seams that without the use of salts there is only minor microamps or just a few mA of current to harvested. Or not???
                                I'm hoping the Plengos test of the drier gum electrolyte using no heat or water, will be the best way to go, especially if all his cells are further sealed from the air by a coating of casing resin, or a similar sealant. Unfortunately there will not be much current present there, still a great start though.
                                I agree 100%. Hermetic sealing is the only way to prove that water (galvanic action) is not the only way this cell is powering the load.

                                Sorry! I missed Brads results cos I came to the thread late. Is it on youtube? They sound very promising!

                                Im not here to be a nay sayer. I just want to point out what I think my old chemistry teachers would make of this cell. If water can truly be excluded, we certainly have something.

