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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Lidmotor, Ibpointless, so happy to see success, brilliant video.
    need to try the twist tie rolls.

    Monsiuer, thanyou looks like pegmatite holds some answers to outstanding crystal growth.


    • Crystal Cell

      I do understand what your saying and love the debate, but I have done all these test, I find the worst of these cells is copper tin or steel.
      I only bring up these points up because that is not where the energy is coming from.

      As for Teslacult, I find no charting over extend time, to me it makes no difference if he did burn the penny as he burnt the copper right off and had no semiconductor, so he did have two different metals and mixing copper with the salts made no difference. One of the things I did when I needed Zinc was to melt pennies for the pure Zinc metal. If I would have seen a follow-up after the six days with charting I might be thinking different, not at this time. I'm not going to go into who I worked for in the semiconductor industry at this time, but they were big names.
      This is not really the correct way to dope anything, except the heating helps for oxides. as for Magnesium it is the best metal but you cant heat it without it melting though your work area.
      I also pointed out Sodium Silicate ( Water Glass) can be doped and used as a thin layer on the copper side when dry. Mixing some Iron Pyrite, Glena, and silver chips added nothing in the amounts they used.

      To make a Youtube and saying I just know, I have made hundreds with this file is just not Science. I have gone along with all this nonsense but I'm going to test it and then you will here about it. I'm going to Chart everything if it takes me days to do it. If it's BS that is what I'm going to say.

      Rochelle Salts have been known for a very long time for it's properties so this is not new. I can also say this, my mixtures are using very little Epsom Salts, far less. Rochelle Salts work far better by themselves as energy converters. I know Silver is very expensive right now so I have not used that as an electrode but that will be my next experiment, Niobium wire is also my second choice. The Reae Earth metals would work far better except the cost.

      I also have made my own Transistors for years and it's been documented all over the internet.

      Silver To Gold has mention Cjecka that was one guy nobody wanted to mess with as he did put a pill in his gas tank and add water, I watched them make the mixture, I watched them take rocks and grow different metals. John Cjecka had one of everything in his lab and he also was a sticker for charting and documentation and suppression. I was almost recruited by them, but I caught them bugging my lab.

      That's all for now until I post the next Youtube of Crystal cell under Resistive load which I will check on today, I will post whatever results I get, even growing Rochelle Salts in a static magnetic field.

      John B
      John Bedini


      • All:
        If you have two different metal plates with a little wet salt between them, you do have a battery. The salt is not producing the output, it is only serving as the electrolyte helping to transfering the ions, but, it can be done with just a wet paper towel, or cloth, to a lesser degree.
        Each metal is picking up different potentials -From The Air-, which is the real source of the output power.
        There doesn't have to be a breaking down of the metals, if they are hermetically sealed. As some have noticed, humidity will affect these "dry" salt electrolyte cells also, and even more so in time.

        Teslacult's two penny test cells were giving enough output to light an led by itself, with No oscillator needed, to keep the output from dropping to nothing. One cent was burnt as a semiconductor, not ground down to the zinc, the other was untouched. Not important? Proves nothing? It does to me. The salts are producing NO power, as Ib has shown, when adding salts to the cup of water. Amazingly simple test, with surprising results, too.

        It is the two metals picking up the Aether just like an antenna, that is the true cause, even of the so called galvanic output. You can say that it is heat related as in infrared, or gravity waves, But in any case not much Current will be present, unless there is some mass to these cells. I hope to be wrong about the mass being needed, but I doubt it.
        All electric output ultimately comes from the Aether one way or the another.

        John B: I am not arguing with you, even though it may seam like it, I'm only looking for the correct answers, which appear to change almost daily.
        I too enjoy these discussions, so please don't take me wrong, as I am not partial to any ideas presented here, and will change opinion as soon as needed.
        As I've mentioned it is not one thing or the other, but both actions may be happening. You may not see it, but I do... and others have as well.

        The big bang theory does not explain where all that material came from in the first place, not does the word galvanic indicate what causes the charges to happen either. As the cause is external to the cells, or its metals, or the salts. The cause of the output is due to a field effect.
        Ok, enough said, I won't bore you again...


        • Research, building, and testing.

          John B.
          You are right about using a good scientific method to test these cells rather than just talk and speculation. Your method of putting the cell under a fixed load and computer graphing the performance should be all that is needed. A decline in voltage over many days would show a standard cell but a constant voltage (or an increase) will prove something else is happening.
          Rather than continuing to build cells that point towards a galvanic effect I may shift my efforts towards something that works more like a solar cell. The use of dissimilar metals in the cells I'm building is a red flag to me. Unless they are working kinda like a catalyst in the cell function and not being consumed---even slowly.
          Your tip to research more and build less is sound advice. It appears that Jeri Ellsworth got where she is today by doing that. Building things without understanding what you are doing is fun but ends up in many failures.


          PS--- The IB dry crystal cell that I showed in my last videos is slowly dopping in voltage under load---whether it is sealed in the "dry" container or not. I tested it last night at 11PM (after being in the sealed container) and the voltage had gone down even at night.
          Last edited by Lidmotor; 08-29-2011, 12:38 AM.


          • This is what Wikipedia says about the internal impedance or resistance:
            Internal resistance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            It seams to be a common problem with all cells. So, What to do about it?


            • Bedini Earth Light / Crystal cells

              Yes, I did test the same thing and can say that your right about what is going on. I'm not arguing with anybody here just trying to point out some things. Also the energy these cells produce seems to be all over the place. One day they are up and the other day down.
              The real question is will they keep lighting the led's?.

              @ NickZ,
              I do understand what your saying and respect it. Yes we all would like to know just what is powering the cells. The oscillator circuit does put a much bigger load on the cells. I could light the led's except they are 2.8 volt devices so I must make one more cell and that is not a fair test.
              I must make three new cells to do the test. Monday will tell the results
              on the 10K load as that has been going on all weekend. I will Youtube that. I will find a led around the shop that lights on 1.8 to 2.5 volts and also test that and graph it.
              Good work Lidmotor......... Talk to you by land line at some point here.
              John B
              John Bedini


              • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                Yes, I did test the same thing and can say that your right about what is going on. I'm not arguing with anybody here just trying to point out some things. Also the energy these cells produce seems to be all over the place. One day they are up and the other day down.
                The real question is will they keep lighting the led's?.

                John B
                Yeah - one day 3mA, the next 2, the next 2.5, back up to 3mA in the evening....

                I have a small analogue ammetre constantly connected and the needle seems to change from day to day, but it seems to be all over the place....not just decreasing or increasing. Perhaps it is following Diurnal motion and planetary movements, as TT Brown claimed with his gravity sensors......

                I hope so - We could learn a lot from such a device.


                • Prieto Battery

                  Prieto Battery Offers 1000x Power Density


                  • I find that the cause of the impedance or internal resistance in the cells is caused by the use of a very inefficient electrolyte, more than any other factor. So, the solution is to look for and use a different and better form of electrolyte material, with no water, or humidity. The two different metals will produce what they produce, and that can't be changed by much. Unless other metals or alloys that are more apt for this are found.
                    What concerns me is the very low current output in most of these cells. But, it appears that the stronger the output, the lower the impedance. They appear to go hand in hand.

                    Most people will go through these forums looking for an easy way to make some electricity. If the going gets tough they just look elsewhere for the solution. I am sticking with this effort, because I realize the importance of the research that we are doing, and that ultimately we will succeed. If this were easy, the stores would be stocked with perpetual power cells. And if this were easy, it may not be as fun, and motivating, in working to discover what no one has done before. Or at least have not been told about it.
                    The battery companies have thousands of people working for them, and some of the best scientists in the world. But we are not them, or have any real contact with what they are discovering, since the REAL SECRETS, are being kept to themselves for their own gains.

                    Hutchinson has released information on his "crystal cell". But it is neither dry, nor a crystal, and with fairly useless output of less than 7mA, (according to him). Is that really the best he has come up with? After making hundreds of cells? I doubt it.
                    It is unfortunate for us that monetary gains rule these efforts.
                    But, we are getting there, on our own, and that is great to see.

                    John B: Thank you for your consideration, and being there to help us. These results are your babies... growing stronger everyday, especially if we work together on this.


                    • Seth:
                      Yes, I notice something similar, and sometimes it blows me away, just when was thinking that the cells are a dud, the led lights up bright, again.

                      The tides here change every 6 hours, 24/7. The direction of the local coastal ocean currents also change by 180 degrees every 6 hours. We may not feel or see any difference, but there is... what is causing the tides movements actually has nothing to do with the moon, but is a consequence of the magnetic oscillations of our Earths Vortex- breathing in and out. Plus and the additional solar flare activity, as well as tropical thunder storms, etz...
                      The strongest magnet will not move water, at all... so there is something else at play here, and may also be what if causing the varying results that we are seeing in our cells performance.
                      I mentioned before that it has to do with field effects, which the cells are also drawing from. You can change everything in the cells, except for having the two different metals. Put the cells in an electromagnetic isolation box, and possibly no electricity will be produced. But, there is more than just the electromagnetic spectrum, also, although we can't see it or measure it,yet.
                      What we would need to measure the comparative results would be a Vortexometer, or, an Aetherometer. Which may not exist, as yet.

                      Lidmotor: Don't let the different metals be a red flag, it may be the checkard flag instead. As the different metals are behind most every OU device made, and in many electronic components as well.


                      • Betavoltaic cells

                        Today I looked into how a betavoltaic cell works. It may be a clue as to why we are seeing these flucuations in our cells. Betavoltaic cells work like a solar cell does but use the atomic decay of an element to excite the semi conductor instead of light. If these crystal cells are gathering energy from the local environment then it would be natural that as the energy level varries then so does the output of the cell. I am just guessing but this voltage fluctuation in our homemade cells sure is weird. I have pretty much ruled out humidity as the cause.

                        @ John B.
                        I'm anxious to hear what your findings are after the latest test with the three cells. You can call me anytime in the evening or I can call. I made a test cell using my home grown Rochelle salt crystals along with some of the other typical elements yesterday. It was made on the stove top with no water and is now a little white rock that puts out about a volt with microwatts of power. Not much juice but it might last a long time.

                        Last edited by Lidmotor; 08-29-2011, 04:39 PM.


                        • The use of two, three cells, or more, have always worked best for me, instead of an oscillator circuit. As more cells added together can also create more current, instead of less current, as is the case when using any oscillator. As it's the higher current production that I'm looking for, not just voltage.

                          Lasersaber's 3 inch carbon rod and magnesium ribbon cell, outputs about 1.5 amps per cell. Although, it may not maintain at that output level, at least we can see the potential that that combination has to offer. At least before any oxidation or cell impedance sets in, and starts to affect its output.
                          Connect a dozen cells in parallel, and you've got a 10 amp power supply or charger. A few more cells in series to get the voltage needed... Seams feasible to me. Yes the ribbon wears away, so you use plates piled up instead, with no wires between them, and a dry electrolyte, all sealed up. There may be an advantage in the use of cylinders shapes instead of the flat plates, I don't know, but there may not be that much difference, especially if the mass is the same.

                          Plengo has some interesting stuff going on... hope to see his next video soon.


                          • Crystal Cells in Series Restive Load Over The Weekend

                            In this video I'm showing how the crystal cell performs on a restive load over the weekend.
                            The computer at 8 meg did run out of buffer but we did continue to show what these cells can do. The cells works on a piezoelectric effect as Chuck and I push on the cells to show where the energy is. At this time we have some new things to consider. It seems that these cells generate energy with pressure changes in the atmosphere weather. The chart is very important as to how this cell is converting one form of energy to another. It would be a wise thing to seal the cell completely. I also show what the Crystals look like when grown in a static magnetic field as The shapes look much different. Something new to consider for everybody, including Gravitational fields.Chuck and I will now produce Teslacults experiment with the pennies and charting under load.
                            Crystal Cells in Series Restive Load Over The Weekend - YouTube
                            John B
                            John Bedini


                            • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                              Today I looked into how a betavoltaic cell works. It may be a clue as to why we are seeing these flucuations in our cells. Betavoltaic cells work like a solar cell does but use the atomic decay of an element to excite the semi conductor instead of light. If these crystal cells are gathering energy from the local environment then it would be natural that as the energy level varries then so does the output of the cell. I am just guessing but this voltage fluctuation in our homemade cells sure is weird. I have pretty much ruled out humidity as the cause.

                              I did several experiments with the MonoThermal Cells where basically each of the metals is coated with a different electrolyte (sublayers). While the cells started on the slow side, they gradually became stronger before failing. After they failed, I took them apart to find that it was the electrolyte that had been consumed while the metals were in pristine shape. Atomic Decay could take lifetimes to breakdown. If any of the JH cells fail, I would be curious to see if the sublayers became porus or were consumed in those cells like the MonoThermal.
                              Brad S


                              • The crystals grown in static magnetic field are awesome.

                                The star cell is an incredible indicator of natural atmospheric conditions
                                more so than a barometric sensor. The mass of copper could give a discernable temperature factor.
                                The honeywell barometric sensor for example is considered very sensitive but the crystal cell
                                could out perform it. There are some sensors used in upper atmosphere testing that cost
                                big money and cannot give as much info on natural conditions as the star cell
                                o date I am not aware of any barometric sensor capable of more than 2 place accuracy.
                                I think the information from star cell is another tool that can be used in alt-energy R & D.

                                There is a pressure gradient at work here, The heavy copper bowl
                                gives a higher thermal gradient whereas a thin copper would have a fast temperature change.
                                Another often asked question is how is the cell affected by RF such as dialing out
                                a cell phone and holding it near the crystal.

                                There was an idea presented by JH
                                that crystal cells can be used to detect stress in people or torsion fields above oil deposits.
                                This is still not validated the experiments identify major influence, however there could be more unknowns.
                                Who knows, maybe there is geothermal activity nearby, great work John !
                                Last edited by mikrovolt; 08-30-2011, 01:44 AM.

