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Bedini Earth Light

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  • @Bedini,

    great video. I will replicate that. When I first melted Epson salts to that fine white powder I thought I had got to a wrong place but I never thought of smashing it like we did with the Alum.

    My first cell is still running pretty good and it is done with only dry Alum and Cu and Mg. I guess it is running on the same context, no water which is definitely the secret to stay away from galvanic reactions and therefore normal batteries.



    • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post

      Nick why don't you start a different thread for the wet cell batteries away from here as this is very confusing, Just tell me if I'm wasting my time here cause I can do other things with these Crystal cells somewhere else.

      John B

      I think everyone has a wet cell battery John, except you. I dont think anyone wants to offend you, or for you to take your expertise elsewhere. But have a little patience with our continual failing efforts!

      We'll get there in the end


      • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
        Not to cause problems here but what Lasersaber is doing is building a galvanic battery, I don't care if he is trying to control it by dipping it in oil. It does not make a bit of difference with that battery. I have tried to point everybody in the right direction but at every turn more of this BS appears. This has all been tried here, it's a galvanic battery no matter how you turn it.
        This is not the way to go as your just making a battery that is good for a little time. At the beginning of this thread this was all tried everybody came to the same conclusion, it's galvanic.

        The thing that slowed down the consumption of Magnesium was Alum and Alum water distilled, not just tap water.

        Nick why don't you start a different thread for the wet cell batteries away from here as this is very confusing, Just tell me if I'm wasting my time here cause I can do other things with these Crystal cells somewhere else.

        Chuck has pointed to what it is really about, did anybody listen or try to figure out what he was saying. I can't talk as I'm under Contract with MR but I can tell you all this, we have nothing because of the confusion so I will help him as I find no focus at all here. Believe me there is a Negative Resistor running here and it is not John Hutchinson's cells, or Lasersabers. What John Hutchinson gave everybody is nothing so to speak of except the Rochelle Salts and Epsom salts. You can't do anything with that either as that is not finished and he is not going to tell you what other trick is involved.
        John B
        John Bedini,

        Lasersaber is a good guy, but I must agree that his battery is galvanic. The oil is a good idea and may prolong the cell to last for months, maybe years, but in the end its galvanic.

        Keep on posting your research here, its the sharing of the mass of information that leads us to the better understanding. Most of it maybe crap, but i have gotten my best ideas from crap. The crap may not help you now but it might help you later.

        When you say Chuck has pointed it out, are you talking about how the crystal battery is not a battery but circuit component instead. A negative resistor meets capacitor?

        I must ask what you think of my cells, the stove cell which is made just like yours but with alum, salt substitute, and borax? This cell is much like yours and Lidmotor is doing a great job replicating it and by my understanding his LED is still lit.

        And a little off topic... do you have a trick for me to use to grow big Epsom salt crystals? I remember you had those big Rochelle salt crystals growing and wanted to know the trick. Thanks.
        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


        • Air, Oil & Crystal

          Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
          Not to cause problems here but what Lasersaber is doing is building a galvanic battery, I don't care if he is trying to control it by dipping it in oil. It does not make a bit of difference with that battery. I have tried to point everybody in the right direction but at every turn more of this BS appears. This has all been tried here, it's a galvanic battery no matter how you turn it.
          This is not the way to go as your just making a battery that is good for a little time. At the beginning of this thread this was all tried everybody came to the same conclusion, it's galvanic.

          The thing that slowed down the consumption of Magnesium was Alum and Alum water distilled, not just tap water.

          Nick why don't you start a different thread for the wet cell batteries away from here as this is very confusing, Just tell me if I'm wasting my time here cause I can do other things with these Crystal cells somewhere else.

          Chuck has pointed to what it is really about, did anybody listen or try to figure out what he was saying. I can't talk as I'm under Contract with MR but I can tell you all this, we have nothing because of the confusion so I will help him as I find no focus at all here. Believe me there is a Negative Resistor running here and it is not John Hutchinson's cells, or Lasersabers. What John Hutchinson gave everybody is nothing so to speak of except the Rochelle Salts and Epsom salts. You can't do anything with that either as that is not finished and he is not going to tell you what other trick is involved.
          John B

          I've been Keeping up with the thread. And I really must agree that while I have great respect for Lasersaber, his air or oil batteries, whichever you call them are galvanic. Even if giving them an oil bath makes them last forever, the power output is really too small to be usefull. On one of his last videos he shows an oil battery running his joule ringer. The LED was so dim it was hardly visible. And his joule ringer takes next to nothing to run, that really tells you something. But hey, if he wants to research that, then more power to him. But this is all about creating cells that use phenomena other than galvanic action for power. I know we all want the same thing here, a powerful long lasting power cell. So let's stay focused and keep working toward that goal. I would like to thank everyone for all the hard work and progress so far.


          • Ok John, I'll stay with the program. Sorry to confuse your current progress, I assure you that was not my intention, as I appreciate very much what you are doing, as well as your opinions. We are all still learning...


            • Crystal Batteries

              I did not say Lasersaber was a bad guy, I just don't think that it is the way to go as it is only good for a short time, I'm not really into that as I find no difference between the Galvanic batteries. You get the same results the electrons stop moving. At least I did two things here I did show a way to make a thermal battery out of Epsom salts and I did show how I made the star cell. Yes I goofed up on my chemistry formula when I should have said MgS04.
              I can not really talk about it But I'm testing three of Marcus Reids batteries and they do not budge rock solid, flat as a pancake across the board. They were sent to me from Germany with the led attached. I have been charting them for two days now no change in power output.
              These batteries are completely dry no water what so ever. I'm not at liberty to say how they work as I gave my word, Chuck did give the hint. Anything wet will always be galvanic and that is the way it is. My focus is on batteries as I have worked for years trying to trick them (Wet Cells). I will try to get permission to show the real Crystal battery in operation, a real negative resistor. I have only seen this one time at TRW and was told to never talk again about it. Yes they already have this in upper places, but not for us.
              It does not make a difference if you want to make water batteries I'm all for it. I have spent Thousands Of Dollars chasseing that cat with flooded cells to come to the same conclusion the Ions stop moving and the battery is dead. So do not get me wrong about Lasersaber I have talked to him before, and that is not the direction I want to go in for myself. I'm all for you all trying to trick water cells, just not for me as I have seen something far different then I thought. Sorry NickZ I must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
              John B
              John Bedini


              • Originally posted by chuck H View Post
                Look at it this way, electrons can flow but not be consumed. They have their place in this configuration. Forget about Ions for now and consentrate on using "Energy from the vacuum". "I would recommend reading Marcus Reid, and T.T. Brown work in depth" This will help everyone to stay on track.
                For those who might not have read about T. Townsend Brown, here is a nice site to go along with the documents available at rexresearch.
                This page describes a power cell that was submitted as a patent application and very much in line with the work we are attempting here.
                Brad S


                • I have a new prototype!

                  UHU glue

                  Si C rock
                  Iron pyrite
                  Epsom salt

                  12V charge for about 5 minutes whilst glue sets between Mg and Cu plates. Very small set up. Mg and Cu about 10mm by 20mm (both) by 2mm (Cu) or 5mm (Mg).

                  giving off 1.5V @ 1 - 4mA

                  Would be easy to pile these together

                  Thanks Brad for the link again - a MUST read!!!!!
                  Last edited by seth; 09-07-2011, 11:22 PM.


                  • Rock Battery

                    Here is one for you Seth,
                    Rock Battery.
                    You Tube
                    Rock Crystal Battery John Bedini - YouTube
                    John B
                    John Bedini


                    • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                      Here is one for you Seth,
                      Rock Battery.
                      You Tube
                      Rock Crystal Battery John Bedini - YouTube
                      John B
                      That looks fantastic

                      Cheers John, and thanks for sharing!

                      Im gonna have to go and find some megaliths


                      • John Bedini,

                        I can't believe that you have Marcus Reid crystal cell. I know you can't talk about the cell and you said chuck gave hint but I can't find it. There is one question that I think is fair to ask about his cells, "Is a regular person able to get their hands on the ingredients (store bought) or are they something else that jon doe can't get?" If we could get a video of the cell working a LED that would be wonderful! Even a picture would be great!

                        I'm going to go look for the hint and post what i find.
                        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                        • Chuck H hint...

                          Here's a link to everything Chuck has ever posted on this forum.
                          *must be login for it to work

                          So far the only thing I find is that on post #1267 Chuck uses qoutes a lot for things like "construction". Also "locked in the path".

                          Here is the full text...

                          "@ ibpointless2. To help with what John Bedini stated in his last post.
                          The crystals do not orientate themselves."Applied potential orientates the crystal latice".

                          The Mg is drilled "to allow the crystals to penitrate the star type configuration and allow the actual surface area to be larger and allow the actual orientation of the cell overall". There are many things to consider in the "construction" of these cells.

                          @ All: I would highly recommend that We continue on with a "non wet type cell as this is what a true crystall should be".

                          Look at it this way, electrons can flow but not be consumed. They have their place in this configuration. Forget about Ions for now and consentrate on using "Energy from the vacuum". "I would recommend reading Marcus Reid, and T.T. Brown work in depth" This will help everyone to stay on track.

                          H20 needs to be "locked in the path" not saturating the overall."


                          Is this the hint? Anyone else get anything?

                          Everything else seems un-related to the current work with the crystal cells.
                          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • Originally posted by b_rads View Post
                            For those who might not have read about T. Townsend Brown, here is a nice site to go along with the documents available at rexresearch.
                            This page describes a power cell that was submitted as a patent application and very much in line with the work we are attempting here.
                            Brad S
                            Had a little time this afternoon so I wanted to try a couple things that have been floating around in my head as well as try what I read in the link posted above. That link indicates that heavy metal oxides worked in the cell. I have Chromium Oxide so I tried it.
                            The cell was made this way; Equal parts Epsom Salt, Arm and Hammer washing soda, Cream of Tartar, and Chromium Oxide. I also added 1 drop of water to stir the mix. With a piece of felt in the bottom of a 1/2" copper cap, I heated the mix in the cap. The mix bubbled and eventually became fairly stiff. Added the magnesium and placed on 12Volt DC for 10 minutes while the cell cooled. There were some voids, so I filled these with Elmer's Glue All and hit the cell with DC again. I only hit the cell for about 10 seconds every minute for five minutes. This cell after several hours is producing 1.5V and 15ma. This is the best small cell I have made yet, although this may turn out to be early high output. See the video powering lidmotors pancake jould thief.
                            Crystal Cell with Chromium Oxide ala TT Brown - YouTube
                            If early indications tell anything about this cell, then TT Brown was on the money about the heavy metal oxides.
                            Brad S


                            • Rock Battery

                              I can only say this the cells have been on test for two days showing no sing of decay what so ever these cells have been running for 5 years this way by the looks of them. I'm not at liberty to say what he uses. I did however point everybody in the right direction, I did try to show what the chemicals do by separating them, yes I'm trained in solid state semiconductors by the book at De-Very and the US military, now discredited, cant say much for my grammar except it sucks sometimes.

                              I also today did point everybody to the Rock Battery I should have gotten much closer to the electrodes as they are not joined at all. The electrodes are in separate chambers insulated by 3/8 inch rock between them. Rock is heated to over 700 degrees in Kelm oven and then electrodes are inserted in and let to cool. It's a ***** drilling rock but that is how semiconductors are made the hard way. I might make another youtube of that.

                              (Marcus R, The normal person would be very pressed to get the materials and make this.

                              Ibpointless it's the only thing I have ever tested besides some other work with Tom Bearden. This cell is what the Man says it is. So I have pointed everybody in the right direction, They are not Normal things. And Chuck did say what must be done.

                              My name is John what is yours besides Ibpointlass2 is it, Rick, Jim, Bob, Bill, you know or are you some "Secrete Scientist" working in a dungeon somewhere.
                              John B
                              John Bedini


                              • Crystal Cell.

                                Originally posted by b_rads View Post
                                Had a little time this afternoon so I wanted to try a couple things that have been floating around in my head as well as try what I read in the link posted above. That link indicates that heavy metal oxides worked in the cell. I have Chromium Oxide so I tried it.
                                The cell was made this way; Equal parts Epsom Salt, Arm and Hammer washing soda, Cream of Tartar, and Chromium Oxide. I also added 1 drop of water to stir the mix. With a piece of felt in the bottom of a 1/2" copper cap, I heated the mix in the cap. The mix bubbled and eventually became fairly stiff. Added the magnesium and placed on 12Volt DC for 10 minutes while the cell cooled. There were some voids, so I filled these with Elmer's Glue All and hit the cell with DC again. I only hit the cell for about 10 seconds every minute for five minutes. This cell after several hours is producing 1.5V and 15ma. This is the best small cell I have made yet, although this may turn out to be early high output. See the video powering lidmotors pancake jould thief.
                                Crystal Cell with Chromium Oxide ala TT Brown - YouTube
                                If early indications tell anything about this cell, then TT Brown was on the money about the heavy metal oxides.
                                Brad S
                                That was a good choice Brad.
                                Good work......
                                John B
                                John Bedini

