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  • Solid State Crystal Batteries In Series 2

    In this video I'm showing that it is possible to connect two solid state cells in series. now this is not much power at about 2.53 volts @ 1.3 Ma but it is a start for Solid State Crystal Batteries. Running clocks would be no problem. I'm shorting cells just like it now to see what happens will be posting a video on this.

    I know that people have many questions about how this is done. I use a steel die to pour the glass in then I bond it to the Magnesium with electrical conductive, the copper I just place on the top to test it. The heat is extreme and one goof up it's all over. I have four of them now. Two I'm doing short testing on. Good Work NickZ on you Smokey Quarts. But I have one question your not taking this material from old Batteries are you?
    John Bedini

    Solid State Crystal Batteries In Series 2 - YouTube
    John Bedini


    • All:
      New Quartz/Carbon Crystal Cell, - using no copper.
      Today I made two new Clear Quartz Points-Carbon cells. As I was also concerned about oxidation of my previous copper wire center electrodes, my two newest cells are made using carbon pencil leads, as the positive center electrode.
      The capacitor cans are filled with about 6 alternating layers of carbon and quartz powder (with some quarts chips), with an insulator on both the bottom as well as the top. The rubber stopper on the aluminum can is pressed down tight compressing the quartz and carbon inside.
      Both new cells produce 50 mA, and even when connected in series will nail the meter's needle to the right all the way, and stay there.
      Hopefully I won't see much oxidation on the aluminum can, so far I see no signs of wear on the cans. The pencil leads work great, but are very brittle to work with, so if you use them you have be very gentle with them.

      I opened up another D cell battery today, this one was a Duracell 1.5v , and it was just the same as the first D cell that I was using, so Duracells alkaline batteries can be used for their carbon content.

      Seth: I had mentioned in a previous post, I use no heat, no doping, and no initial charging, nor do they need the jump-start charge, as they all reach 50+ mA, on their own. Now I'm only using one instead of two metals. Just quartz won't work, it needs the carbon crystals also for the electrolyte.
      Attached Files


      • John,
        Thank you for the new video.
        Here is a link worth reviewing:
        Silicon carbide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
        Very Best Regards,


        • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
          New Quartz/Carbon Crystal Cell, - using no copper.
          Today I made two new Clear Quartz Points-Carbon cells. As I was also concerned about oxidation of my previous copper wire center electrodes, my two newest cells are made using carbon pencil leads, as the positive center electrode.
          The capacitor cans are filled with about 6 alternating layers of carbon and quartz powder (with some quarts chips), with an insulator on both the bottom as well as the top. The rubber stopper on the aluminum can is pressed down tight compressing the quartz and carbon inside.
          Both new cells produce 50 mA, and even when connected in series will nail the meter's needle to the right all the way, and stay there.
          Hopefully I won't see much oxidation on the aluminum can, so far I see no signs of wear on the cans. The pencil leads work great, but are very brittle to work with, so if you use them you have be very gentle with them.

          I opened up another D cell battery today, this one was a Duracell 1.5v , and it was just the same as the first D cell that I was using, so Duracells alkaline batteries can be used for their carbon content.

          Seth: I had mentioned in a previous post, I use no heat, no doping, and no initial charging, nor do they need the jump-start charge, as they all reach 50+ mA, on their own. Now I'm only using one instead of two metals. Just quartz won't work, it needs the carbon crystals also for the electrolyte.

          Are you using the carbon rod from a 1.5 volt battery? Isn't that saturated with the alkaline electrolyte? Also be very careful when opening these batteries as they're not meant to be open, they can be harmful!
          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


          • A galvanic cell works due to ion ion transfer. The ions carry the electron from one electrode to the other. the water holds the ions, pure water doesn't conduct electricity unless it has ions (minerals) in it. When you freeze water with the electrodes in it you slow down the ion flow, that's why it produces little voltage when water is in its crystal (frozen) form. When you heat up the water the ions have more energy and room to move. The more you heat it the more the ions can move thus more voltage.

            If you slow down that movement it becomes a solid. As a solid it can't transfer ions as easy. So we can state that when water or a crystal is a solid it CAN'T transfer electrons as easy. In order to transmit electrons you need a path inside of the solid.

            This is where the polycrystalline idea comes in to play, these make the pathways for the electrons. The polycrystalline allows crystals inside of crystals so a matrix of crystals are touching or almost touching. The crystal that are not touching is the reason why a crystal cell's voltages are always lower than a galvanic cells using the same electrodes. The almost touching cells act like spark gaps or resistors that lowers the voltage to below what it would be in the equivalent galvanic cell. The almost touching crystals could also stimulate the Casimir effect due to their close spacing, but I can't be 100% on that.

            Now the question is if this electron flow in a crystal cell the same as the in a galvanic cell? Will the crystal cell break down just like a galvanic cell does? So far my crystal cells are still going even with a dead short and show no corrosion, so does mean we have a electron flow in a crystal that is non destructive? A dipole that won't get destroyed? Only time will answer that question.
            All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


            • Ib:
              The carbon is on the outside of the D cells, with a cylinder of white stuff inside, I don't use that, as center alkaline mix in wrapped in paper, and can be taken out without mixing that with the carbon. You can probably use any carbon, and it would work, but that is what I had on hand. I would rather use magnesium instead of aluminum for the cans, as I know it would produce more juice, but the carbon/quartz electrolyte, using a carbon rod for the center electrode, and an aluminum can does work.
              NO cost, so far, but, alot of work. My two newest cells are next to me now, shinning a bright red led light in my face.
              For those worried about the alkaline/carbon D cells, just use any carbon.


              • Synthetic diamonds.

                The Russians developed special ovens to bake power crystals that sold to a guy in Florida after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He has six of them and uses them to manufacture synthetic diamonds. One oven was retained by the government of the United States, and is available for research. I applied for time share for power crystal production to the Naval Research Labratory where the oven's located around ten years ago, but I never heard back from them. Imagine a 1" square diamond grown around two disimilar metals!
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-15-2011, 04:33 AM.


                • Magnesium Dioxide Battery

                  Nick Z,
                  Your not using the magnesium dioxide in that battery are you? I'm asking this question again........

                  Because if you are it is saturated with ammonia and has traces of iron oxide in it. The magnesium dioxide from these batteries is saturated with electrolyte from the old battery. Mixing quartz with it is not doing anything. I would expect to see over 50 Ma from that arrangement.

                  Short that cell out for five days, or better yet wash the mixture out you have taken from the battery then heat it and wash it again until everything is out of it. then try that again. That D cell material can run that led for a very long time. Better yet go to the pet store and buy activated carbon and try it and not magnesium dioxide. .
                  Happy Sailing,
                  John B
                  John Bedini


                  • Hey thanks John, no I'm not using anything else but the carbon, the carbon from the aquariums filters will work, I just have not use it. The copper electrode was the weak link, which I've now replaced with the pencil lead.


                    • Carbon Cell

                      The carbon from where, the battery? Short the cells out and leave them. lets see what happens. The crystals we all can short out and they come right back. Even the Marcus Reid Cells come back much stronger and it can also reverse and reverse again. Does not sound right but if it works it works.
                      John B
                      John Bedini


                      • Carbon Cell

                        I know that you have always complained about current, and you know that the Crystal Cells will not give that kind of current as the resistance is high in the polycrystalline lattice. The resistance is on the average of
                        1.5 Meg Ohms to 20 Meg ohms. So if the Crystal cell is producing 2.5 to 12 Ma it is doing real good through that semiconductive material. The point is can it sustain that work for years, that is why I ask for the short test.
                        John B
                        John Bedini


                        • All:
                          I have shorted the cells out, and they bounce back almost immediately. I am looking at nice bright leds, especially for this size cell. The first group of cells is 5 days running, 24/7. I am very happy with them. But, I am not suggesting anyone else make them, just stating what I've been working on lately.


                          • Carbon Cell

                            How long have you shorted them, how many days?
                            John B
                            John Bedini


                            • Literal crystal cell

                              @ IB
                              I made one of your "Literal crystal" cells today. I used magnesium and copper. The crystal was formed in a saturated solution of Borax and tap water with a small amount of salt subsitute. The crystal structure is beautiful and the cell puts out about 1.2 volts (when it is new). I only let the crystals form for about 8 hours but they are about 1/4" and clustered around the two electrodes. A 2" piece of magnesium ribbon was placed inside a piece of flat shoe lace and the copper wire was wrapped around the shoe lace. Crystals formed around most of the structure.
                              I really don't care how long this cell lasts--- it was just a fun easy day project and it is beautiful as light refects off the crystal facets. The next one that I do I will add food coloring and see if I can color the crystals.

                              @ John B.
                              Your new crystal cell looks good.

                              I have tried to use aquarium activated carbon in cells and there has to be SOMETHING else mixed with it for a reaction to take place. Totally dry ---nothing happens----but add an electrolyte and you've got yourself a nice galvanic cell. I made a good one using a plastic pill bottle filled with the stuff. I shoved a copper wire into the carbon, crumpled up some aluminum foil for the anode, added water, and the electrons started sailing.



                              • Crystal Battery

                                Do you think you can grow this with the Rochelle Salts in the mix?
                                John B
                                John Bedini

