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  • Growing Rochelle salt crystal

    Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
    Do you think you can grow this with the Rochelle Salts in the mix?
    John B
    When I first tried this I mixed up a solution of Borax, Epsom salt, and some of my home grown Rochell salts. The solution turned milky white and I decided to abort the experiment because I wanted clear crystals. Real Rochelle salts will probably work but the stuff I made with McCormick cream of tartar and baking soda may not have been right.
    The second attempt with just the Borax and the salt substitute worked better than I expected. The crystals started forming in about an hour and by 8 hours they were all over the inside of the glass I was using as well as the suspended electrodes.
    This experiment reminded me of making rock candy as a kid where we used sugar. We hung a string down into a container and poured in boiling water super saturated with the suger. It made the same kind of crystals. It was fun to eat but might be why I had so many trips to the dentist office early on.



    • Synthetic diamonds.

      Electronic applications of synthetic diamond are being developed, including high-power switches at power stations, high-frequency field-effect transistors and light-emitting diodes. Synthetic diamond detectors of ultraviolet (UV) light or high-energy particles are used at high-energy research facilities and are available commercially. Because of its unique combination of thermal and chemical stability, low thermal expansion and high optical transparency in a wide spectral range, synthetic diamond is becoming the most popular material for optical windows in high-power CO2 lasers and gyrotrons.

      Synthetic diamond has potential uses as a semiconductor,[74] because it can be doped with impurities like boron and phosphorus. Since these elements contain one more or one less valence electron than carbon, they turn synthetic diamond into p-type or n-type semiconductor. Making a p–n junction by sequential doping of synthetic diamond with boron and phosphorus produces light-emitting diodes (LEDs) producing UV light of 235 nm.[75] Another useful property of synthetic diamond for electronics is high carrier mobility, which reaches 4500 cm2/(V·s) for electrons in single-crystal CVD diamond.[76] High mobility is favorable for high-frequency field-effect transistors. The wide band gap of diamond (5.5 eV) gives it excellent dielectric properties. Combined with the high mechanical stability of diamond, those properties are being used in prototype high-power switches for power stations.[77]

      Synthetic diamond transistors have been produced in the laboratory. They are functional at much higher temperatures than silicon devices, and are resistant to chemical and radiation damage. While no diamond transistors have yet been successfully integrated into commercial electronics, they are promising for use in exceptionally high power situations and hostile non-oxidizing environments.[78][79]

      Synthetic diamond is already used as radiation detection device. It is radiation hard and has a wide bandgap of 5.5 eV (at room temperature). Diamond is also distinguished from most other semiconductors by the lack of a stable native oxide. This makes it difficult to fabricate surface MOS devices but does create the potential for UV radiation to get to the active semiconductor without absorption in a surface layer. Because of these properties, it is employed in applications such as the BaBar detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator[80] and BOLD (Blind to the Optical Light Detectors for VUV solar observations).[81][82] A diamond VUV detector recently was used in the European LYRA program.

      Conductive CVD diamond is a useful electrode under many circumstances.[83] Photochemical methods have been developed for covalently linking DNA to the surface of polycrystalline diamond films produced through CVD. Such DNA modified films can be used for detecting various biomolecules, which would interact with DNA thereby changing electrical conductivity of the diamond film.[84] In addition, diamonds can be used to detect redox reactions that cannot ordinarily be studied and in some cases degrade redox-reactive organic contaminants in water supplies. Because diamond is mechanically and chemically stable, it can be used as an electrode under conditions that would destroy traditional materials. As an electrode, synthetic diamond can be used in waste water treatment of organic effluents[85] and the production of strong oxidants.[86]
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 04-07-2016, 09:56 PM.


      • Synthetic diamonds.

        Here's a company add:

        "With its proprietary CVD diamond reactor technology, sp3 Diamond Technologies offers the broadest range of diamond coating services and highest quality diamond coatings available. We are your best source for cost-competitive diamond coating services".

        The question is: Would a two disimilar metal plate diamond deposition process make an ideal crystal battery?

        These guys would be willing to manufacture one for us. I wonder how well it would work? It might generate 12 volts of permanent replenishable power! Maybe Platnum and Lithium electrode plates? Probably cost plenty, maybe less then an engagemenet ring. I would pay to have one just for the Guiness collector item value.
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-15-2011, 10:13 AM.


        • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
          @ IB
          I made one of your "Literal crystal" cells today. I used magnesium and copper. The crystal was formed in a saturated solution of Borax and tap water with a small amount of salt subsitute. The crystal structure is beautiful and the cell puts out about 1.2 volts (when it is new). I only let the crystals form for about 8 hours but they are about 1/4" and clustered around the two electrodes. A 2" piece of magnesium ribbon was placed inside a piece of flat shoe lace and the copper wire was wrapped around the shoe lace. Crystals formed around most of the structure.
          I really don't care how long this cell lasts--- it was just a fun easy day project and it is beautiful as light refects off the crystal facets. The next one that I do I will add food coloring and see if I can color the crystals.

          Thank you for taking the time to make my cell! I noticed you said at first it was at 1.2 volts but you only doped the borax with salt substitute so I'm going to guess the cell is now around 700 to 900mV? for the best effect you need to dope it with salt substitute and Epsom salt, this is what my latest cell is doped with and it still holds it original voltage.

          And you're correct its just like making the sugar crystal candy, thats where i got the idea from.

          I was wondering how you wrapped you magnesium and copper. And also what does your cell look like, is almost clear or fully clear? Are you able to make a video? Thank you for your time.
          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


          • Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
            Here's a company add:

            "With its proprietary CVD diamond reactor technology, sp3 Diamond Technologies offers the broadest range of diamond coating services and highest quality diamond coatings available. We are your best source for cost-competitive diamond coating services".

            The question is: Would a two disimilar metal plate diamond deposition process make an ideal crystal battery?

            These guys would be willing to manufacture one for us. I wonder how well it would work? It might generate 12 volts of permanent replenishable power! Maybe Platnum and Lithium electrode plates? Probably cost plenty, maybe less then an engagemenet ring. I would pay to have one just for the Guiness collector item value.

            hey this sound very interesting. But From what I have read Diamond is not very conductive but in the same family of carbon graphite is very conductive.
            If diamonds are used then they need to be doped with a pollycrystalline crystals. But i do love the idea using carbon as that is what living things are made up of, and the idea carbon-14 from cosmic rays really make carbon very interesting.

            If we use rare earth metals as electrodes such as gold, platinum, then yes the battery could last for almost forever.
            All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


            • John,
              Could the doped crystalinr mixture be melted within a carbon form or crucible?
              Would this obviate the need for copper as an electrode?
              Very Best Regards,


              • Other Semiconductors

                Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
                Electronic applications of synthetic diamond are being developed, including high-power switches at power stations, high-frequency field-effect transistors and light-emitting diodes. Synthetic diamond detectors of ultraviolet (UV) light or high-energy particles are used at high-energy research facilities and are available commercially. Because of its unique combination of thermal and chemical stability, low thermal expansion and high optical transparency in a wide spectral range, synthetic diamond is becoming the most popular material for optical windows in high-power CO2 lasers and gyrotrons.

                Synthetic diamond has potential uses as a semiconductor,[74] because it can be doped with impurities like boron and phosphorus. Since these elements contain one more or one less valence electron than carbon, they turn synthetic diamond into p-type or n-type semiconductor. Making a p–n junction by sequential doping of synthetic diamond with boron and phosphorus produces light-emitting diodes (LEDs) producing UV light of 235 nm.[75] Another useful property of synthetic diamond for electronics is high carrier mobility, which reaches 4500 cm2/(V·s) for electrons in single-crystal CVD diamond.[76] High mobility is favorable for high-frequency field-effect transistors. The wide band gap of diamond (5.5 eV) gives it excellent dielectric properties. Combined with the high mechanical stability of diamond, those properties are being used in prototype high-power switches for power stations.[77]

                Synthetic diamond transistors have been produced in the laboratory. They are functional at much higher temperatures than silicon devices, and are resistant to chemical and radiation damage. While no diamond transistors have yet been successfully integrated into commercial electronics, they are promising for use in exceptionally high power situations and hostile non-oxidizing environments.[78][79]

                Synthetic diamond is already used as radiation detection device. It is radiation hard and has a wide bandgap of 5.5 eV (at room temperature). Diamond is also distinguished from most other semiconductors by the lack of a stable native oxide. This makes it difficult to fabricate surface MOS devices but does create the potential for UV radiation to get to the active semiconductor without absorption in a surface layer. Because of these properties, it is employed in applications such as the BaBar detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator[80] and BOLD (Blind to the Optical Light Detectors for VUV solar observations).[81][82] A diamond VUV detector recently was used in the European LYRA program.

                Conductive CVD diamond is a useful electrode under many circumstances.[83] Photochemical methods have been developed for covalently linking DNA to the surface of polycrystalline diamond films produced through CVD. Such DNA modified films can be used for detecting various biomolecules, which would interact with DNA thereby changing electrical conductivity of the diamond film.[84] In addition, diamonds can be used to detect redox reactions that cannot ordinarily be studied and in some cases degrade redox-reactive organic contaminants in water supplies. Because diamond is mechanically and chemically stable, it can be used as an electrode under conditions that would destroy traditional materials. As an electrode, synthetic diamond can be used in waste water treatment of organic effluents[85] and the production of strong oxidants.[86]
                I can't really talk about this because of my clearance I still hold, but in the 1970's
                We had already developed what your trying to talk about. not for the common man to build at home. Not only Diamond but Ruby, Safire and Emerald along with many others had been developed. They are working devices and can take extreme heat and cold. that is all I can say.
                John B
                John Bedini


                • @ All:
                  According to SeaMonkey's advice, in order to use carbon as an electrolyte it needs to be combined with a proper oil, and some turpentine or thinning solvent to mix with the oil. The oil is first thinned a bit so it will get easily absorbed by the carbon, when the carbon is mixed with the diluted oil, it is then pressed firmly together. I don't remember right now what kind of oil to use, but I'll look into it. The oil/carbon mix along with the thinning solvent is then allowed to dry out for some time, until the solvent is evaporated.

                  John has mentioned that he thinks that the quartz is not doing anything, well I respectfully disagree. I only use 20% carbon (80% is quartz) in the electrolyte mix. The carbon is the binding agent. The carbon only cell which I made as a control cell, will work well with only the carbon, but there is no increase in current with a load. The quartz only or just plain aquarium filter type of carbon, by themselves may not work, in the way I use them here.
                  These crystal cells are full of quartz, not salts, but clear quartz points, smoky quartz points, and even quartz beach rocks, and all are working well. So, I will not wash them out, heat them, wash them again, short them out for days... etz... Because I don't need to...
                  The old D cell that I removed -ONLY THE CARBON from (this is the third time I mention this) was already 10 years old.
                  Alkaline or zinc carbon D cells are not considered harmful, nor have I seen any negative effects. They contain no mercury, acids, or harmful radioactive additives. But, if anyone is worried about them, please don't use them, as there are other forms of useful carbon to be had.

                  BTW the two new quartz/carbon cells that were made yesterday are still shinning the led just as bright or brighter this morning, after an all night run.
                  And are still producing as much voltage as a new rechargeable AA battery

                  I'm only showing what I've done. So, please don't go against Johns kind and considerate advice, which I do appreciate, as he has much more experience

                  I will still add the quartz to the cells, as I've never seen a cell go up in current when a load is applied, and stay there for days... you can add it or not, it's up to you. My small 1/2" by 1" cells are still producing 50mA, after 5 days of constant running.


                  • Literal Crystal Battery----- Replication video

                    @ IB
                    Here is a video of my version of your Literal Crystal Battery. It did drop all the way down to .3 volts over night so this morning I tried adding Alum to the mix and it bounced back to about 1.2v. All I did was spray it with a fine mist of Alum in distilled water and then drove off the water with a hair dryer leaving the Alum crystals. It is a similar structure (I think) to the "stove top" cell now. We will just have to see how long it lasts. I will try the next one with Epsom Salts in the mix like you suggested. I really do feel that this is still a galvanic situation but like John B. said-- if we can control the ion transfer then it is not a bad thing.

                    Literal Crystal Cell by Ibpointless - YouTube

                    Last edited by Lidmotor; 09-15-2011, 06:16 PM.


                    • Control the ions !

                      This is off topic and I do not bring this up as a deterrent to what is happening here. I only mention this in support of what lidmotor and John Bedini said.
                      Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                      @ IB
                      I really do feel that this is still a galvanic situation but like John B. said-- if we can control the ion transfer then it is not a bad thing.

                      Literal Crystal Cell by Ibpointless - YouTube

                      Checking back on my records, I made 3 cells on Sept. 21, 2010. These 3 cells are made from copper wire, galvanized conduit, and tap water. It is my understanding that as the zinc is consumed in the galvanic process it is changed to zinc oxide. The containers are about a quarter full with white powder. When you look up ZnO, you will find that it has some pretty nifty properties. These 3 cells, short 6 days, have been lighting a red LED nonstop for one year. I suspect that after a substantial amount of the ZnO has been created, other reactions are happening in the cells as the water level can drop below a half and the LED does not suffer. Therefore, I agree that we can and must control ion transfer; a low output 10 year cell would be pretty nice in my thinking.
                      Brad S
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by b_rads; 09-15-2011, 07:51 PM. Reason: Cleanup


                      • NickZ

                        It's Boiled Linseed oil. You can get it at any hardware store. Used for cutting oil based paints.

                        David P


                        • polycrystalline solid state

                          In this video I'm showing the newer type of mix which now I have turned into a polycrystalline solid state mixture under pulse currents it recharges itself for the next pulse. The Led must have a resistor on it to use steady state.
                          John Bedini
                          Solid State Polycrystalline Cells / John Bedini - YouTube
                          John Bedini


                          • Eternallightwithin:
                            Thank you, that is correct, now that you mention it. It is linseed oil, as used for paints, and the solvent like turpentine that are used to temporarly thin or dilute the oil. That was also mentioned by SeaMonkey.
                            He has a wealth of information concerning what we are doing here. And has also mentioned that melting a salt will not eliminate all the water that is trapped within. Therefore, he thinks that we are still dealing with galvanics.

                            It is still my present opinion that it is not the "crystal electrolyte" that is producing the output, but the two different metals, instead. The electrolyte is only a filtering bridge and not the cause of the energy.
                            If you use two of the exact same metals, of the same size and weight, you will get no voltage across the crystal electrolyte. No mater what you do, or what salt crystal you grow on the SAME metals. So, it's the potential difference of the two different metals (or carbon), and not the molten salt crystals, that are producing both the current and voltage.
                            I am looking at the cause of causes, which is related to field energies external to the cells, that both metals, as well as the carbon, are subject to.

                            It may also be possible that the two different salts, salt crystals, or two different crystals like carbon and quartz, can also produce some voltage, even without the metals, but for the same reasons, local field energies. This is only a wild guess, but I would like to hear your thoughts on that.

                            So far, it looks like carbon (or the carbon crystal) makes for possibly the best positive electrode, exempt of oxidation, as well as making for a great super low impedance electrolite (both).
                            I don't have any fixed opinions, just trying out different things to see what works. These are the ideas and issues that I'm currently working on.

                            My newest cells that were made yesterday and their attached led is burning so bright now, that its hard to even look at them, so I will not sacrifice them to see what tics... yet.

                            Brad: Thanks for the info on your three pill bottle cells. One years running time is encouraging.


                            • The more I research about the subject, the more I'm intrigued with what's out there. Suppose I have two dissimilar metal dipped in pure water, seal off from oxygen and short the two electrodes out. I cannot find a chemical reaction depicts what happens to this. The battery looks just as much as a fuel cell.

                              How Hydrogen Fuels Cells Work

                              I also dipped 2 dissimilar metals into water and perform a short electrolysis. After removing the battery, the same phenomena happened with polarization. Could it be that it now becomes a fuel cell burning off the gas from electrolysis.


                              • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                                In this video I'm showing the newer type of mix which now I have turned into a polycrystalline solid state mixture under pulse currents it recharges itself for the next pulse. The Led must have a resistor on it to use steady state.
                                John Bedini
                                Solid State Polycrystalline Cells / John Bedini - YouTube
                                Great find. Is the analogy of SURFACE AREA you are seeing with the crystal cells analogous to this?
                                Why DIODE SURFACE AREA IS IMPORTANT?.mov - YouTube
                                Larger surface area = More charge carriers etc, so in essence, two ways to increase surface area is to decrease the size of the crystalline material we are starting with, in addition to timing the cooling to maximize crystal formation as well as surface area for the metallic components right?

                                Are you using any titanium dioxide as a seeding element for crystal formation? Have you ever tried this?

                                Thank you again for all your sharing and I sincerely appreciate your candor in discussing charge carriers and diode surface are and the applicability in our endeavors.

                                Very Best Regards,

