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Bedini Earth Light

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  • temperature response

    Hi guys, I put my cell back in the oven at 100F and she is climbing, from 1.366 - 1.377 within 10 min. This is the one I have made yesterday and she was in the oven nearly 10 hours. I still have 10k resistor across terminals since yesterday.

    'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

    General D.Eisenhower


    • Earth Lights /Crystal Cell

      Now put that cell in the cold and watch what happens. Also the cell impedance must match the load resistance before any test can be concluded. Just guessing with the cell you have made is about 50K ohms is the right impedance for loading. It is like a C20 rate on a lead acid battery. If you do a Mill Amp test you can just about figure what load to use for the test. Solid State electrolyte is the answer to this cell. Ionic movement within the Crystal Lattice.
      John B
      John Bedini


      • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
        Now put that cell in the cold and watch what happens. Also the cell impedance must match the load resistance before any test can be concluded. Just guessing with the cell you have made is about 50K ohms is the right impedance for loading. It is like a C20 rate on a lead acid battery. If you do a Mill Amp test you can just about figure what load to use for the test. Solid State electrolyte is the answer to this cell. Ionic movement within the Crystal Lattice.
        John B
        you certainly move quickly John B. I'm still waiting for bits to arrive..

        So the cell converts low grade heat (photons) into electron energy way cool. The cells should be a teeny bit colder than the ambient temp esp under load.

        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


        • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
          Now put that cell in the cold and watch what happens. Also the cell impedance must match the load resistance before any test can be concluded. Just guessing with the cell you have made is about 50K ohms is the right impedance for loading. It is like a C20 rate on a lead acid battery. If you do a Mill Amp test you can just about figure what load to use for the test. Solid State electrolyte is the answer to this cell. Ionic movement within the Crystal Lattice.
          John B
          I'm gonna do this now. Cell is still climbing, at 1.390 atm at constant 100F. Since I was testing with 10k I will test outside with same and after change the load and redo both, heat and cold.

          Be back
          Thank you
          'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

          General D.Eisenhower


          • Hi . Allen R. here. We have been playing with these devices for about a year. I even showed pictures of them and our ingredients at the R. charge conference. Temperature does effect the output of the cells but it is not the only thing that powers them. Ours were also temperature sensitive.

            John B. , your cell voltage is impressive. I hope that they hold that high. Ours were initially high and settled down over a few weeks. The output has been constant since then for the most part . They do tend to go up and down. You can short them out for extended periods and they will come back after a short time. Here is a picture of our miniature cells taken last year. Picture was from 7-15-10 .

            half a volt. Its a start.

            We have two cells like this and a larger one that was our first attempt. The larger one was made in February last year. It still functions although not as well as the miniature cells. It was polarized at a lower voltage than they were.

            I believe that the large size is unnecessary . We have had just as good results from the smaller size. I do want to make it clear that my brother is the one that devised "our" cells and I just assisted him in their production.

            We used these ingredients in ours. The mixture I guessed at what should work right trying to keep the conductivity of the cell down . I used the least amount of iron pyrite.

            I am not suggesting our mixture as it appears that the one used here in this thread is superior. I am just sharing what we did.

            The large cell is at the bottom of the above picture. It stays shorted all the time and when we un short it the voltage will start to build back. Not much but its a start.

            Our thinking on what powers the cell is this: conductors polarize along the magnetic vector . Semi-conductors and insulators polarize along the electric vector. You make them like you make a magnet except you get electricity instead of a magnetic field. Polarized domains , but polarized along the electric vector.

            Each ingredient absorbs energy in a certain band and outputs it in another . Rochelle salt that is in ours absorbs heat and outputs electricity.

            Well I just wanted to share what we did.



            • Earth Lights/ Crystal Battery

              Welcome, Glad you could join in the more that have experience the better.
              Yes Iron Pyrite is not good in these cells and tends to short them out.
              Rochelle salt but how does that effect the electrodes I see the color blue in your cell is that correct?
              John B
              John Bedini


              • Temperature

                Well the temperature finally warmed up here from the previous -40c below nights and -22c below days so I got some cement from the back. Did not get any sand it was buried underneath to much snow and ice. Got some more Alum and will try some kind of mix.
                Will let dry in the sauna and see what happens.

                Last edited by FRC; 02-27-2011, 02:03 AM. Reason: spelling/spacing


                • Cold test

                  Both tests heat and cold were conducted over the period of 30min each. During 30min in the oven at 100F cell went from 1.366V - 1.390V.
                  Next test was 30 min at 3F and cell dropped from 1.390V - 1.376V.
                  I kept it a bit longer since there is a smaller temp difference moving from 80F-100F than from 80F - 3F. Now after 45min I read 1.362V. Now I'll calculate the proper load.

                  'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                  General D.Eisenhower



                  • Hi John. Thanks. The blue color is a crayon melted to seal the cell. The rochelle salt is sensitive to moisture and we were trying to prevent the cell from absorbing moisture it breaks the rochelle crystals down. I melted the crayon on it and down the center electrode hole. I wished I would have sealed the mini cells that way. I think the moisture may have affected them over the span of last year. They were down some the last time I tested them but it was really cold in the shop. We have not kept them shorted as we did the larger one . I have some old information with pictures on electrets that I posted on another energy forum but I am sure that linking to it here is prohibited. The info comes from an old book I think.

                    The center electrode will get a little corrosion up at the tip which seems weird. We have speculated that it may be caused by the electrostatic field on the end of the electrode. The rest of it is fine. I am kinda wishing we had done more with them now that you are working with them. Good news is you will take them much further than we have and I can work on my energizers . My brother is the brains for these , I tend to work with Your energizers and some other things . He had asked me to post our stuff here just in case it helped out in some way. He does not do forums much so he gets me to do it for him.

                    Here is a picture of the first one when we were about to heat and polarize it.

                    BTW had a blast at the conference.

                    Last edited by fan1701; 02-27-2011, 02:27 AM.


                    • More testing

                      @ John B.
                      I tried heating one of my cells with a hair dryer and the voltage went up right away. I had it running an LED oscillator and the LED got noticeably brighter also. When I cooled it down the voltage went back to what it had been. The three new cells I made today setup quickly so I was able to start testing them. I am not seeing vast differences between them. I think that it may take weeks or months to really see what happens. The little cell that I made out of a plastic jar lid was strong enough to run a electronic pluse drive unit I got out of a toy (Lucky Waving Cat). I made a video of it working.

                      YouTube - Cement batteries doing work.ASF

                      I am seeing about the same results as everybody else who has made one of these type cells. Thanks Fan1701 for the info of your builds. It was good to hear that the cells are still going after a year.

                      You and I are at about the same spot on this project. I don't know about you but this is looking pretty good to me.

                      Last edited by Lidmotor; 02-27-2011, 03:35 AM.


                      • Is portland cement the go? What are other good options if not? I was looking around for muffler putty..

                        Is calcium carbonate better than carbon?
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • @fan1701 - Thanks for joining and sharing your results
                          @Lidmotor - Yes, I'm pretty happy with the results and trying to think what can we add or improve. I'm quite limited with compounds atm and will have to order and wait until arrives. I don't like losing momentum
                          Thanks for videos
                          My cell did warmed up and has ambient temp. I'm reading 1.406 More than I was getting after warming in the oven.

                          'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                          General D.Eisenhower



                          • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                            Is portland cement the go? What are other good options if not? I was looking around for muffler putty..

                            Is calcium carbonate better than carbon?
                            I read somewhere that muffler stuff doesn't work well. I'll try to find this info.

                            'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                            General D.Eisenhower



                            • Crystal battery/ Earth Lights

                              Sorry my computer is on but I'm doing Chemical formulas for the best ionic transfer, I'm not a chemist but The math is the same somehow.
                              I'm measuring the same thing everybody else is seeing with these cells.
                              But we must get them to at least .500Ma at a solid state level. This cell is a Ionic transfer cell with dry chemicals I know that some may have a hard time with this but, this is the way it works. The cement has what would be called pockets developed in it as it is curing in these pockets you want Ionic material mixed with it. What charges batteries is the ions moving between the plates, moving the ions are electrons, if you want to call them that. But the cells we are building not only reacts to heat (inferred) and cold and gravity waves but it moves it's own ions between the metals causing the current and voltage. If the mix is right you will see 1.5 volts to 2 volts at .500Ma after the mix is dry. If you start drawing current when wet the pathways could be damaged because of the galvanic action. I found all these thing out by trying all the experiments. Nature has this cell very well controlled as far as solid state goes. This is all a matter of depositing a material with many Ions in it so they are free to move between the terminals through holes and pathways. When testing these cells you must wait until semi dry, the reason for the oven. Look folks this is very advanced, and battery companies do not want this kind of stuff so most solid state batteries stay locked up in a lab somewhere. I think your right Lidmotor it going to be a good one. we just need the right material mixed for the crystals.
                              John B
                              John Bedini


                              • I did another experiment..I was curious about something different. I made another battery with AWG#26 quadfilar coil on the bottom with a crushed ferrite core, only 3 Ohms on teflon tape spool. Copper coiled electrode is above, just 3 turns. I have also Al electrode, 3/4" wide 1/8" thick reaching to the bottom of the can (beer can of course). I connected a scope to the battery output and fed one winding of bottom coil from function generator. There is nothing going on.... until I reach 1-1.5 MHz. Despite feeding with a square wave I'm getting a sin-wave but with something extra when I change a duty cycle. Sin becomes an h like shape with some ringing. What more, amplitude changes from 50mV to over 2V. Right now battery reads 1.160 and it is climbing. Maybe this is not important but i thought to share anyhow. I can take a snapshot or make a short vid if anyone is interested.

                                'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                                General D.Eisenhower


