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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Non-liquid electrolyte

    I made one of your "Glue Battery" designs using copper, magnesium, and white glue. Like the "Gummy Bear Battery", I wanted to see if a non-liquid electrolyte would still allow a chemical reaction to take place to make power. It worked. The chemistry going on here is probably very simple but I like the idea of a cell that doesn't have a liquid that can leak out. If we mix some of the additives discussed on this thread into the gelatine (or white glue) it might make a very interesting cell.
    Here is a video of the "Gummy Bear Battery" and your "Glue Battery" powering a small LCD clock.

    YouTube - Gummy Bear battery and Glue Battery running an LCD clock.ASF

    Last edited by Lidmotor; 04-22-2011, 08:43 PM.


    • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
      I made one of your "Glue Battery" designs using copper, magnesium, and white glue. Like the "Gummy Bear Battery", I wanted to see if a non-liquid electrolyte would still allow a chemical reaction to take place to make power. It worked. The chemistry going on here is probably very simple but I like the idea of a cell that doesn't have a liquid that can leak out. If we mix some of the additives discussed on this thread into the gelatine (or white glue) it might make a very interesting cell.
      Here is a video of the "Gummy Bear Battery" and your "Glue Battery" powering a small LCD clock.

      YouTube - Gummy Bear battery and Glue Battery running an LCD clock.ASF


      I do agree a electrolyte that does not have a liquid would be great, a solid state galvanic battery! I have tried adding table salt to the glue mix, it works but is tough like concrete mix. Adding salt to the glue does work to increase power a little and I've figure the crystal in the salt helps to carry the current even when the glue is dried.

      I do want to add alum and make the copper a semi-conductor like Bedini has done.

      I find that All purpose Caulk works better than the Elmer's glue due to it holding its moisture in more.

      The sad truth about my glue batteries is that they do loose power as the days go on. The glue dries because the water is being evaporated from it and as the water evaporates the power goes with it. I don't know how long it takes for all the water to get out of the glue cells but I have some cell that are over a week old still producing voltage and charging capacitors. I have one that is shorted out for 24/7 and it still shows voltage and it has no sign of oxide on the plates.

      But my best cells are the ones that only use aluminum for both the cathode and anode. These cells start off with low voltage and stay at that voltage. Some even have gone up in voltage as the glue dried. But what is the most interesting about this cell is how it takes to a load. I hooked one cell up to a 1uF capacitor that was shorted out for 24 hours before hand. This cell started at 70mV before hooking it up to the capacitor and now with both connected I'm reading over 80mV. Don't know How the voltage got higher when the load was put on it. Also something interesting is when you hook this cell up to a meter it would drain like you would expect but when it got to 0 volts it didn't stop there it kept climbing up in the negative numbers,-1,-2,-3 and so on. I do this experiment with a capacitor and the capacitor drains too but it stops at 0 volts and go no further. Its like the same metal glue battery will negatively charge when given a load.
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • I got my cement batteries to light a Jtc by connecting a couple of cans in parallel. Nice to see these batteries can work as another free source of power for the Jtc. Although I'm sure there other oscillators that will work at lower current. I'm getting 1.3 volts, and over 50 mA (at first) from two cans wired in parallel. The current drops down, in time, but not as fast or to the same degree as when the batteries are in series.
        Connecting a current through the batteries as they are drying may also help to precharge them, and improve the output. At least in the beach sand ones.

        I'm also thinking that gell cells are probably a better way to go. Not so much shrinkage as the medium drys, that might be also reducing the conductivity and output, in time.


        • Townsand Brown.

          I just watched Hutchenson's video on the Casmir effect and his crystal converter battery cell. I also have read all Townsand Brown's notes that were published recently by his family and also watched John Bedini's progress with the Earth Battery. Here's what I was able to ascertain, as I haven't seen these things discussed here on this thread and they're very important:

          Townsand Brown discovered electric rocks. The best electric rocks turned out to be high dielectric elements that were polarized while cooling, like Lava extrusions. High dielectric materials make the best insulators because they conduct less electricity then any other materials. Thery're easy to test for. Just the opposite of conductors or super conductors. We have nanocarbon tubes, gold, copper aluminum etc descending on the conductor end, then barium titanate followed by tungsten carbide, carbon, waxed paper etc on the dielectric resistant to carrying any electric current whatsoever.

          Our surroundings here on the Earth's surface have a constant electric charge in Teslas per cubic meter. When the dialectric value is below that charge level, electric power is trying to penetrate the material with a pressure in proportion to the difference. The power has no way to penetrate the material.

          Townsand Brown discovered that some high diaelectic volcanic rocks in Hawaii generated electric current when he attached the electrodes of a multi meter. He speculated that they polarized while cooling. Brown theorized that the rocks were formed when a volcanic eruption coincided with a lightning storm. He set out to replicate the process. Brown mixed powdered Tungsten Carbide with melted Bees Wax. The slurry was poured into a cardboard cylinder with a copper disk on the bottem, then a copper disk was squeezed on the top and Hi voltage electrodes both posative and negative were attached to each end and Hi Voltage current run in between the disks while the hot slurry cooled. Voila! One finished perpetual battery. How's it work?

          The electric pressure can penetrate the dielectric material through the polarized pathways created by Hi Voltage current while cooling. This is not a chemical process; Nor does it have much of anything to do with the Casmir effect. Polarization is essential!
          Last edited by synchro; 04-24-2011, 07:13 PM. Reason: addition


          • Tourmaline

            This isn't new or very recent and I wonder if anyone had ever tried to employ this crystal in any way - tourmaline

            'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

            General D.Eisenhower



            • Originally posted by synchro View Post
              ........Townsand Brown discovered electric rocks. The best electric rocks turned out to be high dialectric elements that were polarized while cooling, like Lava extrusions. High dielectric materials make the best insulators because they conduct less electricity then any other materials. There're easy to test for. Just the opposite of conductors or super conductors. We have nanocarbon tubes, gold, copper aluminum etc descending on the conductor end, then Barium titanate then Tungsten carbide, carbon, waxed paper etc on the dielectric resistant to carrying any electric current whatsoever........

              Townsand Brown discovered that some high diaelectic volcanic rocks in Hawaii generated electric current when he attached the electrodes of a multi meter. He speculated that they polarized while cooling. Brown theorized that the rocks were formed when a volcanic eruption coincided with a lightning storm. He set out to replicate the process. Brown mixed powdered Tungsten Carbide with melted Bees Wax. The slurry was poured into a cardboard cylinder with a copper disk on the bottem, then a copper disk was squeezed on the top and Hi voltage electrodes both posative and negative were attached to each end and Hi Voltage current run in between the disks while the hot slurry cooled. Voila! One finished perpetual battery. How's it work?

              The electric pressure can penetrate the dielectric material through the polarized pathways created by Hi Voltage current while cooling. This is not a chemical process; Nor does it have much of anything to do with the Casmir effect. Polarization is essential!
              Can you post some links on Brown. We'd appreciate it.



              • Townsand Brown Battery.

                @Matthew Jones,

                Take a look at T.T. Brown's Battery Patent:

                Townsend Brown Battery Patent Application

                Especially claims 1 & 2 at the end above the figures. Carnauba and Bees wax are the same thing.
                Last edited by synchro; 04-23-2011, 06:51 PM.


                • The Magnesium/Carbon (with alum) Volta Pile deserves recognition.
                  With Eguchi method
                  Sucahyo tried polorizing had a negative result on cement, John Bedini spent some time
                  drying overnight in a magnetic oven, Suchyo had a less favorable result on cement.
                  with crystals forming we have'nt been able to use Eguchi methods.

                  I would like to see the relationship but have'nt been able to put it together.

                  Revisiting the carnuba and plastic electret the method had the conditioning with pressure
                  and High Voltage at near melting point. It is noted for it's long shelf life.
                  Electret Q&A - 02/07/01
                  Mototaro Eguchi
                  The Amateur Scientist

                  The Bedini approach with the copper oxide has been an improvement.
                  polarization ? ok , the gates are one way.
                  let's see what else we can gather from Thomas Townsend Brown.
                  I would love to find some more documents on his research regarding rock batteries.

                  The cuprous oxide alum cell now going to a second phase of development.
                  Last edited by mikrovolt; 04-24-2011, 03:47 AM.


                  • T.T. Brown


                    Thanks for those very enlightening links. One maintains that the electret is similar to the magnet but not found in nature. That was true right up untill T. Brown discovered the electric rock.

                    @Matthew Jones,

                    I searched for and found some of his earlier works on the distilation of gravitic isotopes:

                    Townsend Brown "Rock" Partial Patent Application


                    ELECTRICAL SELF-POTENTIAL IN ROCKS by T. Townsend Brown Published in Psychic Observer, Vol. XXXVII, No. 1

                    He states that the high "K" dielectric is the key material for the reason I stated above; Tungsten Carbide at 17 possibly the best. Brown coined the term "PETROELECTRICITY".
                    Last edited by synchro; 04-24-2011, 12:41 AM.


                    • I have always had the "electrinium" battery in the back of my mind. Here is a brief article with a link in the text to the original instructions for the battery. No home brew experiment though.

                      This could be considered the electric counterpart to a magnet. (different from an electret though)

                      Electrinium Battery Remains Un-replicated


                      • Originally posted by synchro View Post
                        @Matthew Jones,

                        Take a look at T.T. Brown's Battery Patent:

                        Townsend Brown Battery Patent Application

                        Especially claims 1 & 2 at the end above the figures. Carnauba and Bees wax are the same thing.
                        carnauba and bee's wax are very different. The former is hard the latter soft. One is from a palm tree leaf and the other from a bee's ass.

                        you're talking about an electret. Type electret and inquorate into youtube and you'll see videos on how to make one. However, they are electrostatic. Virtually no current, a big pie tin one will light a neon for a second every minute or so.
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • The only way i could get current out of an electret was to add salt.
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • Originally posted by synchro View Post
                            @Matthew Jones,
                            I searched for and found some of his earlier works on the distilation of gravitic isotopes:
                            Townsend Brown "Rock" Partial Patent Application
                            ELECTRICAL SELF-POTENTIAL IN ROCKS by T. Townsend Brown Published in Psychic Observer, Vol. XXXVII, No. 1
                            He states that the high "K" dielectric is the key material for the reason I stated above; Tungsten Carbide at 17 possibly the best. Brown coined the term "PETROELECTRICITY".
                            Thanks bud.



                            • Lidmotor's Jelly Battery

                              Hi Guys,
                              I tried Lidmotor’s idea about jelly battery. I took standard aluminum can (coke not beer :-( ) and a standard gelatin plus the alum and little of bi-carb soda. I use 3,5 spoons of jelly, 1 spoon of Bi-Carb Soda, and around 120g of Alum. I mixed everything with 330ml of boiling water. I also tried heat up a copper wire and put it in the Borax to created a semi-conductor but I thing I didn’t heat it up enough. I measure the voltage (not current) when I put the hot jelly mix to the can. It showen around 0.9V. When jelly was cooling down the voltage went to 0.6V After one hour I decided to put the can in the freezer to set jelly faster. After 3 hours jelly was set and the voltage was 0.3V when I took the can out of the freezer. Next day at I have seen nice Alum crystals all over the jelly. Final voltage is 0.4V which is disappointment. Only one thing which is interesting is that the jelly battery is able to take charge. I won’t keep for long but it works like a jelly-capacitor.
                              I didn’t discover anything interesting but I wanted to share.
                              Thanks David
                              Attached Files


                              • Homemade Gelatine Battery

                                Thanks for building one of these gelatine type cells. I have worked a couple days with them now and got far enough along to post a video on where I am at. Your copper and aluminum cell didn't work as well as my copper and magnesium ones. I am getting between 1.2 and 1.6 volts out of mine with the amperage corresponding to the surface area of the electrodes. The recipe I used to make the electrolyte was:

                                1 cup distilled water
                                1 tablespoon Gelatine
                                1 Teaspoon Alum

                                Boil and stir until completely dissolved
                                Refridgerate until solid

                                I worked more with your "Glue Battery" and found that you can keep it from drying out by putting it in a small plastic bag. I show that in the video also.

                                YouTube - Homemade Gelatine Battery.ASF


                                YouTube - Homemade Gelatine Battery.ASF

