CONGRADULATIONS XEE2 having the longest running Joule Thief,
Driving a green led 84 hours on a 10,000 uF ecap ... WOW !!!
YouTube - ‪2 uA Joule thief‬‏
Lately more websites on crystal cells have been removing information
from public. The Hutchison formula and method needs to be replicated.
YouTube - ‪CRYSTAL POWER!.wmv‬‏
YouTube - ‪Rochelle salt crystals generating electricity‬‏
John Hutchison crystal info still available:
YouTube - ‪How to build a Hutchison Power Cell !!!!‬‏
basic instructions:
1/4 cup Rochelle salt
1/2 cup epsom salt
doping agents, using nail file 1 inch strokes 25 times
calcium carbonate
silver (not too much)
iron pyrite
with liquid sodium silicate coat inside and the thick galvanized wire electrode, plug one end tube with q_tip
next warm salt mixture to moderately molten and pack tube, apply 12V from walwart as it cools.
Driving a green led 84 hours on a 10,000 uF ecap ... WOW !!!
YouTube - ‪2 uA Joule thief‬‏
Lately more websites on crystal cells have been removing information
from public. The Hutchison formula and method needs to be replicated.
YouTube - ‪CRYSTAL POWER!.wmv‬‏
YouTube - ‪Rochelle salt crystals generating electricity‬‏
John Hutchison crystal info still available:
YouTube - ‪How to build a Hutchison Power Cell !!!!‬‏
basic instructions:
1/4 cup Rochelle salt
1/2 cup epsom salt
doping agents, using nail file 1 inch strokes 25 times
calcium carbonate
silver (not too much)
iron pyrite
with liquid sodium silicate coat inside and the thick galvanized wire electrode, plug one end tube with q_tip
next warm salt mixture to moderately molten and pack tube, apply 12V from walwart as it cools.