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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Permittivity

    @b_rads (or anyone else)
    Hi, I'm Keith and this is my first post. I was wondering about your posting regarding permittivity. If a Supercap can soak 15-25% couldn't I just use a huge supercap rated for much more than I actually need and just operate within that (15-25%) range? Chiliqueen's super joule thief or SE Jones JT both draw so little... The specific application I have in mind is lighting (not a 24/7 load). Thanks-k


    • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
      That is right Traces of this compound were found in those old batteries. They used copper and Iron, unknown electrolyte. I found the key to a very unusual crystal that we have made without heat. I will post more on this later once my theory works out. This has been known for 7000 years, so where did all the information go?
      The Egyptians made use of a glowing Crystal battery, where did it go? It's almost like all the information of the past has been scooped up and hidden away for some reason. It's like we are not suppose to know anything from the past.
      The process in these batteries intersects with the energy field around us.
      More later.
      John B
      I do believe the same force that suppresses free energy today, has also suppressed the ancient technology of the past. The illuminati has been known to collect ancient artifacts and have secret museums where they keep it all stashed away from the public. They seem to want to control all aspects of ones reality, including the history of mankind.

      Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
      @ Everybody, I did check tonight and the solution did grow Rochelle salt crystals and some big ones, it seems that the Temp plays an important part in growing the crystals. I'm working on doping these while they are growing.
      John B
      Glad it's working. I did notice that the container also matters. I tried growing some in one of those containers that blank cds and dvds come in, and it didn't grow with 24 hours past. I then put it in another container, and the crystals starting growing within 10 minutes. I think the cd container was too smooth and the crystals just can't form on a ultra smooth surface.


      • The seeds in IR would become a filter as the crystal grows.
        The wavelength between 400 to 1000 nm light source.
        The size may effect effieciency. In that temperature controls rate.

        Mother nature does'nt give away her secrets easily, we can look at
        geometry corresponding to natural thermal energy crystals.
        tourmaline and ruby being a few.

        Moisture affects the salt crystals after a year, we were told that they melted blue crayons to seal the top.

        symmetry can be improved on in growing crystals. examples of rochelle and alum the shape may be related to the efficiency, reference;
        page 111-112 using copper acetate and a pellet of NaOH gives a flat wide crystal. page 128 shape affected as the solution gets less dense.
        The volume of solution can influence shape.
        Crystals and crystal growing - Google Books

        b_rads replicated the rovelle monothermal cell,
        PVA polyvinyl acetate (glue) and K (potassium).
        You can find orbitals of elements here:
        Dynamic Periodic Table
        Last edited by mikrovolt; 08-16-2011, 04:38 PM.


        • Anyone else notice that these crystal cells share a common element?

          John Hutchinson uses Rochelle salt.

          John Bedini uses Alum.

          And the Glue cells use Salt Substitute.

          So what does Rochelle salt, Alum, and Salt Substitute have in common? Potassium

          I find it interesting that Potassium is a common theme since its needed by living things and is also Radioactive too.
          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


          • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
            Anyone else notice that these crystal cells share a common element?

            John Hutchinson uses Rochelle salt.

            John Bedini uses Alum.

            And the Glue cells use Salt Substitute.

            So what does Rochelle salt, Alum, and Salt Substitute have in common? Potassium

            I find it interesting that Potassium is a common theme since its needed by living things and is also Radioactive too.

            I remember this post well as it was I who was being chastised.


            no potassium in the McCormick Alum.


            • Trough cell update

              Yesterday I posted a picture of the new cells I made and I have good news and bad news.
              The bad new first - without referencing the Gorilla Glue cells (a bust) in all but 2 of the cells the magnesium detoriated at the entrance to the cell. The only thing new in these cells were the yellow wood glue and painters tape. These cells were producing higher amperage then I have been getting from those cells.
              The good news - the 2 cells that used silver leaf and started so poorly have climbed to 1.42 volts and 3.8ma after a full day plus. These cells started at less than .5 and after 6 hours went up to .8 volts. This is very interesting, so I made another last night that I will encase in liquid plastic tonight.
              Now - the weird news - using a piece of copper pipe and magnesium rod I layered Elmer's School Glue, Epsom Salt/Salt Substitue. Then I heated this mix at 175 degrees for 20 minutes. When it cooled slightly I tested the cell. 1.25 Volts and 85ma. After 12 + hours they are at 1.2 Volts and 75ma and the meter was rising when I took the picture you see below. I will seal this cell with liquid plastic tonight also. While this is certainly galvanic, I will monitor to see how long I can get usable output.
              Brad S
              Attached Files


              • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                John Bedini,

                Great work so far on the latest crystal cell. I've been reading up on "Selenium" and its a very interesting material. You mention that it collects infrared light which makes sense as it is a semiconductor material that works better in light than in dark and is sometimes used in Photocells. Now if a material such as Selenium is able to pick up the electromagnetic waves of Infrared light I bet there is other material out there that is able to pick up high frequencies of electromagnetic radiation such as comic radiation that Moray was able to pick up. The question is that must be thought about is how can we go about finding material that can pick up that range of energy?
                Yeah the interesting part is many of these elements are products in are cabinets when you start reading the labels. Are body is like a ambient battery and we must understand how nature works if we want discover new laws and how to use them.

                I was wondering where you get selenium. Its used in 1 % in selsum blue shampoo. Does the shampoo you are using contain selenium?


                • Originally posted by coldkeith View Post
                  @b_rads (or anyone else)
                  Hi, I'm Keith and this is my first post. I was wondering about your posting regarding permittivity. If a Supercap can soak 15-25% couldn't I just use a huge supercap rated for much more than I actually need and just operate within that (15-25%) range? Chiliqueen's super joule thief or SE Jones JT both draw so little... The specific application I have in mind is lighting (not a 24/7 load). Thanks-k
                  I am humbled when any member on this forum asks me a question as I am without a doubt the most least knowledgeable person participating here. There are many very intelligent people and I am certain someone here can address your question much better than I could attempt to.

                  If I may be allowed to step up to the soapbox for a minute:
                  I have two goals in participating here, one of which has already been met. The other may not ever happen, but does not keep me from trying.

                  1. I think all of us here are looking for a perpetual power source that can be easily replicated and utilized. This is not to say that this power source should power the world, but some nice lights would be good.

                  2. I will not ever be without the ability to use some metals and household chemicals and provide my family with a minimum of comfort in a power outage. We have seen people light LED’s, transmit radio frequencies, run clocks, and power motors.

                  I am honored to be a participant here at energetic forum and interact with the quality, honest, and sincere people here. I am thrilled at the participation level the last few weeks and a sincere thanks to you JB and Chuck H for reigniting this thread.

                  Thanks for letting me share those thoughts.
                  Brad S


                  • B_rads:
                    Looks like you are going in the right direction.
                    But, I'll repeat that plates is the way to go, although the cylinder shape or rods seam to have a good amount of power output, also. Ultimately it is the amount of mass of the metals, so the bigger the better in this case.
                    I've found that the copper spiral electrode inverted through itself has the highest output, compared to a straight tube, or even the spiral which is not inverted. The problem with copper is that is will oxidize and turn black, and there goes the gain. Not so with carbon, but carbon can't be wound in a spiral, so it could potentially has less output, as it has less surface area, but longer lasting. Replaceable electrodes are another option.


                    • copper magnesium alum cell

                      there is definitely some solar cell type action going on in our cells.
                      we have just about run bone dry on ours now. we are down to 1 volt. the little WM has stopped about 3 times in the last 24 hours each time we spin it up and it goes for a few hours - time to switch over to an LED.

                      what we did to narrow down the solar thing. simple enough.
                      shine the light on the cells in the fish tank w/ the motor running and thermometer - the voltage rises. note temperature. then put paper all around the fish tank, blocking any light except a small hole to see the temp. maintain the temp. - voltage decreases.
                      the rise and fall is significant enough to make the conclusion.

                      first test:
                      start temp - 65 F
                      start volt - 0.99
                      end temp - 72F
                      time - 10 minutes
                      end volt - 1.12

                      second test:
                      start temp - 72F
                      start volt - 1.12
                      end temp - 74.8
                      time - 10 minutes
                      end volt - 1.02

                      there is still a small chance that the copper is being heated more than our thermometer would suggest. during test 2 we placed the heat source as close to the copper, on the other side of the glass, as we could to try and eliminate that possibility.

                      I know it is not intended to run this cell bone dry. we just want to take it there to see what happens. almost 2 weeks now - pretty awesome. we'll see how long the light will last. the potential is still there 4.53 volts w/o load.



                      • Infrared energy

                        @ All
                        I have been quietly following the progress here. JB your work on this is amazing. I don't know how you find the time. Your newest crystal cell that appears to react to ambient energy--specifically infrared light caused me to run an experiment today. I don't know if extended exposure to IR has anything to do with the longevity of my simple cemet batteries or not. The test today showed no effect. John I think that your crystal cell MUST be very special. We all should try to replicate it if possible.
                        Here is the experiment that I did today using a TV remote control as an IR source.

                        Infrared energy.ASF - YouTube



                        • Bedini Earth Light / Star Cell

                          Yes that is correct, All and I mean all solar cells except the government ones used in space, work in very narrow band of far infrared. I have a very special piece of military plastic that blocks all visible light except this band in infrared. When I use this plastic over solar panels the power is increased. When looking at the sun I can see just one red ball and I can see the rays reflecting off things in far infrared.

                          The florescent lights and the new CFL's show no output at all, but the original incandescent lights are very rich in what they put out. CFL are not good for you as light goes. What I have found is that people will start to get sick using them, the frequency is very wrong for biological life, read buy them you will see. The Star cell is out putting very strong for the voltage and the current, the graph is holding very steady and is fluctuating with solar activity the humidity is very low here now,

                          Chuck and I watched all day long. The mixture of the cell is very critical in the heating process. The selenium doping is also critical. yes Alum does add power to it. The Solar cells would work at night if the geometry was changed, you would not need the sun. All the power on earth is being wasted in the far infrared. As I have said before I will not report on an experiment unless it works more on this cell when I get some free time as I'm working on the doping process.

                          Now the question of the day, what was Moray detecting with his box?....

                          I completely disagree with John H on what the cell is using for energy. The Casmir effect between to plates is way to small to do anything and Zero Point energy is out of the question, nice buzz word to keep everybody confused.
                          John B
                          Last edited by John_Bedini; 08-17-2011, 04:50 AM. Reason: com
                          John Bedini


                          • Leds

                            Yes, in my experiment that I had posted on the 12 volt powered thread, about
                            trying to run a CFL off of a Fuji circuit, with mirrors and a solar panel, I could not detect any voltage. But when I used a string of led Christmas lights powered by the Fuji circuit, I got 1.5 volts and ran it back to the 1.2 volt rechargeable battery powering the Fuji circuit. JB, you did not mention leds, do these give off infrared ?

                            Last edited by FRC; 08-17-2011, 05:54 AM. Reason: spelling


                            • Originally posted by minoly View Post
                              there is definitely some solar cell type action going on in our cells.

                              I agree, while preparing some cells last night for sealing I noticed this. While cleaning the copper pipe and magnesium rod cell for sealing, I noticed that the heat from my hands caused the current to increase. After letting the cell sit for a while, I took a 9LED flashlight to look and see if the area where the seal was going to be was clean. Again I noticed the current increasing and I was not touching the cell. With this information and remembering your post, I pulled my 2 copper magnesium alum cells that I injured in the ultrasonic experiment and measured them. 2 in parallel were measuring 1.54 Volts and 1.8 ma. With the same flashlight, shining approx 1 inch from the cells for several minutes, I got 1.57 Volts and 3.3 ma. Before shutting down I measured the cells again and got the same 1.57 Volts but 3.0 ma. Then I placed these cells in a cardboard box with the leads coming out and covered the box with several shop towels. This morning the cells measured 1.5 Volts and 1.7 ma. I will leave these cells in the dark until the weekend when I plan to put them in full sunlight and measure again. Thanks minoly for showing us this.
                              Just tying to understand, is it possible the electrode potential is establishing the voltage parameters and the photoelectric is controlling current?
                              Mixing the crystals in epoxy and putting in the electrodes appears to be a bust. So far no voltage or current. I will let them completely cure and measure again to be certain this is right.
                              Brad S


                              • B_rads:
                                Did you make the e-poxy cell in layers? What I would do it to put a layer of the e-poxy, then a layer of salts, and another layer of e-poxy glue, instead of mixing them together. But wait for 10 minutes for the first layer to harden, it should work that way, as it's really the salts doing the work.
                                It might take a while to see the results, like a couple of your other cells. This can also be done using your resin, instead of the e-poxy

                                I also notice with both my cement cells as well as a carbon/iron/zinc wire cells, that when connecting a second cell to the first one,the led will light dimly with just one positive connection between them, if I'm touching the can, and my bare feet are on the ground it lights even more. Even if I don't touch anything, and my feet are not on the ground, it still lights the led a bit. Although a bit strange, I don't see any usefulness in that.

                                Brad: Thanks for doing the test, please try it in layers if you didn't before.
                                There are solar cells that don't need sun and work off of just IR, day and night 24/7. I doubt that there is much power in that, though.

