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Bedini Earth Light

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  • -165f

    Ok, back from the lab...

    took one of our copper end-cap cells that put out 1volt.
    placed it in the fridge for 1 hour,
    placed it in a 0 F freezer for 1 hour - then..
    liquid nitrogen...
    dropped it down to -165F, yes that's 165 below zero F.
    the voltage did drop...
    to .841 volts...
    it still lit our LED's and our neon's while sitting in the LN
    the nitrogen did not enter the cap, but perhaps someone will come up with another explanation - hopefully other than super cool.



    • Guys:
      I realize that most cells are working due to a galvanic reaction, but, there are other things going on here. Other "reactions", also. Possibly several processes are going on at the same time.
      What I notice, that makes me think, is that when I hold a carbon water filter element wound with a bit of galvanized iron wire on it, and connect an led directly to the positive side or pole of the cell, and connect a copper wire about a foot long off of the negative side of the same led bulb, the led lights up, about 1/2 brightness, especially if I hold the end of the negative wire. And,if I put the end of that foot long copper wire in my mouth the led gets brighter, if I lift by bare feet off of the ceramic tile floor, the led gets dimmer, almost goes out. A single cell is not strong enough to light an led by itself, as they only output about a volt, or so, but when the circuit is open, even when I'm not touching it, it can light a red led, although dimly. The point being that the cell may be working as an antenna also, even without being part of a tuned circuit, or being connected to a Jt or oscillator circuit. So, it not just Bemf, as in this case there are no components.
      The above is true with the cement cells also, as well as the glue cells, and possibly all cells that use two dissimilar metals and an electrolyte. The reason we don't notice it is because the effect is tiny. But may work similar to how a radio wave can be amplified in gain, by an efficient antenna array, even before it gets to the amplifier.
      My point being that I feel that the cells are also acting as antennas picking up and converting energy from their surroundings, and turning it into usable power.


      • @ minoly

        In water, a polar molecule, the hydrogen atom's electrons are pulled away from the hydrogen atom slightly, exposing its positive proton. The water molecule shows a positive charge on the hydrogen side and, negative charge on the oxygen side. The positive charges on one water molecule attract negative charges on neighboring water molecules, causing them to line up in distinct patterns. As water freezes, these patterns lock together in the crystal shapes of ice. Non-polar molecules do not have these mutual attractions.



        • Ok

          Originally posted by seth View Post
          Hi John!

          Sure, heat changes the crystalline structure. The following happens to the Epsom salts:

          MgSO4.7H2O ------>MgSO4.

          But this reaction is REVERSIBILE, and dependent on temperature. As such, the opposite WILL DEFINITELY HAPPEN (and is happening in any cell exposed to the air which contains epsom salts) when the mixture is cooled:

          MgSO4 ---------> MgSO4.7H2O

          In other words, we change the crystalline structure when we heat it (we remove the water) but the crystalline structure also changes when it is left to cool on a bench (it absorbs water). This is why anhydrous MgSO4 is used as a drying agent. Check wiki. It absorbs water faster and to a greater degree than many other salts.

          So, Im afraid that I have to respectfully disagree. I know very little about free energy ang I know your experience in this field is vast, but I cant agree that your cell is dry. On cooling, it absorbs moisture. This is basic chemistry and I see no reason to disregard it.
          OK, But I said where the energy is.
          John B
          John Bedini


          • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
            OK, But I said where the energy is.
            John B
            Fair enough John

            I cant decide if its galvanic or not, but its certainly possible, because water is certainly present.

            Mine is still running well - i've taken your advice and tried to get good quality Mg and Cu to attempt another cell with different geometry and large surface area. I want a homemade 500mA battery !!!!

            Good luck in your experiments, and keep the videos coming.


            • Bedini Earth Light/ Crystal Cell

              You might want to look at this far different then what the normal Text says.
              I have not found the Epsom Salts in this cell gathering any moisture or I could detect it through the resistance of the cell. My mix is far different then when started with the John H cell. I also found that when the cell has moisture the voltage is much lower .400 to .850 Volts.

              I just can not recommend unsafe chemicals to the group. These cells have been running for days now and only have been gaining voltage and current. I will seal them but you will not find any difference as I could do this in a ceramic also with no change. but I guess we agree to disagree.
              John B
              John Bedini


              • Bedini earth Light Crystal Load Tests

                In this video I explain the change in the chart. Moving from the power oscillator to a resistive load. These cells continue to climb in voltage under restive load. and I'm adding moisture to the air to detect the change if any. I show on the chart that batteries were disconnected and they just go right into recovery and then I adjust the load for the same current with a restive load. This mixture is far different then the John H cells.
                Youtube Here
                Crystal Cells XTwo in Series Restive Load - YouTube
                John B

                Crystal Cells XTwo in Series Restive Load - YouTube
                John Bedini


                • It's the anomalies of these cells that make them different from the galvanic systems. We need to look for the reasons that they are different so we can improve on that, but to do that we need to know the hows and whys of the effect.
                  I feel that there are some similarities with what happens in Dr. Stifflers 3 coil system, where somehow these cells can act like an antenna, and pick up the surrounding energy, separating the charges to a usable form.
                  Has anyone else noticed that a single cell with no other circuit connected to it, using only one wire (open circuit) can light a red led?


                  • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                    You might want to look at this far different then what the normal Text says.
                    I have not found the Epsom Salts in this cell gathering any moisture or I could detect it through the resistance of the cell. My mix is far different then when started with the John H cell. I also found that when the cell has moisture the voltage is much lower .400 to .850 Volts.

                    I just can not recommend unsafe chemicals to the group. These cells have been running for days now and only have been gaining voltage and current. I will seal them but you will not find any difference as I could do this in a ceramic also with no change. but I guess we agree to disagree.
                    John B
                    I appreciate the advice John - perhaps I should try and look at this a little less conventionally. If anything, Im just trying to understand what the text books and mainstream theorists would say about it. The fact that the anhydrous form of epsom salt is sold as a drying agent leaves little doubt that in its conventional form it absorbs moisture. But perhaps the crystal in these proportions and with the doping added doesnt absorb moisture well.

                    I wish I had a simple vacuum desicator to test these batteries. If they still pump out the same milliamps under those conditions for extended periods, I think the mainstream galvanic explanation looks a little more shaky. Has anyone got one of those big jars which use a tap to suck the air out? Surely thats worth a test?


                    • Originally posted by seth View Post
                      Fair enough John

                      I cant decide if its galvanic or not, but its certainly possible, because water is certainly present.

                      Mine is still running well - i've taken your advice and tried to get good quality Mg and Cu to attempt another cell with different geometry and large surface area. I want a homemade 500mA battery !!!!

                      Good luck in your experiments, and keep the videos coming.


                      Fractal, which means broken or irregular fragments. Fractal antennas can obtain radiation
                      pattern and input impedance similar to a longer antenna, but take less area due to the many
                      contours of the shape Fractus
                      is a global developer and supplier of low profile multi-band mobile
                      phone antennas for current and next generation mobile handsets. it uses a self similar design to
                      maximize the length, or increase the perimeter of material
                      that can transmit or receive EM
                      radiation with a given total surface area or volume.

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • back emf and source voltage..

                        @John B.,

                        You stated that back EMF is never higher than source voltage. I just want to clarify this statement, since the joule thief circuit (among others) produces much higher output voltage than input and I think that's due to back EMF. I would love your clarification on the issue for my understanding.



                        • Originally posted by skaght View Post
                          @John B.,

                          You stated that back EMF is never higher than source voltage. I just want to clarify this statement, since the joule thief circuit (among others) produces much higher output voltage than input and I think that's due to back EMF. I would love your clarification on the issue for my understanding.

                          Not to jump in, but John has mentioned several times in many places.

                          here is what wiki states:
                          Counter-electromotive force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                          back emf = counter emf - therefore can not be higher in voltage than source.
                          This is very important semantics, which some how the patent offices care to manipulate.
                          let me know if I state incorrectly.



                          • Soda ash

                            @ J.B
                            Have 10 pounds. Will bring in tomorrow...


                            • Back EMF Misused Buzzwords for control


                              Not to shake up the apple cart here. Back EMF is a misunderstood term in physics. Back EMF is the force that the circuit must fight so it stands to reason that it must loose energy just as the Joule Thief circuit does.

                              The Joule Thief sucks every Joule left out of the battery and returns nothing (Thus the name). On the other hand if the loop was open which it is not because of the core being closed looped you could gain energy and transport it to another battery which the Joule Thief does not do very good.

                              Why does it work because it can trigger below .7 volts. If you open the system such as the SG oscillator circuit you can run much longer in time, as is running now on the Crystal Batteries and still light the Led, you could also charge another battery ( two separate loops that do not fight).

                              Again, Back EMF is always lower then the applied input voltage and what is lighting your LED is the Radiant energy just as Tesla said in fast switching, but the right switch. The spike all engineers try to damp out as it destroys circuit components.

                              You can learn about Radiant Energy and how the circuits trigger it out of the system. The Spike is so fast you can not protect the circuit.

                              I might also point out that current in the system destroys the Radiant Effect as it builds up, as it is lagging in the system. The Current then builds and the free is gone, closed system under-unity, Standard Textbook theory.

                              Please go back and read what happened in the first DC power plants when the workers closed the switch in the Edison plants, find out why they were killed, and how Back EMF had nothing to do with it.

                              Tesla coined the term Radiant Energy from the vacuum, negative energy and so on. Another thing when the coil or transformer as you wish, discharges it must fight is own resistance and that is the Back EMF and so on, not the spike as it free from the current. Tesla then discovers, Radiant is really a Gaseous State, The Anther

                              Back EMF Misused Buzzwords for control.

                              You are correct Patrick could not have been put better.
                              John B
                              John Bedini


                              • Bedini Earth Lights / Crystal Cells

                                Good, we will grow them in a Static Magnetic Field we want them orientated not all over the place. Some of these crystals have a real good charge on them.
                                John B
                                John Bedini

