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Bedini Earth Light

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  • observer of phenomenon

    Originally posted by jehdds View Post
    Hi John,
    I am a simple observer of phenomenon. THANK YOU so much for your response. I see a key piece of understanding what we seek with the the interaction of the magnetic fields and plasma. This is reality in the nuance of the Sun. Is this correct, namely that positive charge carriers i.e. POSITIVE ions can only exist in Fluid or gaseous states, and negative ions can be found in solid metallic realms? If this is true, is the reality of the N/P junction of a normal diode a Microplasma type interface? Is this the realization of the aether as a reality of charge carriers? Is the interaction of the SUN as a Plasma MAGNETIC interaction analogous as possible with the Light emitting diodes with the SUN as well as the magnetic field interaction with non light emitting diodes? If so, are we able to engineer to maximize the plasma phenomenon of scale invariance in so far as the effects on plasma are not determined so much by scale as overall effect of influences of magnetic and other fields on said plasma interfaces?
    I sincerely appreciate your insight and toleration of this question.
    I again, am by no means a learned EE or otherwise. I am on a journey to learn by experimentation and observation.
    Very Best Regards,
    Thanks for posting an answer to my question. I understand where your coming from. Best of luck on your quest.
    John B
    John Bedini


    • John Bedini,

      I just did a replication of the Epsom salt only cell. My results are very different and I think they have to do with my electrodes. Like you did i used copper and magnesium but I used 18 gauge copper wire and magnesium ribbon. I didn't get the voltage of 1.9 like you did but instead got 1.3 volts. I also noticed that the cell is very brittle as it dries out. I used the drug store Epsom salt which is MgSO4*7H2O. I knew I wouldn't get the amps you got but i was expecting to get voltage that you got. Also I think the voltage is going down even more as the cell dries out. So I'm puzzled. I look forward to your video on the cell and how to make it.
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
        Thanks for posting an answer to my question. I understand where your coming from. Best of luck on your quest.
        John B
        In your understanding where I am "coming from"
        Is this welcome to continue my
        Search here? I hope so, If my last post was fringe or off or ill formulated,
        Please advise.
        Very Best Regards,


        • Epsom salt ONLY crystal cell

          @ John B.
          I tried to build one of the Epsom salt only cells the same way the IB did and it didn't really work for me either. I think that, like you said, the melting process has to take place in some king of copper bowl to work. The Epsom salts melt weird and the Mg has to go into the melt at just the right time. If the melting goes too far the substance goes into a powder. If the salt crystals don't melt all the way the cell doesn't go into a soild cyrstal when it cools and hardens. I may try those copper pipe end caps like Minoly is using. I also need to get a hot plate.

          That monthermal cell really interests me and maybe with John's Epsom salt ONLY cell we are on the right track.

          Your crystal cell that is powering "Penny" is still going. It has been a week now. I have been monitoring the voltage twice a day. The cell is still fluctuating. It is lowest in the early morning and highest late in the day. The cell is slowly losing power but it sure has performed well. I believe that one reason your cell worked so well is that the cell is NOT on a constant load. The "Penny" oscillator is a blinker that draws power in tiny bursts. This may allow the cell to recover some between the energy bursts. It is also really important that the load be very small. "Penny" (when she is slow blinking) only draws micro amps of power.

          Last edited by Lidmotor; 09-02-2011, 04:39 PM.


          • Game Over

            In This Video I'm Showing a Epsom Salt Star Crystal Cell It is what I have thought all along that the crystal could be excited by ambient heat. This then adds a factor to the John Hutchinson cells as collecting ambient heat in the surrounding area . This now explains the whole cell operation. The Rochelle Salts act as an piezoelectric generator. As the Epsom Salts expand this causes stress on the Rachelle Salts to emit electrical charge. Since the two salts re-act different along with the metals you get a battery effect. as the cell moves from one tempetiture to another the voltage and output changes. As I have said before the Casmir effect has nothing to do with this as it is to small in energy to be of any use here.

            Under these conditions it would take many cells to get enough energy to power a 1/2 amp load but it could be done. You must understand all the chemicals your mixing together to do the correct designing. This Cell basically works as a Thermopile this has a really good efficiency for what it is. This is something you would never learn in school, they would never teach this. The basic thing here is you can find ways to trick nature into giving up it's hidden energy.

            This goes far deeper as to the way things work with Nature. As far as I'm Concerned John Hutchinson is not the trickster he thinks he is with unknown words like, Zero point energy and Casmir Effect. So as a group can you figure out how these Cells work now, I have.
            This is a simple process of causing "Stressing Crystals" to give up the hidden energy and it follows basic laws of Physics. The two Salts work completely different and expand at different rates causing one to give up carrier electrons which the two metals collect, bang you have energy, but for how long. This is the same as a piezo lighter but the chemicals do the squeezing for you. Why the Sodium silicate is because as these Crystals change they break loose from the electrodes. In my mind this mystery has been solved and now you all have something to think about.
            Again I point this out,

            "Prigogine system: a many-particle system which is deliberately forced to exist far from thermodynamic equilibrium, and which exhibits negative entropy. Note that local curvature of vacuum spacetime places the local virtual state flux in nonequilibrium conditions, with the result that an observable energy "sink" or "source" can be produced."

            Epsom Salt Crystar Star Cell As A Thermopile For Electricity - YouTube

            John B

            Epsom Salt Crystar Star Cell As A Thermopile For Electricity - YouTube
            Last edited by John_Bedini; 09-02-2011, 11:19 PM. Reason: add/edit
            John Bedini


            • Dear John,
              Did the growth of your crystals and or batteries in the magnetic field turn out to be beneficial to pre=stress the dipole i.e. bias it for better firing upon thermal change? Does this amplify the piezo effect in other words?
              Could it be possible to have acoustic coupled amplification of this material in larger volumes to create a cell that would be useful? In other words, can piezo type systems be tickled into a form of resonance?
              Very Best Regards,


              • "Why the Sodium silicate is because as these Crystals change they break loose from the electrodes."

                Is it also possible that the presence of the Na Silicate is to alter the isoelectric point perhaps at a microscopic level to keep the said combination of salts a that non-equilibrium point?
                Thanks for fielding this.
                Very Best Regards,


                • Bedini Earth Light/ Crystal Cells

                  I did not have time to crush the Crystals that I have Grown as I was working on the Cell itself.
                  And yes this has been known for years, in the 50's they made earphones with Piezo Crystals.
                  They also made Microphones, the famous CB mic the D104. You can Tickle them into resonance to give up more energy, but for how long at that rate.
                  John B
                  John Bedini


                  • Bedini Earth Light/ Crystal Battery

                    Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                    "Why the Sodium silicate is because as these Crystals change they break loose from the electrodes."

                    Is it also possible that the presence of the Na Silicate is to alter the isoelectric point perhaps at a microscopic level to keep the said combination of salts a that non-equilibrium point?
                    Thanks for fielding this.
                    Very Best Regards,

                    Sodium Silicate is known for attaching to things, it cures at a very high heat that is why it is used in car engine blocks to stop leaks around the head gaskets. It could be doing that but I have not investigated that yet, it's on my list to do. it is a good insulator and must be combined with another chemical to move electrons.
                    John B
                    John Bedini


                    • Epsom Salt Melt

                      Sorry that did not work as it is very hard to do with open flame. Chuck says the copper bowl makes a difference as it evenly heats. But the window is small to get the Magnesium in the salts at the right time.
                      John B
                      John Bedini


                      • Is there a better piezo?

                        Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                        I looked up some melting points.
                        Alum 92.5 degrees C
                        rochelle 75 degrees C
                        epsom 650 degrees C ? magnesium sulphate
                        Given John's explanation of what is going on in the JH power cells, which I totally support, I think we can now proceed to better materials. Given that the Rochelle Salt will melt at 75C (167F), this does not look like the best candidate if you were to put these cells in say a solar oven. Maybe Turmaline, Zinc Oxide, or Quartz (with the correct structure) would be a better choice? Thinking out loud
                        Brad S


                        • Pyro/piezo effect

                          Originally posted by b_rads View Post
                          Given John's explanation of what is going on in the JH power cells, which I totally support, I think we can now proceed to better materials. Given that the Rochelle Salt will melt at 75C (167F), this does not look like the best candidate if you were to put these cells in say a solar oven. Maybe Turmaline, Zinc Oxide, or Quartz (with the correct structure) would be a better choice? Thinking out loud
                          Brad S
                          If you have not seen this, it is interesting.
                          Pyroelectricity- High voltage Generator - YouTube
                          Very Best Regards,


                          • Bedini Earth Light/ Crystal Cells

                            Originally posted by b_rads View Post
                            Given John's explanation of what is going on in the JH power cells, which I totally support, I think we can now proceed to better materials. Given that the Rochelle Salt will melt at 75C (167F), this does not look like the best candidate if you were to put these cells in say a solar oven. Maybe Turmaline, Zinc Oxide, or Quartz (with the correct structure) would be a better choice? Thinking out loud
                            Brad S
                            That is very correct as we need something that can do this and come out the same every time. What must be done is something very close to a solar cell without the light.

                            Do not get me wrong about John Hutchinson. As I said in the beginning he was tricky about the way he has gone about this Crystal Cell. I might point out that he even said it was added to the mix to increase the power, now we all know why, but the question is, did he know?.....
                            Also he pointed to Sodium Silicate being add to the mix, I can find other things to add in place of that.
                            A true Crystal Cell is going to be like you have just said Tourmaline, Quartz, Zinc Oxide, Lead oxide, corpus copper oxide and so on. Silica is also going to play a very important part in this.
                            John B
                            John Bedini


                            • The Facts

                              The crystal power cells have a problem, but Hutchison tells me it can be solved. Their voltage fluctuates unpre*dictably, and this will remain a problem until the exact chemistry of what happens in the cells is known. He uses dif*ferent materials of different degrees of purity nearly every time he makes a batch of “batteries.” It’s the flip side of be*ing a free spirit; he doesn’t confine himself to the usual scientific practices, such as keeping a journal of precise lab notes. I believe serious progress could be made if he were an honored part of a scientific team that includes specialists with whom he feels compatible. A consulting engineer recently estimated that a major research project on the topic would require several hundreds of thousands of dollars and several years.
                              John Bedini


                              • Dear John,
                                As a new topic tangentially related,
                                Is studying Helicon waves, helicon coils etc and their interaction on ionization re: plasma a worthy pursuit as possible influence and within/ on diodes as well as crystal cells?
                                Thank you for your insight on this.
                                Very Best Regards,

