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Bedini Earth Light

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  • @radiant1, I have used naval jelly (phosphoric acid) made by Loctite.
    I have found by etching the electrode surface the oxides or crystals
    adhere better. If it will etch it will disolve various materials including metals
    into phosphate compounds.

    I soaked a paper towel with the gel, got impatient, put it in the microwave
    to dry it out only to find it had quickly flashed into black soot.

    Phosphoric acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I experimented a little with methanol (heet) that I got at the autoparts.
    In a petri dish I disolved the alum glue mix, the epsom just stood like small
    rectangular blocks like stonehinge as the liquid evaporated needle like crystals formed
    in the direction perpendicular to the epsom drying in a porus mycelium like fuzz.

    On copper there where tiny flat pieces of epsom laying flat that repelled crystals.
    the voltage was lower than thermal stovetop method.
    The glue tended to lay down better and the texture was opaque.
    less methanol to elmers glue ratio might adjust density as the crystals
    expand. What I got could be described as hard toothpaste.
    Last edited by mikrovolt; 10-23-2011, 03:53 PM.


    • Hey Guys:
      I have been working in parallel paths. I am not using chemistry to make the semiconductor. As I don't have access to the chemicals, nor want to have to use them, so I'm working without them for now to obtain the same results.
      John B has shown in his star cell video that you can get 2 volts, even without the semiconductor. But, he has not told us how they hold up, as far as output when put under load for days, or weeks. Not just running an oscillator that can run on 1/3 volt, but on a red led instead.

      I also find that current is not entirely dependent on electrode size, but mostly it is. The reason that you may find it not totally dependent is because most of you are only getting a few mAs of current. Not amps. Even an AA size battery can produce 3 amps, but try and get that out of a button cell. Hopefully the semiconductor cell can help to raise the outputs, even over the size limitation of the electrodes.

      I'm now able to get leds to light as with my previous method of using quartz and carbon and the aluminum capacitor cans, or galvanized tubes. And, even with just carbon and no quartz, but not quite as high a voltage.
      As the carbon from batteries causes my aluminum cans to oxidize, I am now using just plain wood carbon from the beach. The beach is where I go to get my supplies. I call it the FREE STORE. Even the calcium carbonate, quartz, and carbon. And it works, not as well as using the carbon from the batteries, but it still works to light leds. No water, no heat, no unnatural chemicals, no doping, and no expense. I can get voltage from just using two items, carbon and aluminum. Even with no electrolyte, nor using the carbon rods for the anodes.
      My original quartz/carbon cells are still working, now close to two months, and some of them can still bang the needle on my analog meter all the way to the right, past the 50 mAs setting.

      La night I was able to light a white led again on just one wire connected from my cement cells, which after months of nightly use are also working without any trace of oxidation. I am now working on developing this one wire system to make the led light up brighter still. The reason I bring it up is to show that there is more than meets the eye, with these cells. And galvanics is only one of those things.
      I am still convinced that the cells are obtaining some of their power from the ambient, in whatever forms it comes. Aether includes everything under the sun. As everything we see, and don't see, comes from it.
      As we are finding out, to not use galvanics is to be limited to just a few mAs, at least up to now. But there is also more than galvanics out there to be had, when we can tie into it.
      One more thing I'd like to say, is that the use of a conducting grease offers some real advantages. In using it I was able to obtain the original 50 mAs from the first capacitor can cement cell, that was made in March, now 8 months old, and hasn't missed a beat, (like Brad said).
      So, try the conducting grease, you'll like it... as it also helps to keep the oxygen and moisture of the connection points at bay.

      I would also like to thank you all for working so faithfully and openly on these projects.
      That's all for now, I'll make another video soon when I have something more to show.


      • Guys,
        Here is the video clip showing that the surface area may be of less importance than perhaps the constituent ratio of the polycrystaline chemical make up, and, perhaps even on the homogenous level of how fine the powder is that makes up the crystals.
        Crystal Conduction - YouTube
        If these cells were in fact acting in a galvanic analogy, the surface area of the tackle box cell that I made SHOULD have eclipsed all my other cells. The best example is my PALLADIUM/MG cell.
        2.15 volts and 8ma at a size 1cm. Lidmotor you are correct. It is CHEMISTRY here at work. Electron clouds. Valence groups and ionic shuttling.
        I am convinced now for sure we are not in the galvanic realm anymore.
        All thoughts welcome. Please forgive my poor video skills.
        Very Best Regards,


        • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
          Here is the video clip showing that the surface area may be of less importance than perhaps the constituent ratio of the polycrystaline chemical make up, and, perhaps even on the homogenous level of how fine the powder is that makes up the crystals.
          Crystal Conduction - YouTube
          If these cells were in fact acting in a galvanic analogy, the surface area of the tackle box cell that I made SHOULD have eclipsed all my other cells. The best example is my PALLADIUM/MG cell.
          2.15 volts and 8ma at a size 1cm. Lidmotor you are correct. It is CHEMISTRY here at work. Electron clouds. Valence groups and ionic shuttling.
          I am convinced now for sure we are not in the galvanic realm anymore.
          All thoughts welcome. Please forgive my poor video skills.
          Very Best Regards,
          That cell is very interesting, especially when you made that bridge with dry mix. How old is the tackle box cell what are the ingredients to it?

          Also putting the cell in series keeps the amps the same but voltage goes up. You need to put them in parallel to have amps go up and voltage stay the same.

          the cell that is over two volts did you charge it with a battery and how old is it?

          Keep up the good work!
          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


          • Hi Guys!

            Im pleased to say I've made a step forward with my latest battery. It still needs a good charge before it really performs, but with this prototype I can light neons (2 in series) and even a 4W CFL. Next step......72W

            Its an Al capacitor can with 3 sticks of graphite (carbon welding rod) and the mix is just Epsom, Rochelle, and Barium Titanate powder which I filed down from the ceramic (bought some old bits of ceramic from ebay) and added to the salts. I added a tiny bit of Galena and pyrite, but I dont think its necessary. Then I sealed it with epoxy and charged it.

            Its running a flyback oscillator, but it will power my exciter too.

            Crystal battery lights CFL - YouTube

            Goes flat under load, so no cigar yet.......


            • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
              That cell is very interesting, especially when you made that bridge with dry mix. How old is the tackle box cell what are the ingredients to it?

              Also putting the cell in series keeps the amps the same but voltage goes up. You need to put them in parallel to have amps go up and voltage stay the same.

              the cell that is over two volts did you charge it with a battery and how old is it?

              Keep up the good work!
              Dear IB,
              Another interesting thing is that actually the current is additive in series.
              The two volt cell is well over three coming up on four weeks.
              The tackle box age I have no idea. Just had it laying around.
              I just made six small carbon MG cells that show 9mA and 2.5 volts each.
              Very Best Regards,


              • Interesting results all round...this thread has staying power as well as the cells !

                Something surprising has happened with the cell I showed in the storm video last night.
                It's rising in voltage
                The reading is now 0.569V
                Has it rung the bell twice, on storm entry and exit ? has it re-polarised to use ambient energies, rather than feed into the environment and oscillator ? or has it just got a quirk on at the moment ?
                Anyway, very pleased with whatever is happening because I have some of that original mixture saved, to do a replication.

                Here it is, pic taken just now, cell is within a water bottle cap on the right of the pic


                • Guys,
                  Take a peek at this video.
                  I think you will find it interesting.
                  CARBON and CARBON DOPING - YouTube
                  Very Best Regards,


                  • Here's a great question to ponder over...

                    How does the human body generate electricity?
                    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                    • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                      Take a peek at this video.
                      I think you will find it interesting.
                      CARBON and CARBON DOPING - YouTube
                      Very Best Regards,
                      Hey Jim,

                      what is the exact chemical composition of your cell and how did you make it? I know it is a few pages before but I want to recap that here and not get the wrong formula.

                      Many thanks,


                      ps: is this the one (from your youtube video) MOLTEN Zn0, EPSOMS, SILCA GEL, doped with GALINA, IRON PYRITE
                      Last edited by plengo; 10-24-2011, 12:08 AM.


                      • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                        Hey Jim,

                        what is the exact chemical composition of your cell and how did you make it? I know it is a few pages before but I want to recap that here and not get the wrong formula.

                        Many thanks,


                        ps: is this the one (from your youtube video) MOLTEN Zn0, NOTE IT IS THE EPSOMS THAT HAS CALCIUM SILICATE IN IT AS WELL, SILCA GEL, doped with GALINA, IRON PYRITE
                        Yes it is that recipe but I added (not that it does anything perhaps)
                        Europium Green Phosphorescent pigment from United Nuclear Supply.
                        This is RECONSTITUTED material that I ground VERY FINE in a Mortar and Pestle BEFORE adding just enough water to make a paste thicker than peanut butter to have enough to keep the electrodes together via surface tension before polarizing with 31.5V @ 1 amp for just a few seconds for this surface area.
                        The electrolyte dries fast with this energy input and the firmer the paste the less time it takes to polarize. I sincerely hope others can make this work even better.
                        Very Best Regards,


                        • Guys,
                          Here is series additive current and voltage.
                          Six mini Carbon/Magnesium cells in series. 15V and 45mA
                          Very Best Regards,


                          • @Jim,

                            Impressive results. Have you done a control cell that does not have the calcium silicate and silica jell in it? Both of these draw moisture out of the air.

                            My Calloway V Gate Motor Video


                            • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                              Here's a great question to ponder over...

                              How does the human body generate electricity?
                              Electrochemically, and in MANY ways piezoelectrically!
                              Bone, collagen, teeth all piezo. Other examples as well.

                              I have not made cells without some form of desiccant material to draw or retain some form of hydration for the lattice for these type cells. My goal is to go to the next level with kilns etc. More study needed first.

                              Very Best Regards,


                              • Jim:
                                You can also seal the outside edge with clear 5 min. E-poxy to keep them sealed and airtight. Have you put them under load yet? Hutchinson only gets 7 mA, so, nice job!
                                This is just what is needed to get us past the one to two volt range.

