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  • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
    Here's a great question to ponder over...

    How does the human body generate electricity?

    From John Bedini
    What you have built is a Heptahydrate cell. You can find many chemicals that do this. I think everybody should understand that you can not get away from the water, but in this case you have added a chloride to the mix, which is an Ionic compound. Also your Oscillator is in Micro Amps and can run for a very long time, shorting the cell just looks like a series resistor to the cell, no problem it will jump right back. If you balance the impedance with a steady current you will see if Galvanic Action is in the mix.
    Indeed, this is quite a question to ponder. I decided to look at the role salts play in human body. Here is some information that I thought was quite relevant to the topic from this site:

    Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about Salt
    “Salt is also responsible for the balance of acids and bases within the body. When salt enters the body it dissolves into ions (also called electrolytes because they carry electrical current). With this in mind, the water balance role of salt may be easier to understand. Water is a necessary part of all body cells but cells have no way to hold onto water molecules directly. They can only move ions around and water will follow ions. So the cells direct where the ions go, the water follows and this determines where the fluids go.”
    “Dehydrated sea water contains over 80 elements, most required for the maintenance of the human body.” …… “In nature, sodium chloride never occurs in pure form. A multitude of essential major and trace elements are in its crystals. Here is a partial list of these minerals and their function in human metabolism.”
    Here is the partial list of organic minerals listed, not their function:
    Many similarities here to many of the elements we have been trying to incorporate into our crystal cells.

    Brad S

    Adding (K) Potassium

    "Potassium is a very important mineral for the proper function of all cells, tissues, and organs in the human body. It is also an electrolyte, a substance that conducts electricity in the body, along with sodium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium."
    Last edited by b_rads; 10-24-2011, 06:58 PM. Reason: Adding Potassium


    • Brad,

      You're on the right track. When you look at the human body and animals you start to see some things that are used in our cells. The two things I see repeat over and over again is potassium and sodium when it comes to making electricity. Even plants share this same idea. The electric eel is a great example of this Electric organ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      So what I've done is made a new cell that uses the potassium and sodium idea and so far it seems to be working. I got the potassium from salt substitute and sodium from table salt and combine it all in Elmer's glue and stuck my magnesium and copper electrodes in and let it dry. Just like the original crystal glue cell the crystals by themselves really do nothing but combining the two crystals makes them come to life with voltage.

      There could be something to this potassium and sodium mix that makes the cells come to life. This would explain why the glue cell and the stove top cell works. The stove top cell contains sodium in the borax and potassium in the salt substitute; this could be why its working like it does. But this does not fully explain it all.
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • Jim and All:
        I also noticed that both the volts as well as the current summing up, as I also use carbon and aluminum as the electrodes in every cell. So, That is very very good news to hear. As without using carbon you can sum up the volts or the wattage, but not both. As I mentioned before Carbon is very interesting stuff... and is not affected by anything...
        I was watching the JH video where his wife was making the smaller cells, and she mentioned that the cylindrical cells have more current output, as compared to the flat cells.
        I have made a AA cell size holder for my cells out of 1/2" pvc pipe with screw caps on the ends, to place 6 cells into. This makes for over 6 volts and unknown mA, (as my meter just died). But the threaded ends of the pvc pipe cell holder can be screwed to tighten down on all the cells, which can also produce more presure and raise the voltage.
        As there are many types of carbon, more tests are needed, I'm also using ground up sea shells and combined with the carbon and quartz, to see if that helps.
        Great results Jim, Seth, Brad, and all, keep up the good work.


        • body energy

          One thing i heard , but don't remember where , the lungs would act as electron filters ... , its not the air per say ,but the charge we are after .


          • greetings to all, much talk about carbon, decided to hold a piece of magnesium against a "charcoal briquette" (un-burned) and a piece of copper, instant 1.3v and climbing, charcoal briquettes are known to have mineral ingredients added at time of manufacturing, the briquette itself has a "high' resistance, which might be favorable, its the resistance of the "salt" crystal matrix which may not be favorable and sought to overcome. Also would like to try carbon-paper as an electrode........


            • thegreak:
              Thanks, that's good to know, about the charcoal briquettes working also. I'm still looking into different types of carbon. Seams like they all work, but some better than others as carbon is made from different things to begin with, and they can have different internal resistance levels.
              Thanks again for confirming you finds.


              • Cell geometry

                I have been following along but have been busy with other things. Everybody is doing great work and it is hard to keep up to date with all the new findings.
                The physical makeup of the cell effecting the power output is very interesting. What Jim showed was very revealing. We can't just GO BIG and get the job done. It is more complicated. The chemicals that are put into the structure (and how) interact with the structure and relate to the performance. It reminds me of a car engine that runs better or worse depending on many things all happening at the same time.

                ---Sodium and Potassium--

                My wife is a critical care RN and I asked her about those two chemicals in the human body and if they were really important. She just looked at me like I was a complete idiot. All she said was, "Of course they are." That told me all I needed to know.

                Guys we are on the right track.



                • Guys,
                  Here is an idea to place out in the open.
                  How about graphite cloth as the electrode. Seemingly, it does not matter as much regarding surface area, and maybe we can make a slick stack of cells in series parallel to accomplish in a smaller volume.
                  For what it is worth,
                  Very Best Regards,
                  PS I will let you know how it works when I get the samples from:
                  Carbon Fiber
                  They offer small swatches of material for a few bucks etc.


                  • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post

                    IB's cell is working just like that it has the water locked up, but you can do it without the Glue and just water, remember he has added a chloride Ion to that.

                    Most of you have a Lasersaber battery hanging around, so just spray it with Salt Substitute and see what happens......

                    John B

                    John are you saying that adding a chloride to the cell causes it to have more power? I don't have a Lasersaber battery on hand but I know that adding salt substitute to a water battery causes it to loose its voltage. Is this what you're talking about? I made a video of this awhile ago Adding Salt Substitute and Epsom Salt To water - YouTube
                    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                    • multi cell update

                      We made a clay container for 6 plates, the plates are about 3.5 x 2. Now drying before kiln firing.
                      The Mcormcks cream of tartar was 16.79 for a 25 ounce container. Will try to get those crystals started tonight.


                      • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                        Yes it is that recipe but I added (not that it does anything perhaps)
                        Europium Green Phosphorescent pigment from United Nuclear Supply.
                        This is RECONSTITUTED material that I ground VERY FINE in a Mortar and Pestle BEFORE adding just enough water to make a paste thicker than peanut butter to have enough to keep the electrodes together via surface tension before polarizing with 31.5V @ 1 amp for just a few seconds for this surface area.
                        The electrolyte dries fast with this energy input and the firmer the paste the less time it takes to polarize. I sincerely hope others can make this work even better.
                        Very Best Regards,
                        The last video is AWESOME. So you say RECONSTITUTED meaning you first mix all that, cook it into a dry solid blog. Than you ground it using Mortar and Pestle and add little bit of water to make it pasty and polarization.

                        So the RECONSTITUTED means the cooking first, correct?

                        I will replicate that this next weekend. Now looking for a job.



                        • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                          The last video is AWESOME. So you say RECONSTITUTED meaning you first mix all that, cook it into a dry solid blog. Than you ground it using Mortar and Pestle and add little bit of water to make it pasty and polarization.

                          So the RECONSTITUTED means the cooking first, correct?

                          I will replicate that this next weekend. Now looking for a job.

                          Yes the mix was cooked. Dried, ground
                          And minor amount of water to make a paste.
                          That mix was
                          Cooked three weeks ago.
                          My gut tells me the finer the particulate matter the better the output.
                          Very Best Regards,


                          • i hesitated to comment on animal energy system because our level of understanding with crystals is primitive in comparison to these
                            complex forms in living energy systems. There may be some connection like the concentration gradient and efficient shapes and transport channels.
                            A basic architecture would be the plasma membrane. note the passive transport using concentration action or equilibrium when ions stop moving.
                            The Plasma Membrane - YouTube

                            one of several types of organic energy generators is ATP.
                            This is my oversimplified description:

                            Small machines made of organic semi-solid material, comprised in
                            part is a structure that twist or rotates, the bond angles change in such a way that these
                            machines stamps out interlocking molecules that carry energy.

                            here is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) model in operation:
                            ATPase in action - YouTube

                            As you zoom out to view a larger area there are gradients of sodium / potassium separated by wax like layers with channels.
                            or pumps that are efficient because of specific shapes.
                            Na+/K+ (Sodium/Potassium) Pump! - YouTube

                            Many good doctors before learning the business of medicine fell in love with the mitocondria of cellular biology.
                            this is cellular not necessarily animal but the power plant of a single cell living organisms.
                            Powering the Cell: Mitochondria - YouTube
                            Last edited by mikrovolt; 10-25-2011, 04:12 PM.


                            • Carbonate crystal cell

                              Here is a video showing a carbonate crystal cell with really good and steady output. These have been going strong for a couple of months now. The mix is propriatary. so I cant divulge it at this point.

                              MVI_3330.AVI - YouTube


                              • Perhaps I have a link here with the pre-heating as Jim is doing. That infamous 'failed' cell is now reading 0.594V - it was on 0.545V before the storm the other night and has carried on climbing, while running the oscillator. It's now done 2 clear weeks of running.
                                The baking soda used was pre-cooked, an hour at 450F in the toaster oven IIRC.
                                One thing noted - the cell was inadvertently shorted yesterday, while taking a reading and jumped instantly by 4mV. It stayed at the new level and carried on rising mV per mV from that point. El nummo nutto here did the same thing today by accident and again the cell jumped by 4mV.

                                To relate to the natural energy processes, it's my thinking that the storm re-polarised the structure within the cell to accept energies - natures 12V jumper battery.
                                Small rises in voltage overnight, give way to larger increases during the day....but, see, that's when the computer is on, sitting about 6ft from the cell.
                                Things may not be clear cut with thinking about the Sun energies, it could be more an electrostatics situation, requiring polarisation via natural means to accept 'airborn' energies.
                                Another couple of the same cells will be made and tested (which incidentally are both round and flat, being within water bottle tops).
                                In such a light, one cell will run well away from anything, out in the shed. Another will run in our utility room, on top of the fuse box. All blocking oscillators will be identical.

