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  • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
    I not too familiar with analog amp meters but I've just bought one, its a Micro-amp meter that goes to 200 micro-amps. I've hooked it up to one of my cells, it gives a lower reading than the digital amp meter does. The analog one has a tick mark for 5 micro-amps and the needle was under that at about 3 micro-amps. I left it connected for 20 minutes and now its gone over the 5 micro-amp tick mark and it looks like its about to push 7 micro-amps. Is this normal for a amp meter? The analog amp meter has no battery.

    Yes, the analog amp meter uses some of the power of the cell, and thus will read an lower uA value then an digital meter... Try to get an 50uA meter for more accuracy in reading.

    The gain in uA can be caused by temperature/humidity difference when connected to a cell. Also cell 'recovery' can cause this effect when the cell under load (the meter) has a very high impedance.

    P.S. I think we ALL agree that your elmer glue cell works, and has practical use. That has been proven over and over. However, there are just disagreements about water content of the cell...

    A fair request to you:

    Please, you have the analog Amp meter now... Make the cell again and place it in the oven as last time... take it out, measure amps with the analog meter and write down... Let cell cool down/give rest for say 15 minutes... Measure again with your amp meter (I predict it will be a little higher)... Then place your Elmers glue on it.... Now measure again with your analog meter (I predict the amp reading will be A LOT more at this point of time)... Then let the Elmers glue dry out for say how many hours/days and measure amps again with the analog meter... (I predict it has dropped down again, but still at a remarkable higher point then the reading from 'just out of the oven'). You might then take your own conclusions from these observations.

    I agree, let's drop the yes/no about whether there is water or not... I observed something that may very well point into the direction that 'a little amount' of water has an positive effect (to much and the effect swings back to the negative side again).


    I just completed a long term test on a small sample cell, and have mixed results.

    I placed the cell on a 'kind of' Penny circuit, (The circuit can operate with a less then 200 Nano Watt energy, however, at this point obviously the LED attached to it will NOT flash on it anymore, tough the oscillator continues to operate).

    The cell under load stabilized at around 0.3050 to 0,3200 volt. Swing is caused due to humidity/temp difference. It has been under load for more then 4 days to reach this stable point.

    I determined the impedance of the cell AFTER the run, which is given or take 855 Kohm

    I made some small observations and then 'moisturized' the cell by placing a tiny amount of water on it. (In my opinion, I moisturized it a little to much).

    After this I determined the cell impedance again, and it was given or take 22.3 Kohm.

    The cell is now back on the load circuit for the 2nd run to observe possible changes. Run started at Thursday Dec 1, 11:30:00Hr (local time). Cell under load: 1.2427V, 17.5uA, 21.75uW, 14.3Hz pulse.

    Small note: I seem to have 3 accuracy issues that I might solve in the next coming run.



    • I've been trying to read some chemistry to try and catch up here. ib nice to see you still hacking away at this. Jehdds, nice to meet you. I've seen your work posted with you kromrey. And it was Great. Everyone else hello again.
      If i may ask something to the group. a "Crystal" (in chemistry) is any structure that takes on a lattice type pattern to its formation and structure. Then why , if water is simply a mole of oxygen and 2 of hydrogen, can't other substances be " water". Does it have to actually be h2o to be the "liquid" electrolyte. I mean just because you heat it or dry it or vacuum it isn't there always going to be molecules of something in there. yes. Maybe not water but there will still be the elements of water in there. Oxygen and hydrogen and......etc
      Can a "crystal" be a semi solid? I was watching a cooking show for Thanksgiving the other day. Laugh it up. But it was a science cooking show at least. He was showing the differences in saturated and unsaturated fats. Well on the completely saturated end was a candle nd on the other was vegetable oil. A candle is considered a crystal. Its carbon chains bond and look like pencils lined up next to each other. Forming a lattice and thus a crystal. Has anyone heated wax, dissolved the ingredients of your cells until totally saturated and then cool over your electrodes? If not I may have to give it a go. Wax in the drawings had the elements of water, oxygen, hydrogen, but with carbon and a different composition.


      • Originally posted by redrichie View Post
        I've been trying to read some chemistry to try and catch up here. ib nice to see you still hacking away at this. Jehdds, nice to meet you. I've seen your work posted with you kromrey. And it was Great. Everyone else hello again.
        If i may ask something to the group. a "Crystal" (in chemistry) is any structure that takes on a lattice type pattern to its formation and structure. Then why , if water is simply a mole of oxygen and 2 of hydrogen, can't other substances be " water". Does it have to actually be h2o to be the "liquid" electrolyte. I mean just because you heat it or dry it or vacuum it isn't there always going to be molecules of something in there. yes. Maybe not water but there will still be the elements of water in there. Oxygen and hydrogen and......etc
        Can a "crystal" be a semi solid? I was watching a cooking show for Thanksgiving the other day. Laugh it up. But it was a science cooking show at least. He was showing the differences in saturated and unsaturated fats. Well on the completely saturated end was a candle nd on the other was vegetable oil. A candle is considered a crystal. Its carbon chains bond and look like pencils lined up next to each other. Forming a lattice and thus a crystal. Has anyone heated wax, dissolved the ingredients of your cells until totally saturated and then cool over your electrodes? If not I may have to give it a go. Wax in the drawings had the elements of water, oxygen, hydrogen, but with carbon and a different composition.
        Welcome :-)

        And yes, please give it a go. There is no reason to not use any kind of other electrolyte, and we -some of us at least- are in the line of trying other fluids also.



        • Originally posted by redrichie View Post
          Does it have to actually be h2o to be the "liquid" electrolyte.
          Any polar liquid can act as an electrolyte, so ammonia would work too (not that you should try that one). These capacitive though, which means non-polar chemicals will work too because you don't need/want them to be conductive, I tried a cell cooked with vegetable oil so all the water was forced to insta-boil, and it worked well aside from not sticking to the metal (pressure worked).


          I tried several glues with assorted salt combinations.


          • Guys,
            Here is a test of the electrolytically deposited MgO layer interface testing the effect of varying concentrations of water on voltage and current production when just the oxide layer is present and no bulk electrolyte crystalline material, as well as a redo test of the burnished graphite layer on the said oxide as well. Again it is my goal to establish no metallic deterioration is occurring once this oxide layer is in place.
            All thoughts welcome.
            YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
            Very Best Regards,


            • Jim: I could not open that last link. Can you try it again.


              • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                Jim: I could not open that last link. Can you try it again.
                Try this:
                YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
                Very best regards,


                • Still the same, this is what I'm opening when I go there:
                  YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


                  • Guys,
                    Here is an open question to ponder....
                    Can crystalline matrix ad we are working on be pre-stressed with specific frequencies or wavelengths while they are forming thus predisposing preferential sensitivity to the same frequency or analog?
                    Thoughts welcome.
                    Worth trying? Why not !
                    Very Best Regards,


                    • Nick,
                      Just go to diveflyfish on you tube.
                      Very best regards,


                      • Jim:
                        Ok thanks, I'll do that.

                        The idea is to polarize the medium while it is still liquid so that the flux channels will aline like tiny magnetic needles. The purpose of Polarization is not the same as charging of the medium. To what degree this works is still unknown, but it can't hurt, if done for a short time. After the cell is cured any additional charges can only hurt by causing electrolysis.
                        The difference between day and night is that the photons in our atmosphere are polarized by the sun to produce or manufacture the light condition, on the side facing the sun. In darkness the photon needles are at random, and don't aline to produce light. So, the light condition verses darkness is a matter of photon polarization within the vortex of the planet. As there is no light or heat coming to us from the Sun, as we are still erroneously being taught, for some strange reason, even when we now know better. Just like when we thought that the world was flat.
                        In a similar way these cells can produce electricity. Unless they don't and just use galvanics or chemical reactions which can also happen even at the same time, if there is water, or even air (oxygen) present. Two different metals together will produce electrolysis as long as there is air present, which will produce or get converted to water, which is what oxidizes and ruins the cells.
                        Since it seams difficult is not impossible to avoid the above wet condition
                        of our two metal (or carbon) cells, the treatment by salt/electrolysis may help to control the metal deterioration, by impeding the electrical conduction through the cell, but still just allowing the ions through it.


                        • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                          Just go to diveflyfish on you tube.
                          Very best regards,
                          You're posting the mobile YouTube webpage, it doesn't play well with desktop web browsers.

                          Here is the correct link

                          Zn0 electrode with WATER vs 70% Isopropyl ETOH On Mg0 and Carbon Mg0 - YouTube
                          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                            You're posting the mobile YouTube webpage, it doesn't play well with desktop web browsers.

                            Here is the correct link

                            Zn0 electrode with WATER vs 70% Isopropyl ETOH On Mg0 and Carbon Mg0 - YouTube
                            Thank you. New Phone and parameters I need to fix. I sincerely appreciate the heads up on that. I do not know why my phone now keeps reverting to the mobile. My older I phone never did that. Oh well at least I know now to post only from home base. Thanks again.
                            Very Best Regards,


                            • Ok, thanks for the working link Ib.

                              Jim, can you let us know where you buy your carbon, seams like you have various types.
                              Even if you just touch a pencil lead to the carbon blocks on the cells you should get higher voltages, possibly another half volt or so.
                              For a small cell like those last ones, almost 2 volts is great.
                              But, those smaller cells have a much lower mA reading, than the Mg cylinders/copper cap cells. '
                              I'll bet that you can connect all the small cells together in series for a several volt multi cell, even if the Mg was cut into individual cells, and each piece and wired or stacked together. It could put out some 7 volts or so. Possibly that's all that's really needed even without the higher mAs of the bigger cells, to light some leds through an oscillator.


                              • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                                Ok, thanks for the working link Ib.

                                Jim, can you let us know where you buy your carbon, seams like you have various types.
                                Even if you just touch a pencil lead to the carbon blocks on the cells you should get higher voltages, possibly another half volt or so.
                                For a small cell like those last ones, almost 2 volts is great.
                                But, those smaller cells have a much lower mA reading, than the Mg cylinders/copper cap cells. '
                                I'll bet that you can connect all the small cells together in series for a several volt multi cell, even if the Mg was cut into individual cells, and each piece and wired or stacked together. It could put out some 7 volts or so. Possibly that's all that's really needed even without the higher mAs of the bigger cells, to light some leds through an oscillator.
                                I purchased the carbon from United Nuclear Scientific Supply, The Graphite blocks from Mc Master Carr, and the Graphite rods from the graphite store.
                                You can also get copper coated carbon rods from welding supply.
                                Small cells do work in series. So many options with these cells to be sure.
                                At 60 hours I added a few drops to my inside out cell and it went from lets say 50% brightness back to 100%. 12 hours to go till the next 60 hour interval and it will be interesting to see how it fairs.
                                Much more testing to be done, especially with other "liquids" used in fabrication instead of water.....
                                Very Best Regards,

