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  • This is what I'm worried about

    @John, Chuck,& All

    I remembered a video that was done a ways back where you showed what happened to a cell when the sodium silicate absorbed too much water from the air. The "crystal" just turned into mush. Not so good.

    Results of hutchison cell with water glass 081111.wmv - YouTube

    Your specification of just "two pinches" of the sodium silicate seems to work in the new Hydrate mix. I'm a little worried about too much air humidity now OVER hydrating the cell. Where I live at the beach humidity is pretty high most of the time. If the water content gets too high in the cell it might be like just putting the two electrodes in a glass of water. We all know what that means. Hello Mr. Luigi Galvani.

    @IB and Plengo

    The "paper" issue is something that I'm interested in now. My replication of John's Hydrate cell used a piece of blue shop towel instead of kitchen paper towel. That stuff is much stronger and I think has cloth fiber in it. Yesterday I carefully removed my Hydrate "test" cell from the plastic piece it was made in and glued it to a piece of note pad paper. I used Elmer's Glue All and now it is a hybrid between IB's glue battery and John's Hydrate. Heat still activates it. I must have used less water glass than was called for because that cell is rock hard. If the cell stops working I will try to revive it with a drop of water.

    Last edited by Lidmotor; 02-02-2012, 05:51 PM.


    • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
      @John, Chuck,& All

      I remembered a video that was done a ways back where you showed what happened to a cell when the sodium silicate absorbed too much water from the air. The "crystal" just turned into mush. Not so good.

      Results of hutchison cell with water glass 081111.wmv - YouTube

      Your specification of just "two pinches" of the sodium silicate seems to work in the new Hydrate mix. I'm a little worried about too much air humidity now OVER hydrating the cell. Where I live at the beach humidity is pretty high most of the time. If the water content gets too high in the cell it might be like just putting the two electrodes in a glass of water. We all know what that means. Hello Mr. Luigi Galvani.

      @IB and Plengo

      The "paper" issue is something that I'm interested in now. My replication of John's Hydrate cell used a piece of blue shop towel instead of kitchen paper towel. That stuff is much stronger and I think has cloth fiber in it. Yesterday I carefully removed my Hydrate "test" cell from the plastic piece it was made in and glued it to a piece of note pad paper. I used Elmer's Glue All and now it is a hybrid between IB's glue battery and John's Hydrate. Heat still activates it. I must have used less water glass than was called for because that cell is rock hard. If the cell stops working I will try to revive it with a drop of water.

      The paper that Fausto has used is acting as a quick form bridge scaffold.
      Microcrystalline material forms on the paper and the conduit for moisture draw without saturation. Just Enough to provide ionic exchange, yet thin enough to stay non supersaturated. Perhaps something like coffee filters would work as well. Fiberglass Insulation may even be better in so far as it will not imbibe fluids itself. Might be worth a try.
      I am seeing an effect similar with the microscopic ZnO forms.

      Very Best Regards,
      Last edited by jehdds; 02-02-2012, 07:51 PM.


      • I would like to point out that its not water that gives a cell its amps.

        I have shown and John Bedini Has replicated the pressure cell which contain salt substitute and was crushed but still gave over a volt but did not give use any amps. What this test has shown is that water is not necessary to get volts from a crystal.

        To get amps from the pressure cell we add water, and then we all draw a conclusion that it was the water that gave us the boost in amps but this is simply not true. The water has never been the reason why we get more amps, the water barely even contributes at all.

        I know many of you are saying this is "madness" but I have a easy experiment for you to try.

        Grab some distilled water and put it in a bowl. Take copper wire and hook it to the positive of the digital amp meter and take magnesium ribbon to the negative of the digital amp meter. Notice when you place the electrodes in the distilled water you get a few micro-amps. If water was the reason for us having a lot of amps than we should be seeing a lot more than a few micro-amps.

        Pure water or distilled water won't allow you to have amps, its has a high Resistance.

        Now take that bowl of distilled water and add something like Epsom salt to it and watch as the amps fly up. From this you see its the water plus something else that gives you the amp increase and not purely water by itself.

        I know it may seem that when you add water to your crystal mix it seems like its coming back to life with more amps but its not the water that brings you the amps its the water that combines with the salts that brings the cells back to life. When the water mixes with the crystals is not the same water anymore. The old water would have given you a few micro-amps but the new water gives you many times greater amps.

        I hope what i've written made sense?
        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


        • Ions and water

          It is to be expected that just plain distilled water gives you nothing, but think about what you said. The salts allow the Ion bridge so yes water is needed. Having a dipole is nothing if you have no current to run something. So again the water combined with the salts allows the Ions to flow which in turn give the electron current.
          John B
          Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-03-2012, 02:36 AM. Reason: edit
          John Bedini


          • Smaller Heptahydrate Hydrate cell 2.5 X 2 inch Chuck And John

            In this smaller cell we saw that the material did not collect the same amount of water from the air. The mixture is experimental and is dark compared to the hydrates. The same mixture with that we have gave before but black Tourmaline was crushed and added to the mix. The cell performed right out of the box. As the day has gone by the moisture content increased, but we did add some water to start the process . We also fired the copper to form the oxide semiconductor surface. Again this cell originally inspired by Ibpointless2. The cell was built by Chuck Hupp and John Bedini.

            Smaller Heptahydrate Hydrate cell 2.5 X 2 inch Chuck And John.wmv - YouTube
            Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-03-2012, 02:35 AM. Reason: corection
            John Bedini


            • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
              In this smaller cell we saw that the material did not collect the same amount of water from the air. The mixture is experimental and is dark compared to the hydrates. The same mixture with that we have gave before but black Tourmaline was crushed and added to the mix. The cell performed right out of the box. As the day has gone by the moisture content increased, but we did add some water to start the process . We also fired the copper to form the oxide semiconductor surface. Again this cell originally inspired by Ibpointless2. The cell was built by Chuck Hupp and John Bedini.

              Smaller Heptahydrate Hydrate cell 2.5 X 2 inch Chuck And John.wmv - YouTube
              Nice work Chuck and John!

              Have you guys tried any exotic metals yet? Iridium, zirconium, titanium, rhodium, nickel, gold, platinum, cobalt? These few metals are very corrosion resistant and I have some on their way now. I'm not going to mess with toxic metals and neither should anyone else. I've also thought to use semiconductor metals like Gallium.
              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


              • Hutchison and Bedini crystal mix for water fuel cell development

                I've been thinking, what if you take two tubes of 316L stainless steel in plain tap water (stanley meyer or ravi's water fuel cell style), than put your mix for crystal growth and condition the electrodes with the monopole circuit ?? I think the white coating forming on the negative could have the same effect that you see in the crystal battery. With the crystals forming, the cell become pressurized and the oxide/sulfate layer building on the tubes transform easily the radiant pulse into useable electricity! The oscillator with the proper tuning will excite the water molecules and they will ''elongate'' to the rupture point. After the conditioning, the cell will run by itself producing the voltage and current for our needs. A hydroxy generator and/or a battery..Voila!


                • Exotic Metals

                  I think I will leave the exotic metals to you and the group. I'm happy with the current I have.
                  John Bedini


                  • Reply from monkey

                    I will try to answer the email I received regarding John's decision not to consider radioactive materials in the crystal cell. This incident happened on this thread long ago and after warning to stop insulting people by Aaron, was removed last year. He considers himself to be Charleston Heston (picture below) and he quotes the monkey in the front right side. In the escape scene this monkey says "Follow me monkeys !" but because the monkey does not believe his leaders he allows Charleston to escape. " The comment meant that John was leading monkeys a stray.

                    It is my opinion that no tribunal was formed and only minimal restraint is being used to protect the project from false accusation.

                    I am however still not convinced about the those claiming special rights, being salaried Phd (permanent head damaged) because they mostly all failed to solve the crystal quiz, failed to do what is right, after so many years some come here to lurk and are bad sports. Are we mislead or are we seeing some awesome cells being developed here ? The outcome of John's work should be sufficient answer to your email.
                    Last edited by mikrovolt; 02-03-2012, 04:17 PM. Reason: return from planet of apes


                    • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                      I will try to answer the email I received regarding John's decision not to consider radioactive materials in the crystal cell and after warning to stop insulting people by Aaron, was removed last year. He considers himself to be Charleston Heston and he quotes the monkey in the front right side. In the escape scene this monkey says "Follow me monkeys !" but because the monkey does not believe his leaders he allows Charleston to escape.

                      It is this monkey's opinion that no tribunal doctrines will be formed against the prior art, but only enough restraint to protect the project from false accusation.

                      I am however still not convinced about the those claiming special rights, salaried Phd (permanent head damaged) because they mostly all failed to solve the crystal quiz, fail to do what is right, after so many years come here and are bad sports.

                      Perhaps not enough coffee in me yet this AM but what are you talking about specifically? Forgive my unfamiliarity with the analogy and its application here.


                      • tried to start

                        Hi everyone,

                        the stuff going on here is awesome I hope we can replicate some of the effects soon. This week our goal was to make several stove-top cells but we ran into some problems.
                        We wanted to evaluate the effect of the different coatings on the magnesium and the copper.
                        We covered our magnesium strip with MgO by electrolyzing it and created a copper rectifier following the Bedini recipe.
                        We also tried to make the black Copper oxide but we didn't know whether the copper should be glowing our not, we didn't get ours as black as it appears to be in the Lidmotor video.
                        Then we ran into some serious problems because we didn't get the temperature for the Borax Potassium Chloride mix correct. It just didn't want to cook or stopped cooking and went solid no matter how hot.
                        Should the temperature be high or low? Is it easier to use an electric stove?
                        Any videos of someone doing it?
                        Out of 9 attempts it worked twice a little bit and we added the Alum it was bubbling heavily using the Copper rectifier it went yellow but to many big bubbles just looked slimy and didn't give voltage at all.
                        If anyone could help us save more ingredients it would be much appreciated
                        Rochelle salt arrived today and we'll try making our own Sodium Silicate following the nerdrage recipe.
                        Once the basics are set we'll attempt the new bedini mix and also Faustos cell 16/17.
                        Thanks so much for your efforts and good luck with the further research hopefully one day we can contribute a bit, too.

                        Prato (+friends)

                        PS: thought a common press to lift a car once it'S broken can be used somehow to replicate the pressure style but i don't now what to use as an easy available counter force yet. more this can be useful ...


                        • Originally posted by prato_braun View Post
                          Hi everyone,

                          the stuff going on here is awesome I hope we can replicate some of the effects soon. This week our goal was to make several stove-top cells but we ran into some problems.
                          We wanted to evaluate the effect of the different coatings on the magnesium and the copper.
                          We covered our magnesium strip with MgO by electrolyzing it and created a copper rectifier following the Bedini recipe.
                          We also tried to make the black Copper oxide but we didn't know whether the copper should be glowing our not, we didn't get ours as black as it appears to be in the Lidmotor video.
                          Then we ran into some serious problems because we didn't get the temperature for the Borax Potassium Chloride mix correct. It just didn't want to cook or stopped cooking and went solid no matter how hot.
                          Should the temperature be high or low? Is it easier to use an electric stove?
                          Any videos of someone doing it?
                          Out of 9 attempts it worked twice a little bit and we added the Alum it was bubbling heavily using the Copper rectifier it went yellow but to many big bubbles just looked slimy and didn't give voltage at all.
                          If anyone could help us save more ingredients it would be much appreciated
                          Rochelle salt arrived today and we'll try making our own Sodium Silicate following the nerdrage recipe.
                          Once the basics are set we'll attempt the new bedini mix and also Faustos cell 16/17.
                          Thanks so much for your efforts and good luck with the further research hopefully one day we can contribute a bit, too.

                          Prato (+friends)

                          PS: thought a common press to lift a car once it'S broken can be used somehow to replicate the pressure style but i don't now what to use as an easy available counter force yet. more this can be useful ...

                          Here's a video on how to make a stove top cell Making an Ibpointless Stove Top crystal cell - YouTube

                          If you can't get the stove top cell to work try a crystal glue cell How to Make a Crystal Glue cell - YouTube

                          Don't mess with the copper or magnesium electrodes when you make a stove top cell or a crystal glue cell. Its best to use the same brands that we use, I use 20 mule team borax and I used Morton's salt substitute.
                          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • stop insulting

                            Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                            I will try to answer the email I received regarding John's decision not to consider radioactive materials in the crystal cell. This incident happened on this thread long ago and after warning to stop insulting people by Aaron, was removed last year. He considers himself to be Charleston Heston (picture below) and he quotes the monkey in the front right side. In the escape scene this monkey says "Follow me monkeys !" but because the monkey does not believe his leaders he allows Charleston to escape. " The comment meant that John was leading monkeys a stray.

                            It is my opinion that no tribunal was formed and only minimal restraint is being used to protect the project from false accusation.

                            I am however still not convinced about the those claiming special rights, being salaried Phd (permanent head damaged) because they mostly all failed to solve the crystal quiz, failed to do what is right, after so many years some come here to lurk and are bad sports. Are we mislead or are we seeing some awesome cells being developed here ? The outcome of John's work should be sufficient answer to your email.
                            I try to keep everybody focused on one thing so that the best can be accomplished, I try to show in the videos what I'm doing. I can not help if some jerks are going to come along and try disrupt the group. What people do not understand I have known Aaron and Peter for a very long time and they are excellent friends, as today it hard to have a friend. I never hide anything from them or Chuck who is a very good friend too. I did try to make phone calls to talk to people here. I have always put my work out in public view, and do not think for a minute that I have not dealt with guy's like the "missing link". This guy changes his name like carter has pills. When people use a phony name something is up. Look at all the people viewing these pages, that do not wish to use any name that just hide and lurk around to just take and never give back anything.

                            The most common thing is John does not know anything and he is an idiot the real Idiot is the one calling you an Idiot. I do not care what university they have gone too, it does not make you smart at anything. What people do not understand is that if electronics is built into you, you will do it the rest of your life. I have said many times in my posts that Free Energy is the wrong term. You just change energy to suit the time. If it something different you have discovered then you know we can find no measurements to analyze it at this time. My point here is, If you disrupt the group I will call you out and when it starts to go out of control I will turn to Aaron for help, otherwise I would just ban you forever. This guy is lucky in the fact I did not have that kind of authority here.

                            They can call you all the names they want that just shows that they do not know anything here. People need to read the posts here that has been tried before they make something here. Chuck and I have offered parts for these cells why because you must call out the type magnesium and copper your going to use as the Magnesium is not pure and contains Zinc and Aluminum, that magnesium tape is not pure and will rot away because of that. This will give you a false impression of what is going on with the cell. The reason I get good mill-amps is because of that and they stay at high output. The salt are very high Ionic compounds and they need water for this to work right, just look it up. The metals need to have a big difference in potentials to get anything that is useable., you just cant change metals and expect results without doing the research. The other thing is I do not play favorites with anybody here everybody is equal in my book.
                            John B
                            Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-03-2012, 06:01 PM. Reason: correction
                            John Bedini


                            • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                              Here's a video on how to make a stove top cell Making an Ibpointless Stove Top crystal cell - YouTube

                              If you can't get the stove top cell to work try a crystal glue cell How to Make a Crystal Glue cell - YouTube

                              Don't mess with the copper or magnesium electrodes when you make a stove top cell or a crystal glue cell. Its best to use the same brands that we use, I use 20 mule team borax and I used Morton's salt substitute.
                              Unfortunately I don't have this stuff available here in Germany. I hope I can still get it to work. We watched all the videos but it doesn't show the actual process

                              . If I got it right you start on medium?high? temperature and heat up the mix 1/4 tsp borax with the 1/4tsp potassium chloride /morton salt substitute until it cooks. Then you add the electrodes. We're using copper wire and magnesium strip. After that you cover it in Alum and turn down the heat add Alum if needed and tap it down. Let cool.

                              If there are no mistakes we'll just try again next week.
                              We used an untreated control but still wanted to try the coating because of the humpty dumpty cell from Lidmotor. Unfortunately we didn't get the black coating so well. Should the copper be glowing or not?






                              • Glue cells

                                We did some early experiments with a glue cell magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride and wood glue.
                                I don't remember the voltage and just made two for fun. one broke.
                                But both in series lid a led.
                                The copper electrode went green as it was reported.
                                Has anyone tried treating the copper for glue cells?
                                Will do that next time just out of curiosity I don't know much about this stuff yet and experimenting is new for me.


