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  • Alum Lead Alkaline Batteries

    Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
    @All for those that think this can not be done. As I have done this many times. Just as an example I even dump out the acid in a new battery and change it to Alum, The battery in my Hot Rod is almost 14 years old and it does not corrode anything, so it works.
    Sepp Hasslberger: How to convert a Lead Acid Battery into an Alkaline Battery

    John B. That is absolutely amazing, thank you for that pearl of information. I'm reading everything I can.

    Question#1: Will the Alum Solution in this type of refurbished battery translate the Radiant to positive energy as in the Lead Acid Batteries? I'm sure you've tried.
    Question#2: What solution ratio worked best for you? Sepp Hasslberger was using 4oz Alum to 1/2 Gallon of water.

    Thanks again, see you at the conference in June!

    I'm not excited or anything.



    • Alum Batterys

      I found that 8 to 10 oz 1/2 gallon worked the best (Water must be hot to dissolve the Alum.) The battery can not be shorted or have any cracked insulators in it. A good washing out of the battery usually helps. But I have bought new batteries right off the shelf and they would not start the cars. I would go back and get another one and it would be fine but a week later was too late to bring it back and I would do this process and the battery would be fine. I always dump the acid out in a bucket and save it for other things. The best way to test this is with a weak battery. See you then.
      John B
      John Bedini


      • A JB Air Core Lamp

        Sorry for the bomb here. Wasn't sure where to put this, but, for laughs and giggles I thought I'd hook up a 2T SS SSG directly to a LED bank... not Joule Thief, strict SSG, and it actually lit the whole room up and appears to be actually quite efficient... better than using resistors, simpler than SMPS to build (not to mention dual purpose), and you can't blow the LED bank up, like I can with my "strictly PWM" circuit. I'm pretty damn impressed, and this was a quick stab, I'm sure it can be done much better even. It was interesting to see how at a particular frequency the efficiency factor just boosted completely (or so it appeared).

        Thanks John.
        Alberta is under attack...

        Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


        • Originally posted by kcarring View Post
          Sorry for the bomb here. Wasn't sure where to put this, but, for laughs and giggles I thought I'd hook up a 2T SS SSG directly to a LED bank... not Joule Thief, strict SSG, and it actually lit the whole room up and appears to be actually quite efficient... better than using resistors, simpler than SMPS to build (not to mention dual purpose), and you can't blow the LED bank up, like I can with my "strictly PWM" circuit. I'm pretty damn impressed, and this was a quick stab, I'm sure it can be done much better even. It was interesting to see how at a particular frequency the efficiency factor just boosted completely (or so it appeared).

          Thanks John.
          Pulsing diodes with spikes DEFINITELY is interesting!v i discovered this with my kromrey as well with large fwbr. How big an array are you pulsing?
          Pictures? What do you see with lets say doubling the array?


          • Stephan using magnesium alloy over in Germany in a 4 part video series.
            magnesium_lampblack_selfmade_batteries_01.MP4 - YouTube
            Last edited by mikrovolt; 02-24-2012, 03:25 PM.


            • Here is the solution to issues that some see:
              Very Best Regards,
              We have seen this effect in crude manner here
              PGS Graphite and Mg PGS Graphite - YouTube
              Attached Files
              Last edited by jehdds; 02-24-2012, 05:00 PM.


              • Alum Batterys

                Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                I found that 8 to 10 oz 1/2 gallon worked the best (Water must be hot to dissolve the Alum.) The battery can not be shorted or have any cracked insulators in it. A good washing out of the battery usually helps. But I have bought new batteries right off the shelf and they would not start the cars. I would go back and get another one and it would be fine but a week later was too late to bring it back and I would do this process and the battery would be fine. I always dump the acid out in a bucket and save it for other things. The best way to test this is with a weak battery. See you then.
                John B
                Does conversion work better with dumping acid (Sulfur in the solution) or dumping water (Discharged Battery) so that sulfur is picked up off of plates into new alum solution)?

                Have a link to another old battery book. I haven't read it yet but looks interesting.

                Primary batteries - Henry Smith Carhart - Google Books

                I'm new to all of this and am very thankful for this forum and all your work.


                • Alum Batterys

                  HI John , 1 little question,

                  do you know if those batteries converted to Alum also crystallizes when charged and discharged at the same time like regular lead acid batts?



                  pd: I am planing in sending you a jar of "Dulce de Leche" as a gift. I heard you don't have that there.

                  Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                  I found that 8 to 10 oz 1/2 gallon worked the best (Water must be hot to dissolve the Alum.) The battery can not be shorted or have any cracked insulators in it. A good washing out of the battery usually helps. But I have bought new batteries right off the shelf and they would not start the cars. I would go back and get another one and it would be fine but a week later was too late to bring it back and I would do this process and the battery would be fine. I always dump the acid out in a bucket and save it for other things. The best way to test this is with a weak battery. See you then.
                  John B


                  • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                    Pulsing diodes with spikes DEFINITELY is interesting!v i discovered this with my kromrey as well with large fwbr. How big an array are you pulsing? Pictures? What do you see with lets say doubling the array?
                    Hi Jim. The array was 90 5mm LEDs (3.2V normal), that, by calculation using the online LED calculator would require (30) 120 ohm resistors, resistors dissipating 2250 mW together, the diodes dissipating 7200 mW, total power dissipated by the array being 9450 mW, drawing current of 750 mA from the source.

                    It was a quick test, the video is up in my post, a link to it. I used 0.5 ohm resistors inline to measure voltage drop across, I do not have RMS meters. I just wanted to experiment with "apparent" (albeit not precise) differences in efficiency based on frequency changes, as I am curious whether air core coils oversaturate and become inefficient? So, I was able to, across those resistors, read, at a higher frequency: 229 mv/0.52ohms (440 mA IN @ 12.6V), and the output was 187/0.49 ohms (382 mA) - although it was of course dimmer... (voltage drop maybe?) but possibly over 87% efficient!?

                    Anyway, it was a bit a hack experiment, but I'm all about "If I'm happy, put it to use and don't worry too much about it". I now know I am able to make my SS dual purpose, a charger, a lamp. I find that useful for off grid scenarios.
                    Alberta is under attack...

                    Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


                    • This is a video showing two types of corrosion of magnesium. Black and White corrosion of magnesium - YouTube

                      I don't know what to think about this, any input from others is welcomed.
                      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                      • Acetone Battery---running "Penny"

                        Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                        All this talk of Mercury, H2SO4, lab injuries etc. made me think of Organic Chemistry class a Long time ago.
                        So, as a means to again show those out there who think what is occurring is only due to galvanic action, please check out my latest experiment. I did this to see if one could remove all lattice water with desiccant and combination of drying agents. I found that we may not need water specifically. Maybe the lattice need some POLAR fluid only. Will crystalline lattice hold more than water, yes it appears it can. Now, will galvanic action still take place if ALL water is removed? perhaps?, but will it be much slower.......John, thoughts?
                        I am NOT advocating wet cells as a substitution for what I am seeking, namely a cell that need not be hydrated akin to the MR cell. Getting closer to be sure. Anyway, all thoughts welcome. Also, please let me know if anyone else has made the dual toroid modification to the oscillator that I show on the site based on Lasersaber's design and parts. It really is spectacular sensitive and with even a tiny blip off a cell it continues to run for like 30 seconds without being attached to power.
                        Very Best Regards,
                        Ionic Conduction via (CH3)2CO - YouTube
                        Well after seeing your video and the one by 72fr250---I had to make an "Acetone Battery" and it worked.

                        Mine is simply composed of is a strip of magnesium, a piece of copper wire, and acetone. I put the electrodes between two small pieces of note paper, stapled them together, poured some acetone on it, and it runs "Penny". I put the little cell in a plastic zip lock bag and ran it for a few hours before I made this video. It is pretty amazing. It is about 1.2 volts with just a few micro amps but it is truely is something that I have not seen before. I just wonder how it works?

                        Acetone Battery running PENNY - YouTube

                        Last edited by Lidmotor; 02-25-2012, 02:54 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                          Well after seeing your video and the one by 72fr250---I had to make an "Acetone Battery" and it worked.

                          Mine is simply composed of is a strip of magnesium, a piece of copper wire, and acetone. I put the electrodes between two small pieces of note paper, stapled them together, poured some acetone on it, and it runs "Penny". I put the little cell in a plastic zip lock bag and ran it for a few hours before I made this video. It is pretty amazing. It is about 1.2 volts with just a few micro amps but it is truely is something that I have not seen before. I just wonder how it works?

                          Acetone Battery running PENNY - YouTube


                          It works much like vinegar and rubbing alcohol would work. Acetone is a polar liquid just like water is. a non-polar liquid would be oil, so a polar liquid allows for electricity while a non-polar does not. Will it corrode? Probably, but as long as it doesn't corrode into magnesium-oxide then it should keep outputting power for a long time. The acetone was a great idea driveflyfish and 72fr250! This is just my opinion on how it works, I could be wrong.
                          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                            It works much like vinegar and rubbing alcohol would work. Acetone is a polar liquid just like water is. a non-polar liquid would be oil, so a polar liquid allows for electricity while a non-polar does not. Will it corrode? Probably, but as long as it doesn't corrode into magnesium-oxide then it should keep outputting power for a long time. The acetone was a great idea driveflyfish and 72fr250! This is just my opinion on how it works, I could be wrong.
                            I believe the following is applicable here:
                            Polarizability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                            and Bond dipole moment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                            Electric dipole moment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            The dipole moment for water is 1.85, for Acetone it is 2.89.
                            The POLARIZABILITY for water is 1.19 A, for Acetone is 6.4
                            Molecular Radius for water is .193 and for Acetone .308.
                            Surface charge etc.
                            Looks like its formula and Maxwell time to break out the texts....
                            Very Best Regards,


                            • I do not think you need that solar cell

                              @ Lidmotor,
                              This is right up your alley, forget the Acetone. Go to this link and look and read,Dr. Steven E. Jones' circuit gives evidence for 8x overunity I do not think you need that solar cell, Follow the links. The funny thing is that they do not know what negative resistance is in devices. But I have seen this in semiconductors. This would be a good way to bounce the ions back and fourth. If you make the cell look like it was never used then you can not have any Galvanic action at a 1 to 2% level, one way to do that is no current is ever used but the lights are on. If the transistor used, 2N2222.
                              This transistor can and does go negative. Do not get discouraged when you see the Monkey now known as Dumped points out the circuit is mis connected and it can't work that way but it is right and they all work that way. Circuit sj1. Terse and Technical only.
                              This is something you have been trying to do and you can. This goes allot further as they are now testing SG circuits. They call this a boost resonator but this is much more, the tunneling effect, this can also happen with Oxides. I know you would be interested in this.
                              John B
                              Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-25-2012, 07:25 AM. Reason: correction
                              John Bedini


                              • The circuit above uses a modified Hartley oscillator. I have also built many of them, mostly replications of Koolers ideas. He had a couple of those simple circuits running on one AA battery, or even a 1.5 volt button cell for 5 months. He figured that this circuit feeds back to the battery, as both his best long running Hartleys circuits eventually made the non-rechargable batteries leak, but after 5 months of constant running 3 very bright (not barely lit) leds.
                                Although I replicated his ideas, I was not able to get anywhere close to his results. The second picture is of my Hartley circuit running on a carbon/quarts cell that I made using an AA battery as the negative electrode outer shell.

                                Koolers strongest circuit:
                                hartley oscillator - YouTube
                                Last edited by NickZ; 04-29-2012, 05:58 AM.

