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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
    I just have Two question, what made you pick this rock for your test? and what are you going to do for the negative electrode in place of Magnesium?

    The reason for me picking this rock was that it was....
    -easy to get a hold of
    -its already been exposed to the elements so corrosion is minimum.
    -And its slightly magnetic so I could use it in a iron core coil?
    -also it hasn't been through a metal factory to be turn into iron yet, its nature "pure".

    I don't know fully yet what i'm going to use to replace the magnesium or even if i'm going to replace the magnesium. I might use this rock and magnesium with your mix to see how well it does, its should give more voltage than copper-oxide would? I honestly bought the hematite so that it would be the negative electrode, but later found out that the oxide layer made it more of a positive electrode. I still have lot more testing to do with this rock and many others, its still all new to me. I welcome any input you have
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


    • Guys:
      Here are some recommendations concerning the lead acid battery treatments.
      They were provided by SeaMonkey, at the Heredical Builders Forum, and I've place them here. He mentioned that he will provide links, as the need arises.

      Join Date: Feb 2011
      Location: Amerika, Dystopia
      Posts: 187
      Default Re: Bedini's non-galvanic earth battery and open field joule thief circuit
      I appreciate your very kind offer NickZ.

      Let's see how the discussion progresses;
      I'm certain some of the others may have
      done some experimentation along those
      lines and may have something very worth-
      while to offer.

      I'd strongly encourage any who may be
      interested in rejuvenating or restoring the
      lead acid battery to do as much preparatory
      research as possible. Learn about the way
      the lead acid battery is constructed; the
      various kinds of lead acid batteries; and as
      much as possible about the reversible chemical
      reactions which take place during discharge and

      Then learn about the chemical and physical
      properties of lead sulfate; how it changes
      states within the lead acid battery; and how
      it can be broken down electrically and converted
      back into lead/lead dioxide and sulfuric acid.

      Then research the long history of the many tried
      techniques, both chemical and electrical, which
      have been used in an effort to solve the "sulfation

      And finally, study the desulfator and how it actually
      works to accomplish safely and rather easily that
      which here-to-fore had been nearly impossible.

      Exercise caution in these studies because a certain
      amount of incorrect information is easily encountered
      on the web. Check and double check when in doubt.

      I'll provide links to good materials as the need

      - - - - -


      Thomas Edison (and others before him)
      made similar discoveries regarding iron oxide.
      Look into the Nickel-Iron Storage Battery
      (also known as the Edison Cell) to get some
      detail on what's probably happening in your

      There are quite a few ways to go about
      making an electrical cell. Iron isn't the
      easiest metal to work with (or iron oxide)
      but it will work well in certain configurations.
      Don't forget to do good deeds as you accumulate wealth.
      Reply With Quote


      • quick and fairly exciting update (at least exciting to me )
        I finally got a chance to stop at the store and pick up some alum. Got home and added a bit to the mix I already have, and re-made my small cell that I had previously taken apart.
        on my meters, I showed it only made about 1/3V, which is less than my larger cell made without the alum, though this smaller cell shows 3mA when shorted on the meter! When I hooked it up to the LED oscillator, the LED will glow with really great brightness, and it will pull over 500ľA with the pot turned all the way off. When I turn up the resistance, there is still a range where I get no light or flashing, then once I get the input current down to 4 or less micro amps, I get the light back, very dim, but at a very fast flash that almost appears steady on.
        This is a bit confusing to me, why it wont light the LED in a certain current range, but I am ecstatic to see 3mA coming out of this thing!
        I just got off work this morning, and will be going to sleep for a bit, but later this afternoon, I am going to play around with the mix some, and see if I can't stabilize the cell a bit, and get some more voltage out of it.
        I did find a decent size piece of iron pyrite I nearly forgot that I had, and I am going to make a bit of powder from it and replace the iron filings out of the cell. I am guessing this will be more stable, but will also result in less mA out, we will see.
        Just wanted to post an update, I wanted to make a video, but the camera battery is dead (of all things ) I am charging it now, and will take a video after I run some more tests to show where I am at, and to show the light output of the cell, it is pretty nice

        The absence of proof is not proof of absence


        • A leap forward in progress

          Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
          Before I went to bed i posted a video of me testing the rock with other metals and found that the rock always likes to be positive. Rock electrode makes other electrodes negative - YouTube
          You just discovered an electrode that's more electronegative than Carbon! That's why it's always positive. Somehow oxidation increases the electronegativity of Iron.

          Take a look at the electronegativity of the other electrodes vs. your voltage. They Correlatel!
          Carbon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
          Copper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
          Titanium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
          Magnesium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          It's always been known that the difference in electronegativity dictates the voltage in regular batteries. The greater the difference in electronegativity, the greater the voltage. Here's some info all about regular Gavanic Cells: Though now since we've discovered crystal electrolytes that are not galvanic, we can manipulate the voltage by electronegativity differences. Now I need to get some of that Hematite and slice some up!

          Please keep testing these, especially with the Roll Mode/Graphic DMM. Peace!
          Last edited by Herbie687; 02-29-2012, 11:38 PM. Reason: Addition
          - Kyle Herbig


          • Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
            You just discovered an electrode that's more electronegative than Carbon! That's why it's always positive. Somehow oxidation increases the electronegativity of Iron.

            Take a look at the electronegativity of the other electrodes vs. your voltage. They Correlatel!
            Carbon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            Copper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            Titanium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            Magnesium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            It's always been known that the difference in electronegativity dictates the voltage in regular batteries. The greater the difference in electronegativity, the greater the voltage.All about regular Gavanic Cells: Though now since we've discovered crystal electrolytes that are not galvanic, we can manipulate the voltage by electronegativity differences. Now I need to get some of that Hematite and slice some up!

            Please keep testing these, especially with the Roll Mode/Graphic DMM. Peace!

            Thank You

            @all I'll be uploading a video about the concern about the alligator clip acting as a electrode, in the video I give proof that the alligator clip metal has nothing to do with the voltage I get from the hematite rock. Also in the video I show a Gold plated magnet acting as a negative electrode and even show aluminum too.

            Much testing still needs to be done with this type of rock and many others like it, I keep finding more and more things. I hope this will make the crystal cells much stronger.
            All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


            • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
              Much testing still needs to be done with this type of rock and many others like it, I keep finding more and more things. I hope this will make the crystal cells much stronger.
              You're welcome dude! This is going to be a HUGE help for all of us. Me and my partners have been always struggling with boosting power output of the soild state cells. Now I want to see how this will go using the rochelle and epsom mix and I most likely will try it.
              C-Mg cells using the soild-state epsom and rochelle salt mix should also do well.
              - Kyle Herbig


              • A video showing the hematite and proving i'm not getting voltage from the alligator clip lead.

                Hematite Electrode Magnetic and Gold electrodes - YouTube
                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                • As predicted...

                  Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                  A video showing the hematite and proving i'm not getting voltage from the alligator clip lead.

                  Hematite Electrode Magnetic and Gold electrodes - YouTube
                  I knew the Aligator Clip wasn't gonna produce the 2V. All the clip is, is steel, and so the electronegativity is 1.84 for iron.
                  Gold's Electronegativity is .01 less than Carbon, and so it will perform similarly to it. The aluminium definetly pairs nicely with the rock for that 1.5V. I like that.
                  Thanks for proving it though.
                  Last edited by Herbie687; 03-01-2012, 01:08 AM.
                  - Kyle Herbig


                  • Charting

                    Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                    This can be proved that this is wrong, Why, Because pennies are made from Zinc. So he has a penny that is copper plated on one side and a shiny penny which the zinc is exposed so you do have two dissimilar metals combined with the Rochelle Salts, Epsom salts and some copper flakes which do nothing.

                    This is just BS as you see no charting at all, you can not prove a thing here, yes the Led lights but we have no power measurements at all.
                    Not real science, just yes I put it together and it works, well you can do that and get the led to run for six days too.

                    The real question is come back in two years and is the Led still lit.
                    Crystals are very complex things and follow an order according to the structure.

                    I want to see the current with a meter and some form of charting from day to day. This is the only way to tell if the cell is performing, not just quick measurements.
                    It is bad enough watching John H say im adding a electrode and not knowing what the positive pole is. Hogwash nothing is proven here.

                    By the way, nothing is perpetual as the sun burns out one day and your ass is gone forever. no such thing as perpetual motion.
                    John B
                    Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
                    Maybe you guys are not aware of modes that DSO's have. I have an early DSO from 1984 that I bought on ebay that has a "Roll" Mode. In the roll mode, instead of seeing a repetitive signal over time, you are seeing all voltage over time, as the instantaneus dc value of the circuit is seen "rolling" as time goes by. The x-axis of time is moving right to left instead of being repeated. It is of upmost importance that we start using the "Roll" Mode for analysis! It shows us and the world graphically what is happening, CLEARLY. This is also very similar to the Graphic DMM that John B used in his videos that he bought from Radioshack.
                    I saw today that John B refered to his Graphic DMM as "Charting".We need to start charting again. There is so much to be learned that way.
                    The Roll Mode is very useful on a DSO for high resolution charting for seconds and minutes. You need a Graphic DMM inorder to chart for longer than that though.
                    I will create a YouTube account and post some vids of testing & charting upon consent of my partners.
                    - Kyle Herbig


                    • Iron pyrite/iron oxide III positive electrode

                      @IBPOINTLESS2: I have made the same test as you but with iron pyrite and copper and it shows .25 volts with copper as the negative electrode. I have made a cell with the iron pyrite rock (positive) and galvanized steel (negative). Alum,epson salt and rochelle salt in paper towel for the electrolite. It gaves me about 1.5 volts and a steady shorting current accross a 10 ohms resistor of 2 milliamps since a couple of hours. Looks very promising to me!!! It's the iron oxide III that gives you so much voltage. We all can make some ''rust'' at home with electrolysis principle. No iron pyrite doping anymore for me.....No more copper as the positive eletrode....Now it's iron pyrite for the positive and copper oxide I/II for the doping!!


                      • I have a quick question, Have any of you guys noticed a correlation between energy output and surface area of the electrodes?
                        with the cell I have been playing around with today, I have noticed it doesn't work nearly as well when I increase the electrode surface area. I am talking night and day difference.
                        I used the same cell plates from the video I posted, and wasn't getting anywhere near the same output. but when I just put the edges of the plates together, the output went up to enough to light the LED. When I went back to using the smaller plates, I got much much better output...
                        Still having issues with the LED not lighting at all in certain current ranges, which is also very confusing.
                        I am not sure what to make of all this, but I am still getting nice bright light from the LED @ 500ľA input from the cell. I am also still struggling to increase the voltage.
                        I also tried the iron pyrite, but it didn't seem to work as well as the iron filings, which I am sure are rusting, so there is a real possibility to using oxidized iron in these cells to boost output.
                        who knows, I might just be having a galvanic reaction, and could be totally off base here. I will make another video shortly, though I want to run some more tests first, and will document my results so far
                        Very interesting to say the least

                        The absence of proof is not proof of absence


                        • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                          A video showing the hematite and proving i'm not getting voltage from the alligator clip lead.

                          Hematite Electrode Magnetic and Gold electrodes - YouTube
                          Thas real interesting, thanks man... im ordering my hematites now... if the cells work with the mix the same way with good current, thats great, no more corrosion problems, what about the current? im really curious man, all of us wanna see the current reading... cheers, good job


                          • Quest for low low power AM Radio for crystal cells

                            I have been working on a AM radio to use with the newer cystal cells that put out more power. I made one that will work and operate a ceramic earphone but I really want one that will drive a speaker. It is amazing how much harder that is. Here is where I am with the project so far---

                            Simple Low Power AM Radio Project. - YouTube



                            • Amplifier for crystal batteries

                              Ok, I have something I'm working on that is a little complicated but I will make you a circuit board for the amplifier 1.5 to 2 Ma differential drive amplifier using current mirrors hopefully I will get it running in the next couple of days.
                              Update on the Negistor. backwards jewel Thief. it is still running at 1.2v and has been this way for the second day now. the battery is driving 3 super bright led's form different parts of the circuit. If it is still at that same level I will video it with diagram tomorrow. Can you send link for AM chip?
                              John B
                              John Bedini


                              • PM

                                Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                                I have been working on a AM radio to use with the newer cystal cells that put out more power. I made one that will work and operate a ceramic earphone but I really want one that will drive a speaker. It is amazing how much harder that is. Here is where I am with the project so far---

                                Simple Low Power AM Radio Project. - YouTube

                                Rusty, I sent you a PM


