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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Arm Chair Scientist

    Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
    I can build bigger crystal cells and I have. I'm very fearful of what I put out their on youtube and the web. I fear if I show the big cells powering real loads I may end up like Arie M. DeGeus. Arie M. DeGeus was the inverter of a "free energy battery" but was killed in his car in the parking lot of a air port that I live very close to. Free-Energy Battery Inventor Killed at Airport?

    Does anyone else Have these worries? John Bedini did you know of Arie M. DeGeus?

    In answer to your question yes, But see all this suppression is over with. I encourage you to build them big and show us all up here.

    Ibpointless2 as I have said before free energy is a term that is misused. What we are doing here is just touching the surface. We have just about studied it all.

    We have been from a dry state to the water state. So which one is going to work the best. It's funny how people view circuits as all circuits are variations of the basic things, just like batteries or cells. This brings me to the point that some can make the SG work and others can not. I know that your a lot smarter then people give you credit for and do not think for one minute in time people are not listing to you. But I find those that have nothing good to say about anybody no matter what it is.

    I had the SG group shut down because of that very thing I will do the same with the bashing sites as it is all about slander, especially when you will not give them the answers or the machine for free. They do not build things, they just sit there and analyze to the math they know, if it does not work out then they slander you and have a little peanut gallery of hecklers who agree with the Arm Chair Scientist who can not be exposed for who they work for.
    But what they are looking for is to move their position up at work with a new invention which they invented by magic.

    Anyway, Yes I know of him and the only time they are going to bother us is when you can produce mega-watts for free. There's a limit with what you can say and build with machines so let them all talk I'm still alive, and they do have the basics of the machines. So don't worry.
    John B
    John Bedini


    • Be brave!

      Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
      I can build bigger crystal cells and I have. I'm very fearful of what I put out their on youtube and the web. I fear if I show the big cells powering real loads I may end up like Arie M. DeGeus. Arie M. DeGeus was the inverter of a "free energy battery" but was killed in his car in the parking lot of a air port that I live very close to. Free-Energy Battery Inventor Killed at Airport?

      Does anyone else Have these worries? John Bedini did you know of Arie M. DeGeus?
      I've studied Free Energy Supression alot within the last year, and I've come to the same conclusion as Dr. Greer has come to. The braver, smarter,and more open your are, the better.
      @Everyone: Please take some time to listen to this radioshow and spread it around. : Dr. Steven Greer & Dr. Ted Loder,January 13th 2012 - YouTube

      Some other conclusions I have come to:
      1. [Fact] DeGeus was murdered by some kind of ray gun to prevent a huge investment into his device that was about to occur.
      2. [Fact] If you try to patent a Free Energy device, most of the time it will be denied or comfiscated (Gag-Order), although some get granted. I guess that depends on the examiner.
      3. [Fact] If you try to capitalize on Free Energy, they (the powers that be) will attempt to surpress you as best as they can.
      4. [Opinion] The only way a true Free Energy/OU device can get to market and be sucessfull is by
      A. Useing an immeadiate and aggressive 100% laissez-faire business plan.
      B. Keeping your business financed only by friends, family, donations, and yourself.
      C. Utilizing your 5th ammendment right as best as you can.

      5. [Fact] John B. and Tom Bearden have exprienced supression in their ventures, and they speak about their experiences in the Energy From The Vacuum series and in Bearden's Book "Energy From The Vacuum", and as well as in his testimony Lt. Col. Tom Bearden - Open Source Energy Network - (Full Version) - YouTube

      So don't be afraid. If Alex Jones is still on You Tube, I think you will be too. Just don't try to capitalize on your work without a Well thought-out plan.

      If you still feel afraid, look into building your own "Out-of-the-box" Weaponry. I have found multiple ideas on the web that can be easily weaponized and can be very powerful. Just go out and look if you would like.
      Send me a PM if you want to talk more about this.

      @Any Interested:
      Supression doesn't always have to do with Free Energy or UFO's. Take a look at how the case of Andrew Breitbart is SO similar to the case of Eugene Mallove.
      - Kyle Herbig


      • I agree with you.

        Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
        In answer to your question yes, But see all this suppression is over with. I encourage you to build them big and show us all up here.

        Ibpointless2 as I have said before free energy is a term that is misused. What we are doing here is just touching the surface. We have just about studied it all.

        We have been from a dry state to the water state. So which one is going to work the best. It's funny how people view circuits as all circuits are variations of the basic things, just like batteries or cells. This brings me to the point that some can make the SG work and others can not. I know that your a lot smarter then people give you credit for and do not think for one minute in time people are not listing to you. But I find those that have nothing good to say about anybody no matter what it is.

        I had the SG group shut down because of that very thing I will do the same with the bashing sites as it is all about slander, especially when you will not give them the answers or the machine for free. They do not build things, they just sit there and analyze to the math they know, if it does not work out then they slander you and have a little peanut gallery of hecklers who agree with the Arm Chair Scientist who can not be exposed for who they work for.
        But what they are looking for is to move their position up at work with a new invention which they invented by magic.

        Anyway, Yes I know of him and the only time they are going to bother us is when you can produce mega-watts for free. There's a limit with what you can say and build with machines so let them all talk I'm still alive, and they do have the basics of the machines. So don't worry.
        John B
        I'm also wondering John B.: How come you haven't taken your SG to the Orion Project?
        - Kyle Herbig


        • Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
          I'm also wondering John B.: How come you haven't taken your SG to the Orion Project?
          It's run by the CIA in disguise, known as the black hats. but it look good doesn't it.
          John Bedini


          • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
            It's run by the CIA in disguise, known as the black hats. but it look good doesn't it.
            I believe you, but I need you to back up your statement.
            - Kyle Herbig


            • The question is do you believe in them

              Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
              I believe you, but I need you to back up your statement.
              The question is do you believe in them and would you bring anything to them? I have dealt with groups like that, and that is why I keep everything to myself under my control. Then look at who they have helped, they are a non-profit where charity begins at home. Show me what they have done for poor villages. Do I need to let them make a new weapon for space?
              The organization has been infiltrated over the years. Back to Cells.

              For instance, in the case of WITTS or Orion Project, i have not heard of anyone getting ANYTHING tangible in return except words. Orion has never given out any information about their "technologies" that has any meaning... And last year they were claiming the "Stanley Meyer Equipment" was in their possession. We now know this was not the truth.... but they certainly used it to fund-raise on. then two months ago, Dr. Steven Greer comes out with a frankly ridiculous and incredulous story that "his" scientist was kidnapped and held hostage by M.I.B.'s in an underground NWO bunker. This story conveniently came out at a time when he was being pressed to explain why "Disclosure" did not happen in October 2009 as he had repeated claimed it would; and why there is absolutely nothing to show regarding the technologies he has talked about raised money for.

              John B
              Last edited by John_Bedini; 03-05-2012, 05:38 AM. Reason: Adding Information
              John Bedini


              • I see now.

                Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                The question is do you believe in them and would you bring anything to them? I have dealt with groups like that, and that is why I keep everything to myself under my control. Then look at who they have helped, they are a non-profit where charity begins at home. Show me what they have done for poor villages. Do I need to let them make a new weapon for space?
                The organization has been infiltrated over the years. Back to Cells.
                John B
                I see what you mean now. I believe that what started as an honest effort has now become "teathered" and they now act like a marinet.
                Up until now, I've always thought of them as a reputable organization that I could trust. I see now that I was probably wrong on that. Thank you for making me aware of this.
                Last edited by Herbie687; 03-05-2012, 05:59 AM. Reason: correction
                - Kyle Herbig


                • Copper & Iron Pyrite

                  John B,

                  Can you please help me with this...

                  In one of your videos you said that the Iron Pyrite fused to the Copper became Iron Oxide. Therefore rather than fuse the Iron Pyrite to the copper is it possible to ad a layer of Iron Oxide to the copper and get the same effect?

                  If this is possible which oxide is best? There are a number of Iron Oxides on the internet (, including some that are in liquid form and are magnetic.

                  If applying an iron oxide layer is not a good idea can you please help me understand why?

                  Also can you please specify what temperature you put the copper in the kiln at to create the oxide layer and for how long?

                  Thank you, Alex.


                  • Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
                    I see what you mean now. I believe that what started as an honest effort has now become "teathered" and they now act like a marinet.
                    Up until now, I've always thought of them as a reputable organization that I could trust. I see now that I was probably wrong on that. Thank you for making me aware of this.
                    if you want to thrust someone here are two:


                    Panacea University - Home



                    • Plengo and All:
                      Since I found that all my aluminum/carbon cells have lost most of their output due to them drying out inside. I made a small hole on top of each cell and have been giving them some water, which almost immediately returns them to their original output. If I add salt water to them the output goes from one volt to 1.6 volts, and the current also goes up from 1 to 3 mAs.
                      At least now I know why my cells stopped working, and that even when they are sealed they still will dry out inside.
                      Now the next thing is to deal with the oxidation that will affect the aluminum capacitor cans that I use. Any ideas on this are welcome.

                      For those that did not read the attachments that MK1 sent us a few post back, please do so. I feel that it is very important find, that's never been discussed before.
                      ETs or not, someone is trying to help us.


                      • Guys:
                        A few facts about bismuth. It's also radioactive, and diamagnetic.

                        Reminds me of a video I saw on youtube a couple of years ago, about a guy that had a passive generator made in a small attache case. It used several layers of bismuth and a couple of other metals plates layered together, and then connected to a couple of transformers, and capacitors. He was able to light a regular 25 watt bulb with the device.


                        • I would not take Dr. Greer as a friend , most people that had dealing with him have a different view of the man and in some cases silenced , lets assume his color is grey , but god news the white hat club are busy these days, made big arrest in the last week , big name so big they are not mentioned anywhere , As mister Jones we will only know for sure at the end , it may be hard to believe but the cabal as his word in say in internet at a lesser extent then mass media .

                          CBS is on the right side now ...


                          • Water

                            That is what I have been saying all along that you must lock up the water. However we have not touched on the subject of the exothermic reaction in the cells. which could be rendering
                            the cells neutral until water is added.
                            John B
                            John Bedini


                            • Thank you.

                              Originally posted by plengo View Post
                              if you want to thrust someone here are two:


                              Panacea University - Home

                              I have read alot of stuff on, and I've seen Panacea-BOCAF's Suppression Documentary. Though I never knew Panacea provided instruction to replicate stuff. Thanks for letting me know.
                              - Kyle Herbig


                              • John B:
                                Yes, it's looking like you are right about locking up the water.
                                The infrared, or exothermic, cells may be worth a try. I still have hopes on your semiconductor layer idea, to increase the nominal electronegative difference output to something more inline with our needs, as well as to protect the metals.
                                Although I can get any voltage up to 12 volts or more from my dry cells, it seams like dry cells will only output micro-amps, if not watered regularly.
                                The hydrate cells that you have that are sealed in the plastic boxes, how are they holding up?
                                Any luck with the BwJt?

