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Bedini Earth Light

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  • cell are still running strong

    Those cell are still running strong they have charged 1500 NiCad batteries three times now.
    The tube cells keep going also, The ones I want Lidmotor to test are almost dry to where they can be shipped. The answer is water and how you lock it up, Hydrates do that. If you would mix a hydrate with the crushed carbon that would lock up the water. Just my opinion here, trying to help.
    John B
    John Bedini


    • Yes, John that sounds like the thing that I should do. Just a matter of getting the right aquarium charcoal, and Epsom, and seeing about getting some magnesium and copper too. I will look for the copper tubes, that can be cut to size, and copper oxide treated. I like the idea that the water can be used at first to lock up the salts into the carbon, then maybe not used again.
      Hope that your hydrate cells hold up, let us know how it goes. The charging of the regular batteries with your cells sounds like the way to go.
      Some interesting things may happen...


      • John Bedini

        John Bedini,

        Sorry to bother you but could you please reply to my post above regarding the oxide layer on the copper?

        Is it possible to apply an oxide layer to the copper rather than heat it? If so how? if no why not?

        Thank you.


        • I heated it at 1500 degrees

          I heated it at 1500 degrees in the kiln but I see no reason that you can not do that, I never tried that but why not.
          John B
          John Bedini


          • I think I have my first true water battery (pun intended):

            Crystal Cell 25 - YouTube



            • Originally posted by plengo View Post
              I think I have my first true water battery (pun intended):

              Crystal Cell 25 - YouTube

              Fausto great video, I didn't understand the "pun intended" until I watched the video. It really does work under water!

              Question #1: Would you mind posting Volts and Amps on the different cells, thanks.

              Question#2: Would you please give us an update from time to time on how long they last under water?

              Thanks Mike


              • Surface coating copper

                Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                I heated it at 1500 degrees in the kiln but I see no reason that you can not do that, I never tried that but why not.
                John B
                Thank you John,

                I'm not sure how to coat the surface of the copper with cupric oxide (CuO) and iron pyrite powder.... without heating and fusing... any ideas?... anyone?



                • Copper Oxide Layer

                  Originally posted by plengo View Post
                  I think I have my first true water battery (pun intended):

                  Crystal Cell 25 - YouTube


                  Do you heat your copper to form the oxide layer?



                  • Originally posted by Michael Kishline View Post
                    Fausto great video, I didn't understand the "pun intended" until I watched the video. It really does work under water!

                    Question #1: Would you mind posting Volts and Amps on the different cells, thanks.

                    Question#2: Would you please give us an update from time to time on how long they last under water?

                    Thanks Mike
                    All these cells are presenting the same voltage and amperage at first but yes I will post some of the data I have.

                    I will keep you posted of the status of the underwater battery.



                    • Originally posted by griplets View Post

                      Do you heat your copper to form the oxide layer?

                      On the last video, no.



                      • Crystal battery flooded

                        This is a new flooded crystal cell that was not charged. Its standing voltage is over 1.7 volts and settles in at 1.68 volts. It holds the voltage at 1.56 volts under load of big blue at 40 Ma. On a direct short this cell is at 1.5 AMPS. This was built in our RnD dept by Me and John Bedini so at this time the mix will not be released to the public. Just think, break the mix and water bag and whamo! A 1.7 volt 1.50Amp instant power source that does not need charged.

                        Crystal battery flooded - YouTube

                        Chuck H.


                        • Originally posted by chuck H View Post
                          This is a new flooded crystal cell that was not charged. Its standing voltage is over 1.7 volts and settles in at 1.68 volts. It holds the voltage at 1.56 volts under load of big blue at 40 Ma. On a direct short this cell is at 1.5 AMPS. This was built in our RnD dept by Me and John Bedini so at this time the mix will not be released to the public. Just think, break the mix and water bag and whamo! A 1.7 volt 1.50Amp instant power source that does not need charged.

                          Crystal battery flooded - YouTube

                          Chuck H.
                          That's awesome, and ridiculous!

                          Power Output has been our main struggle, and you both don't want us to replicate this. What the heck then is open source engineering when you're going to leave stuff out? I thought that was what this thread was all about!
                          You tell me chuck.
                          - Kyle Herbig


                          • Don't Divulge it!

                            John Bedini,
                            I guess I would be considered a "Lurker". I have nothing to contribute so I keep quiet and watch. It is a treat to see scientific R & D by professionals freely shared.
                            It is also amazing to me that you continue to do so when the personal attacks come at you.
                            I'll not rant on but I guarantee when you market your final cells I will be a customer as I have been a customer of your chargers, energizer kits, and educational books and DVD's.


                            • Chuck never gives information until it is tested

                              Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
                              That's awesome, and ridiculous!

                              Power Output has been our main struggle, and you both don't want us to replicate this. What the heck then is open source engineering when you're going to leave stuff out? I thought that was what this thread was all about!
                              You tell me chuck.
                              Chuck never gives information until it is tested and it works each time at the same levels, You must take that up with Chuck. We have told you all along what the mixes are. I said in a comment in the video it is a Hydrate cell ( liquid), I have been over this many times here. This all came about looking at the Edison cells, and this one is very expensive to make. Want to make power then listen to what I have been saying.
                              John B
                              John Bedini


                              • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                                Chuck never gives information until it is tested and it works each time at the same levels, You must take that up with Chuck. We have told you all along what the mixes are. I said in a comment in the video it is a Hydrate cell ( liquid), I have been over this many times here. This all came about looking at the Edison cells, and this one is very expensive to make. Want to make power then listen to what I have been saying.
                                John B
                                ok. I understand now. Thanks.
                                - Kyle Herbig

