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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Originally posted by chuck H View Post
    This is a new flooded crystal cell that was not charged. Its standing voltage is over 1.7 volts and settles in at 1.68 volts. It holds the voltage at 1.56 volts under load of big blue at 40 Ma. On a direct short this cell is at 1.5 AMPS. This was built in our RnD dept by Me and John Bedini so at this time the mix will not be released to the public. Just think, break the mix and water bag and whamo! A 1.7 volt 1.50Amp instant power source that does not need charged.

    Crystal battery flooded - YouTube

    Chuck H.
    Thanks Chuck, great progress! It looks like Copper sulfate or one of the other ion conducting salts in the electrolyte. I've been reading about "Fast Ion Conductors" and "Yttria-stabilized zirconia" on Wiki... amazing stuff.



    • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
      Chuck never gives information until it is tested and it works each time at the same levels, You must take that up with Chuck. We have told you all along what the mixes are. I said in a comment in the video it is a Hydrate cell ( liquid), I have been over this many times here. This all came about looking at the Edison cells, and this one is very expensive to make. Want to make power then listen to what I have been saying.
      John B
      Its great to see the pressure cell concept still working. Is that a carbon tube I see around the copper tube in the liquid crystal cell? Very nice work Chuck and John.
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • John B, Plengo and All:
        I added some salt water to my carbon/aluminum cells, and today I was able to light an led off of two tiny capacitor can cells 3/8" by 3/4". Funny thing though, after about two hours the led light faded, and almost went out. So, I removed the two little cells from the oscillator, and after a couple more hours I put them back on the oscillator again.
        Well, it been about 6 hours now, and they are still going pretty good. The two cells together gave 1.6 volts, and 3 mAs., open circuit, and fit they both fit right inside a regular single AA battery holder. They do drop to about 0.7v, and 1 mA under load, but still able to light the led. I've grouped the cells in series before but even at 7 or 8 volts or higher, they still would not light the led, even on an oscillator, but when I added regular salt water, off they went. These two cells were totally dead a day or two ago. Now to see how long they'll last.
        I'm hoping that eventually they may not need much additional water, with the humidity level here, but they still dry out fast from the 89 degree daytime temps.

        After watching Plengo's video about the water cells, I placed one of my big 3 inch by 10 inch Lasersaber type carbon water filter/ aluminum wire cell, inside a big clear plastic Coke container, that is full of tap water. So, the whole cell is under water. The voltage did not go up or down by much, but it sure is not going to dry out, and is still working about the same as before it was placed into the water bath. No salt was added, yet.
        I'll post some pics tomorrow.

        Chuck and John, thanks for showing us your last video, it's all looking real good, and very encouraging.



        • Originally posted by chuck H View Post
          This is a new flooded crystal cell that was not charged. Its standing voltage is over 1.7 volts and settles in at 1.68 volts. It holds the voltage at 1.56 volts under load of big blue at 40 Ma. On a direct short this cell is at 1.5 AMPS. This was built in our RnD dept by Me and John Bedini so at this time the mix will not be released to the public. Just think, break the mix and water bag and whamo! A 1.7 volt 1.50Amp instant power source that does not need charged.

          Crystal battery flooded - YouTube

          Chuck H.
          Thank you, Thank you John and Chuck, great work for breaking the 1.5volt 1.5amp barrier.

          Congratulation for your consistency and persistence, it is to be admired by all.



          • No Carbon

            Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
            Its great to see the pressure cell concept still working. Is that a carbon tube I see around the copper tube in the liquid crystal cell? Very nice work Chuck and John.
            That is a Delron ring machined out the the lathe then drilled and split. (Its an insulato)r. There is 1 at the bottom as well so as to not create a seal of the two metals to the bottom. The bottom is a 2 part resin for potting electronics and hermeticaly seals (used that to make bottom of water bottle level). The screw in the top of the Mg is Stainless and the eyelet is Lead coated. Same with the 2" copper pipe eyelet. At this point the cell is being tested.

            Chuck H.


            • Originally posted by chuck H View Post
              That is a Delron ring machined out the the lathe then drilled and split. (Its an insulato)r. There is 1 at the bottom as well so as to not create a seal of the two metals to the bottom. The bottom is a 2 part resin for potting electronics and hermeticaly seals (used that to make bottom of water bottle level). The screw in the top of the Mg is Stainless and the eyelet is Lead coated. Same with the 2" copper pipe eyelet. At this point the cell is being tested.

              Chuck H.
              Hi Chuck,

              I dont get it; what are you insulating from what? And do you mean "Delrin"not "Delron"?



              • Lets face facts you need voltage and current

                @ All,
                Chuck and I have been working to increase the energy output of the cells.
                I see two things, one, Water but not just plain tap water and hydrates as seen in chucks test cell. We have not even made the paste crystal mix we want yet this was just a test, to test the mixture of hydrates in a diluted form.

                As I said in some early posts which is unfortunate because as some did not understand what my tests were about as they Bitc*ed about me on other groups . I started with dry mixes and then decided to test the wet mixes. This does not mean that I gave up on anything. I have the Marcus Reid batteries so I know how they work, but the current is too small.

                To me it does not matter where the energy comes form as long as we get cells that put current out when needed under load without destruction of the metals.

                I have said the tube cells worked all along, Ibpointless did point out the compression in a dry state and he does deserves all the credit for that experiment. I looked at this differently as I wanted something different that would allow the transfer of Ions through the material into usable current with a differnt mixture.

                You want something that develops power and can run circuits, and charge batteries for a few drops of water. The dry state will always stay at 2 to 3 Ma and that is not enough to do anything with.

                That brings me to a point as Fausto has showed in his video about the cells running under water, important experiment, good work.

                Just because they dug up the Baghdad Battery does not mean they did not have a completely different electrolyte at the time. We have never discovered how to make Iron work with copper in that battery, as Wine is not the electrolyte for that cell and the iron at the time had a different structure to it.

                The blue you see is a hydrate that I made and not what it looks like as I have been working for a long time on this, I was not even sure it would work so I built several dry cells using this mix it turns blue when water is added to it, the reaction of the three chemicals.

                The problem is the magnesium and it must be neutralized so it is not attacked and eaten away. Adding table salt is a killer for most metals so that is not going to work, just for a small amount of time. Maybe the answer is in the stars, burned out, that metal known as meteorites.

                I have shown how I made a material mix and baked it, those cells are still running 5 to 20 Ma but they work. Magnesium is a high energy metal and you can not get around it. So it's the best at this time. Copper is ok and so is carbon, the answer is in the electrolyte crystals paste, or liquid.

                Lets face facts you need voltage and current to run the circuits we all use and you can not get around that either.

                Chuck means Delrin ring
                John B
                Last edited by John_Bedini; 03-08-2012, 04:59 AM. Reason: adding information
                John Bedini


                • Insulator/standoff

                  Originally posted by griplets View Post
                  Hi Chuck,

                  I dont get it; what are you insulating from what? And do you mean "Delrin"not "Delron"?

                  Alex. This is a prototype test cell made in a plastic water bottle. The insulator(standoff) is used to keep the Mg/Cu from making contact through the very thin paper insulator incase the cell is bumped or tipped over and just helps keep the cell easy to study as it can be taken apart during opperation.

                  Chuck H.


                  • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post

                    To me it does not matter where the energy comes form as long as we get cells that put current out when needed under load without destruction of the metals.

                    I have said the tube cells worked all along, Ibpointless did point out the compression in a dry state and he does deserves all the credit for that experiment. I looked at this differently as I wanted something different that would allow the transfer of Ions through the material into usable current with a differnt mixture.

                    Just because they dug up the Baghdad Battery does not mean they did not have a completely different electrolyte at the time. We have never discovered how to make Iron work with copper in that battery, as Wine is not the electrolyte for that cell and the iron at the time had a different structure to it.

                    The problem is the magnesium and it must be neutralized so it is not attacked and eaten away. Adding table salt is a killer for most metals so that is not going to work, just for a small amount of time. Maybe the answer is in the stars, burned out, that metal known as meteorites.

                    Lets face facts you need voltage and current to run the circuits we all use and you can not get around that either.

                    Chuck means Delrin ring
                    John B

                    Yes good job on braking the 1.5Amp barrier!

                    "To me it does not matter where the energy comes form as long as we get cells that put current out when needed under load without destruction of the metals."
                    -I think we all can agree on this, but its a hard task to accomplish. The energy could be coming from a potato, so long as the metals doesn't corrode and the potato keeps outputting power then who cares.

                    "The problem is the magnesium and it must be neutralized so it is not attacked and eaten away. Adding table salt is a killer for most metals so that is not going to work, just for a small amount of time. Maybe the answer is in the stars, burned out, that metal known as meteorites. "
                    -Its funny you mention meteorites, i was going to buy some but they can be a hit or miss. So that is why I bought hematite instead. But If i could find a good meteorite it could have a unknown non-destructive metal in it that could be used, but that's just a crazy dream of mine.

                    "Lets face facts you need voltage and current to run the circuits we all use and you can not get around that either."
                    -Would you not include time too? If you got all the voltage and all the amps in the world it will mean nothing if it only last for 2 milliseconds (or is time already understood?)? You can also do trade off with the three. To get more current you can keep the voltage the same but increase time and get a lot of current, by this i mean charge a big capacitor which will take time and since a capacitor has a low internal resistance it can release a high amount of current at once. Or do a short time pulse into a coil to get a higher voltage due to the cemf? This is just some idea's.

                    Your experiment with the cell completely under water was really cool. The whole time you were filling it up I kept waiting for you stop pouring the water and I got worried the cell would short out but it didn't and that was really cool!
                    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                    • Concerning the cell under water. This morning after 2 days they were running BUT the water is getting very conductive and it is shorting the cell.

                      I removed one from the water and see if it destroyed the cell or not and It did not destroy it. It comes back to its 1.72v just fine and keeps going.

                      So, this cell indeed loves water. IF one could make the water never becomes electric conductive it would definitely work as a fully hydrated cell.

                      My cells with Iron Pyrite are working extremely well. Whenever place we have a good separation layer of Iron Pyrite from the electrolyte (in my case Carbon and Sand) it stops the corrosion.

                      ANY other material touching the Magnesium corrodes the baby. Very interesting. Also the Iron Pyrite is not being consumed (at least visually). I do smell some strange smell on this cells and it is not ammonia.



                      • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                        Concerning the cell under water. This morning after 2 days they were running BUT the water is getting very conductive and it is shorting the cell.

                        I removed one from the water and see if it destroyed the cell or not and It did not destroy it. It comes back to its 1.72v just fine and keeps going.

                        So, this cell indeed loves water. IF one could make the water never becomes electric conductive it would definitely work as a fully hydrated cell.

                        My cells with Iron Pyrite are working extremely well. Whenever place we have a good separation layer of Iron Pyrite from the electrolyte (in my case Carbon and Sand) it stops the corrosion.

                        ANY other material touching the Magnesium corrodes the baby. Very interesting. Also the Iron Pyrite is not being consumed (at least visually). I do smell some strange smell on this cells and it is not ammonia.

                        How would you describe the smell?
                        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                        • The iron pyrite strange smelling

                          Hello, I have noticed some strange smell from the pyrite too and I think it's sulfur. Because it's a sulfide with FeS2 in it. Hope it's helps.
                          Last edited by CrystalDipoleMatrix; 03-08-2012, 03:16 PM.


                          • Originally posted by CrystalDipoleMatrix View Post
                            Hello, I have noticed some strange smell from the pyrite too and I think it's sulfur. Because it's a sulfide with FeS2 in it. Hope it's helps.
                            If I remember the smell of sulfur I would agree. It is like a very weak sulfuric acid smell.



                            • In this proof of concept video I show that even though you have low amps you can still find a way to power a LED just fine by adjusting the time variable. These crystal glue cells in the video give only a few micro-amps but they give me plenty of voltage and I use that to my advantage. Since you only need 3 volts to power a LED I put 3 crystal glue cells in series to give me over 3 volts. I have the cells charge up a capacitor and since the capacitor has a low internal resistance I can discharge it quickly into a LED and thus lighting the LED. If i do this quick enough with a small enough farad capacitor I can have the LED blink faster than the eye can picks up just like how a joule thief does so it seems like the LED is on all the time. This video was just a concept of the idea, all opinions are welcomed.

                              Concept for powering a LED with a Low amp dry Crystal cell - YouTube
                              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                              • NiFe Crystal Cell

                                Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                                @ All,
                                The problem is the magnesium and it must be neutralized so it is not attacked and eaten away. Adding table salt is a killer for most metals so that is not going to work, just for a small amount of time. Maybe the answer is in the stars, burned out, that metal known as meteorites.

                                Chuck means Delrin ring
                                John B
                                John, that makes a lot of sense. Meteorites are composed mostly Nickle Iron, and in a natural crystal matrix, unrefined.

                                NiFe Edison Battery Cell, one of the most successful batteries to date.

                                Question: What are you thinking in terms of the "electrolyte crystals paste, or liquid?"

                                Fine work John
                                Attached Files

