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  • B_rads and All:
    I will give the paper separator a try. I never needed it up to now, as the carbon that I use seems to work fine without it, unlike with most all other cells. Adding even the regular table salt did increase the output, and I'll try the sea water (from my beach supply house) from now on, as it has other elements also. As I mentioned it is all free, so I can just have some fun with it all, and try to figure out how to keep it all from turning into mush. Without using salt there is no obvious oxidation though, but a sealed cell will fail in time, as water or at least the humidity in the air is what is making it all work. No doubt about it.
    If you take a charcoal briquette and hold it next to aluminum, zinc, Mg, or similar it will give a voltage, over one volt, or so. This is still a galvanic reaction, as it uses air as the electrolyte, (I think). But, my goal with this was to use what I have at hand, and make something useful with it. Although, now I see that it is the water (or humidity), even within the carbon that is making it all work.

    I may be stubborn, but I still have hopes to produce a true non-galvanic cell, if possible. One that works, and not just in micro-amps range, but even if only voltage is obtainable, then figure out how to work with voltage only, as Bearden suggests, with the "don't break the dipole" idea.
    I have not been able to produce a functional dry cell, that needs no water to work, for more than a short while.

    Things are going to get very interesting as we try to obtain higher voltages, and especially higher currents, while still keeping the metals from dissolving. If it were not for John B, we would all probably just give up. Thank you John. You are quite a guy, and thanks for sharing your work.

    My next thought is to make replaceable electrodes, that can be easily taken out, cleaned or changed with new ones. As salts and air along with the hydrogen bubbles will turn into an acid, which is what is working against us.
    If we keep in mind that LAB use very caustic acids and are exposed to the air (as most batteries need to vent) and are still able to function for many years. Maybe similar solutions can be used with our cells. Why bother? Because these cell don't need to be charged, like all others.

    I think that Lidmotors tests are also very helpful to understand what is happening, as well as the Ib2 type glue or stove top cells showing that galvanics may still be at play here, as it just takes longer to see the results when working in micro-amps. This is a very important point, and may still need further ongoing test to prove the results.
    Brad's tests also show that the thin Mg ribbon exposed to air will also disintegrate at the cells connection points, as also happens with many or most normal batteries. But, that the hermetically sealed cells (with water and oxygen) trapped inside, may work longer, than exposed cells will.

    I also want to point out that my cement cells banks are now over a year old and still producing over a volt, from each cell. But the mAs have dropped from 70mA to 1 mA. And, I feel they are now working in a non-galvanic state. Possibly.

    I was hoping that Sea Monkeys ideas were wrong about all this being only galvanic reactions, but it looks like up to now he may still be right. I'm taking no sides with this. As, this is all a true learning experience.
    I still would love to see a true non-galvanic cell, if nothing more than just to prove the point.

    This is all about having some fun, for me, with no monetary interest involved, as these cells are not going "save the world", although they can help some folks, somewhere. Or even all folks, if the lights do go out...


    • I found something interesting about my cell staying under water.

      With time water starts to short circuit the cell although she still pumps enough energy to keep the LEDs lit.

      Now, as time passes and the water changes its color I noticed that the cell looses its power even if taken out of the water. If you let her sit for a little while and once dry add water to the cell (not drown it) she will recover to where it was in the beginning.

      This cells are the ones with Carbon + Sand + Iron Pyrite and Mg + Cu.

      Now, my findings are that the cell is producing a chemical element that gets washed out of the cell when merged in the water cup that simply stops the cell of operating. Once the cell is out of the water that chemical stays INSIDE the cell and she is alive again.

      I think the chemical that gets washed is some form of sulfate or acid. I am still waiting for my PH papers from Hong Kong so that I can confirm if it is acid or not or just a sulfite.



      • Plengo:
        Have you seen the video that Lasersaber made where he places the big cell into a motor oil bath? He had the cells submerged in that oil for about 4 months, and they were all still working.
        Oil cell still working after 4 + months. Plus crystal cell update. - YouTube

        I just made a bigger capacitor cell today, made with 50/50 activated carbon (not wood carbon), from a water filter element, and beach sand, wet down with ocean salt water. It may take some time for these cells to cure though. I have not polarized it yet. Just wanted to see how it works. I'm still looking for the fools gold. And the aquarium charcoal.
        Some interesting facts about Iron Pyrite.
        Iron Pyrite | Fool's gold catches eye of solar energy researchers - Los Angeles Times


        • Terra Preta Suggestion – Biochar, instead of graphite or activated carbon.

          After reading that many people are experimenting with graphite and activated carbon, I thought that maybe I could suggest Terra Preta aka biochar as another or better alternative due to it's natural properties.


          Terra Preta was discovered by archaeologists excavating odd areas of the amazon that they could not understand, where lush vegetation of fruits were growing in the middle of a rain forest. To their surprise, the land had be agriculturally changed several feet below the surface with a form of black soil by the ancient cultures of the area.

          What they did was create or mimic nature by artificially creating soil which would be left over from a forest fire where a special charcoal was created through the burning of biomass with the absence of oxygen, which in turn created a highly nutrient and mineral rich soil for the advance growth of plants.


          From what I am observing and what the group is creating, is essentially the basis on how plants work from my point of view. We also know how well forests recover after a forest fire and the rate of growth of plants after this, no doubt due this 'reaction' and creation of minerals through heat.

          John has shown that with Alum you can produce results quite easily, Alum is hydrated potassium from what I understand and what biochar produces naturally is potash aka potassium or salts that contain potassium in water-soluble form.

          'For plants that require high potash and elevated pH, biochar can be used as a soil amendment to improve yield (aka electrical conductivity?). Biochar can improve water quality , trap CO2 as like coal, reduce nutrient leaching, reduce soil acidity'

          So maybe it might be a better alternative?

          Plants are carbon, trunks are a biomass, a biomass is COMPRESSED CARBON, compressed carbon has negative resistance. Roots grow at 90 degrees to each other and are negative in polarity, branches grow at roughly 45 degrees and are positive. Get a metal bar and bend it 90 degrees, do you get a negative bar magnet? Bend a bar 45 degrees, do you get a positive magnet? The tree allows for the travel of fluids (water) to the leaves to be created into crystal cells by the sun because of negative resistance of the trunks biomass.

          Adding to this also, it maybe all in the design. aka the shape. As explained in this video clip I made which was in a documentary I saw recently.

          Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
          they dug up the Baghdad Battery
 - Ancient Secrets Of Clay Amphora Vessels

          Hope some of this helps

          your daily dose of truth


          • Additional two cents...

            Originally posted by plengo View Post
            I found something interesting about my cell staying under water.
            This cells are the ones with Carbon + Sand + Iron Pyrite and Mg + Cu.

            Now, my findings are that the cell is producing a chemical element that gets washed out of the cell when merged in the water cup that simply stops the cell of operating. Once the cell is out of the water that chemical stays INSIDE the cell and she is alive again.

            I think the chemical that gets washed is some form of sulfate or acid.
            I believe what you maybe producing is Ulmic acid.

            “In Ancient Egyptian masonry, according to archeology, straw was mixed with mud in order to produce building bricks. Straw produces stronger bricks that are less likely to break or lose their shape. Modern investigations have found that humic acid is released from straw when mixed with mud, basically a mixture of sand and clay. Humic acid increases clay's plasticity.”

            Or in your case; sand and carbon, as it's essentially the same thing?

   - Doc Willard's Wonder Water (14:09 mins)
            (This "60 Minutes" episode on "Doc Willard's Wonder Water", originally aired on CBS on November 23, 1980 about the amazing properties, uses, and benefits of Willard Water/Catalyst Altered Water (CAW)/Lignite Activated Water (LA Water))

            The ingredients of this 'magic water'! which apparently has amazing cell growth capabilities and effects on natural life has awful similarly to what been discussed.

            Liquid Road Salt
            Sodium Silicate
            Magnesium Sulphate
            Sulphated Caster Oil

            Additional 3 things...

            Sodium Silicate :

            Sodium silicate can be used to seal leaks at the head gasket. A common use is when an aluminum alloy cylinder head engine is left sitting for extended periods or the coolant is not changed at proper intervals, electrolysis can "eat out" sections of the head causing the gasket to fail. Rather than remove the cylinder head, "liquid glass" is poured into the radiator and allowed to circulate. The waterglass is injected via the radiator water into the hotspot at the engine. This technique works because at 100–105*°C the sodium silicate loses water molecules to form a very powerful sealant that will not re-melt below 810*°C. This repair only works with water-to-cylinder or water-to-air applications and where the sodium silicate reaches the "conversion" temperature of 100–105*°C.

            - I thought this might be extremely key to protecting the magnesium. I know someone else use this but I think it may need more experimenting based on this information?

            Sodium silicate gel is also used as a substrate for algal growth in aquaculture hatcheries

            Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom salts) :
            This primary substance that causes the absorption of sound in seawater. Absorption in this case means the conversion of acoustic energy into heat energy.

            Lignite/Biochar/Carbon : (Alum?)
            When grounded into a powder and submitted to the action of a weak solution of potash it yields a considerable quantity of ulmic acid... The name "pot ash," which refers to plant ashes(carbon) soaked in water in a pot.

            - Which I might add has a similar property as Terra Preta (Biochar) which produces potash as potassium or salts that contain potassium in water-soluble form.
            your daily dose of truth


            • nano colloidal carbon electroplated to magnesium

              Originally posted by reddpill View Post
              After reading that many people are experimenting with graphite and activated carbon, I thought that maybe I could suggest Terra Preta aka biochar as another or better alternative due to it's natural properties.
              Terra Preta biochar is good but I believe there isn't much difference from activated carbon, since it is "activated". Normally carbon is hydrophobic and repels water but this carbon is hydrophilic and attracts water to it - locking moisture into the carbon for the mychrorrhizal fungus, etc...

              This is something I want to try as soon as I have time to do it - it works on lead acid batteries...

              Take some carbon rods - I used carbon welding rods and stripped off the copper.

              I then separated 2 carbon rods by some spacers so the gap is about 1/2 cm.

              Then I put the full bridge rectified output from a variac to the carbon rods. One rod had the + and the negative rod had a choke (just a spool of magnet wire) to limit current. I turned it up so that the voltage was bout 0.5~1.0 volts. 2v not needed of course. And the amperage was very, very low. I let it brew for about a week - in a well ventilated area (it makes more gas than normal water electrolysis with the carbon and will beat Faraday by hundreds to thousands of percent. And this is with distilled water because we don't want the minerals.

              You then have nano-colloidal hydrophillic carbon. You can add this to a lead acid battery and the nano carbon particles will plate to the negative plate. The lead is very, very porous. BUT, the electrolyte surface tension is too high to penetrate those pours and therefore, much of the available surface area of the lead is NOT even in contact with the electrolyte solution.

              When plating the carbon on the negative plate, those nano carbon particles will easily penetrate the pours of the lead and will pull the electrolyte into those pours thereby significantly increasing the capacity of a lead acid battery. Easily 25% and up to 50% on a car battery (literally) - this is documented very heavily in the industry.

              Furthermore, this battery will stay colder while being charged with higher amps and there is less sulfation that happens in the battery. It can outright double the life of a brand new car battery or deep cycle right off the shelf.

              This is the point for this thread - when I have time I want to submerge the magnesium into a distilled water bath with the carbon additive added - OR, use magnesium as negative and carbon rod as positive and follow the protocols listed above. I do not know how porous the magnesium is compared to lead - probably not as much, but if the nano carbon particles plate to the magnesium and that magnesium is then pushed onto the alum crystal paste, the surface area the moisture is touching is now increased and there is a reduction in damage to the magnesium.

              I'm not claiming it will run an LED with the oscillator any longer for the same amount of water (but it just might) but if you want current, you want more surface area, etc... and this is more surface area available for the same piece of magnesium while protecting the magnesium at the same time.

              The key is very low voltage and very low current and let it take a about a week to brew - you will have the smallest nano colloidal carbon particles possible. I have a colloidal solution that is still completely in suspension after 3+ years meaning it is smaller and more stable than the shelf life of every single colloidal carbon liquid battery additive commercially available in any country. It is simple, cheap and it works.

              Anyway, my thought process anyway. It works on both sulfuric acid and alum electrolyte car batteries that I have experimented on.
              Last edited by Aaron; 03-12-2012, 04:52 PM.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • This is really cool.

                Angela Belcher: Using nature to grow batteries | Video on

                Why didn't I think of this?
                Last edited by b_rads; 03-12-2012, 08:03 PM.


                • I'm trying to do some useful things with my crystal glue cells, here's a video Crystal Glue cells in series Powering a LED with capacitor - YouTube

                  Due to the high resistance of the crystal glue cells I can't do what everyone else can do with a just a few cells, I have to do things a little different but I am able to do things. I don't see having a high resistance in the crystal glue cells as a bad thing, just using voltage can be very beneficial to the life of a cell. This document gave me some hope for my cells The Tom Bearden Website

                  Some may find that charging capacitors or super capacitors to be very beneficial to their cells. If you charge capacitors and then run your load off the capacitors you can have all the amps you want since capacitors have a low internal resistance. I think we would fair better if we charge capacitors instead of hooking our load directly to the cell itself, once the capacitor is full you can remove the cell and give it some relaxation time to recover, but this is just my opinion.
                  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                  • Hydrate Cell & Sodium Silicate

                    @John B. and Chuck H. ~ I finally know what you mean now by what's in the "Hydrate" Cell. I stumbled upon lidmotor's video by your new channel I found and finally found the formula. Thankyou.
                    Did you use the same formula for the flooded cell?

                    I find sodium silicate too expensive to buy, but luckily I stumbled upon this video on how to make it. I think this will help us cut down on costs and get more for our money
                    Make Sodium Silicate - YouTube
                    Last edited by Herbie687; 03-13-2012, 01:41 AM.
                    - Kyle Herbig


                    • Sodium Silicate

                      Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
                      @John B. and Chuck H. ~ I finally know what you mean now by what's in the "Hydrate" Cell. I stumbled upon lidmotor's video by your new channel I found and finally found the formula. Thankyou.
                      Did you use the same formula for the flooded cell?

                      I find sodium silicate too expensive to buy, but luckily I stumbled upon this video on how to make it. I think this will help us cut down on costs and get more for our money
                      Make Sodium Silicate - YouTube
                      I'm not sure where you are, but this is a good supply of pure sodium silicate if you let the copper settle out
                      sodium silicate supply
                      it's under $5.00 at a auto parts store I found this one at Autozone
                      Last edited by tecknomancer; 03-14-2012, 12:48 AM. Reason: forgot price


                      • Sodium Silicate Supplier CQ Concepts

                        Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
                        @John B. and Chuck H. ~ I finally know what you mean now by what's in the "Hydrate" Cell. I stumbled upon lidmotor's video by your new channel I found and finally found the formula. Thankyou.
                        Did you use the same formula for the flooded cell?

                        I find sodium silicate too expensive to buy, but luckily I stumbled upon this video on how to make it. I think this will help us cut down on costs and get more for our money
                        Make Sodium Silicate - YouTube
                        Herbie, that takes way too long in my world, especially if you don't have all the other chemicals to make it.

                        The cheapest source for small quantities I ordered from was CQ Concepts Sodium Silicate - CQ Concepts check it out.

                        Attached is a copy of my invoice .

                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by tecknomancer View Post
                          I'm not sure where you are, but this is a good supply of pure sodium silicate if you let the copper settle out
                          sodium silicate supply
                          it's under $5.00 at a auto parts store I found this on at Autozone
                          Originally posted by Michael Kishline View Post
                          Herbie, that takes way too long in my world, especially if you don't have all the other chemicals to make it.
                          The cheapest source for small quantities I ordered from was CQ Concepts Sodium Silicate - CQ Concepts check it out.
                          Attached is a copy of my invoice .
                          @Technomancer - The question is how do you get out the copper in a timely manner?
                          @Michael - That's awesome you got a gallon for $30! If you try and get it on ebay and it's expensive. Though maybe you could get a gallon for $20 by making it. You can get tons of silica packets and Lye pellets (sodium hydroxide) very cheap through ebay. Which ever way works for us is good. Thanks.
                          - Kyle Herbig


                          • Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
                            @Technomancer - The question is how do you get out the copper in a timely manner?
                            @Michael - That's awesome you got a gallon for $30! If you try and get it on ebay and it's expensive. Though maybe you could get a gallon for $20 by making it. You can get tons of silica packets and Lye pellets (sodium hydroxide) very cheap through ebay. Which ever way works for us is good. Thanks.
                            The best way is it is naturally separated, as long as you don't shake it before you need use it will stay separated, but if it is mixed somehow settles to the bottom in about 12 hours I use a syringe with a small tube to draw out what I need


                            • So, what's the word with Manganese Dioxide??? Has anyone given that a try? Depolarizer, so that the hydrogen doesn't build on on the + pole.
                              Also what do you think about adding some zinc, as a sacrificial metal to any aluminum used in the cells. The zinc will wear away first, and can be placed on the outside of the cells. Similar to how it works on outboard motors, etz...
                              Manganese dioxide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                              • Guys:
                                Although this was a post that I made in the Heredical Builders site,today, I though that it might come in handy here as well:

                                We have heard of what the current outlook or information is on batteries or cell technology. I'm not trying to repeat that same knowledge, but find or develops new sources to dry non-galvanic solid state manufacturing processes instead.
                                The closest example of a non galvanic cell, is the solar cell, and further adaptation, and modification of similar or like manor cells, possibly based on the semiconductor idea, instead of chemical reaction based cells.
                                When we make cells that simulate regular galvanic technology, a version of a galvanic cell will be what is still created. And it's possible that up to now, that may be all that we've come up with. But, we are still at work on this, and it may take a lot longer than we bargained for. But, our cells are not just like regular batteries that are dependent on being charged, or recharged. And, That is not just a minor point.
                                I also think that when even our galvanic cells dry up, they will operate somewhat similar to a capacitor, in further producing a voltage, but without current. That no current based cell MAY be what will have to happen to avoid the breakdown of the metals used.
                                The fact that possibly nobody has come up with this non-galvanic cell, yet, should not detour us.
                                It also took thousands of years to come up with the first useful solar cell, and to also improve on it, which may still have a long ways to go, be to become an everyday useful item, utilized by all.

                                I stand by my previous statement:
                                Light does not "travel" at all. It is created on Earth, through a process of polarization, and is NOT coming from the sun. Period. Please check into it, not by reading the same old text books that are still used to fool us.

                                I am also hopeful that the no current type of cell may be able to work in conjunction with the Dr. Stiffler type of oscillator circuit, to produce a useful amount of light, that needs only voltage to operate.
                                Last edited by NickZ; 03-14-2012, 02:53 PM.

