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  • The "secret sauce"

    @ CDM
    The dry sodium silicate stuff comes in different flavors of contained water molecules. I think that John started with 5 and moved up to 9 to get more performance for this particular cell electrolyte mix. What he sent me is the Hydrarte #9.

    The "secret sauce" that he is using might vary depending on what he is going after. I don't think that he is going to tell us exact ingredients with exact ratios. What I see happening in front of me with the cells he sent me ----is high perfomance. Call em what you like, the cells put out non-stop energy. One I am adding a few mls of water to every week or so depending on the air humidity and one has been left dry. The water adds amps if you want more power. Dry it is about 1.2v @ 2 to 3 mA. Hydrated the amperage goes up to over 10mA. Long term testing on the cells might take years like with the Marcus Reid cells. Unless the cells were sawed in half (like what was done on the Reid cell) the condition on the cell's interior is an unknown. If these cells were baked or frozen they MIGHT stop. I'm just not going to do that. They are too valuable.

    Last edited by Lidmotor; 04-06-2012, 10:09 PM.


    • Hopes

      I'm happy that you have some of his stuff for testing purpose. I understand the fact that he will not divulge too much info into the open/public domain because of past attacks from bad peoples. If I find the right components to work with, you can be sure I will share with all of you. I just don't want to see people giving up because of some ''holes in the equation''. Just imagine the huge real implication of the discovery!


      • I made the magnesium silicate. I heat it on the stove to see if there was any residual reactions and....None. It's like baby powder, it's a drying agent. If you wet your thumbs and put them in contact with the powder, they will dry instantly. I will make new cells tomorrow with this doping in the mix. No sodium silicate anymore in the mix. Epson salt, rochelle salts, magnesium silicate, magnesium filings, iron pyrite filings and that's it! Magnesium silicate is a good Co2 absorbant too. 1 gram of this silicate will absorbe 1 gram of Co2!! The magnesium metal produce a coating of calcium carbonate to protect it, but with this new silicate, it will eat up the carbonate coating leaving the shiny metal!


        • It's also a matter of knowing what direction to take with all of this, so we don't waist time on what does not work, and concentrate on what does.
          Anyone tried peanut butter and jelly? yet...

          What we have not been able to obtain is a dry cell with more that just a few mAs output. At least I haven't been able to. But, you get those same cells wet, and off they go...
          I think that what it will boil down to is, that the best proper combination of all the items is essential, to get a cell that will last, and give useful output. There may be no cheap tricks, here.
          John has given us all many, many ideas. Maybe it's time we help him out instead.
          Thanks again, to all following through on this team effort, even if all the cards aren't on the table, yet. It may not be a matter of secrecy, but a lack of time to really test all the results. Isn't that what we're here for?...


          • Dry cell output

            @ NickZ: What I would rather like to know is: Which material is made (transformed) from the chemical reaction of the components in this dry cell to output these mA's?? Be able to see what's happening inside. Then control this unknown material and expend it to get more out. I saw some weird stuff happening on the oxide treated copper with a single doping recently. I think it has to do with the iron pyrite. Kind of a rainbow coloured texture on the black oxide layer. It was just on some spots (the black oxide too).


            • CrystalDM and All:
              There is still a whole lot more to learn, that's for sure.
              I'm enjoying every minute of it...

              Here's another video I made tonight. Sorry for it being so dark, it seams that my camera has a hard time, with the night videos. I'll work on that though.
              It looks like every piece of activated carbon that I add to the cell (in parallel) raises the output, and even a coin of unknown metal material works quite well for its size, also.
              I added the picture (below) also, as it's easier to see when using the flash.

              My two cent Video:
              P1010225.MOV - YouTube
              Last edited by NickZ; 04-29-2012, 05:58 AM.


              • I have been testing my cell 15 formula (you can see on the video) but with the Mg surrounded by the electric grease.

                It seems to improve things substantially.



                • Protecting the magnesium

                  You need to form a silicate layer over the metal to protect it but this same silicate must have the ability to promote the ion exchange/conductibility.


                  • Although I have not had a chance to try the Iron Pyrite, yet, I have been using some Silica on some of the tops of my previously made open carbon cells, just to see what happens.
                    What I see is very strange, like a liquid glass layer is starting to form, and the oxide layer on the aluminum is going through some changes also. And further oxidation of the Al, does seam to be controlled to some degree. It's all forming a salty, glassy, crystaline glue mix of sorts, and the output is staying at 50mA per cell, so far. This is just using table salt, carbon and aluminum
                    What I've also done is to soak the Silica pellets in a little bit of water, then after a couple of days, I take and suck up that Silica water into a syringe and wet my cells with that solution, instead of just plain water. Silica is not suppose to dissolve in water, but it does. Each time I do it, the cells forms more of a wet glassy surface to the tops of the cells, possibly sealing them, as time goes by.
                    I also have been applying pressure to the cells by placing them in C-clamps. This can increase the current output by double or tripple, compared to the cells with no pressure added. This is not just a temporary piezo effect, it's permanent, as long as pressure is maintained, but not all cells respond to pressure, mostly the carbon/salt cells do.



                    • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                      Although I have not had a chance to try the Iron Pyrite, yet, I have been using some Silica on some of the tops of my previously made open carbon cells, just to see what happens.
                      What I see is very strange, like a liquid glass layer is starting to form, and the oxide layer on the aluminum is going through some changes also. And further oxidation of the Al, does seam to be controlled to some degree. It's all forming a salty, glassy, crystaline glue mix of sorts, and the output is staying at 50mA per cell, so far. This is just using table salt, carbon and aluminum
                      What I've also done is to soak the Silica pellets in a little bit of water, then after a couple of days, I take and suck up that Silica water into a syringe and wet my cells with that solution, instead of just plain water. Silica is not suppose to dissolve in water, but it does. Each time I do it, the cells forms more of a wet glassy surface to the tops of the cells, possibly sealing them, as time goes by.
                      I also have been applying pressure to the cells by placing them in C-clamps. This can increase the current output by double or tripple, compared to the cells with no pressure added. This is not just a temporary piezo effect, it's permanent, as long as pressure is maintained, but not all cells respond to pressure, mostly the carbon/salt cells do.

                      thanks NickZ for sharing the results of your tests ... do you happen to have Borax close at hand as it would be interesting to see if adding a pinch of it would do to your mix

                      Where to buy borax? answer: Borax can be bought in any grocery store. Just look for the laundry detergent aisle and Borax should be in that area. It is an environmentally safe product and has many uses including helping to keep roaches and other creepie crawlies from entering your home.
                      The Many Household Uses of Borax
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • I'll look for the Borax, but I doubt that I'll find it in the super markets in Costa Rica. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it, if can find it.
                        The table salt does seam to eventually build up an oxide layer on the aluminum though. But the metals needs to be thick enough to handle it.

                        A proper de-polarizer that will not consume the electrodes is also important, as no matter what I do, the leds are always a bit dimmer in the morning after running on the cells all night. So, I let them rest during the day so they can recuperate somewhat, and let the hydrogen gas vent.

                        I'm still planning on trying the MnO2 out of D cell batteries, in my next electrolyte mix, like John had mentioned.

                        I am using charcoal from water filter elements now, which I pulverize, or cut with a hack saw to the shape that I need. The secret to using carbon is that it needs to be wet, once it first soaks in water overnight, it will work very well. It is cheap to use, as many cells can be made from a single water filter element.
                        I'll try to find some magnesium, possibly out of the water heaters, so that I can keep up with the rest of the guys, and their One Amp cells.



                        • Making aluminium silicate

                          Hi NickZ, try this! I havent found anything about this on the internet and imho it's self evident that it would work very well. Find ALUM in the spice section in a grocery store. Its hydrated potassium aluminium sulfate. It's a little bit like if you had magnesium electrode with the magnesium sulfate. All you need is to grow a ''garden'' of aluminium silicate. Put the ALUM crystals in a glass, then take the solution of sodium silicate and pours it into the glass and watch the transformation! You will notice almost instantly some transparent filaments growing upright and it's the new coumpound aluminium silicate. Then mix to complete the reaction and let it rest for a few minutes. Have one another glass half full of hot water and put your new silicate in it. You will notice that it's not soluble in water anymore. Filter the crystals and put the finished product on the stove with little heat to dry.


                          • CrystalDM:
                            Thank you for the suggestion, but there is no Alum to be found here.
                            Plengo mentioned that when he used Alum that it totally oxydized his carbon/magnesium cells. Others have also noticed that it is hard on metals.
                            I will try your suggestion, if I can find the Alum somewhere.
                            I do have a question: Can't the Alum salt be combined with a carbon electrolyte mix along with the silicate pellets, all together. They will then combine with the water that is added, to form something like what you are talking about. Yes, No?
                            Last edited by NickZ; 04-09-2012, 03:30 PM.


                            • @ NickZ: Yes and no. Yes it will eventually combine but the sodium in the sodium silicate will still be present in the mix and you don't want that. If you can find the ALUM and do the aluminium silicate the right way, you dont want to add anymore sodium silicate after that. No more. The potassium in the ALUM and the sodium in the sodium silicate have a tendancy to ''neutralize'' or cancel each other. Its called: sodium/potassium equilibrum. You will find that balance in foods. An another thing to consider here: You say that you use table salt. It's a choride salt of sodium. Chloride will eventually destroy the metals. You don't want that either. The only circumstance you must have sodium is for the ion exchange. Exemple: Rochelle salt is potassium sodium tartrate and it's piezoelectric. Simply because of the complexity of the compound. The sodium and potassium are exchanging their ions in a very rapid rate but only in the presence of physical stress applied to the compound. But the 2 kinds of ions are not attached to each other in this case. Maybe it looks complicated but you need to keep it simple, stupid. Try to stick with copper and aluminium or copper and magnesium if you can. why the copper??? Remember: The diode effect.


                              • Using Alum (hydrated potassium aluminium sulphate)

                                If you use alum in your mix, just use a tiny little bit, mix with rochelle salt and heat it. Maybe at an 1:10 ratio. It will work much much better this way.

                                Hope it helps, Jean.

