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  • Guys:
    Good to see some people starting to post again.

    I know that I've mentioned this before, but... There are two hurdles to cross. One, is the obtaining as high an output as possible from the limited two different metals (or carbon) type of cells. And the other is the galvanic break-down, or just plain oxidation caused by putting metals in contact with the salt electrolytes in the presence of air.
    I still think that the solution to the two above mentioned issues have to do with what John B has repeatedly mentioned. Which is, that we need to stop the galvanic process by NOT ALLOWING THE ELECTRONS TO FLOW, between the two metals. Only IONS need to flow, as they will not create the break-down in the metals, or the contamination of the electrolyte problems that we are seeing.
    This MAY be achieved by the use of the semiconductor layers, and also don't forget the use of the depolarizer, otherwise we are all still just pissing into the wind.
    Dry cells have only produced a couple of mAs to be harvested. So, you can continue to bark up that tree, if you like. Who knows, you may find the solution. In any case, they do last a good long while, if only 2 mAs or less is all you are needing.
    My cement cell bank is still working producing several volts, now over 1 1/2 years later, and will do so even after I'm gone.
    Led bulbs will light on practically no current, with enough voltage, but, operating frequencies (hertz) are also involved, and not just voltage and current, in order to obtain some useful light.
    Greeting to all from Costa Rica.


    • [QUOTE=jehdds;194296]
      Originally posted by vintasalo View Post
      Side note*** blood stays alive no matter how old it gets. Add sterile water or a saline solution to dried blood and what creates life comes back to life in the blood. I think we are all looking way too far into this. Maybe the secret is blood and water between an anode and cathode.

      Oh My. Please expound here. Please know I am coming from a biased background of course given my training in the biological sciences.
      Question, what constituent of Blood do you see that is dried yet re-animates yet stays alive no matter how old?
      What aspect is alive, and what is your definition of alive.
      Thank you for this clarification.
      Very Best Regards,
      Per Request... I found this while searching if the ark of the covenant was ever found and it was. They tested a 2,000year old blood sample

      The Ron Wyatt Discovered Series - 5 - The Ark of the Covenant - Full Length - YouTube


      • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
        It sure has gotten quiet in here.

        I hope everyone is doing well, has anyone been playing with something new?

        I'm glad to report that I got some new stuff i'm working on. I got a new liquid that works like water but its not water so that's a plus, so instead of adding water to a cell i add this new liquid to it instead. I also like to report that keeping cells in vegetable oil really helps out a lot. I got a crystal glue cell and a pressure cell both in the vegetable oil. The oil keeps the cells from being affected by the outside environment so things like humidity don't affect the cells, also some of the trapped water gets separated when the cell is in the oil so that helps to fight off water. I'm also charting the cells in the vegetable oil, around the same time everyday i get the same voltage reading and amp reading but at different times in the day i can see a voltage change.

        I hope no one has given up just yet, we have much testing to do.
        Hi IB

        What kind of voltage and amps are you getting ?


        • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
          Good to see some people starting to post again.

          I know that I've mentioned this before, but... There are two hurdles to cross. One, is the obtaining as high an output as possible from the limited two different metals (or carbon) type of cells. And the other is the galvanic break-down, or just plain oxidation caused by putting metals in contact with the salt electrolytes in the presence of air.
          I still think that the solution to the two above mentioned issues have to do with what John B has repeatedly mentioned. Which is, that we need to stop the galvanic process by NOT ALLOWING THE ELECTRONS TO FLOW, between the two metals. Only IONS need to flow, as they will not create the break-down in the metals, or the contamination of the electrolyte problems that we are seeing.
          This MAY be achieved by the use of the semiconductor layers, and also don't forget the use of the depolarizer, otherwise we are all still just pissing into the wind.
          Dry cells have only produced a couple of mAs to be harvested. So, you can continue to bark up that tree, if you like. Who knows, you may find the solution. In any case, they do last a good long while, if only 2 mAs or less is all you are needing.
          My cement cell bank is still working producing several volts, now over 1 1/2 years later, and will do so even after I'm gone.
          Led bulbs will light on practically no current, with enough voltage, but, operating frequencies (hertz) are also involved, and not just voltage and current, in order to obtain some useful light.
          Greeting to all from Costa Rica.
          Hi Nick

          The galvanic action is what causes voltage

          Unless you have purely crystal action going on, if it is a purely crystal power then it does not matter what kind of metal you use

          Crystal power as we all know it is very low, and not much use

          But, if we can some how combine galvanic with crystal power, then we have something

          Best of luck


          • [QUOTE=jehdds;194296]
            Originally posted by vintasalo View Post
            Side note*** blood stays alive no matter how old it gets. Add sterile water or a saline solution to dried blood and what creates life comes back to life in the blood. I think we are all looking way too far into this. Maybe the secret is blood and water between an anode and cathode.

            Oh My. Please expound here. Please know I am coming from a biased background of course given my training in the biological sciences.
            Question, what constituent of Blood do you see that is dried yet re-animates yet stays alive no matter how old?
            What aspect is alive, and what is your definition of alive.
            Thank you for this clarification.
            Very Best Regards,

            Just the person I wanted to talk to

            Our bodies work on an electrical system and electrolytes

            Have you done any studies on how this is done?

            Best of luck


            • Just thought i'll toss out a idea here. Instead of adding water to your cells add light corn syrup instead.
              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


              • Question

                I have one cell that has very high amps 70MA but very low volts .35

                I have another cell with high volts 1.67 with very low amps 5Ma

                I was thinking of combining both cells for high amps and high volts

                Any ideas?


                • Guys,
                  Here is something interesting, and non galvanic....
                  Very Best Regards,


                  • Now think silly putty..... From Wikipedia...
                    The original coral-colored Silly Putty is composed of 65% dimethyl siloxane (hydroxy-terminated polymers with boric acid), 17% silica (crystalline quartz), 9% Thixatrol ST (castor oil derivative), 4% polydimethylsiloxane, 1% decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane, 1% glycerine, and 1% titanium dioxide.[1]

                    Silly Putty's unusual flow characteristics are due to the ingredient polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a viscoelastic liquid. Viscoelasticity is a type of non-Newtonian flow, characterizing material that acts as a viscous liquid over a long time period but as an elastic solid over a short time period. Because its apparent viscosity increases directly with respect to the amount of force applied, Silly Putty can be characterized as a dilatant fluid.


                    • Originally posted by Allwest View Post

                      I have one cell that has very high amps 70MA but very low volts .35

                      I have another cell with high volts 1.67 with very low amps 5Ma

                      I was thinking of combining both cells for high amps and high volts

                      Any ideas?

                      Hi All

                      Any further results on the capsasin cells?


                      • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                        Now think silly putty..... From Wikipedia...
                        The original coral-colored Silly Putty is composed of 65% dimethyl siloxane (hydroxy-terminated polymers with boric acid), 17% silica (crystalline quartz), 9% Thixatrol ST (castor oil derivative), 4% polydimethylsiloxane, 1% decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane, 1% glycerine, and 1% titanium dioxide.[1]

                        Silly Putty's unusual flow characteristics are due to the ingredient polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a viscoelastic liquid. Viscoelasticity is a type of non-Newtonian flow, characterizing material that acts as a viscous liquid over a long time period but as an elastic solid over a short time period. Because its apparent viscosity increases directly with respect to the amount of force applied, Silly Putty can be characterized as a dilatant fluid.
                        Guys, I tried ZnO and BaTio3 and carbon as being incorporated into pre made Silly putty of two different manufactures. No avail. The compound may need to be incorporated before polymerization. Just an update. Hey it was worth a try for grins.
                        Very Best Regards,
                        ( actually it just gave me a reason to have glow in the dark Silly Putty!
                        The compound buffers any impact of ones forehead from palms of hands, walls, experimental work benches and the like. Just a tip. )


                        • Silly Putty's

                          I remember when

                          Too bad, I wanted to buy some again

                          Question for all

                          I will be the first one to tell you, the multi meter and I are just getting to know each other

                          The new cell I am working has 1.55 DC volts and 70Ma

                          I turned the dial on the digital MM and saw 2.8 ACV on the 200 mark

                          I have never seen this on other cells with the digital

                          Any ideas what this is?

                          Thanks for your help
                          Last edited by Allwest; 05-23-2012, 02:50 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Allwest View Post
                            Silly Putty's

                            I remember when

                            Too bad, I wanted to buy some again

                            Question for all

                            I will be the first one to tell you, the multi meter and I are just getting to know each other

                            The new cell I am working has 1.55 DC volts and 70Ma

                            I turned the dial on the digital MM and saw 2.8 ACV on the 200 mark

                            I have never seen this on other cells with the digital

                            Any ideas what this is?

                            Thanks for your help
                            what is the cell made of? is it giving 70ma consistently?


                            • Tree Battery

                              Title says it all!!

                              1v and 1Ma from a TREE

                              Many more experiments could come from this! Different minerals, materials, depth of materials, etc...

                              Tree Battery - YouTube


                              • Originally posted by vintasalo View Post
                                Title says it all!!

                                1v and 1Ma from a TREE

                                Many more experiments could come from this! Different minerals, materials, depth of materials, etc...

                                Tree Battery - YouTube
                                nice experience vintasalo

                                if you are interested you should check out :

                                trees have more than that to offer just got to know how to tap it .... quite a bit of info posted .... but you are right a crystal radio / minerals may collect more energy from the tree if connected properly ...
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

