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  • Software For Tracking Voltage

    @ John,

    What software are you using on your laptop in all those videos where you track the voltage over time?

    Can anyone else recommend a good software that stores this data?



    • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
      Well, it may be back assward yet
      After a couple of hours I stopped charging it and it simply sat there at 1.90V. Normally they drop quite a bit and settle out, but now it's at 1.84V and that's great ! No idea on anything else yet.

      Photobucket seems to have problems for uploads, but hopefully the pic of the mixture will show below. It's not little bits in the container, though it looks like it, both ingredients were in solution and then gelled up on mixing:

      You did it

      Does JB know you broke into his secret vault and got his mix? Ha!

      Or did you have a little help from Tesla, on your ghost machine?

      Best of luck
      Last edited by Allwest; 09-15-2012, 02:11 PM.


      • Water

        Originally posted by Les_K View Post
        Hi DadHav,
        This makes me wonder what might be in your tap water. Perhaps even what might have been absorbed into the lead. I have noticed in my conversions that the ones that I had not cleaned as well (little to anxious on the first one...) do have a higher resting voltage.

        Hey Les. What's up? You might very well be right. JB stressed not to use tap water but I didn't take that to mean you couldn't do the rinsing with it as long as your final rinse was with distilled. I guess I won't do that the next time. I'm more concerned about something else right know. I was testing the alum battery all day yesterday on an over night charge. I was loading it with the last stator motor that you know about. This gave me a chance to experiment with the extra power coil on the motor. The cell reacted really favorably with the motor. With the feedback coil hooked back up to the run battery the motor would speed up and current draw drop. At certain settings I could plug small 12 volt bulbs in the output side and not have the current draw go up. The motor would slow at some settings but didn't seem to at higher current ranges. I kept having trouble with my MJL 21194 transistors. I kept loosing the radiant with the neon bulb going off. I noticed this at the short intervals of switching loads. There wasn't as much high voltage on the scope as with other applications but never the less for some reason the setup was killing the capability of the transistor to put out good radiant spikes. Other than the spike problem the transistors seemed to be completely normal. I've ran these transistors many times with brief open collectors with more than 400 volt spikes but this time with around 200 volts showing, something else happened that doesn't show up on the scope. Or so it seems.
        I have a few 3055 transistors that I can try to use for a short video but it wont be the same as the 21194's
        Take care.


        • Graphing Software

          Originally posted by DadHav View Post
          Hello John, All. I know small cells aren't as exciting a big ones but I have to say I'm impressed with the small conversion and it takes a lot to impress me. First let me ask before I have everyone sleeping again: Does anyone have recommendations for graphing software? I have Eagle Tree but it's not good for testing smaller currents. I was ready for some video but I wanted to do more than light up light bulbs. Listen though. I must have done something wrong because I'm getting to much voltage. I know: There must have still been acid in the battery. I can't believe that's what it is. The battery is only 1.3 ah and was a sealed lead acid. It doesn't use much more that 1-2 ounces of electrolyte. I put a tube in each cell and attached it to the faucet and ran water in for an hour on each cell. I then switched to Baking Soda and water and used a big 2 ounce syringe to force about a quart of water into the cells while rinsing. I then left the cells over night with the baking soda. Then I pressure rinsed about another gallon of distilled watter through the cells. I did not reverse charge the battery. Maybe I should have but the battery charges to 16.5 volts then rests to about 12.4. After running some loads for an hour or so the resting voltage is more like 12.2 I have charged this battery over night three times now at 50-100 ma and ran tests the entire next day with current draws as high as 250 ma. At 250 ma the battery will stabilize at about 11.8 volts and hold there for a nice slow discharge rate. I never had this current density when the battery was new. Not to mention the battery was completely useless before the conversion. Know I wish I wouldn't have thrown so many hobby batteries away in the last few years. Any thought on the battery or software would be appreciated.
          Oh. I used McCormick's alum mixed at a consistency that left a gelatinous precipitate on the bottom. I have more of the thick precipitate in the battery than the diluted concentrate.
          John Hav.

          I use the same one John Bedini is using in his videos, it's purchased at Radio Shack. When you buy the meter the graphing software and the PC interface come as a package.

          RadioShack® 46-Range Digital Multimeter w/ PC Interface -



          • I don't know what's happening there. Obviously there is a radical change in impedance from Acid to Alum. My Solid sate circuit won;t run right with the alum for some reason. Maybe the same thing your looking at.

            I ran my SSG all day yesterday on one of them, and then disconnected it for the night. When I hooked it up to the charger this morning it would pull 3 amps for a few seconds then drop to almost nothing then pop back on... and so forth; it was like I had a little monkey in there flipping the switch back and forth. I hooked it to my pulser and it charged nicely. seems to be running fine now. I still haven't hooked one up to the Tracker yet, that's on my list....


            Originally posted by DadHav View Post
            Hey Les. What's up? You might very well be right. JB stressed not to use tap water but I didn't take that to mean you couldn't do the rinsing with it as long as your final rinse was with distilled. I guess I won't do that the next time. I'm more concerned about something else right know. I was testing the alum battery all day yesterday on an over night charge. I was loading it with the last stator motor that you know about. This gave me a chance to experiment with the extra power coil on the motor. The cell reacted really favorably with the motor. With the feedback coil hooked back up to the run battery the motor would speed up and current draw drop. At certain settings I could plug small 12 volt bulbs in the output side and not have the current draw go up. The motor would slow at some settings but didn't seem to at higher current ranges. I kept having trouble with my MJL 21194 transistors. I kept loosing the radiant with the neon bulb going off. I noticed this at the short intervals of switching loads. There wasn't as much high voltage on the scope as with other applications but never the less for some reason the setup was killing the capability of the transistor to put out good radiant spikes. Other than the spike problem the transistors seemed to be completely normal. I've ran these transistors many times with brief open collectors with more than 400 volt spikes but this time with around 200 volts showing, something else happened that doesn't show up on the scope. Or so it seems.
            I have a few 3055 transistors that I can try to use for a short video but it wont be the same as the 21194's
            Take care.


            • Originally posted by Michael Kishline View Post

              I use the same one John Bedini is using in his videos, it's purchased at Radio Shack. When you buy the meter the graphing software and the PC interface come as a package.

              RadioShack® 46-Range Digital Multimeter w/ PC Interface -

              Thank you Mike. I'll take a look at that.


              • Originally posted by Les_K View Post
                I don't know what's happening there. Obviously there is a radical change in impedance from Acid to Alum. My Solid sate circuit won;t run right with the alum for some reason. Maybe the same thing your looking at.

                I ran my SSG all day yesterday on one of them, and then disconnected it for the night. When I hooked it up to the charger this morning it would pull 3 amps for a few seconds then drop to almost nothing then pop back on... and so forth; it was like I had a little monkey in there flipping the switch back and forth. I hooked it to my pulser and it charged nicely. seems to be running fine now. I still haven't hooked one up to the Tracker yet, that's on my list....

                Yep, It looks like a whole new bunch of things to figure out eh? I shot some video of the stator motor running on the little alum battery and was able to add a little 12 volt bulb to the generator coil and not have any extra current draw or reduction in speed of the motor. I also ran 9 of the bulbs off the 1.3 ah battery for a total of almost 600 ma. It was at the end of all the testing but I still ran the load for an hour straight before it really started to crash. The C20 rate for the battery is 65 ma so that was almost 10 times over what I should have been using. I let the battery rest for a while and it recovered to 11.2 volts and was still rising slowly. I hooked the stator motor back up again at almost 80 ma. and it looked like I could continue running for a while yet. I'm recharging now but when I look in the cells it looks like I'm seeing a solid crystal. It's been four hours and there's no sign of gassing or water. It is slowly charging at 100 ma. I'll see what happens. Maybe I made a one time battery or something. I might have shot almost two hours of video for nothing eh?
                John Hav.


                • Wrong Chemical


                  Yes you had a little monkey in there flipping the switch back and forth.
                  Not that easy as Salt Sub, Think, what do you do with the Carbon, where is it.

                  Tesla is Safe. Just can't pick things out of the air.

                  Originally posted by Les_K View Post
                  I don't know what's happening there. Obviously there is a radical change in impedance from Acid to Alum. My Solid sate circuit won;t run right with the alum for some reason. Maybe the same thing your looking at.

                  I ran my SSG all day yesterday on one of them, and then disconnected it for the night. When I hooked it up to the charger this morning it would pull 3 amps for a few seconds then drop to almost nothing then pop back on... and so forth; it was like I had a little monkey in there flipping the switch back and forth. I hooked it to my pulser and it charged nicely. seems to be running fine now. I still haven't hooked one up to the Tracker yet, that's on my list....

                  John Bedini


                  • A little levitty

                    To All that get it (All in good fun)

                    One day John and IB where sitting down together HA!

                    And John had his Alum and IB had his Salt substitute

                    Well, some how John's Alum got mixed with IB's salt substitute

                    IB said HEY, you got your Alum in my salt substitute

                    John said HEY, you got your Salt substitute in my Alum

                    And the rest is history, and as Slider put it (A Smart ASS mix was born)

                    OKAY, I guess not that funny, but worth a grin

                    Best of luck


                    • I like it


                      • DC just isn't what it used to be....

                        Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post

                        Yes you had a little monkey in there flipping the switch back and forth.
                        Not that easy as Salt Sub, Think, what do you do with the Carbon, where is it.

                        Tesla is Safe. Just can't pick things out of the air.
                        You know what John; The greatest philosophers the world has known had one ability in common. To say in one sentence what took volumes of books to explain!

                        I have sat here now for several hours trying to get my thoughts back together after reading this, on how to see what you see. First I thought about the carbon and what Aaron has explained, then the Ferris Wheel and it's interaction to the environment, PN junctions, and the noise all around us. your videos, and how it might all come together. But that last sentence pushes me just to the precipice. You said on the Ferris Wheel thread the only thing holding us back is our minds. And here we are. And my mind feels so small....

                        Now I see why my SS SSG quit working. When every component was fine. My chart program does not fill the area below the graph because it is looking at oscillations as well. I saw the graph all filled in and thought the software crashed. But that was not it was it?
                        I now think the battery and SSG went into oscillation and that's why nothing came out on the charging side. Why would the battery go into oscillation? I don't know but I think it is safe to say that the impedance of the battery and my SSG hit resonance somehow.

                        What's that old saying....Can't see the forest for the talked about trees in one of your videos.

                        in DVD eight Daniel Sheehan talked about a little daemon(Monkey?) opening and closing the gate.
                        So here we are, looking at the universe through a microscope.

                        It seems the SSG is not what we think because the battery is not what we think either.

                        I don't quite understand John, but I am working on it. I will be pondering this for a while...



                        • It may not be a joke

                          I love good fun, but I was not kidding when I said this is a tough field. I get accused of allot of things and take allot form individuals on these forums . The one thing I would not do is just give away the formula. I have talked about all that here, go read the other forum, the answer is in front of you. I even posted a picture of the chemical it makes but did not name it. But what it produces I have said many times here. I do understand what your saying, but I have done everything I can, to show what is going on with these effects, I can do no more here on this forum. all the answers are here. And by the way little monkeys do open and close gates in electronics, it called a Transistor, Fets SCR's and so on. This may not be a joke after all.

                          @ Allwest, it does not make any difference what is said here Ibpointless2 has his own theory and he is entitled to that. It just shows a lack of understanding in the field. He has a section on the other forum to do just what he does, I will not take that away from anybody and either will the Admin. Ibpointless2 is more then welcome to say anything he wants, it's his right.
                          Have a good day
                          John Bedini


                          • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                            I love good fun, but I was not kidding when I said this is a tough field. I get accused of allot of things and take allot form individuals on these forums . The one thing I would not do is just give away the formula. I have talked about all that here, go read the other forum, the answer is in front of you. I even posted a picture of the chemical it makes but did not name it. But what it produces I have said many times here. I do understand what your saying, but I have done everything I can, to show what is going on with these effects, I can do no more here on this forum. all the answers are here. And by the way little monkeys do open and close gates in electronics, it called a Transistor, Fets SCR's and so on. This may not be a joke after all.

                            @ Allwest, it does not make any difference what is said here Ibpointless2 has his own theory and he is entitled to that. It just shows a lack of understanding in the field. He has a section on the other forum to do just what he does, I will not take that away from anybody and either will the Admin. Ibpointless2 is more then welcome to say anything he wants, it's his right.
                            Have a good day
                            Thanks for your comments, and for having a sense of humor, and for your time on this board

                            This field is my hobby, many fun things to learn and try (wish I had more time)

                            Here is one cell that I created, many weird things going on with this cell, it gets about 1.5 amps

                            If you had time, or any body else, I would appreciate your input on the cause of this vortex,

                            Allwest Power cell, new cell - YouTube

                            Best of luck to you and Chuck


                            • Chemical32.jpg

                              I was hoping that someone that is a member of the other board (energyscienceforum) could post the chemical32.jpg image that John B posted there in the crystal battery thread (post #130). I signed up as a member, but can't access images or post there yet.

                              Much appreciated.
                              Last edited by br0ns0n77; 09-17-2012, 04:12 AM.


                              • H2O2 and ALUM


                                Following in Slider’s lead I disassembled an AGM type battery that was completely shot. I had a very good day of experimenting with the negative plates of this battery.

                                I am still using an aqueous solution rather than a gel type electrolyte. Rather than use distilled water to mix with the Alum, I chose to use hydrogen peroxide (medical grade) mixed with the Alum and this allowed a much quicker cell preparation and a much deeper charge than by using the distilled water. I do have some H2O2 that is a higher concentration than the medical grade that I will try later.

                                I also found that the separator that I used made a big difference as well. Trying wood, cellulose, and felt, what worked best for me was crafter’s foam sheets.

                                All in all, a very good weekend.

                                Brad S

