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...Everlast charger... ( Bedini )

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  • #46

    Last edited by N O G; 11-15-2011, 02:29 PM. Reason: ................


    • #47
      Thank you

      Do your systemcharge batery near 65 Ah without the cap pulser?

      I have a problemes with the charge when working with SSG and MOSFET flyback pulser. Do you have ability to charge wothout caps?

      What is the curent at the transistors. I am new woth this chargers, but I have thinking that one transistor is 100 ma, isn't it (2N3055) and 20 transistors is 2 Amps, isn't it?
      Last edited by nafanja; 05-10-2011, 07:37 PM.


      • #48

        Last edited by N O G; 11-15-2011, 02:29 PM. Reason: ...............


        • #49
          Dear NOG

          Tell me please why the CAP to transform the negative energy to positive energy?

          I see that the plus of battery and cap is connect and charge by spikes (negative energy). As far as I understand - the cap is capacitate the negative energy and make current spike that he (cap) to spike the negative energy by more mass that may give the coil...


          • #50

            Last edited by N O G; 11-15-2011, 02:30 PM. Reason: ..............


            • #51
              About Cap pulser harge

              As I am understand - Bedini sas that the Radiant Energy is a GAS.

              Tesla Coil or Coil Spark may to get (from air or around) the Positive Charge (Radiant Energy) than thinner than Electron (-) or Necleus (+).

              As you see at the ENERGY of the VACUUM the ball at the sky may to condencing this Gas. It's those energy which give mooving of hard electron. Radiant Energy or this GAS may easy moove through the Neclear Area and this Gas moving not make a hot efect - it's cold electricity. Electron flow is make the Hot effect.

              The electron is the magnet charge and resonate with a magnet force.
              The mooving simply generator is the electron flow by the magnet force and it's need a big force for spining the rotor. Electron is a hard charging part, Gas or Cold Electricity is the light electricity and may get more simply (not need a bif nagnet force - just the Voltage or Static charge/Gas.

              As i am understand, the puting the Light Gas by easy way may go by 2 ways - straghtly froim the coils or via the CAPs.
              I don't see the information from Bedini (please show me) that the Cap Pulser is not flow of Radiant Charge. Cap may concentrate the Gas (positive electrical force) and transorming to the (-) negative electrical charge moving ( electron flow or ions flow) at the battery.

              Please guve me know is I think uncorectly.
              Last edited by nafanja; 05-18-2011, 08:30 PM.


              • #52

                according to bedini, when you use capacitor to collect the radiant spike or negative energy you are converting it to positive energy. In other words the capacitor converts the negative energy into positive energy - this means you are charging with positive energy. but when you direct the radiant to the battery itself (without using capacitor) then you are using negative energy to charge the battery.

                when you have a small machine (SSG or SG -bifilar or tri-filar) you may need to use capacitor to collect the radiant spike first before dumping it to the battery.

                Maybe the capacitor does not have the chemical properties of a battery to store negative energy.

                just my thought.


                • #53

                  Last edited by N O G; 11-15-2011, 02:31 PM. Reason: .............


                  • #54
                    Hi J, thanks for the update and thorough report, yes we have some parts on the way and will wait till you finish some experiments and do your write up my friend


                    • #55

                      Last edited by N O G; 11-15-2011, 02:31 PM. Reason: .................


                      • #56
                        I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date .......

                        Originally posted by N O G View Post
                        @ Stephen - how ya going on your experiments .
                        Cheers Jason
                        Dear Jason,
                        I know just how you feel.
                        Summer has taken me over with projects.
                        No time to experiment. Wish I was a rich guy and had time and money to try all the experiments i'd like too.
                        But alas, duty calls.
                        Will get back on the horse in mid August, hopefully.
                        Thanks for the update. I watch the forum as much as I can.
                        Keep up the good work Jason, and all you true believers.
                        Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


                        • #57

                          Last edited by N O G; 11-15-2011, 02:31 PM. Reason: ................


                          • #58

                            Last edited by N O G; 11-15-2011, 02:32 PM. Reason: .................


                            • #59

                              Last edited by N O G; 11-15-2011, 02:32 PM. Reason: ...................

