Originally posted by cheese
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Answering your questions first:
1. it might but with some adjustments to the components
My solid state devices have 100' of #18 which has 4.4Ohm per 1000'. AWG #24 has 22 Ohms per 1000' and #26 - 35 Ohms. However, triggering with magnet and solid state are slightly different animals.
2. while is possible to tune it after to run at 6V it may be a problem, especially with low impedance coil
3. Definitely yes.
It is possible to get it working with neo but I wouldn't recommend first build being neo rotor. This magnets are more powerful in terms of Gauss and will saturate coil core when the gap between the core and magnets is too small. Saturation will prevent sharp collapse of magnetic field and generating inductive spike. For this to happen changes in MF must be abrupt not in slow motion due to the core reaction. You can find this by measuring retained magnetism in metals which came in contact with ceramic or neo magnets.
I have built (and still have) small SSG with double stack 3/4" ceramic magnets, GR 5 - craft magnets. This small rotor, which is 4 CD's sanded and glued together, spins over 1000rpm and it is capable of charging small lead acid batteries such as 5 - 12Ah.
This is common temptation among first time builders to make this powerful by using powerful magnets. Wrong. It's not the magnets what makes SSG efficient energizer and charger.
Where is your neon connected? I'm surprised it is lit, which is the sign of high voltage present. This can only happen if either rotor is running and circuit is working or your coil is self oscillating and circuit running in solid state mode due to the high resistance in the base of tranny.
